Obama: 'Islam Has Been Woven Into the Fabric of Our Country Since Its Founding'

There is more cruelty and violence depicted in the Bible than in the Quran. How do you explain that?
Really?.....Tell us when some Bible Thumper steals 4 ari liners and dusts 3000 innocent people plus the thousands more who have cancer, lung diseases and have died as a result...
Listen you swine, if you hate this country so much, get the fuck out.
Sorry bout that,

1. Wont be too long its over for islam.
2. Something quite amazing is just about to happen.
3. Stay tuned.

Obama has been keenly in the public eye for six long ,long years. The whole man is before us.

It is clear that he is a liar.

So, when he says he is not a Socialist or a Muslim---why should we believe him?---When he continuously acts like a both Socialist and a Muslim.

Obozo is also an america-hater and a mexico-firster. You can get away with anything when the press is on your side.
Those comments are the ramblings of a pothead President.

Really?.....Tell us when some Bible Thumper steals 4 air liners and dusts 3000 innocent people plus the thousands more who have cancer, lung diseases and have died as a result...

It happened on sept 11, 2001 when the bible-banging neocons of the George Bush administration did precisely that.
and people claim him to be the most brilliant man to walk on this earth

gawd I wish he'd just lose his voice. so tired of his idiotic spews ever damn day. he reminds me of a frikken dictator. he think HIS PEOPLE need to hear his wisdom from him daily or they won't get by in their little lives that he plans on destroying

I'm just waiting for his picture to hang from every lamppost or painted on the side of buildings

ROFLMNAO! A Leftists, who can't find the intellectual steam to figure out that paying people to NOT WORK will not result in people working, THEY want to tell you what GOD is thinking.

And such is never MORE HYSTERICAL than when a HEATHEN INJUN, whose 'people' murdered THOUSANDS of babies and who are largely UNAPOLOGETIC alcoholics and addicts... want to tell ya what GOD is... .

LOL! It doesn't GET any funnier than THAT!
To the shores of Tripoli isn't in the Marine anthem for no reason. They went there to kick the shit out of muslims.

The 1st amendment isn't there for no reason either. That's when Islam was woven into the fabric of this country.
Islam is not a religion. Like zionism it's a political movement that calls itself a religion to avoid criticism.


feb 19 2015

That's what the president told a White House conference on "countering violent extremism" on Wednesday.

Obama has said similar things in the past:

"I also know that Islam has always been a part of America’s story,” Obama said in a June 2009 speech in Cairo, Egypt. "Islam has always been part of America," he said in a 2010 statement marking the start of Ramadan. And in a 2014 statement marking Eid, Obama said the holiday "also reminds us of the many achievements and contributions of Muslim Americans to building the very fabric of our nation and strengthening the core of our democracy."

"Here in America, Islam has been woven into the fabric of our country since its founding. Generations -- (applause) -- Generations of Muslim immigrants came here and went to work as farmers and merchants and factory workers, helped to lay railroads and to build up America.

"The first Islamic center in New York City was founded in the 1890s. America's first mosque, this was an interesting fact, was in North Dakota." (It was established in 1929).

Both of those milestones happened well after America's founding, however. In fact, the new nation's first dealings with Islam were tense and unpleasant.

I'm starting to think that he's just messing with you guys :happy-1:
There is more cruelty and violence depicted in the Bible than in the Quran. How do you explain that?

How many modern day extremist Christians are coming to behead you for not submitting to their religion?
and people claim him to be the most brilliant man to walk on this earth

Democrats say that but even they know it's a lie. Obozo is an affirmative action baby who can barely read. But he's got a great speaking voice.

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