Obama: It's 'Insane' That People On A No-Fly List Can Legally Buy A Gun In The U.S.

Where on earth did you get that from my comment? Stop being a dumb downed, jackass. I swear sometimes you post just to be noticed
You don't suspect Muslims? Then you must want to arm them.

Unless a Muslim has done something to be denied a gun he/she should be allowed to own one. You just keeping having epic fails Rderp, give up, just give up
The question becomes why they were on the no fly list? If some Muslim visited radical Isis again and again and then came back to the US, you feel it's OK to arm them?

According to you, it's OK, it's fine, it's a good thing to arm them. They haven't done anything.........


How would they visit if they are on a no fly list? The bottom line is you CANNOT ban someone for suspicions. You can't, it's...wait for it...UNCONSTITUTIONAL

You want to ban Muslim immigration on the suspicion that because someone is a Muslim, they might become a terrorist.

What's the difference?
The difference is for right wingers, everyone who wants a gun should have as many as they want. The more the better. Crazies, Jihadists, loons, doesn't matter.
You don't suspect Muslims? Then you must want to arm them.

Unless a Muslim has done something to be denied a gun he/she should be allowed to own one. You just keeping having epic fails Rderp, give up, just give up
The question becomes why they were on the no fly list? If some Muslim visited radical Isis again and again and then came back to the US, you feel it's OK to arm them?

According to you, it's OK, it's fine, it's a good thing to arm them. They haven't done anything.........


How would they visit if they are on a no fly list? The bottom line is you CANNOT ban someone for suspicions. You can't, it's...wait for it...UNCONSTITUTIONAL

You want to ban Muslim immigration on the suspicion that because someone is a Muslim, they might become a terrorist.

What's the difference?
The difference is for right wingers, everyone who wants a gun should have as many as they want. The more the better. Crazies, Jihadists, loons, doesn't matter.

They go mental as soon as guns are mentioned. Especially the politicians. The NRA owns the GOP.
"If you’re too dangerous to board a plane, you’re too dangerous, by definition, to buy a gun."

WASHINGTON -- President Barack Obama honored the victims of the mass shooting in San Bernardino, California, that left 14 dead and 21 injured and renewed his call for tougher gun restrictions in his weekly address on Saturday.

Obama has called for similar action many times before during his presidency, but Congress has failed to act. On Thursday, Congress failed yet again, when an amendment that would have required background checks for all gun sales did not pass the Senate.

"This tragedy reminds us of our obligation to do everything in our power, together, to keep our communities safe," Obama said in his address. "We know that the killers in San Bernardino used military-style assault weapons -- weapons of war -- to kill as many people as they could. It’s another tragic reminder that here in America it’s way too easy for dangerous people to get their hands on a gun."

Obama, who has said that failing to pass comprehensive gun reform is the "greatest frustration" of his time in office, said it was ridiculous that people on a no-fly list in the United States could legally purchase a gun.

"That is insane. If you’re too dangerous to board a plane, you’re too dangerous, by definition, to buy a gun. And so I’m calling on Congress to close this loophole, now," he said. "We may not be able to prevent every tragedy, but -- at a bare minimum -- we shouldn’t be making it so easy for potential terrorists or criminals to get their hands on a gun that they could use against Americans."

Two of the assault-style rifles used in the San Bernardino attack were bought legally in California because of a loophole in state law.

More: Obama: It's 'Insane' That People On A No-Fly List Can Legally Buy A Gun In The U.S.

I agree! House Speaker Paul Ryan opposes because he says many people are wrongly placed on the no-fly list. That may be true - but his excuse is bullshit. Their gun rights would be restored once their names are removed from the no-fly list.

How strict would you say are the gun laws out in San Bernadino? Now what would be crazy, is to not rethink the issue of allowing unchecked refugees to freely come into this country. President Obama has an obligation to prevent any further threats from entering our nation in the FIRST place. Our president actually believes, terrorists entering this country would not be a threat if they are allowed to come here unarmed. Yet through all his efforts to vocally appease and be sympathetic towards those Muslims overseas, and we are not any safer today than when Obama first took office. We are not to categorize and judge the Muslim faith based on the actions of a few extremists, however he is willing to judge all gun owners through further regulations on the actions of a few. Again I ask, how strict were those regulations where the deaths of these 14 Americans occurred?

It ain't rocket science. If you're on a no-fly list - you shouldn't be legally allowed to purchase guns in the U.S. until that issue is resolved.

How can an individual on a no fly list get into this country to purchase any weapon in the first place? If you want to talk "common sense", closing our borders and doing effective background checks on those requesting entry into the United States is the only intelligent way to go. If you are going to allow anyone to come into this country without being checked, then adding even more gun regulations is just providing a "distraction" for a president's political failure, and national security is NOT your top priority.
The NRA position is such that if you were an American, charged with material aid to a terrorist organization, and you were out on bail,

you should still be able to buy all the guns you want.
"If you’re too dangerous to board a plane, you’re too dangerous, by definition, to buy a gun."

WASHINGTON -- President Barack Obama honored the victims of the mass shooting in San Bernardino, California, that left 14 dead and 21 injured and renewed his call for tougher gun restrictions in his weekly address on Saturday.

Obama has called for similar action many times before during his presidency, but Congress has failed to act. On Thursday, Congress failed yet again, when an amendment that would have required background checks for all gun sales did not pass the Senate.

"This tragedy reminds us of our obligation to do everything in our power, together, to keep our communities safe," Obama said in his address. "We know that the killers in San Bernardino used military-style assault weapons -- weapons of war -- to kill as many people as they could. It’s another tragic reminder that here in America it’s way too easy for dangerous people to get their hands on a gun."

Obama, who has said that failing to pass comprehensive gun reform is the "greatest frustration" of his time in office, said it was ridiculous that people on a no-fly list in the United States could legally purchase a gun.

"That is insane. If you’re too dangerous to board a plane, you’re too dangerous, by definition, to buy a gun. And so I’m calling on Congress to close this loophole, now," he said. "We may not be able to prevent every tragedy, but -- at a bare minimum -- we shouldn’t be making it so easy for potential terrorists or criminals to get their hands on a gun that they could use against Americans."

Two of the assault-style rifles used in the San Bernardino attack were bought legally in California because of a loophole in state law.

More: Obama: It's 'Insane' That People On A No-Fly List Can Legally Buy A Gun In The U.S.

I agree! House Speaker Paul Ryan opposes because he says many people are wrongly placed on the no-fly list. That may be true - but his excuse is bullshit. Their gun rights would be restored once their names are removed from the no-fly list.

How strict would you say are the gun laws out in San Bernadino? Now what would be crazy, is to not rethink the issue of allowing unchecked refugees to freely come into this country. President Obama has an obligation to prevent any further threats from entering our nation in the FIRST place. Our president actually believes, terrorists entering this country would not be a threat if they are allowed to come here unarmed. Yet through all his efforts to vocally appease and be sympathetic towards those Muslims overseas, and we are not any safer today than when Obama first took office. We are not to categorize and judge the Muslim faith based on the actions of a few extremists, however he is willing to judge all gun owners through further regulations on the actions of a few. Again I ask, how strict were those regulations where the deaths of these 14 Americans occurred?

It ain't rocket science. If you're on a no-fly list - you shouldn't be legally allowed to purchase guns in the U.S. until that issue is resolved.

It's not rocket science, you can't be denied a CONSTITUTIONAL right over a suspicion.

So a non-citizen on a no-fly or watch list should be able to get a AR15? You're just asking for attacks.

Did the gun laws in California allow for these terrorists to obtain a gun when they killed 14 Americans? You want to talk about effectiveness of strict gun laws, seems to me the left wouldn't find it difficult to answer this one question.
Gun running alien must be profitable in California. Jeffrey Alan Lash, a dead man in Palisades California never had a job, but had expensive home packed with $250k in piles of cash, 1,200 guns and 13,000-lbs of ammunition worth over $5.5 million, bomb making chemicals & supplies. Plus Lash had 14 automobiles some combat ready & capable of long rugged desert travel stored in variety of storage units across California. Supposedly this money & stuff was all acquired legally.
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You don't suspect Muslims? Then you must want to arm them.

Unless a Muslim has done something to be denied a gun he/she should be allowed to own one. You just keeping having epic fails Rderp, give up, just give up
The question becomes why they were on the no fly list? If some Muslim visited radical Isis again and again and then came back to the US, you feel it's OK to arm them?

According to you, it's OK, it's fine, it's a good thing to arm them. They haven't done anything.........


How would they visit if they are on a no fly list? The bottom line is you CANNOT ban someone for suspicions. You can't, it's...wait for it...UNCONSTITUTIONAL

You want to ban Muslim immigration on the suspicion that because someone is a Muslim, they might become a terrorist.

What's the difference?
The difference is for right wingers, everyone who wants a gun should have as many as they want. The more the better. Crazies, Jihadists, loons, doesn't matter.

Please link where right wingers has ever collectively said that. I think you are lying.
Unless a Muslim has done something to be denied a gun he/she should be allowed to own one. You just keeping having epic fails Rderp, give up, just give up
The question becomes why they were on the no fly list? If some Muslim visited radical Isis again and again and then came back to the US, you feel it's OK to arm them?

According to you, it's OK, it's fine, it's a good thing to arm them. They haven't done anything.........


How would they visit if they are on a no fly list? The bottom line is you CANNOT ban someone for suspicions. You can't, it's...wait for it...UNCONSTITUTIONAL

You want to ban Muslim immigration on the suspicion that because someone is a Muslim, they might become a terrorist.

What's the difference?
The difference is for right wingers, everyone who wants a gun should have as many as they want. The more the better. Crazies, Jihadists, loons, doesn't matter.

Please link where right wingers has ever collectively said that. I think you are lying.

Rderp lie? Say it ain't so
Where on earth did you get that from my comment? Stop being a dumb downed, jackass. I swear sometimes you post just to be noticed
You don't suspect Muslims? Then you must want to arm them.

Unless a Muslim has done something to be denied a gun he/she should be allowed to own one. You just keeping having epic fails Rderp, give up, just give up
The question becomes why they were on the no fly list? If some Muslim visited radical Isis again and again and then came back to the US, you feel it's OK to arm them?

According to you, it's OK, it's fine, it's a good thing to arm them. They haven't done anything.........


How would they visit if they are on a no fly list? The bottom line is you CANNOT ban someone for suspicions. You can't, it's...wait for it...UNCONSTITUTIONAL

You want to ban Muslim immigration on the suspicion that because someone is a Muslim, they might become a terrorist.

What's the difference?

I want background checks on those coming into the country, which is currently iffy for those coming from the Middle East. I want background checks on gun purchasers. I no fly list is not a reason to deny a right to own a gun.
Gun running alien must be profitable in California. Jeffrey Alan Lash, a dead man in Palisades California never had a job, but had expensive home packed with $250k in piles of cash, 1,200 guns and 13,000-lbs of ammunition worth over $5.5 million, bomb making chemicals & supplies. Plus Lash had 14 automobiles some combat ready & capable of long rugged desert travel stored in variety of storage units across California. Supposedly this money & stuff was all acquired legally.

Where is it that anyone has said that terrorist should be allowed to purchase guns?
Gun running alien must be profitable in California. Jeffrey Alan Lash, a dead man in Palisades California never had a job, but had expensive home packed with $250k in piles of cash, 1,200 guns and 13,000-lbs of ammunition worth over $5.5 million, bomb making chemicals & supplies. Plus Lash had 14 automobiles some combat ready & capable of long rugged desert travel stored in variety of storage units across California. Supposedly this money & stuff was all acquired legally.

Where is it that anyone has said that terrorist should be allowed to purchase guns?

This is what they either refuse or are unable to wrap their heads around, if a terrorist wants a gun he/she is going to get a gun.
And Daesh laughs and laughs and laughs. Just another loophole to exploit! They send their thanks to the GOP. "We are glad out American Brothers in the Republican Party support our cause. Praise Allah!"
Gun running alien must be profitable in California. Jeffrey Alan Lash, a dead man in Palisades California never had a job, but had expensive home packed with $250k in piles of cash, 1,200 guns and 13,000-lbs of ammunition worth over $5.5 million, bomb making chemicals & supplies. Plus Lash had 14 automobiles some combat ready & capable of long rugged desert travel stored in variety of storage units across California. Supposedly this money & stuff was all acquired legally.

Where is it that anyone has said that terrorist should be allowed to purchase guns?

This is what they either refuse or are unable to wrap their heads around, if a terrorist wants a gun he/she is going to get a gun.

Cause he is really easy in the US!
Gun running alien must be profitable in California. Jeffrey Alan Lash, a dead man in Palisades California never had a job, but had expensive home packed with $250k in piles of cash, 1,200 guns and 13,000-lbs of ammunition worth over $5.5 million, bomb making chemicals & supplies. Plus Lash had 14 automobiles some combat ready & capable of long rugged desert travel stored in variety of storage units across California. Supposedly this money & stuff was all acquired legally.

Where is it that anyone has said that terrorist should be allowed to purchase guns?

This is what they either refuse or are unable to wrap their heads around, if a terrorist wants a gun he/she is going to get a gun.

Cause he is really easy in the US!

What? Speak proper English
Gun running alien must be profitable in California. Jeffrey Alan Lash, a dead man in Palisades California never had a job, but had expensive home packed with $250k in piles of cash, 1,200 guns and 13,000-lbs of ammunition worth over $5.5 million, bomb making chemicals & supplies. Plus Lash had 14 automobiles some combat ready & capable of long rugged desert travel stored in variety of storage units across California. Supposedly this money & stuff was all acquired legally.

Where is it that anyone has said that terrorist should be allowed to purchase guns?

This is what they either refuse or are unable to wrap their heads around, if a terrorist wants a gun he/she is going to get a gun.

Cause he is really easy in the US!

What? Speak proper English

So, the Daesh comment confused you. I forgot you were a Trump supporter...
Gun running alien must be profitable in California. Jeffrey Alan Lash, a dead man in Palisades California never had a job, but had expensive home packed with $250k in piles of cash, 1,200 guns and 13,000-lbs of ammunition worth over $5.5 million, bomb making chemicals & supplies. Plus Lash had 14 automobiles some combat ready & capable of long rugged desert travel stored in variety of storage units across California. Supposedly this money & stuff was all acquired legally.

Where is it that anyone has said that terrorist should be allowed to purchase guns?

This is what they either refuse or are unable to wrap their heads around, if a terrorist wants a gun he/she is going to get a gun.

Cause he is really easy in the US!

Do you have a link saying that anyone wants terrorists to buy guns, or you also clueless.
Gun running alien must be profitable in California. Jeffrey Alan Lash, a dead man in Palisades California never had a job, but had expensive home packed with $250k in piles of cash, 1,200 guns and 13,000-lbs of ammunition worth over $5.5 million, bomb making chemicals & supplies. Plus Lash had 14 automobiles some combat ready & capable of long rugged desert travel stored in variety of storage units across California. Supposedly this money & stuff was all acquired legally.

Where is it that anyone has said that terrorist should be allowed to purchase guns?

This is what they either refuse or are unable to wrap their heads around, if a terrorist wants a gun he/she is going to get a gun.

Cause he is really easy in the US!

What? Speak proper English

So, the Daesh comment confused you. I forgot you were a Trump supporter...

I'm not sold on Trump, once again you look like the lying jackass you are, Jimmy. Run along, the grown ups are conversing
Obama is approaching Emperor Nero status. While ISIS begins it's attack on America, Obama fiddles with gun control and Climate Change.
It is a sign of the times that the reason the no fly list can't be used is because it's unreliable. Think about that.

8 ways you can end up on the no-fly list

It's more than that, how long before people are put on a list over anything the government deems as a possible threat and denied gun ownership? No thanks, I've seen these crooks operate the last 7 years

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