Obama Joins GOP!

The GOP spent 17 days recently calling for an extension of time to sign up. Turns out Obama decided they were right.
Of course rather than get a bill through COngress, one sure to have bipartisan support, he merely wielded his dictator's pen and declared it done.
What power does he have to change legislation at will??
White House grants extension on health law sign-up

Watching you guys re-write history is pretty entertaining.

Pretending that a 2-week extension is what the GOP were asking for is ridiculous.

What if you knew Obamacare was hurting Americans and America far more than helping?

Would it matter to you?

Sure, would it matter to you that the ACA will help some Americans?
I'm sorry, but I don't understand how the president can change a law by simply declaring he has changed it.

The law was passed by Congress and to my understanding it cannot be changed unless it goes through the house and Senate again to be changed. Unless there is an EO, the president does not have a wand that he waves to change a law. He is not a King or a fairy.

So on what grounds did he change the date to 6 weeks past the initial day before a fine sets in ?

You and the Rabbi are two sticks short of a brain fart.
And now for all those lazy, ignorant rwer's. He can adjust the ACA law by executive order. You guys should know this by now.
The GOP spent 17 days recently calling for an extension of time to sign up. Turns out Obama decided they were right.
Of course rather than get a bill through COngress, one sure to have bipartisan support, he merely wielded his dictator's pen and declared it done.
What power does he have to change legislation at will??
White House grants extension on health law sign-up

Watching you guys re-write history is pretty entertaining.

Pretending that a 2-week extension is what the GOP were asking for is ridiculous.

They actually wanted a year. Don't worry, Obama will cave. He'll have too. :)
The GOP spent 17 days recently calling for an extension of time to sign up. Turns out Obama decided they were right.
Of course rather than get a bill through COngress, one sure to have bipartisan support, he merely wielded his dictator's pen and declared it done.
What power does he have to change legislation at will??
White House grants extension on health law sign-up

Watching you guys re-write history is pretty entertaining.

Pretending that a 2-week extension is what the GOP were asking for is ridiculous.

They actually wanted a year. Don't worry, Obama will cave. He'll have too. :)

The actual individual mandate isn't being delayed at all. It's still March 31st as it always has been. It's just the interpretation of "active" insurance policy and "going to be active" insurance policy.

And...no he won't cave.
Watching you guys re-write history is pretty entertaining.

Pretending that a 2-week extension is what the GOP were asking for is ridiculous.

They actually wanted a year. Don't worry, Obama will cave. He'll have too. :)

The actual individual mandate isn't being delayed at all. It's still March 31st as it always has been. It's just the interpretation of "active" insurance policy and "going to be active" insurance policy.

And...no he won't cave.

Cool, I'll sign up for insurance...but it won't be active until 2037. I'm sure I'm in compliance because that is my "interpretation." :lol:

Nice try, bud, but it's all bullshit. The waivers are illegal, the delay of the employer mandate is illegal, and the latest delay is illegal. Obamacare is the law of the land, right?
Obama interprets any type of enforcement of any law as he sees fit, regardless of the content of the law or its intent. That is what a dictator does, not a President of a Constitutional Republic.

How you can defend this ass hat is beyond me.
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The longer the drama goes on the better for the R's come next November.

Yup. The truth is dawning on people all across the country. Notably, even some in the media are starting to squeal.

Sticker shock.

You can't appeal to their sense of reason, but when it touches them financially, then all bets are off.

What happens next?

I predict Obama is going to play the Christian sympathy card next.

OBAMA:Oh, woe is me. I'm a beleaguered POTUS who is only trying to feed the hungry (with the addictive handouts and entitlements his policies forced them to need...)...

"Heal the sick."(with a plan which gives people what they THINK they want without knowing the TRUE COSTS TO OUR LIBERTY...)...

"And be a peace maker." (by removing any fear in their minds of our nation's enemies that we will use our awesome might to impede their revolutionary progress).

"My enemies surround me and I pray to you, dear Lord, to deliver me from their hatred and evil that I might better do YOUR work!"

He is buggering US and HALF of US know it and don't like it. But the other half of America is waking up to our long legged Mac Daddy's 'Pimplitude.'
The GOP spent 17 days recently calling for an extension of time to sign up. Turns out Obama decided they were right.
Of course rather than get a bill through COngress, one sure to have bipartisan support, he merely wielded his dictator's pen and declared it done.
What power does he have to change legislation at will??
White House grants extension on health law sign-up

Watching you guys re-write history is pretty entertaining.

Pretending that a 2-week extension is what the GOP were asking for is ridiculous.

This is just the beginning. Liberals are turning on Obamacare....CBS, NBC, Daily KOS bloggers, John Stewart, SNL,...heck, even Ted Rall is carrying a torch and a pitchfork calling for Obamasteins monster to be killed.

It takes a village, indeed...
Watching you guys re-write history is pretty entertaining.

Pretending that a 2-week extension is what the GOP were asking for is ridiculous.

They actually wanted a year. Don't worry, Obama will cave. He'll have too. :)

The actual individual mandate isn't being delayed at all. It's still March 31st as it always has been. It's just the interpretation of "active" insurance policy and "going to be active" insurance policy.

And...no he won't cave.

Not unless he loses enough public support. Everyone who's now without health care or those who are facing premium hikes of 50% to 100% or more, those who believed his lie that they'd be able to keep their health care coverage they had and many, many others are waking up to the fact that not only did Obama LIE to US, which is a firing offense in itself in my book, but he did so for personal partisan gain.

Unacceptable. Outrageous. Impeachable.

He's committed crimes as well.

He is THE worst POTUS in American history and we need to peacefully stop him as soon as possible and remove him from office and send him home to Chi-town!
Obama didn't "extend" the deadline. He made it so the Insurance doesn't have to be "Active" as of March 31st.

Meaning previously you had to "sign up" for insurance by around Feb 15th 2014 to have it "active" by March 31st and make the deadline...now you could sign up for insurance on March 30th and just show that you've signed up for insurance that will be activated later.

The deadline is the same, it's just the interpretation of the law.

NO, previously the deadline was mid-feb. Now the deadline is end of March. That is an extension to anyone with at least 2 functioning brain cells.
And now for all those lazy, ignorant rwer's. He can adjust the ACA law by executive order. You guys should know this by now.

Except he can't. The law sets out deadlines for events. He cannot go back and change them because he wills it.
Boy, if Bush did that you libtards would swear we were living under a dictatorship. You'd be right too.
Obama didn't "extend" the deadline. He made it so the Insurance doesn't have to be "Active" as of March 31st.

Meaning previously you had to "sign up" for insurance by around Feb 15th 2014 to have it "active" by March 31st and make the deadline...now you could sign up for insurance on March 30th and just show that you've signed up for insurance that will be activated later.

The deadline is the same, it's just the interpretation of the law.

NO, previously the deadline was mid-feb. Now the deadline is end of March. That is an extension to anyone with at least 2 functioning brain cells.

No...the deadline was never mid-feb...nothing in any part of the law stated you needed health insurance by mid february...ever, anywhere. The deadline was always March 31st.

The Obama administration (more precisely Kathleen Sebilius...) previously said that in order to have active insurance by march 31st, you'd need to sign up by February 15th....that's not LAW that you had to sign up by the feb 15th...it's just her saying "if you don't sign up by the 15th it won't be active in time to meet the deadline"

Obama changed the interpretation of the law from "must have active insurance by March 31st" to "Must be signed up for insurance by March 31st"
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Obama didn't "extend" the deadline. He made it so the Insurance doesn't have to be "Active" as of March 31st.

Meaning previously you had to "sign up" for insurance by around Feb 15th 2014 to have it "active" by March 31st and make the deadline...now you could sign up for insurance on March 30th and just show that you've signed up for insurance that will be activated later.

The deadline is the same, it's just the interpretation of the law.

NO, previously the deadline was mid-feb. Now the deadline is end of March. That is an extension to anyone with at least 2 functioning brain cells.

No...the deadline was never mid-feb...nothing in any part of the law stated you needed health insurance by mid february...ever, anywhere. The deadline was always March 31st.

The Obama administration (more precisely Kathleen Sebilius...) previously said that in order to have active insurance by march 31st, you'd need to sign up by February 15th....that's not LAW that you had to sign up by the feb 15th...it's just her saying "if you don't sign up by the 15th it won't be active in time to meet the deadline"

Obama changed the interpretation of the law from "must have active insurance by March 31st" to "Must be signed up for insurance by March 31st"

That is changing the law. Which requires an act of Congress.
Obama didn't "extend" the deadline. He made it so the Insurance doesn't have to be "Active" as of March 31st.

Meaning previously you had to "sign up" for insurance by around Feb 15th 2014 to have it "active" by March 31st and make the deadline...now you could sign up for insurance on March 30th and just show that you've signed up for insurance that will be activated later.

The deadline is the same, it's just the interpretation of the law.

NO, previously the deadline was mid-feb. Now the deadline is end of March. That is an extension to anyone with at least 2 functioning brain cells.

No...the deadline was never mid-feb...nothing in any part of the law stated you needed health insurance by mid february...ever, anywhere. The deadline was always March 31st.

The Obama administration (more precisely Kathleen Sebilius...) previously said that in order to have active insurance by march 31st, you'd need to sign up by February 15th....that's not LAW that you had to sign up by the feb 15th...it's just her saying "if you don't sign up by the 15th it won't be active in time to meet the deadline"

Obama changed the interpretation of the law from "must have active insurance by March 31st" to "Must be signed up for insurance by March 31st"

I gotta give you credit, you really are trying hard. You have spent more effort trying to explain Obama's bullshit than Obama has.

The fact he keeps changing the rules in mid-stream is not a good sign. He should have delayed the individual mandate a year as the Republican's suggested. Obama would be off the hook, and he would not have taken nearly as much political heat. But because he is an arrogant bastard, he is now stuck. It he caves to the Republican position now, he looks like even more of a loser. Either way, he is screwed.

This is a terrible law that no one really likes. It will only get worse from here, and Obama and the Dems own this piece of garbage 100%. I shudder to think what the 2014 mid-terms will look like, but you can expect Obama's lies about the ACA, and idiots like Reid and Pelosi telling their lies, to be on a continual tape loop. it is gonna be brutal.

You Dems are either going to have to admit the obvious (as many Democrat Senators already have), or take a pounding on this for years to come. I would suggest taking your medicine now, but Dems usual don't play it that way.
Watching you guys re-write history is pretty entertaining.

Pretending that a 2-week extension is what the GOP were asking for is ridiculous.

What if you knew Obamacare was hurting Americans and America far more than helping?

Would it matter to you?

Sure, would it matter to you that the ACA will help some Americans?

Does ANYONE still believe those tired old saws?

Or are you just playing stupid?

Everyone needs good, affordable health care. Even Conservatives.

Well, Obamacare ain't good, ain't affordable and with the terrible computer problems they are having, ACA ain't even providing health care!

Here's a quote from William F. Buckley which we all should remember:

Idealism is fine, but as it approaches reality, the costs become prohibitive.

As quoted in The Cynic's Lexicon : A Dictionary of Amoral Advice (1984) by Jonathon Green, p. 34

If you are interested in affordable health care and don't want the ODIOUS and ONEROUS Obamacare why not consider a suggestion by Dr. Ben Carson?


Oct. 28, 2013 11:34am

Dr. Ben Carson offered his medical expertise and conservative ideas in a critique of Obamacare during a recent appearance on Fox News. His solution would include health savings accounts, as he explained to “On the Record” host Greta Van Susteren.

“This is not a monarchy that we live in,” Carson said. “When big egos get in the way it’s very difficult to do anything in a logical fashion.”

WATCH (via Newsmax):

Ben Carson offers Obamacare alternative | TheBlaze.com

He is the PERFECT answer to any other dinosaurs or one dimensional Liberal posters out there who think Conservatives aren't Black and that Conservatives don't feel compassion for their fellow man.
The GOP spent 17 days recently calling for an extension of time to sign up. Turns out Obama decided they were right.
Of course rather than get a bill through COngress, one sure to have bipartisan support, he merely wielded his dictator's pen and declared it done.
What power does he have to change legislation at will??
White House grants extension on health law sign-up

No they spent 17 days trying to defund it you liar.
They actually wanted a year. Don't worry, Obama will cave. He'll have too. :)

The actual individual mandate isn't being delayed at all. It's still March 31st as it always has been. It's just the interpretation of "active" insurance policy and "going to be active" insurance policy.

And...no he won't cave.

Not unless he loses enough public support. Everyone who's now without health care or those who are facing premium hikes of 50% to 100% or more, those who believed his lie that they'd be able to keep their health care coverage they had and many, many others are waking up to the fact that not only did Obama LIE to US, which is a firing offense in itself in my book, but he did so for personal partisan gain.

Unacceptable. Outrageous. Impeachable.

He's committed crimes as well.

He is THE worst POTUS in American history and we need to peacefully stop him as soon as possible and remove him from office and send him home to Chi-town!

What high crimes and misdemeanors has Oblama committed?
The GOP spent 17 days recently calling for an extension of time to sign up. Turns out Obama decided they were right.
Of course rather than get a bill through COngress, one sure to have bipartisan support, he merely wielded his dictator's pen and declared it done.
What power does he have to change legislation at will??
White House grants extension on health law sign-up

Watching you guys re-write history is pretty entertaining.

Pretending that a 2-week extension is what the GOP were asking for is ridiculous.

Drudge has a 6 week extension. But I think there's more than a few glitches.

Check this out. Alaska has thrown in the towel after only enrolling 3 people.

As the Peninsula Clarion reports, Enroll Alaska has been able to enroll a grand total of only three people since the launch of the health-insurance marketplaces on October 1.

It has now given up entirely on that goal, at least until Healthcare.gov, the federal health-care exchange, gives Alaskans accurate figures on the subsidies they’re eligible for.

Alaskan Company Suspends Obamacare Enrollments, Cites Faulty Subsidy Calculator | National Review Online

Its amazing how fucking stupid you are. They are not tossing in the towel. They are not bothering with the goal till its fixed.

Die off already
What if you knew Obamacare was hurting Americans and America far more than helping?

Would it matter to you?

Sure, would it matter to you that the ACA will help some Americans?

Does ANYONE still believe those tired old saws?

Or are you just playing stupid?

Everyone needs good, affordable health care. Even Conservatives.

Well, Obamacare ain't good, ain't affordable and with the terrible computer problems they are having, ACA ain't even providing health care!

Here's a quote from William F. Buckley which we all should remember:

Idealism is fine, but as it approaches reality, the costs become prohibitive.

As quoted in The Cynic's Lexicon : A Dictionary of Amoral Advice (1984) by Jonathon Green, p. 34

If you are interested in affordable health care and don't want the ODIOUS and ONEROUS Obamacare why not consider a suggestion by Dr. Ben Carson?


Oct. 28, 2013 11:34am

Dr. Ben Carson offered his medical expertise and conservative ideas in a critique of Obamacare during a recent appearance on Fox News. His solution would include health savings accounts, as he explained to “On the Record” host Greta Van Susteren.

“This is not a monarchy that we live in,” Carson said. “When big egos get in the way it’s very difficult to do anything in a logical fashion.”

WATCH (via Newsmax):

Ben Carson offers Obamacare alternative | TheBlaze.com

He is the PERFECT answer to any other dinosaurs or one dimensional Liberal posters out there who think Conservatives aren't Black and that Conservatives don't feel compassion for their fellow man.

What happens when families do not have monies to put into a medical savings account. Had an operation lately? Do you save 5-10 grand a month or even a year now for an operation?
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