Obama Just Compared Christianity With Islam…At National Prayer Breakfast

Yep too bad those people don't run the place. When one mullah dies off there another to take his place
If 75% of the population is under 30, I don't see how another mullah could take over. They will reach a point where so many mullahs have passed, that they no longer are able to sustain their theocracy. And once that happens, westernization will soon follow.
No, what I am saying is that by remaining silent, the Church preserved the lives of scores of thousands of clerics, living in the occupied territories, and allowed the Church to continue its pastoral and relief work throughout Europe, upon which many millions depended.

Not that thousands of dead priests would be a bad thing. THink of all the bungholes on Altar Boys that would have been saved.

But, no. The church was cowardly and on the wrong side of history, period. The Church sided with the fascists because they feared the Communists more. Period.
Your anti-God and anti-religion and anti-Catholic bias is almost as strong as your anti-Jewish anti-Israeli bias, and all that makes you an unreliable discussion partner in this.

Guy, this isn't about me.

It's about how the Catholic Church put its material and worldly wealth above it's obligation to speak out against evil.

and shit, they are STILL trying to play it off like they didn't do anything wrong. Let's make Pius XII's Nazi-loving ass a Saint.
No, this isn't about you, but your strong and well-known biases color your argument to an extent worthy of comment.

There has been much back-and-forth about this over the years, and, wealth aside, we are looking at great risk to the lives and well-being of scores of thousands of priests and nuns and monks, and great risk to churches being allowed to remain open, and, consequently, great risk to the vast continent-wide pastoral and charitable-relief missions operated by the Church - one of the few remaining bright spots of comfort during the long Nazi Nightmare - if Pius XII had defied Hitler... not to mention Pius XII's own life put at great risk.

Did any comparable religious leader, of any other branch of Christianity or separate faith, facing similar stakes for his followers, thus embedded in a completely conquered and Axis-controlled territory, openly and publicly call for defiance of the conqueror-occupiers?

I don't think so.

Hell, even the damned Concordat was merely an attempt to get The Beast to agree to leave the Church alone, so that it could continue its work on behalf of the faithful.

Personally, I don't think Pius XII was a 'saint', but I think the guy has probably gotten a bum rap, owing to a lack of understanding of what he was trying to protect; not the wealth of the Church, but to keep his thousands of priests and nuns and monks alive and safe, and to keep his thousands of churches open and up-and-running, so that those churches could continue their pastoral and charitable-relief missions during a very dark time for Europe, when the people of the continent needed every bit of comfort and help they could get.

But that's just me.
Oh dear, did I shake your moral core?

Women and children are only important if they can gain progressive candidates votes?

All others are valueless?

Guy, you didn't give a shit about women and children when Bush was killing them, and you didn't give a shit about women and children when the Zionists kill them.

But now you can rationalize your Islamophobia because they are apparently killing a bunch of devil-worshiping Yazidis, when you probably didn't even know what a Yazidi was a year ago.
No, this isn't about you, but your strong and well-known biases color your argument to an extent worthy of comment.

There has been much back-and-forth about this over the years, and, wealth aside, we are looking at great risk to the lives and well-being of scores of thousands of priests and nuns and monks, and great risk to churches being allowed to remain open, and, consequently, great risk to the vast continent-wide pastoral and charitable-relief missions operated by the Church - one of the few remaining bright spots of comfort during the long Nazi Nightmare - if Pius XII had defied Hitler... not to mention Pius XII's own life put at great risk.

Uh, yeah, but you see, Pius believed that if you died a martyr you go STRAIGHT to Heaven. Do not pass Purgatory, do not Pay $200. You get your harp and your halo THAT DAY! and so would all his priests and monks and nuns. But he was obviously either a complete coward OR he really deep down wanted the Nazis to win, because honestly, fuck the Jews and Communists.

Either way, it's contemptible.

Did any comparable religious leader, of any other branch of Christianity or separate faith, facing similar stakes for his followers, thus embedded in a completely conquered and Axis-controlled territory, openly and publicly call for defiance of the conqueror-occupiers?

Not really an honest question, since most other religions don't have a figure like the Pope, who is God's Vicar on Earth. Of course, the Pope could have fled the Vatican for Switzerland and THEN denounced Hitler.

Hell, even the damned Concordat was merely an attempt to get The Beast to agree to leave the Church alone, so that it could continue its work on behalf of the faithful.

Personally, I don't think Pius XII was a 'saint', but I think the guy has probably gotten a bum rap, owing to a lack of understanding of what he was trying to protect; not the wealth of the Church, but to keep his thousands of priests and nuns and monks alive and safe, and to keep his thousands of churches open and up-and-running, so that those churches could continue their pastoral and charitable-relief missions during a very dark time for Europe, when the people of the continent needed every bit of comfort and help they could get.

But that's just me.

Yes, you are always willing to make excuses for non-Muslims and their bad behavior.

But Pius was a coward and a collaborator, and they should have hung his ass right along side Petain and Quisling.
It's clear that you and I have largely opposing perspectives on Pius XII, and that we are irreconcilable in this regard.

We've played this out, about as far as we can, within the confines of a thread designed to condemn Obama for drawing faux equivalencies between Islam and Christianity.

Thanks for the exchange.
...Yes, you are always willing to make excuses for non-Muslims and their bad behavior...
That's a rather odd way of putting it.

Are you a Muslim?

No, I'm an atheist who gets tired of watching Christian Stupids like you make horrible decisions because the rich have figured out how to push your buttons.

"Hey, why is my job going to China next week?"

"Oh, it's because I can make a profit paying a Chinaman half what I pay you and we got a trade treaty that let that happen and.....OH MY GOD, SOME ARAB BURNED ANOTHER ARAB ALIVE IN A WAR, LET'S GET ALL UPSET ABOUT THAT!!!!"

Look at the shiny thing. The Pretty Thing.
It's clear that you and I have largely opposing perspectives on Pius XII, and that we are irreconcilable in this regard.

We've played this out, about as far as we can, within the confines of a thread designed to condemn Obama for drawing faux equivalencies between Islam and Christianity.

Thanks for the exchange.

Your concession is duly noted. NOt that I feel bad for you. Defending the Quisling Pope is hard for even the nuttiest Catholic Fanatic.
Oh dear, did I shake your moral core?

Women and children are only important if they can gain progressive candidates votes?

All others are valueless?

Guy, you didn't give a shit about women and children when Bush was killing them, and you didn't give a shit about women and children when the Zionists kill them.

But now you can rationalize your Islamophobia because they are apparently killing a bunch of devil-worshiping Yazidis, when you probably didn't even know what a Yazidi was a year ago.

Oh I did. War sucks, that's why when you win one you keep residue forces in place so that sad reality ends.

Oh wait, Obama knew better

That worked out so damn well
Oh I did. War sucks, that's why when you win one you keep residue forces in place so that sad reality ends.

Oh wait, Obama knew better

That worked out so damn well

Yes, War sucks. It's why you don't start one based on lies, like Bush did.

and you don't ignore your Generals when they tell you that you need 500,000 troops, but you go ahead anyway with only 150,000.

And you don't disband the Iraqi army giving various militant factions a labor pool of thousands of trained and armed men to stir up trouble for you.

But damn, Obama, he actually did what the American people wanted, to get out of that mess after Americans realized they had been lied to and Bush fucked it up.

Instead, you'll claim that somehow, keeping 11,000 advisors would have kept the Iraqi Army from folding like a cheap suit after we dumped 25 BILLION training and arming it.
...Yes, you are always willing to make excuses for non-Muslims and their bad behavior...
That's a rather odd way of putting it.

Are you a Muslim?

No, I'm an atheist who gets tired of watching Christian Stupids like you make horrible decisions because the rich have figured out how to push your buttons.

"Hey, why is my job going to China next week?"

"Oh, it's because I can make a profit paying a Chinaman half what I pay you and we got a trade treaty that let that happen and.....OH MY GOD, SOME ARAB BURNED ANOTHER ARAB ALIVE IN A WAR, LET'S GET ALL UPSET ABOUT THAT!!!!"

Look at the shiny thing. The Pretty Thing.

Excuse me?

OK... got it.


Blow it out your ass, Arab ass-kisser.

Excuse me?

OK... got it.


Blow it out your ass, Arab ass-kisser.

Yes. Stupid beyond words.

They've been LYING to you for 14 years now about this "War on Islam', and you keep falling for it.

While you watch them box up the good jobs and send them to some third world rathole, some of them inhabited by- Muslims.

and you just sit there and say, "Derpa, derp, damned Muslims don't love Freedom like we do."

Channeling his Rev Wright..


"And lest we get on our high horse and think this is unique to some other place, remember that during the crusades and the Inquisition, people committed terrible deeds in the name of Christ."

Both the crusades and the Inquisition happened in the 13th Century or earlier, many hundreds of years before the establishment of the United States.

"In our own country, slavery, Jim crow, so often was justified in the name of Christ," Obama continued. And he mentioned the collision of faiths in India.

"So it's not unique to one group or one religion. There is a tendency in us -- a sinful tendency -- that can pervert and distort our faith."

Obama People Committed Terrible Deeds in the Name of Christ CNS News

Coulda been worse, and you and I both know it. ;) Coulda compared it to Judaism. :)
In your link I counted two people they killed. So you're thinking that's like al Qaeda?

Keep counting. And the 1996 bombing of the Olympics isn't significant enough for you? 111 people injured. They were very lucky the death count wasn't higher.

Moving the goalposts, the standard was people killed. And if you want to debate injured now and keep counting then way more than 2,400 known injuries were sustained in the World Trade Center. You're going the wrong way.
Secular Jews founded modern Israel and people in Europe were crazy enough to slaughter 6 million Jews...Crazy people everywhere

No, crazy is going somewhere that people ANNOUNCE they are going to try to kill you.

You mean like the Muslims murdering Jews in Israel that you support?

LOL, you talking about anyone being crazy is a hoot.
Lets keep it that way..you can trust the mullahs, your mistake. The Christians in Syria are useful now. anti Assad Christians and muslims in Lebanon are being killed


Who are these anti-assad christians that support syrian rebels who slaughter christian innocents? If they do exist, good for Hezbollah if they kill them, they are betraying their christian brothers in Syria and Iraq. If there are such people, they are in league with Al Nusra and ISIS and should be killed along with all Islamist terrorist scum. Anyone that supports Syrian rebels in anyway is fair game and it is righteous to attack them.

There are hundreds of thousands of Christians in Iran, they continue practice to this day and have representation in parliament. They have lived their for thousands of years and continue to grow actually. Obviously it isn't perfect or ideal anywhere in the Middle East and there is persecution. But all things considered, Iran is one of the few friends middle eastern christians have comparatively. I don't know about this evangelical church. Perhaps there is more to the story, on its face of course it isn't a good thing but I dont trust NYT to give the full story. NY Times is a zionist and anti-christian newspaper that attacks Christians at every point in the US. I don't think they care at all about Christians. They are more interested in demonizing Iran.

Hardly pro-Zionist there is Lots of anti Israel pro "Palestinian" sympathies there. I see where you're coming from now. Christians are imprisoned and tutored in Iran. i'll take Sisi...fuck Iran's mullahs

I support Al Sisi, he is a good man, he brought Egypt back from the brink of anarchy and islamic extremism. He is one of the few sunni muslim leaders to condemn Wahhabism.

That's good, as far as NY Times being" Zionist" you're way off base on that crap

study Documents NY Times' Anti-Israel Bias

A new study by a media-monitoring organization exposes the New York Times' consistent anti-Israel, pro-Palestinian bias in its coverage of the Middle East conflict.

The study was conducted by the Committee for Accuracy in Middle Eastern Reporting in America (CAMERA), which claims 65,000 U.S. members across a broad political spectrum.

CAMERA investigated the Times' coverage between July 1 and Dec. 31, 2011, and says the probe "reveals empirically that there is real cause for concern. The dominant finding of the study is a disproportionate, continuous, embedded indictment of Israel that dominates both news and commentary sections. Israeli views are downplayed while Palestinian perspectives, especially criticism of Israel, are amplified and even promoted."

Among the findings of the CAMERA study:

  • The Times presents criticism of Israel more than twice as often as it criticizes the Palestinians. Of 275 passages in the news pages classified as criticism, 187 were critical of Israel while 88 criticized the Palestinians.
  • Of 37 articles mentioning Israel's border policies and naval blockade of Gaza, just six cited Israel's goal of preventing weapons from entering Gaza and even fewer noted that weapons in Gaza often are fired into Israel.
  • When the Times reported on the Israeli military boarding a Turkish ship carrying pro-Palestinian activists, only eight of 37 articles mentioned the activists' violence that precipitated the use of firearms by the Israelis.
  • Twelve headlines mentioned Palestinian fatalities in the conflict, while none explicitly mentioned Israeli deaths, even though 14 Israelis were killed during the study period.
  • Israeli actions frequently were cited as obstacles to peace, but the Palestinian Authority's refusal to recognize a Jewish state was never described as an obstacle.
  • On the paper's opinion pages, editorials consistently blamed Israel for the Palestinian-Israel conflict. Of 20 editorials, columns, and Op-Eds cited by CAMERA, 15 predominantly criticized Israel and none predominantly criticized the Palestinians.
CAMERA concludes: "Although the [Israeli-Palestinian] conflict is a matter of great controversy, with loud voices on all sides seeking to make their case, only one side's concerns are promoted in The Times, while the opposing side is marginalized."

NY Times Anti-Israel Bias Proven

So an explicitly pro-israel organization says NY Times isn't pro-Israel enough? You don't think they have bias at all being explicitly pro-Israel? That they may misinterpret remarks due to it? NY Times may not be strongly neo-conservative like CAMERA, but they are liberal zionists, though they definitely have neo-conservative columnists as well. You can disagree with Israeli government policy of one administration in certain cases and still be zionist. In fact, Israel was founded by mostly left wing zionists and socialists, not right wingers like Netanyahu. The American people aren't aware of the many crimes in Gaza and West Bank, because US media like New York Times doesn't cover it. The people in the US don't get the full story.

Yeah? bullshit your arab friends slaughter their own people. 10 of thousands slaughtered by Assad, plus your mouth piece for the Iranians who torture, execute and imprison their own people. Isis is the best thing to ever happen to you nutjobs. they deflect the attention from the mass murderer Assad and give Obama more of a reason to legitimize Iran which he was already predisposed to do anyway
Channeling his Rev Wright..


"And lest we get on our high horse and think this is unique to some other place, remember that during the crusades and the Inquisition, people committed terrible deeds in the name of Christ."

Both the crusades and the Inquisition happened in the 13th Century or earlier, many hundreds of years before the establishment of the United States.

"In our own country, slavery, Jim crow, so often was justified in the name of Christ," Obama continued. And he mentioned the collision of faiths in India.

"So it's not unique to one group or one religion. There is a tendency in us -- a sinful tendency -- that can pervert and distort our faith."

Obama People Committed Terrible Deeds in the Name of Christ CNS News

Coulda been worse, and you and I both know it. ;) Coulda compared it to Judaism. :)

There is no comparison to the islamic nutjobs.:thup:
Channeling his Rev Wright..


"And lest we get on our high horse and think this is unique to some other place, remember that during the crusades and the Inquisition, people committed terrible deeds in the name of Christ."

Both the crusades and the Inquisition happened in the 13th Century or earlier, many hundreds of years before the establishment of the United States.

"In our own country, slavery, Jim crow, so often was justified in the name of Christ," Obama continued. And he mentioned the collision of faiths in India.

"So it's not unique to one group or one religion. There is a tendency in us -- a sinful tendency -- that can pervert and distort our faith."

Obama People Committed Terrible Deeds in the Name of Christ CNS News

Coulda been worse, and you and I both know it. ;) Coulda compared it to Judaism. :)

There is no comparison to the islamic nutjobs.:thup:

As you well know there's nothing Muslims, or those claiming to be Muslims are doing right now that isn't in our own Torah. Be it kill non-Jews, other disbelievers, execute gays and adulterers, Sabbath-breakers, etc. it's all right there in our own holy book.

While we also have a system of checks and balances requiring trials and finding of facts before youe xecute somebody for these things and anyone killing a gay person or Sabbath breaker without trial is equally setenced to death, it's unfair to condemn a religion for the actions of those probably not actually following it if your own religion says the very same things.

I don't know Qur'an well enough to know if they have a similar requirement for trying religious crimes like Judaism does or not. But I'd guess that while Islam calls for the death of people for various things, so does our's.

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