Obama Just Compared Christianity With Islam…At National Prayer Breakfast

You have no idea how many people the Soviet Union and China alone have killed. LOL, you don't know what you are talking about, you never do...
They killed in the name of atheism?

Again, I don't know what I can tell you other then that you are like all liberals unable to read and process simple information.
You can weasel all you want but, in response to "Theists like to say atheists killed more than theists" you claimed that the Soviets and Chinese killed more.

Theists kill in the name of their religion, dumbass. Your response was knee-jerk with brain unengaged.

Individuals do, post a leader of a major christian organization ordering their followers to kill in the name of God.

And please let's attempt to keep this recent.

Army of God United States - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

AOG supports the Second Defensive Action Statement, as produced by the Defenders of the Defenders of Life, which reads:[7]

  • We the undersigned, declare the justice of taking all Godly action necessary, including the use of force, to defend innocent human life (born and unborn). We proclaim that whatever force is legitimate to defend the life of a born child is legitimate to defend the life of an unborn child.

In your link I counted two people they killed. So you're thinking that's like al Qaeda?
Leave it to Joeb131 to illustrate the absurd. Pope Innocent saved 10,000 Jews, but that doesn't stop the despicable Left from calling him a Nazi sympathizer. These people twist history so much they don't know what really happened.

First, "Pope Innocent" wasn't the Pope when WWII happened. It was Pius XII. Or as Historians have called him, "Hitler's Pope".

Hey, all the Pope had to do was get on Vatican Radio and say, "The Axis is evil, and all Catholics are to put down their arms or face excommunication!" That would have disarmed Italy and about half of Germany. True, Mussolini and Hitler would have shot Pius, but he'd have gone straight to heaven, really.

He didn't do that.
When you have been in charge of the clerics of a Europe dominated by a ruthless tyrant and have risked their lives and the operating condition of their churches and have risked the massive continent-wide pastoral and relief work that would be lost by such destruction and closures and slaughter, and put your own ass on the line in just such a manner, and have done differently, well... then you've got a ballgame.
Leave it to Joeb131 to illustrate the absurd. Pope Innocent saved 10,000 Jews, but that doesn't stop the despicable Left from calling him a Nazi sympathizer. These people twist history so much they don't know what really happened.

First, "Pope Innocent" wasn't the Pope when WWII happened. It was Pius XII. Or as Historians have called him, "Hitler's Pope".

Hey, all the Pope had to do was get on Vatican Radio and say, "The Axis is evil, and all Catholics are to put down their arms or face excommunication!" That would have disarmed Italy and about half of Germany. True, Mussolini and Hitler would have shot Pius, but he'd have gone straight to heaven, really.

He didn't do that.
When you have been in charge of the clerics of a Europe dominated by a ruthless tyrant and have risked their lives and the operating condition of their churches and have risked the massive continent-wide pastoral and relief work that would be lost by such destruction and closures and slaughter, and put your own ass on the line in just such a manner, and have done differently, well... then you've got a ballgame.

And the exact same argument can be made of ANY opinion expressed on these boards. So what? Doesn't mean folks are not entitled to express their opinion.
Leave it to Joeb131 to illustrate the absurd. Pope Innocent saved 10,000 Jews, but that doesn't stop the despicable Left from calling him a Nazi sympathizer. These people twist history so much they don't know what really happened.

First, "Pope Innocent" wasn't the Pope when WWII happened. It was Pius XII. Or as Historians have called him, "Hitler's Pope".

Hey, all the Pope had to do was get on Vatican Radio and say, "The Axis is evil, and all Catholics are to put down their arms or face excommunication!" That would have disarmed Italy and about half of Germany. True, Mussolini and Hitler would have shot Pius, but he'd have gone straight to heaven, really.

He didn't do that.
When you have been in charge of the clerics of a Europe dominated by a ruthless tyrant and have risked their lives and the operating condition of their churches and have risked the massive continent-wide pastoral and relief work that would be lost by such destruction and closures and slaughter, and put your own ass on the line in just such a manner, and have done differently, well... then you've got a ballgame.

And the exact same argument can be made of ANY opinion expressed on these boards. So what? Doesn't mean folks are not entitled to express their opinion.

to quote a brilliant person----------"opinions are like assholes, everyone has one"
Leave it to Joeb131 to illustrate the absurd. Pope Innocent saved 10,000 Jews, but that doesn't stop the despicable Left from calling him a Nazi sympathizer. These people twist history so much they don't know what really happened.

First, "Pope Innocent" wasn't the Pope when WWII happened. It was Pius XII. Or as Historians have called him, "Hitler's Pope".

Hey, all the Pope had to do was get on Vatican Radio and say, "The Axis is evil, and all Catholics are to put down their arms or face excommunication!" That would have disarmed Italy and about half of Germany. True, Mussolini and Hitler would have shot Pius, but he'd have gone straight to heaven, really.

He didn't do that.
When you have been in charge of the clerics of a Europe dominated by a ruthless tyrant and have risked their lives and the operating condition of their churches and have risked the massive continent-wide pastoral and relief work that would be lost by such destruction and closures and slaughter, and put your own ass on the line in just such a manner, and have done differently, well... then you've got a ballgame.

And the exact same argument can be made of ANY opinion expressed on these boards. So what? Doesn't mean folks are not entitled to express their opinion.
I didn't say he didn't have an opinion.

I said that he didn't have a ballgame (an opinion capable of scoring a win) until he'd factored-in such elements and faced similar decisions himself.

It's easy to spout from a comfy chair... it's a little more difficult in the Real World when you ass - and the asses of scores or hundreds of thousands of others - are also on the line.

It was also a perfect segue for itemizing some of those influencing factors.

Leave it to Joeb131 to illustrate the absurd. Pope Innocent saved 10,000 Jews, but that doesn't stop the despicable Left from calling him a Nazi sympathizer. These people twist history so much they don't know what really happened.

First, "Pope Innocent" wasn't the Pope when WWII happened. It was Pius XII. Or as Historians have called him, "Hitler's Pope".

Hey, all the Pope had to do was get on Vatican Radio and say, "The Axis is evil, and all Catholics are to put down their arms or face excommunication!" That would have disarmed Italy and about half of Germany. True, Mussolini and Hitler would have shot Pius, but he'd have gone straight to heaven, really.

He didn't do that.
When you have been in charge of the clerics of a Europe dominated by a ruthless tyrant and have risked their lives and the operating condition of their churches and have risked the massive continent-wide pastoral and relief work that would be lost by such destruction and closures and slaughter, and put your own ass on the line in just such a manner, and have done differently, well... then you've got a ballgame.

And the exact same argument can be made of ANY opinion expressed on these boards. So what? Doesn't mean folks are not entitled to express their opinion.
I didn't say he didn't have an opinion.

I said that he didn't have a ballgame (an opinion capable of scoring a win) until he'd factored-in such elements and faced similar decisions himself.

It's easy to spout from a comfy chair... it's a little more difficult in the Real World when you ass - and the asses of scores or hundreds of thousands of others - are also on the line.

It was also a perfect segue for itemizing some of those influencing factors.


But you haven't served as pope so you have no right (according to you) to express an opinion either
Abolition as a concept was created by British Protestants. Can't get
Isn't it a coincidence wherever muslims are in large numbers there are conflicts like this? Poor misunderstood victims they are. Curious thing is that war was started by Muslims in the first place. War is hell and there are atrocities on both sides i condemn but don't act like muslims didn't start it. Also those militias aren't exclusively christian. They have animists as well who fear Muslim persecution

Who really cares who started it to be honest. We have to win this thing and that means make peace with the moderate Muslim leaders of the middle east.

Pakistan has to be on board after all queda slaughtered a military town women children and all.

Turkeys on board. Saudi agrees with us.

We don't want war with Iran I don't care what israel says.
What are you blabbering on about now? This war in CAR and how muslims started it has nothing to do with what you are talking about. You are just changing the subject.I am not American. But Turkey and Saudi Arabia can go to hell and so can America if they support them. They are parties responsible in funding these violent radicals in syria and Iraq because they dislike Assad. Assad is one of the decent moderate and pro christian leaders in the regio. Syria Iran and Iraq are the only ones confronting these radicals head on and I support them.

Iran? They are terrorist supporting scum as bad as Isis. They fund Hamas and Hazballah. They fund terrorist who place roadside bombs that kill our troops. Most of the Iranian people are good people, but the mullahs are no better than ISIS
Hezbollah defends Christians and fights ISIS in Syria and Iraq. As far as I am concerned, the Iranians are on the right side of supporting Hezbollah here. ISIS are lunatics that need to be stopped.
Hazballah kills Christians in order to gain power in Lebanon. Yes ISIS are lunatics and so are the Iranian Mullahs who are developing nukes
Actually they ally with the largest Christian party in Lebanon called the Free Patriotic movement and aid christian militias in syria in the fight against ISIS. There is no evidence they have nuclear weapons. Even heads of Mossad have admitted this.
They killed in the name of atheism?

Again, I don't know what I can tell you other then that you are like all liberals unable to read and process simple information.
You can weasel all you want but, in response to "Theists like to say atheists killed more than theists" you claimed that the Soviets and Chinese killed more.

Theists kill in the name of their religion, dumbass. Your response was knee-jerk with brain unengaged.

Individuals do, post a leader of a major christian organization ordering their followers to kill in the name of God.

And please let's attempt to keep this recent.

Army of God United States - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

AOG supports the Second Defensive Action Statement, as produced by the Defenders of the Defenders of Life, which reads:[7]

  • We the undersigned, declare the justice of taking all Godly action necessary, including the use of force, to defend innocent human life (born and unborn). We proclaim that whatever force is legitimate to defend the life of a born child is legitimate to defend the life of an unborn child.

In your link I counted two people they killed. So you're thinking that's like al Qaeda?

Keep counting. And the 1996 bombing of the Olympics isn't significant enough for you? 111 people injured. They were very lucky the death count wasn't higher.
...But you haven't served as pope so you have no right (according to you) to express an opinion either
Quite true, literally speaking.

But you DO understand that the object of the exercise was to illustrate the wide-ranging depth and impact of such a decision rather than a lame attempt at suppressing opinion, do you not?
...But you haven't served as pope so you have no right (according to you) to express an opinion either
Quite true, literally speaking.

But you DO understand that the object of the exercise was to illustrate the wide-ranging depth and impact of such a decision rather than a lame attempt at suppressing opinion, do you not?

On the contrary - YOU were the one trying to suppress an opinion, I simply applied your own logic back onto you. Which was apparently very uncomfortable for you.
...But you haven't served as pope so you have no right (according to you) to express an opinion either
Quite true, literally speaking.

But you DO understand that the object of the exercise was to illustrate the wide-ranging depth and impact of such a decision rather than a lame attempt at suppressing opinion, do you not?

On the contrary - YOU were the one trying to suppress an opinion, I simply applied your own logic back onto you. Which was apparently very uncomfortable for you.

Not in the slightest.

It was a great way to showcase the extreme difficulties faced by Pius XII in not behaving as Joe so glibly suggested he do.

It was not a matter of attempting to suppress an opinion.

It was a matter of making light of the opinion, given that none of the attending and overpowering elements of that decision were previously mentioned.

Making light of an opinion - because that opinion resorted to a simplistic answer, without considering the variables - is not the same as attempting to suppress that opinion.

A great many folks would construe it as another way of saying: "It wasn't that simple".

But, you can believe what you like - it's a matter of little import to me - and I've explained myself enough to you, at this juncture.
In what way are they religious? Because they shout slogans?

Yet you argue Timothy McVeigh is a Christian because he said he believes in a non-specific to any religion deity. Yet a group calling themselves the "Islamic State" isn't religion. Care to work up one standard?
I claim he's a Christian because he claimed he was a Christian. He was born and raised Roman Catholic - as I showed.

He also stated that he still maintained the core beliefs of Catholicism.

And before his execution he took the Catholic sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick.

So why are you lying?

If you claim to be a midget, but I observe you are not, am I to believe you or my own eyes?

Seriously synth, you are better then that.
Being a midget is a physical characteristic that is provable.

Saying you are a Christian is a spiritual characterization that is unprovable.
Until a "Christian" commits a terrorist act, then the title sticks to him like an epoxy.
Only if he is committing his crime in the name of God.
Yet you argue Timothy McVeigh is a Christian because he said he believes in a non-specific to any religion deity. Yet a group calling themselves the "Islamic State" isn't religion. Care to work up one standard?
I claim he's a Christian because he claimed he was a Christian. He was born and raised Roman Catholic - as I showed.

He also stated that he still maintained the core beliefs of Catholicism.

And before his execution he took the Catholic sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick.

So why are you lying?

If you claim to be a midget, but I observe you are not, am I to believe you or my own eyes?

Seriously synth, you are better then that.
Being a midget is a physical characteristic that is provable.

Saying you are a Christian is a spiritual characterization that is unprovable.
Until a "Christian" commits a terrorist act, then the title sticks to him like an epoxy.
Only if he is committing his crime in the name of God.

He may truly believe he is christian, but unless the crime is committed to recruit others to the faith (example ISIS), it is not relevent to the discussion.
Again, I don't know what I can tell you other then that you are like all liberals unable to read and process simple information.
You can weasel all you want but, in response to "Theists like to say atheists killed more than theists" you claimed that the Soviets and Chinese killed more.

Theists kill in the name of their religion, dumbass. Your response was knee-jerk with brain unengaged.

Individuals do, post a leader of a major christian organization ordering their followers to kill in the name of God.

And please let's attempt to keep this recent.

Army of God United States - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

AOG supports the Second Defensive Action Statement, as produced by the Defenders of the Defenders of Life, which reads:[7]

  • We the undersigned, declare the justice of taking all Godly action necessary, including the use of force, to defend innocent human life (born and unborn). We proclaim that whatever force is legitimate to defend the life of a born child is legitimate to defend the life of an unborn child.

In your link I counted two people they killed. So you're thinking that's like al Qaeda?

Keep counting. And the 1996 bombing of the Olympics isn't significant enough for you? 111 people injured. They were very lucky the death count wasn't higher.

Dear lord, ISIS probably does worse each day!
Secular Jews founded modern Israel and people in Europe were crazy enough to slaughter 6 million Jews...Crazy people everywhere

No, crazy is going somewhere that people ANNOUNCE they are going to try to kill you.
When you have been in charge of the clerics of a Europe dominated by a ruthless tyrant and have risked their lives and the operating condition of their churches and have risked the massive continent-wide pastoral and relief work that would be lost by such destruction and closures and slaughter, and put your own ass on the line in just such a manner, and have done differently, well... then you've got a ballgame.

So esseintially, what you are saying is that given a choice between denouncing genocide and war and keeping their shit, the church chose to keep their shit.

Hence, why the Catholic Church has no fucking business preaching morality to anyone.
When you have been in charge of the clerics of a Europe dominated by a ruthless tyrant and have risked their lives and the operating condition of their churches and have risked the massive continent-wide pastoral and relief work that would be lost by such destruction and closures and slaughter, and put your own ass on the line in just such a manner, and have done differently, well... then you've got a ballgame.

So esseintially, what you are saying is that given a choice between denouncing genocide and war and keeping their shit, the church chose to keep their shit.

Hence, why the Catholic Church has no fucking business preaching morality to anyone.

Here's an idea. Let's just let bygones be bygones.

I'm sure isis will quit raping children then cuz ignoring such problems had worked so well in the past
Here's an idea. Let's just let bygones be bygones.

I'm sure isis will quit raping children then cuz ignoring such problems had worked so well in the past

I don't really care what they are doing. frankly, if the people in that region aren't motivated to stop them, or too involved in their own agendas, like The Zionists wanting to overthrow Assad because he's in with the Iranians, or the Turks not wanting to stop ISIS because it will empower the Kurds, then why should WE get involved?

You see, there are several powers over there that could defeat ISIL pretty easily. But they won't.

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