Obama Just Compared Christianity With Islam…At National Prayer Breakfast

When you have been in charge of the clerics of a Europe dominated by a ruthless tyrant and have risked their lives and the operating condition of their churches and have risked the massive continent-wide pastoral and relief work that would be lost by such destruction and closures and slaughter, and put your own ass on the line in just such a manner, and have done differently, well... then you've got a ballgame.

So esseintially, what you are saying is that given a choice between denouncing genocide and war and keeping their shit, the church chose to keep their shit.

Hence, why the Catholic Church has no fucking business preaching morality to anyone.
No, what I am saying is that by remaining silent, the Church preserved the lives of scores of thousands of clerics, living in the occupied territories, and allowed the Church to continue its pastoral and relief work throughout Europe, upon which many millions depended.
Here's an idea. Let's just let bygones be bygones.

I'm sure isis will quit raping children then cuz ignoring such problems had worked so well in the past

I don't really care what they are doing. frankly, if the people in that region aren't motivated to stop them, or too involved in their own agendas, like The Zionists wanting to overthrow Assad because he's in with the Iranians, or the Turks not wanting to stop ISIS because it will empower the Kurds, then why should WE get involved?

You see, there are several powers over there that could defeat ISIL pretty easily. But they won't.

Seems you hate both women and children equally.
We've had some kind of conflict with the Islamic World since 1801, which is a little closer to Perpetual...

You mean we went to war for the interests of rich people even back then.
The most skeptical and pessimistic amongst us would roll that back to 1776 or beyond.

Doesn't mean that it's true ,however.

No, but it's accurate. YOu see, here's the problem. Joe In Chicago has no argument with Omar in Iraq, and Omar has no argument with me. I might think it's awful he's shooting his devil-worshipping Yazidi neighbors, but that is so not my problem.

Until a rich person wants that oil that they are standing over. Then, gosh, darn, what's happening over there is the worst thing,ever. Don't you know those Muslims don't believe in the same sky pixie you do?
Here's an idea. Let's just let bygones be bygones.

I'm sure isis will quit raping children then cuz ignoring such problems had worked so well in the past

I don't really care what they are doing. frankly, if the people in that region aren't motivated to stop them, or too involved in their own agendas, like The Zionists wanting to overthrow Assad because he's in with the Iranians, or the Turks not wanting to stop ISIS because it will empower the Kurds, then why should WE get involved?

You see, there are several powers over there that could defeat ISIL pretty easily. But they won't.

Seems you hate both women and children equally.

SO you are like totally incapable of processing an argument, then?

I'm sorry. I didn't realize I was dealing with someone with a learning disability.
No, what I am saying is that by remaining silent, the Church preserved the lives of scores of thousands of clerics, living in the occupied territories, and allowed the Church to continue its pastoral and relief work throughout Europe, upon which many millions depended.

Not that thousands of dead priests would be a bad thing. THink of all the bungholes on Altar Boys that would have been saved.

But, no. The church was cowardly and on the wrong side of history, period. The Church sided with the fascists because they feared the Communists more. Period.
No, what I am saying is that by remaining silent, the Church preserved the lives of scores of thousands of clerics, living in the occupied territories, and allowed the Church to continue its pastoral and relief work throughout Europe, upon which many millions depended.

Not that thousands of dead priests would be a bad thing. THink of all the bungholes on Altar Boys that would have been saved.

But, no. The church was cowardly and on the wrong side of history, period. The Church sided with the fascists because they feared the Communists more. Period.
Your anti-God and anti-religion and anti-Catholic bias is almost as strong as your anti-Jewish anti-Israeli bias, and all that makes you an unreliable discussion partner in this.
No, what I am saying is that by remaining silent, the Church preserved the lives of scores of thousands of clerics, living in the occupied territories, and allowed the Church to continue its pastoral and relief work throughout Europe, upon which many millions depended.

Not that thousands of dead priests would be a bad thing. THink of all the bungholes on Altar Boys that would have been saved.

But, no. The church was cowardly and on the wrong side of history, period. The Church sided with the fascists because they feared the Communists more. Period.
Your anti-God and anti-religion and anti-Catholic bias is almost as strong as your anti-Jewish anti-Israeli bias, and all that makes you an unreliable discussion partner in this.

Guy, this isn't about me.

It's about how the Catholic Church put its material and worldly wealth above it's obligation to speak out against evil.

and shit, they are STILL trying to play it off like they didn't do anything wrong. Let's make Pius XII's Nazi-loving ass a Saint.
Here's an idea. Let's just let bygones be bygones.

I'm sure isis will quit raping children then cuz ignoring such problems had worked so well in the past

I don't really care what they are doing. frankly, if the people in that region aren't motivated to stop them, or too involved in their own agendas, like The Zionists wanting to overthrow Assad because he's in with the Iranians, or the Turks not wanting to stop ISIS because it will empower the Kurds, then why should WE get involved?

You see, there are several powers over there that could defeat ISIL pretty easily. But they won't.

Seems you hate both women and children equally.

SO you are like totally incapable of processing an argument, then?

I'm sorry. I didn't realize I was dealing with someone with a learning disability.

Oh dear, did I shake your moral core?

Women and children are only important if they can gain progressive candidates votes?

All others are valueless?
Here's an idea. Let's just let bygones be bygones.

I'm sure isis will quit raping children then cuz ignoring such problems had worked so well in the past

I don't really care what they are doing. frankly, if the people in that region aren't motivated to stop them, or too involved in their own agendas, like The Zionists wanting to overthrow Assad because he's in with the Iranians, or the Turks not wanting to stop ISIS because it will empower the Kurds, then why should WE get involved?

You see, there are several powers over there that could defeat ISIL pretty easily. But they won't.

Yes, you have made it clear that you care about no one but yourself and that despite your claim to some (online?) history degree you have precious little historical perspective. BTW, it seems the Jordanians are highly motivated to defeat ISIS:
Who really cares who started it to be honest. We have to win this thing and that means make peace with the moderate Muslim leaders of the middle east.

Pakistan has to be on board after all queda slaughtered a military town women children and all.

Turkeys on board. Saudi agrees with us.

We don't want war with Iran I don't care what israel says.
What are you blabbering on about now? This war in CAR and how muslims started it has nothing to do with what you are talking about. You are just changing the subject.I am not American. But Turkey and Saudi Arabia can go to hell and so can America if they support them. They are parties responsible in funding these violent radicals in syria and Iraq because they dislike Assad. Assad is one of the decent moderate and pro christian leaders in the regio. Syria Iran and Iraq are the only ones confronting these radicals head on and I support them.

Iran? They are terrorist supporting scum as bad as Isis. They fund Hamas and Hazballah. They fund terrorist who place roadside bombs that kill our troops. Most of the Iranian people are good people, but the mullahs are no better than ISIS
Hezbollah defends Christians and fights ISIS in Syria and Iraq. As far as I am concerned, the Iranians are on the right side of supporting Hezbollah here. ISIS are lunatics that need to be stopped.
Hazballah kills Christians in order to gain power in Lebanon. Yes ISIS are lunatics and so are the Iranian Mullahs who are developing nukes
Actually they ally with the largest Christian party in Lebanon called the Free Patriotic movement and aid christian militias in syria in the fight against ISIS. There is no evidence they have nuclear weapons. Even heads of Mossad have admitted this.

Lets keep it that way..you can trust the mullahs, your mistake. The Christians in Syria are useful now. anti Assad Christians and muslims in Lebanon are being killed

I met Mori in the basement of a Lutheran church in Berlin’s Zehlendorf district. A 28-year-old refugee who once ran a small business in Iran, he converted to Christianity five years ago and spoke to me on condition that I use only his first name in order to protect his identity. In 2011, delayed on the way to a secret Bible study session, he narrowly escaped when Revolutionary Guards raided his underground Evangelical church. He watched as his friends disappeared into Iran’s prison system; Mori suspects they’ve been killed.

“When you’re Christian in Iran, you can’t speak. You have to keep quiet and not talk about the truth that you know and that you believe in,” he told me. “There is no such thing as a comfortable life in Iran.”
Christianity of course is not alien to Iran. It arrived in ancient Persia not long after the death of Christ and has waxed and waned ever since. But in recent decades, especially in the last few years, things have grown worse. As Washington seeks rapprochement with Tehran over Iran’s nuclear and regional ambitions, the Obama administration must not let its protests over cruel treatment of Christians and other religious minorities fall by the wayside

What are you blabbering on about now? This war in CAR and how muslims started it has nothing to do with what you are talking about. You are just changing the subject.I am not American. But Turkey and Saudi Arabia can go to hell and so can America if they support them. They are parties responsible in funding these violent radicals in syria and Iraq because they dislike Assad. Assad is one of the decent moderate and pro christian leaders in the regio. Syria Iran and Iraq are the only ones confronting these radicals head on and I support them.

Iran? They are terrorist supporting scum as bad as Isis. They fund Hamas and Hazballah. They fund terrorist who place roadside bombs that kill our troops. Most of the Iranian people are good people, but the mullahs are no better than ISIS
Hezbollah defends Christians and fights ISIS in Syria and Iraq. As far as I am concerned, the Iranians are on the right side of supporting Hezbollah here. ISIS are lunatics that need to be stopped.
Hazballah kills Christians in order to gain power in Lebanon. Yes ISIS are lunatics and so are the Iranian Mullahs who are developing nukes
Actually they ally with the largest Christian party in Lebanon called the Free Patriotic movement and aid christian militias in syria in the fight against ISIS. There is no evidence they have nuclear weapons. Even heads of Mossad have admitted this.

Lets keep it that way..you can trust the mullahs, your mistake. The Christians in Syria are useful now. anti Assad Christians and muslims in Lebanon are being killed

I met Mori in the basement of a Lutheran church in Berlin’s Zehlendorf district. A 28-year-old refugee who once ran a small business in Iran, he converted to Christianity five years ago and spoke to me on condition that I use only his first name in order to protect his identity. In 2011, delayed on the way to a secret Bible study session, he narrowly escaped when Revolutionary Guards raided his underground Evangelical church. He watched as his friends disappeared into Iran’s prison system; Mori suspects they’ve been killed.

“When you’re Christian in Iran, you can’t speak. You have to keep quiet and not talk about the truth that you know and that you believe in,” he told me. “There is no such thing as a comfortable life in Iran.”
Christianity of course is not alien to Iran. It arrived in ancient Persia not long after the death of Christ and has waxed and waned ever since. But in recent decades, especially in the last few years, things have grown worse. As Washington seeks rapprochement with Tehran over Iran’s nuclear and regional ambitions, the Obama administration must not let its protests over cruel treatment of Christians and other religious minorities fall by the wayside

Who are these anti-assad christians that support syrian rebels who slaughter christian innocents? If they do exist, good for Hezbollah if they kill them, they are betraying their christian brothers in Syria and Iraq. If there are such people, they are in league with Al Nusra and ISIS and should be killed along with all Islamist terrorist scum. Anyone that supports Syrian rebels in anyway is fair game and it is righteous to attack them.

There are hundreds of thousands of Christians in Iran, they continue practice to this day and have representation in parliament. They have lived their for thousands of years and continue to grow actually. Obviously it isn't perfect or ideal anywhere in the Middle East and there is persecution. But all things considered, Iran is one of the few friends middle eastern christians have comparatively. I don't know about this evangelical church. Perhaps there is more to the story, on its face of course it isn't a good thing but I dont trust NYT to give the full story. NY Times is a zionist and anti-christian newspaper that attacks Christians at every point in the US. I don't think they care at all about Christians. They are more interested in demonizing Iran.
You should read the gospels more, white Irish Catholic.
I've had my fill of gospels; I don't need any more.

Jesus set up a heavenly kingdom, distinctly not an earthly kingdom. His teachings apply to Christians and have no bearing on the prerogative of nations.
His teachings apply to everyone. We are all equal in HIS eyes.

Your error is common, for most people ignore the teachings of Christ while feigning loyalty to them.
I'm not ignoring anything. I'm saying you don't have a clue as to what Christ was about.

Jesus said, "If my kingdom were an earthly kingdom, my soldiers would fight that I wouldn't be delivered to the Jews". John 18:36 There you have it, even Jesus says that earthly kingdoms go to war to protect their people.
First off, HE said "servants" or "followers". HE didn't say soldiers. And second, defending your life from deadly force is one thing, making up bullshit excuses so you can go kill brown people, is quite another.

More Bible reading, less guessing.
Then you tell me,

"How would Jesus have bombed Fallujah?"
Iran? They are terrorist supporting scum as bad as Isis. They fund Hamas and Hazballah. They fund terrorist who place roadside bombs that kill our troops. Most of the Iranian people are good people, but the mullahs are no better than ISIS
Hezbollah defends Christians and fights ISIS in Syria and Iraq. As far as I am concerned, the Iranians are on the right side of supporting Hezbollah here. ISIS are lunatics that need to be stopped.
Hazballah kills Christians in order to gain power in Lebanon. Yes ISIS are lunatics and so are the Iranian Mullahs who are developing nukes
Actually they ally with the largest Christian party in Lebanon called the Free Patriotic movement and aid christian militias in syria in the fight against ISIS. There is no evidence they have nuclear weapons. Even heads of Mossad have admitted this.

Lets keep it that way..you can trust the mullahs, your mistake. The Christians in Syria are useful now. anti Assad Christians and muslims in Lebanon are being killed

I met Mori in the basement of a Lutheran church in Berlin’s Zehlendorf district. A 28-year-old refugee who once ran a small business in Iran, he converted to Christianity five years ago and spoke to me on condition that I use only his first name in order to protect his identity. In 2011, delayed on the way to a secret Bible study session, he narrowly escaped when Revolutionary Guards raided his underground Evangelical church. He watched as his friends disappeared into Iran’s prison system; Mori suspects they’ve been killed.

“When you’re Christian in Iran, you can’t speak. You have to keep quiet and not talk about the truth that you know and that you believe in,” he told me. “There is no such thing as a comfortable life in Iran.”
Christianity of course is not alien to Iran. It arrived in ancient Persia not long after the death of Christ and has waxed and waned ever since. But in recent decades, especially in the last few years, things have grown worse. As Washington seeks rapprochement with Tehran over Iran’s nuclear and regional ambitions, the Obama administration must not let its protests over cruel treatment of Christians and other religious minorities fall by the wayside

Who are these anti-assad christians that support syrian rebels who slaughter christian innocents? If they do exist, good for Hezbollah if they kill them, they are betraying their christian brothers in Syria and Iraq. If there are such people, they are in league with Al Nusra and ISIS and should be killed along with all Islamist terrorist scum. Anyone that supports Syrian rebels in anyway is fair game and it is righteous to attack them.

There are hundreds of thousands of Christians in Iran, they continue practice to this day and have representation in parliament. They have lived their for thousands of years and continue to grow actually. Obviously it isn't perfect or ideal anywhere in the Middle East and there is persecution. But all things considered, Iran is one of the few friends middle eastern christians have comparatively. I don't know about this evangelical church. Perhaps there is more to the story, on its face of course it isn't a good thing but I dont trust NYT to give the full story. NY Times is a zionist and anti-christian newspaper that attacks Christians at every point in the US. I don't think they care at all about Christians. They are more interested in demonizing Iran.

Hardly pro-Zionist there is Lots of anti Israel pro "Palestinian" sympathies there. I see where you're coming from now. Christians are imprisoned and tutored in Iran. i'll take Sisi...fuck Iran's mullahs

You should read the gospels more, white Irish Catholic.
I've had my fill of gospels; I don't need any more.

Jesus set up a heavenly kingdom, distinctly not an earthly kingdom. His teachings apply to Christians and have no bearing on the prerogative of nations.
His teachings apply to everyone. We are all equal in HIS eyes.

Your error is common, for most people ignore the teachings of Christ while feigning loyalty to them.
I'm not ignoring anything. I'm saying you don't have a clue as to what Christ was about.

Jesus said, "If my kingdom were an earthly kingdom, my soldiers would fight that I wouldn't be delivered to the Jews". John 18:36 There you have it, even Jesus says that earthly kingdoms go to war to protect their people.
First off, HE said "servants" or "followers". HE didn't say soldiers. And second, defending your life from deadly force is one thing, making up bullshit excuses so you can go kill brown people, is quite another.

More Bible reading, less guessing.
Then you tell me,

"How would Jesus have bombed Fallujah?"

Yeah, protecting innocent children from molestation, rape and beheading is definitely evil.

Buy your underware at k-mart do Ya?
Hezbollah defends Christians and fights ISIS in Syria and Iraq. As far as I am concerned, the Iranians are on the right side of supporting Hezbollah here. ISIS are lunatics that need to be stopped.
Hazballah kills Christians in order to gain power in Lebanon. Yes ISIS are lunatics and so are the Iranian Mullahs who are developing nukes
Actually they ally with the largest Christian party in Lebanon called the Free Patriotic movement and aid christian militias in syria in the fight against ISIS. There is no evidence they have nuclear weapons. Even heads of Mossad have admitted this.

Lets keep it that way..you can trust the mullahs, your mistake. The Christians in Syria are useful now. anti Assad Christians and muslims in Lebanon are being killed

I met Mori in the basement of a Lutheran church in Berlin’s Zehlendorf district. A 28-year-old refugee who once ran a small business in Iran, he converted to Christianity five years ago and spoke to me on condition that I use only his first name in order to protect his identity. In 2011, delayed on the way to a secret Bible study session, he narrowly escaped when Revolutionary Guards raided his underground Evangelical church. He watched as his friends disappeared into Iran’s prison system; Mori suspects they’ve been killed.

“When you’re Christian in Iran, you can’t speak. You have to keep quiet and not talk about the truth that you know and that you believe in,” he told me. “There is no such thing as a comfortable life in Iran.”
Christianity of course is not alien to Iran. It arrived in ancient Persia not long after the death of Christ and has waxed and waned ever since. But in recent decades, especially in the last few years, things have grown worse. As Washington seeks rapprochement with Tehran over Iran’s nuclear and regional ambitions, the Obama administration must not let its protests over cruel treatment of Christians and other religious minorities fall by the wayside

Who are these anti-assad christians that support syrian rebels who slaughter christian innocents? If they do exist, good for Hezbollah if they kill them, they are betraying their christian brothers in Syria and Iraq. If there are such people, they are in league with Al Nusra and ISIS and should be killed along with all Islamist terrorist scum. Anyone that supports Syrian rebels in anyway is fair game and it is righteous to attack them.

There are hundreds of thousands of Christians in Iran, they continue practice to this day and have representation in parliament. They have lived their for thousands of years and continue to grow actually. Obviously it isn't perfect or ideal anywhere in the Middle East and there is persecution. But all things considered, Iran is one of the few friends middle eastern christians have comparatively. I don't know about this evangelical church. Perhaps there is more to the story, on its face of course it isn't a good thing but I dont trust NYT to give the full story. NY Times is a zionist and anti-christian newspaper that attacks Christians at every point in the US. I don't think they care at all about Christians. They are more interested in demonizing Iran.

Hardly pro-Zionist there is Lots of anti Israel pro "Palestinian" sympathies there. I see where you're coming from now. Christians are imprisoned and tutored in Iran. i'll take Sisi...fuck Iran's mullahs

I support Al Sisi, he is a good man, he brought Egypt back from the brink of anarchy and islamic extremism. He is one of the few sunni muslim leaders to condemn Wahhabism.
Hazballah kills Christians in order to gain power in Lebanon. Yes ISIS are lunatics and so are the Iranian Mullahs who are developing nukes
Actually they ally with the largest Christian party in Lebanon called the Free Patriotic movement and aid christian militias in syria in the fight against ISIS. There is no evidence they have nuclear weapons. Even heads of Mossad have admitted this.

Lets keep it that way..you can trust the mullahs, your mistake. The Christians in Syria are useful now. anti Assad Christians and muslims in Lebanon are being killed

I met Mori in the basement of a Lutheran church in Berlin’s Zehlendorf district. A 28-year-old refugee who once ran a small business in Iran, he converted to Christianity five years ago and spoke to me on condition that I use only his first name in order to protect his identity. In 2011, delayed on the way to a secret Bible study session, he narrowly escaped when Revolutionary Guards raided his underground Evangelical church. He watched as his friends disappeared into Iran’s prison system; Mori suspects they’ve been killed.

“When you’re Christian in Iran, you can’t speak. You have to keep quiet and not talk about the truth that you know and that you believe in,” he told me. “There is no such thing as a comfortable life in Iran.”
Christianity of course is not alien to Iran. It arrived in ancient Persia not long after the death of Christ and has waxed and waned ever since. But in recent decades, especially in the last few years, things have grown worse. As Washington seeks rapprochement with Tehran over Iran’s nuclear and regional ambitions, the Obama administration must not let its protests over cruel treatment of Christians and other religious minorities fall by the wayside

Who are these anti-assad christians that support syrian rebels who slaughter christian innocents? If they do exist, good for Hezbollah if they kill them, they are betraying their christian brothers in Syria and Iraq. If there are such people, they are in league with Al Nusra and ISIS and should be killed along with all Islamist terrorist scum. Anyone that supports Syrian rebels in anyway is fair game and it is righteous to attack them.

There are hundreds of thousands of Christians in Iran, they continue practice to this day and have representation in parliament. They have lived their for thousands of years and continue to grow actually. Obviously it isn't perfect or ideal anywhere in the Middle East and there is persecution. But all things considered, Iran is one of the few friends middle eastern christians have comparatively. I don't know about this evangelical church. Perhaps there is more to the story, on its face of course it isn't a good thing but I dont trust NYT to give the full story. NY Times is a zionist and anti-christian newspaper that attacks Christians at every point in the US. I don't think they care at all about Christians. They are more interested in demonizing Iran.

Hardly pro-Zionist there is Lots of anti Israel pro "Palestinian" sympathies there. I see where you're coming from now. Christians are imprisoned and tutored in Iran. i'll take Sisi...fuck Iran's mullahs

I support Al Sisi, he is a good man, he brought Egypt back from the brink of anarchy and islamic extremism. He is one of the few sunni muslim leaders to condemn Wahhabism.

That's good, as far as NY Times being" Zionist" you're way off base on that crap

study Documents NY Times' Anti-Israel Bias

A new study by a media-monitoring organization exposes the New York Times' consistent anti-Israel, pro-Palestinian bias in its coverage of the Middle East conflict.

The study was conducted by the Committee for Accuracy in Middle Eastern Reporting in America (CAMERA), which claims 65,000 U.S. members across a broad political spectrum.

CAMERA investigated the Times' coverage between July 1 and Dec. 31, 2011, and says the probe "reveals empirically that there is real cause for concern. The dominant finding of the study is a disproportionate, continuous, embedded indictment of Israel that dominates both news and commentary sections. Israeli views are downplayed while Palestinian perspectives, especially criticism of Israel, are amplified and even promoted."

Among the findings of the CAMERA study:

  • The Times presents criticism of Israel more than twice as often as it criticizes the Palestinians. Of 275 passages in the news pages classified as criticism, 187 were critical of Israel while 88 criticized the Palestinians.
  • Of 37 articles mentioning Israel's border policies and naval blockade of Gaza, just six cited Israel's goal of preventing weapons from entering Gaza and even fewer noted that weapons in Gaza often are fired into Israel.
  • When the Times reported on the Israeli military boarding a Turkish ship carrying pro-Palestinian activists, only eight of 37 articles mentioned the activists' violence that precipitated the use of firearms by the Israelis.
  • Twelve headlines mentioned Palestinian fatalities in the conflict, while none explicitly mentioned Israeli deaths, even though 14 Israelis were killed during the study period.
  • Israeli actions frequently were cited as obstacles to peace, but the Palestinian Authority's refusal to recognize a Jewish state was never described as an obstacle.
  • On the paper's opinion pages, editorials consistently blamed Israel for the Palestinian-Israel conflict. Of 20 editorials, columns, and Op-Eds cited by CAMERA, 15 predominantly criticized Israel and none predominantly criticized the Palestinians.
CAMERA concludes: "Although the [Israeli-Palestinian] conflict is a matter of great controversy, with loud voices on all sides seeking to make their case, only one side's concerns are promoted in The Times, while the opposing side is marginalized."

NY Times Anti-Israel Bias Proven
Actually they ally with the largest Christian party in Lebanon called the Free Patriotic movement and aid christian militias in syria in the fight against ISIS. There is no evidence they have nuclear weapons. Even heads of Mossad have admitted this.

Lets keep it that way..you can trust the mullahs, your mistake. The Christians in Syria are useful now. anti Assad Christians and muslims in Lebanon are being killed

I met Mori in the basement of a Lutheran church in Berlin’s Zehlendorf district. A 28-year-old refugee who once ran a small business in Iran, he converted to Christianity five years ago and spoke to me on condition that I use only his first name in order to protect his identity. In 2011, delayed on the way to a secret Bible study session, he narrowly escaped when Revolutionary Guards raided his underground Evangelical church. He watched as his friends disappeared into Iran’s prison system; Mori suspects they’ve been killed.

“When you’re Christian in Iran, you can’t speak. You have to keep quiet and not talk about the truth that you know and that you believe in,” he told me. “There is no such thing as a comfortable life in Iran.”
Christianity of course is not alien to Iran. It arrived in ancient Persia not long after the death of Christ and has waxed and waned ever since. But in recent decades, especially in the last few years, things have grown worse. As Washington seeks rapprochement with Tehran over Iran’s nuclear and regional ambitions, the Obama administration must not let its protests over cruel treatment of Christians and other religious minorities fall by the wayside

Who are these anti-assad christians that support syrian rebels who slaughter christian innocents? If they do exist, good for Hezbollah if they kill them, they are betraying their christian brothers in Syria and Iraq. If there are such people, they are in league with Al Nusra and ISIS and should be killed along with all Islamist terrorist scum. Anyone that supports Syrian rebels in anyway is fair game and it is righteous to attack them.

There are hundreds of thousands of Christians in Iran, they continue practice to this day and have representation in parliament. They have lived their for thousands of years and continue to grow actually. Obviously it isn't perfect or ideal anywhere in the Middle East and there is persecution. But all things considered, Iran is one of the few friends middle eastern christians have comparatively. I don't know about this evangelical church. Perhaps there is more to the story, on its face of course it isn't a good thing but I dont trust NYT to give the full story. NY Times is a zionist and anti-christian newspaper that attacks Christians at every point in the US. I don't think they care at all about Christians. They are more interested in demonizing Iran.

Hardly pro-Zionist there is Lots of anti Israel pro "Palestinian" sympathies there. I see where you're coming from now. Christians are imprisoned and tutored in Iran. i'll take Sisi...fuck Iran's mullahs

I support Al Sisi, he is a good man, he brought Egypt back from the brink of anarchy and islamic extremism. He is one of the few sunni muslim leaders to condemn Wahhabism.

That's good, as far as NY Times being" Zionist" you're way off base on that crap

study Documents NY Times' Anti-Israel Bias

A new study by a media-monitoring organization exposes the New York Times' consistent anti-Israel, pro-Palestinian bias in its coverage of the Middle East conflict.

The study was conducted by the Committee for Accuracy in Middle Eastern Reporting in America (CAMERA), which claims 65,000 U.S. members across a broad political spectrum.

CAMERA investigated the Times' coverage between July 1 and Dec. 31, 2011, and says the probe "reveals empirically that there is real cause for concern. The dominant finding of the study is a disproportionate, continuous, embedded indictment of Israel that dominates both news and commentary sections. Israeli views are downplayed while Palestinian perspectives, especially criticism of Israel, are amplified and even promoted."

Among the findings of the CAMERA study:

  • The Times presents criticism of Israel more than twice as often as it criticizes the Palestinians. Of 275 passages in the news pages classified as criticism, 187 were critical of Israel while 88 criticized the Palestinians.
  • Of 37 articles mentioning Israel's border policies and naval blockade of Gaza, just six cited Israel's goal of preventing weapons from entering Gaza and even fewer noted that weapons in Gaza often are fired into Israel.
  • When the Times reported on the Israeli military boarding a Turkish ship carrying pro-Palestinian activists, only eight of 37 articles mentioned the activists' violence that precipitated the use of firearms by the Israelis.
  • Twelve headlines mentioned Palestinian fatalities in the conflict, while none explicitly mentioned Israeli deaths, even though 14 Israelis were killed during the study period.
  • Israeli actions frequently were cited as obstacles to peace, but the Palestinian Authority's refusal to recognize a Jewish state was never described as an obstacle.
  • On the paper's opinion pages, editorials consistently blamed Israel for the Palestinian-Israel conflict. Of 20 editorials, columns, and Op-Eds cited by CAMERA, 15 predominantly criticized Israel and none predominantly criticized the Palestinians.
CAMERA concludes: "Although the [Israeli-Palestinian] conflict is a matter of great controversy, with loud voices on all sides seeking to make their case, only one side's concerns are promoted in The Times, while the opposing side is marginalized."

NY Times Anti-Israel Bias Proven

So an explicitly pro-israel organization says NY Times isn't pro-Israel enough? You don't think they have bias at all being explicitly pro-Israel? That they may misinterpret remarks due to it? NY Times may not be strongly neo-conservative like CAMERA, but they are liberal zionists, though they definitely have neo-conservative columnists as well. You can disagree with Israeli government policy of one administration in certain cases and still be zionist. In fact, Israel was founded by mostly left wing zionists and socialists, not right wingers like Netanyahu. The American people aren't aware of the many crimes in Gaza and West Bank, because US media like New York Times doesn't cover it. The people in the US don't get the full story.

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