Obama Just Compared Christianity With Islam…At National Prayer Breakfast

Channeling his Rev Wright..


"And lest we get on our high horse and think this is unique to some other place, remember that during the crusades and the Inquisition, people committed terrible deeds in the name of Christ."

Both the crusades and the Inquisition happened in the 13th Century or earlier, many hundreds of years before the establishment of the United States.

"In our own country, slavery, Jim crow, so often was justified in the name of Christ," Obama continued. And he mentioned the collision of faiths in India.

"So it's not unique to one group or one religion. There is a tendency in us -- a sinful tendency -- that can pervert and distort our faith."

Obama People Committed Terrible Deeds in the Name of Christ CNS News

Coulda been worse, and you and I both know it. ;) Coulda compared it to Judaism. :)

You think the Jews kill more people than Muslims? You're delusional
Channeling his Rev Wright..


"And lest we get on our high horse and think this is unique to some other place, remember that during the crusades and the Inquisition, people committed terrible deeds in the name of Christ."

Both the crusades and the Inquisition happened in the 13th Century or earlier, many hundreds of years before the establishment of the United States.

"In our own country, slavery, Jim crow, so often was justified in the name of Christ," Obama continued. And he mentioned the collision of faiths in India.

"So it's not unique to one group or one religion. There is a tendency in us -- a sinful tendency -- that can pervert and distort our faith."

Obama People Committed Terrible Deeds in the Name of Christ CNS News

Coulda been worse, and you and I both know it. ;) Coulda compared it to Judaism. :)

There is no comparison to the islamic nutjobs.:thup:

As you well know there's nothing Muslims, or those claiming to be Muslims are doing right now that isn't in our own Torah. Be it kill non-Jews, other disbelievers, execute gays and adulterers, Sabbath-breakers, etc. it's all right there in our own holy book.

While we also have a system of checks and balances requiring trials and finding of facts before youe xecute somebody for these things and anyone killing a gay person or Sabbath breaker without trial is equally setenced to death, it's unfair to condemn a religion for the actions of those probably not actually following it if your own religion says the very same things.

I don't know Qur'an well enough to know if they have a similar requirement for trying religious crimes like Judaism does or not. But I'd guess that while Islam calls for the death of people for various things, so does our's.

The Torah says to kill infidels? I missed that part.

Even if it were true, so you think Christians having a statement in the bible they aren't doing makes them equivalent to muslims who are killing tens of thousands a year? Seriously?

Liberals are contortionists with this one, don't hurt yourself...
Channeling his Rev Wright..


"And lest we get on our high horse and think this is unique to some other place, remember that during the crusades and the Inquisition, people committed terrible deeds in the name of Christ."

Both the crusades and the Inquisition happened in the 13th Century or earlier, many hundreds of years before the establishment of the United States.

"In our own country, slavery, Jim crow, so often was justified in the name of Christ," Obama continued. And he mentioned the collision of faiths in India.

"So it's not unique to one group or one religion. There is a tendency in us -- a sinful tendency -- that can pervert and distort our faith."

Obama People Committed Terrible Deeds in the Name of Christ CNS News

Coulda been worse, and you and I both know it. ;) Coulda compared it to Judaism. :)

There is no comparison to the islamic nutjobs.:thup:

As you well know there's nothing Muslims, or those claiming to be Muslims are doing right now that isn't in our own Torah. Be it kill non-Jews, other disbelievers, execute gays and adulterers, Sabbath-breakers, etc. it's all right there in our own holy book.

While we also have a system of checks and balances requiring trials and finding of facts before youe xecute somebody for these things and anyone killing a gay person or Sabbath breaker without trial is equally setenced to death, it's unfair to condemn a religion for the actions of those probably not actually following it if your own religion says the very same things.

I don't know Qur'an well enough to know if they have a similar requirement for trying religious crimes like Judaism does or not. But I'd guess that while Islam calls for the death of people for various things, so does our's.

As I well know you're a sick, twisted, nutjob That much i do know. radical muslims are slaughtering and enslaving people. I don't a history lesson from a nutjob like yourself or Obama for that matter
Channeling his Rev Wright..


"And lest we get on our high horse and think this is unique to some other place, remember that during the crusades and the Inquisition, people committed terrible deeds in the name of Christ."

Both the crusades and the Inquisition happened in the 13th Century or earlier, many hundreds of years before the establishment of the United States.

"In our own country, slavery, Jim crow, so often was justified in the name of Christ," Obama continued. And he mentioned the collision of faiths in India.

"So it's not unique to one group or one religion. There is a tendency in us -- a sinful tendency -- that can pervert and distort our faith."

Obama People Committed Terrible Deeds in the Name of Christ CNS News

Coulda been worse, and you and I both know it. ;) Coulda compared it to Judaism. :)

You think the Jews kill more people than Muslims? You're delusional

7% of US domestic terror attacks have been by Jews, 6% have been by Muslims, over 80% by Christians. - FBI stat you can google at your leisure.

There's a difference between being a given faith, and claiming you are when you do something illegal. Can justify anything including murder in the name of religion, and people have in every religion so far. Even Buddhism has its' terrorists. But is a Buddhist who murders following Buddhism very well? No. Likewise is a Christian who murders a very good example of Christianity? Should be condemn all of Christianity for the actions of a insignificant minority? If not, why do we do that when it comes to Islam?

Quit doing stupid stuff. ;)
Channeling his Rev Wright..


"And lest we get on our high horse and think this is unique to some other place, remember that during the crusades and the Inquisition, people committed terrible deeds in the name of Christ."

Both the crusades and the Inquisition happened in the 13th Century or earlier, many hundreds of years before the establishment of the United States.

"In our own country, slavery, Jim crow, so often was justified in the name of Christ," Obama continued. And he mentioned the collision of faiths in India.

"So it's not unique to one group or one religion. There is a tendency in us -- a sinful tendency -- that can pervert and distort our faith."

Obama People Committed Terrible Deeds in the Name of Christ CNS News

Coulda been worse, and you and I both know it. ;) Coulda compared it to Judaism. :)

There is no comparison to the islamic nutjobs.:thup:

As you well know there's nothing Muslims, or those claiming to be Muslims are doing right now that isn't in our own Torah. Be it kill non-Jews, other disbelievers, execute gays and adulterers, Sabbath-breakers, etc. it's all right there in our own holy book.

While we also have a system of checks and balances requiring trials and finding of facts before youe xecute somebody for these things and anyone killing a gay person or Sabbath breaker without trial is equally setenced to death, it's unfair to condemn a religion for the actions of those probably not actually following it if your own religion says the very same things.

I don't know Qur'an well enough to know if they have a similar requirement for trying religious crimes like Judaism does or not. But I'd guess that while Islam calls for the death of people for various things, so does our's.

As I well know you're a sick, twisted, nutjob That much i do know. radical muslims are slaughtering and enslaving people. I don't a history lesson from a nutjob like yourself or Obama for that matter

Funny how the peaceniks are the sick twisted nutjobs, but the bigoted pro-war types aren't.
Channeling his Rev Wright..


"And lest we get on our high horse and think this is unique to some other place, remember that during the crusades and the Inquisition, people committed terrible deeds in the name of Christ."

Both the crusades and the Inquisition happened in the 13th Century or earlier, many hundreds of years before the establishment of the United States.

"In our own country, slavery, Jim crow, so often was justified in the name of Christ," Obama continued. And he mentioned the collision of faiths in India.

"So it's not unique to one group or one religion. There is a tendency in us -- a sinful tendency -- that can pervert and distort our faith."

Obama People Committed Terrible Deeds in the Name of Christ CNS News

Coulda been worse, and you and I both know it. ;) Coulda compared it to Judaism. :)

You think the Jews kill more people than Muslims? You're delusional

7% of US domestic terror attacks have been by Jews, 6% have been by Muslims, over 80% by Christians. - FBI stat you can google at your leisure.

There's a difference between being a given faith, and claiming you are when you do something illegal. Can justify anything including murder in the name of religion, and people have in every religion so far. Even Buddhism has its' terrorists. But is a Buddhist who murders following Buddhism very well? No. Likewise is a Christian who murders a very good example of Christianity? Should be condemn all of Christianity for the actions of a insignificant minority? If not, why do we do that when it comes to Islam?

Quit doing stupid stuff. ;)

There are very few terrorist attacks in the name of religion here, other than the muslim nutjobs, and a lot have been stopped before they happened. Still others have simply been declared "workplace violence" Thank G-d. and there are very few muslims in this country, we are 80% Christian so your % are pretty much meaningless

Coulda been worse, and you and I both know it. ;) Coulda compared it to Judaism. :)

There is no comparison to the islamic nutjobs.:thup:

As you well know there's nothing Muslims, or those claiming to be Muslims are doing right now that isn't in our own Torah. Be it kill non-Jews, other disbelievers, execute gays and adulterers, Sabbath-breakers, etc. it's all right there in our own holy book.

While we also have a system of checks and balances requiring trials and finding of facts before youe xecute somebody for these things and anyone killing a gay person or Sabbath breaker without trial is equally setenced to death, it's unfair to condemn a religion for the actions of those probably not actually following it if your own religion says the very same things.

I don't know Qur'an well enough to know if they have a similar requirement for trying religious crimes like Judaism does or not. But I'd guess that while Islam calls for the death of people for various things, so does our's.

As I well know you're a sick, twisted, nutjob That much i do know. radical muslims are slaughtering and enslaving people. I don't a history lesson from a nutjob like yourself or Obama for that matter

Funny how the peaceniks are the sick twisted nutjobs, but the bigoted pro-war types aren't.

Nope sick people like you who post about your sexual preferences and encounters your a sick fucker.
Channeling his Rev Wright..


"And lest we get on our high horse and think this is unique to some other place, remember that during the crusades and the Inquisition, people committed terrible deeds in the name of Christ."

Both the crusades and the Inquisition happened in the 13th Century or earlier, many hundreds of years before the establishment of the United States.

"In our own country, slavery, Jim crow, so often was justified in the name of Christ," Obama continued. And he mentioned the collision of faiths in India.

"So it's not unique to one group or one religion. There is a tendency in us -- a sinful tendency -- that can pervert and distort our faith."

Obama People Committed Terrible Deeds in the Name of Christ CNS News

Coulda been worse, and you and I both know it. ;) Coulda compared it to Judaism. :)

You think the Jews kill more people than Muslims? You're delusional

7% of US domestic terror attacks have been by Jews, 6% have been by Muslims, over 80% by Christians. - FBI stat you can google at your leisure.

There's a difference between being a given faith, and claiming you are when you do something illegal. Can justify anything including murder in the name of religion, and people have in every religion so far. Even Buddhism has its' terrorists. But is a Buddhist who murders following Buddhism very well? No. Likewise is a Christian who murders a very good example of Christianity? Should be condemn all of Christianity for the actions of a insignificant minority? If not, why do we do that when it comes to Islam?

Quit doing stupid stuff. ;)

there are very few terrorist attacks in the name of religion here, other than the muslim nutjobs and a lot have been stopped before they happened still others have simply been declared "workplace violence" Thank G-d. and there are very few muslims in this country and we are 80% christian so your % are pretty much meaningless

FBI's, not mine personally.

There are more incidents of terrorism in the US since 9/11 by Christians than Muslims. Muslims have ahigher body count by only because of the unprecedented attacks on 9/11. Removed from the stats it's comparable. And in terms of just incidents, Christian actors have a dozen times more strikes.

Any fool can look statstics up, but only the biggest fools continue to refute them.
No, what I am saying is that by remaining silent, the Church preserved the lives of scores of thousands of clerics, living in the occupied territories, and allowed the Church to continue its pastoral and relief work throughout Europe, upon which many millions depended.

Not that thousands of dead priests would be a bad thing. THink of all the bungholes on Altar Boys that would have been saved.

But, no. The church was cowardly and on the wrong side of history, period. The Church sided with the fascists because they feared the Communists more. Period.
Your anti-God and anti-religion and anti-Catholic bias is almost as strong as your anti-Jewish anti-Israeli bias, and all that makes you an unreliable discussion partner in this.

Guy, this isn't about me.

It's about how the Catholic Church put its material and worldly wealth above it's obligation to speak out against evil.

and shit, they are STILL trying to play it off like they didn't do anything wrong. Let's make Pius XII's Nazi-loving ass a Saint.
No, this isn't about you, but your strong and well-known biases color your argument to an extent worthy of comment.

There has been much back-and-forth about this over the years, and, wealth aside, we are looking at great risk to the lives and well-being of scores of thousands of priests and nuns and monks, and great risk to churches being allowed to remain open, and, consequently, great risk to the vast continent-wide pastoral and charitable-relief missions operated by the Church - one of the few remaining bright spots of comfort during the long Nazi Nightmare - if Pius XII had defied Hitler... not to mention Pius XII's own life put at great risk.

Did any comparable religious leader, of any other branch of Christianity or separate faith, facing similar stakes for his followers, thus embedded in a completely conquered and Axis-controlled territory, openly and publicly call for defiance of the conqueror-occupiers?

I don't think so.

Hell, even the damned Concordat was merely an attempt to get The Beast to agree to leave the Church alone, so that it could continue its work on behalf of the faithful.

Personally, I don't think Pius XII was a 'saint', but I think the guy has probably gotten a bum rap, owing to a lack of understanding of what he was trying to protect; not the wealth of the Church, but to keep his thousands of priests and nuns and monks alive and safe, and to keep his thousands of churches open and up-and-running, so that those churches could continue their pastoral and charitable-relief missions during a very dark time for Europe, when the people of the continent needed every bit of comfort and help they could get.

But that's just me.

That's right. The Pope could not afford to make enemies, not only because of Hitler but Fascist Italy who might just decide to disregard the sovereignty of Vatican City. The hand he played allowed him to save thousands of Jews, whereas the pope bashing asswipe you're talking to never saved a Jew in his life.
there's a place reserved in hell for some people. another opinion

High horses and bull puckey: Professor Obama’s history lesson a dud
posted at 2:01 pm on February 6, 2015 by Ed Morrissey

If Barack Obama missed the incongruity of lecturing today’s Christians about their attachment to the Crusades and slavery while dismissing connections between Islam and ISIS, al-Qaeda, and other present threats from Islamist terror groups, he may have been the only one who did. Noah skewered it as “Voxplaining Islamist fundamentalism,” but it’s worse than that — and plenty of people noticed. The Washington Post reports on the blowback, with critics arguing that the President of the United States has more important tasks than finger-wagging about events from 600 or more years ago … like developing a national strategy to fight the threats in this century:

Obama’s remarks spoke to his unsparing, sometimes controversial, view of the United States — where triumphalism is often overshadowed by a harsh assessment of where Americans must try harder to live up to their own self-image. Only by admitting these shortcomings, he has argued, can we fix problems and move beyond them.

“There is a tendency in us, a sinful tendency, that can pervert and distort our faith,” he said at the breakfast.

But many critics believe that the president needs to focus more on enemies of the United States.

Russell Moore, president of the Southern Baptist Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission, called Obama’s comments about Christianity “an unfortunate attempt at a wrongheaded moral comparison.”

What we need more is a “moral framework from the administration and a clear strategy for defeating ISIS,” he said, using an acronym for the Islamic State.

Also at the Post, Aaron Blake notices that Obama refuses to link Islam to present terrorism in the same way he linked Christianity to the Crusades and slavery, and that even Democrats are beginning to tire of it:

ALL of it here:
High horses and bull puckey Professor Obama 8217 s history lesson a dud Hot Air



Coulda been worse, and you and I both know it. ;) Coulda compared it to Judaism. :)

You think the Jews kill more people than Muslims? You're delusional

7% of US domestic terror attacks have been by Jews, 6% have been by Muslims, over 80% by Christians. - FBI stat you can google at your leisure.

There's a difference between being a given faith, and claiming you are when you do something illegal. Can justify anything including murder in the name of religion, and people have in every religion so far. Even Buddhism has its' terrorists. But is a Buddhist who murders following Buddhism very well? No. Likewise is a Christian who murders a very good example of Christianity? Should be condemn all of Christianity for the actions of a insignificant minority? If not, why do we do that when it comes to Islam?

Quit doing stupid stuff. ;)

there are very few terrorist attacks in the name of religion here, other than the muslim nutjobs and a lot have been stopped before they happened still others have simply been declared "workplace violence" Thank G-d. and there are very few muslims in this country and we are 80% christian so your % are pretty much meaningless

FBI's, not mine personally.

There are more incidents of terrorism in the US since 9/11 by Christians than Muslims. Muslims have ahigher body count by only because of the unprecedented attacks on 9/11. Removed from the stats it's comparable. And in terms of just incidents, Christian actors have a dozen times more strikes.

Any fool can look statstics up, but only the biggest fools continue to refute them.

Yeah... You're a friken genius:eusa_wall: Do your stats consider the 100s of American muslims who've fought over seas for the enemy and killed our people? Radical islam is on the move and all morons like you can talk about is stupid, irrelevant, statistics and ignorant ass history
Coulda been worse, and you and I both know it. ;) Coulda compared it to Judaism. :)

You think the Jews kill more people than Muslims? You're delusional

7% of US domestic terror attacks have been by Jews, 6% have been by Muslims, over 80% by Christians. - FBI stat you can google at your leisure.

There's a difference between being a given faith, and claiming you are when you do something illegal. Can justify anything including murder in the name of religion, and people have in every religion so far. Even Buddhism has its' terrorists. But is a Buddhist who murders following Buddhism very well? No. Likewise is a Christian who murders a very good example of Christianity? Should be condemn all of Christianity for the actions of a insignificant minority? If not, why do we do that when it comes to Islam?

Quit doing stupid stuff. ;)

there are very few terrorist attacks in the name of religion here, other than the muslim nutjobs and a lot have been stopped before they happened still others have simply been declared "workplace violence" Thank G-d. and there are very few muslims in this country and we are 80% christian so your % are pretty much meaningless

FBI's, not mine personally.

There are more incidents of terrorism in the US since 9/11 by Christians than Muslims. Muslims have ahigher body count by only because of the unprecedented attacks on 9/11. Removed from the stats it's comparable. And in terms of just incidents, Christian actors have a dozen times more strikes.

Any fool can look statstics up, but only the biggest fools continue to refute them.
Yeah... You're a friken genius:eusa_wall: Do your stats consider the 100s of American muslims who've fought over seas for the enemy and killed our people? Radical islam is on the move and all morons like you can talk about is stupid, irrelevant, statistics and ignorant ass history

Whereas fools such as yourself can only talk period. Been a thing for over 30 years. You ever gonna do anything, or just bitch and whine online?
The Muslim Communist Organizer still meets regularly with his Muslim Brotherhood buds. New reports on that came out today. The man is and always has been an Un-American fraud. But it looks like the truth is now seeping out into the public.

His Communist/Progressive comrades in the Press aren't covering for him as much anymore. They view him as 'old news' now. It's onto Hillary and the fake Indian Elizabeth Warren. He's getting real close to being on his own.
You think the Jews kill more people than Muslims? You're delusional

7% of US domestic terror attacks have been by Jews, 6% have been by Muslims, over 80% by Christians. - FBI stat you can google at your leisure.

There's a difference between being a given faith, and claiming you are when you do something illegal. Can justify anything including murder in the name of religion, and people have in every religion so far. Even Buddhism has its' terrorists. But is a Buddhist who murders following Buddhism very well? No. Likewise is a Christian who murders a very good example of Christianity? Should be condemn all of Christianity for the actions of a insignificant minority? If not, why do we do that when it comes to Islam?

Quit doing stupid stuff. ;)

there are very few terrorist attacks in the name of religion here, other than the muslim nutjobs and a lot have been stopped before they happened still others have simply been declared "workplace violence" Thank G-d. and there are very few muslims in this country and we are 80% christian so your % are pretty much meaningless

FBI's, not mine personally.

There are more incidents of terrorism in the US since 9/11 by Christians than Muslims. Muslims have ahigher body count by only because of the unprecedented attacks on 9/11. Removed from the stats it's comparable. And in terms of just incidents, Christian actors have a dozen times more strikes.

Any fool can look statstics up, but only the biggest fools continue to refute them.
Yeah... You're a friken genius:eusa_wall: Do your stats consider the 100s of American muslims who've fought over seas for the enemy and killed our people? Radical islam is on the move and all morons like you can talk about is stupid, irrelevant, statistics and ignorant ass history

Whereas fools such as yourself can only talk period. Been a thing for over 30 years. You ever gonna do anything, or just bitch and whine online?
Step into the real world . People like you and Obama trivialize militant islam.
7% of US domestic terror attacks have been by Jews, 6% have been by Muslims, over 80% by Christians. - FBI stat you can google at your leisure.

There's a difference between being a given faith, and claiming you are when you do something illegal. Can justify anything including murder in the name of religion, and people have in every religion so far. Even Buddhism has its' terrorists. But is a Buddhist who murders following Buddhism very well? No. Likewise is a Christian who murders a very good example of Christianity? Should be condemn all of Christianity for the actions of a insignificant minority? If not, why do we do that when it comes to Islam?

Quit doing stupid stuff. ;)

there are very few terrorist attacks in the name of religion here, other than the muslim nutjobs and a lot have been stopped before they happened still others have simply been declared "workplace violence" Thank G-d. and there are very few muslims in this country and we are 80% christian so your % are pretty much meaningless

FBI's, not mine personally.

There are more incidents of terrorism in the US since 9/11 by Christians than Muslims. Muslims have ahigher body count by only because of the unprecedented attacks on 9/11. Removed from the stats it's comparable. And in terms of just incidents, Christian actors have a dozen times more strikes.

Any fool can look statstics up, but only the biggest fools continue to refute them.
Yeah... You're a friken genius:eusa_wall: Do your stats consider the 100s of American muslims who've fought over seas for the enemy and killed our people? Radical islam is on the move and all morons like you can talk about is stupid, irrelevant, statistics and ignorant ass history

Whereas fools such as yourself can only talk period. Been a thing for over 30 years. You ever gonna do anything, or just bitch and whine online?
Step into the real world . People like you and Obama trivialize militant islam.

That's because he's a Muslim Communist Organizer. Looks like more & more Americans are finally coming to grips with that reality.

Excuse me?

OK... got it.


Blow it out your ass, Arab ass-kisser.

Yes. Stupid beyond words.

They've been LYING to you for 14 years now about this "War on Islam', and you keep falling for it.

While you watch them box up the good jobs and send them to some third world rathole, some of them inhabited by- Muslims.

and you just sit there and say, "Derpa, derp, damned Muslims don't love Freedom like we do."

Who is "they"?

And what lies have they told me?

And which ones do I believe?

And whatever led you to believe that I perceive the Islamic Threat Vector in simplistic terms?

And, finally, whatever led you to post an irrelevant family photo on an impersonal message board like this?
You mean like the Muslims murdering Jews in Israel that you support?

LOL, you talking about anyone being crazy is a hoot.

You mean Muslims killing the Zionists who stole their land. The same shit you'd do if Mexicans did the same thing to you?

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