Obama Just Compared Christianity With Islam…At National Prayer Breakfast

7% of US domestic terror attacks have been by Jews, 6% have been by Muslims, over 80% by Christians. - FBI stat you can google at your leisure.

Actually, the FBI doesn't track terror by religion. Do you know why? What Muslim sympathizer made that decision? I'll give you a hint, he lives on Pennsylvania avenue and his middle name is Hussein. LOL.

If those stats were true, clearly everyone not Muslim or Jewisn is being counted as "Christian." Do the math. but what is the definition of terror act? And most importantly, where did the standard that Muslims only get counted for terror acts in the US.

There's a difference between being a given faith, and claiming you are when you do something illegal. Can justify anything including murder in the name of religion, and people have in every religion so far. Even Buddhism has its' terrorists. But is a Buddhist who murders following Buddhism very well? No. Likewise is a Christian who murders a very good example of Christianity? Should be condemn all of Christianity for the actions of a insignificant minority? If not, why do we do that when it comes to Islam?

OK, dumb as bricks, no one is arguing all Muslims should be blamed, we are arguing Muslim has a terror problem. Watch the news. And then while you say not to blame Muslims, you say Jews are worse? Do you even read your own crap?

Quit doing stupid stuff. ;)
You hold yourself to the standard of clearing a line pained on the floor while arguing I'm responsible for a standard I never said, then tell me not to do "stupid stuff?" Stupid stuff is all you do.
Thank G-d. and there are very few muslims in this country and we are 80% christian so your % are pretty much meaningless
FBI's, not mine personally.

There are more incidents of terrorism in the US since 9/11 by Christians than Muslims. Muslims have ahigher body count by only because of the unprecedented attacks on 9/11. Removed from the stats it's comparable. And in terms of just incidents, Christian actors have a dozen times more strikes.

Any fool can look statstics up, but only the biggest fools continue to refute them.

Actually, the biggest fools keep citing an FBI stat they don't bother to look up themselves so they don't know the FBI doesn't gather that stat because Hussein directed them not to. Why do you suppose he did that? To protect those violent ... Jews?

What a tool
I've never lived in a place where my neighbors considered killing me a major accomplishment. It seems this happens to you guys all the time.

Do you ever wonder why that is?

You didn't answer the question. Why does this happen to Jews "all the time"

I don't think it's incumbant on me to answer the question. I'm not the ones who piss people off to the point they think pogroms and holocausts and jihads are nifty ideas.

but maybe you can understand them why the Jew hate? how do those Jews "piss people off"? you asked the question as if you knew the answer. whats your opinion?
Whereas fools such as yourself can only talk period. Been a thing for over 30 years. You ever gonna do anything, or just bitch and whine online?


I don't agree with the Republican strategy, but did you just seriously say that? Republicans are hawks who keep getting in everyone's business, but they just bitch and whine, they don't do anything.

Maybe you should write down your positions so you can remember them...
You mean like the Muslims murdering Jews in Israel that you support?

LOL, you talking about anyone being crazy is a hoot.

You mean Muslims killing the Zionists who stole their land. The same shit you'd do if Mexicans did the same thing to you?

So when you respond to my point that you support terrorism and murder when it supports a cause you believe in, like killing Jews, then it's OK, is that somehow supposed to rebut my point? You think terrorists don't normally support their cause? Or they don't normally support your cause? What is that supposed to even mean?

Now if we could only get the Muslims to target the Mormons, eh Adolph?
You didn't answer the question. Why does this happen to Jews "all the time"
I don't think it's incumbant on me to answer the question. I'm not the ones who piss people off to the point they think pogroms and holocausts and jihads are nifty ideas.
but maybe you can understand them why the Jew hate? how do those Jews "piss people off"? you asked the question as if you knew the answer. whats your opinion?

Joe's just demonstrating that he's not bat shit crazy by explaining that the Holocaust and Muslims murdering Jews is their own fault because they piss them off.

The scary part actually is he hates Mormons more than Jews. Good thing he's not bat shit crazy, isn't it Jroc?
And whatever led you to believe that I perceive the Islamic Threat Vector in simplistic terms?

And, finally, whatever led you to post an irrelevant family photo on an impersonal message board like this?

I thought that was a very nice picture of the Kondor Family reunion... I'm surprised you didn't share it with everyone...
Enough of the moronic photos and thinly-veiled family pokes.

You are defending the indefensible... namely, Obama's faux equivalencies between Christian violence of 1000 (Crusades) or 500 (Inquisition) years ago, versus the Islamic violence of today, and Obama's de facto giving of rationalization or equalizing or justifying metaphorical ammunition to our adversaries; a.k.a. giving aid and comfort to the Enemy.

...Anyway, Cleetus, whenever you try to claim Muslims are like this Borg Hive-mind, you really are about as simplistic as can be...
Never claimed any such thing.

And you will not be allowed to get away with trying to pitch it as such, without challenge.

What I DO claim is that the basic or Core Teachings of Islam are saturated with rationalizations and divine permissions to wage war and to commit religiously-motivated violence and oppression against Unbelievers and those who accost The Faithful, and that these Core Teachings set Islam apart from its peers, as a far more dangerous seedbed of radicalism.

...If roles were reversed, if some technologically superior force made YOUR life a living hell, you'd do the same thing they are doing now.
Yes, folks, there we see it... rationalizing and excusing the actions of The Enemy - namely, Radical Militant Islam.

Kissing cousins to Tokyo Rose and Lord Haw-Haw, Pierre Laval, Philippe Petain, Vidkun Quisling, Benedict Arnold, Judas, and all that lot.

Newsflash, my little Arab butt-buddy...

Muslim polities routinely antagonize and strike out at their Muslim neighbors dominated by different sect-beliefs, and Infidel -dominated states.

They've been doing it off and on since the 7th Century (Anno Domini), right up to and including our present age.

They do this because they are - at their core - a Warrior Religion, rather than a Religion of Peace.

They are a Warrior Religion owing to the basic or Core Teachings left behind by their Founder (Muhammed) and his hallucinatory vision of The Godhead, which foster and encourage warfare and violence in a wide-ranging variety of circumstances, and which, through reinterpretation by any street-corner mullah with a hard-on for Infidels, leaves it supremely susceptible to manipulation to commit such violence. Basically, their vision of the godhead empowers them in this fashion, and they cannot stop themselves.

We did not begin messing with them, on any sort of broad scale, until they began threatening our interests.

Islam is a poison pill for The West - incompatible with modern Western culture and values and governance and personal freedoms and womens rights and the rest.

Transplanted beyond its domains, into regions of The West, it is to be tolerated, but watched closely, and perpetually. It is not to be trusted.

As the dumbass Euros are beginning to understand, having made the mistake of allowing so many of them to pour into their countries over the past few decades.


And, as a point of interest to any good atheist... in regions where a fundamentalist variant or enforcement of Islam holds sway... they'll work on killing-off the atheists and agnostics and gays and womens rights folk, before they turn on the Jews and Christians.

That means that in areas where they are allowed to control, through fundamentalist teachings and practices, that they'll come for you, as an atheist, long before they come for most other folks.

The trick is, not to allow such variants to spread widely, lest other cultures and civilizations and traditions and belief systems and societies be placed in mortal danger.

Ultimately, that is why we (the US, and The West in general) have committed to regular watchfulness and periodic interventions, during this phase of Islamic re-awakening and re-militarization.

It has far less to do with oil and military-industrial complexes and such than it does long-term cultural survival and the occasional preemption or intervention required to assure such survival.


And, getting back to the OP...

Defenders of Obama in this context, are defending the indefensible...

Stupidly equating Christian violence of 1000 (Crusades) or 500 (Inquisition) years ago, with Muslim-initiated violence of today...

Thereby giving The Enemy - Radical Militant Islam - more metaphorical or philosophical or dogmatic ammunition for their present-day actions - assisting them with the task of conjuring-up equivalencies which can have the effect of softening criticism of their violence - a.k.a. "giving aid and comfort to the enemy".




Another and pressing reason - in a long and growing list of reasons - for the Congress to isolate and marginalize the President to the greatest degree possible in his remaining 23 months as a Lame Duck, while we await January 20, 2017, when the long national nightmare will finally be over, and a peaceful, lawful transfer of executive power can be effected, out of the hands of someone who would do such a damaging and despicable thing.
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Actually, the FBI doesn't track terror by religion. Do you know why? What Muslim sympathizer made that decision? I'll give you a hint, he lives on Pennsylvania avenue and his middle name is Hussein. LOL.
It seems like a lot of these posts are comparing Christianity to other religions.
but maybe you can understand them why the Jew hate? how do those Jews "piss people off"? you asked the question as if you knew the answer. whats your opinion?

You suddenly care about my opinion.

I think telling them, "Your God isn't God" probably has a lot to do with it. That's always good for pissing people off.

The fact that they collaborated with the Muslims during the occupation of Spain probably put them at the receiving end of the inquisition.
Enough of the moronic photos and thinly-veiled family pokes.

You are defending the indefensible... namely, Obama's faux equivalencies between Christian violence of 1000 (Crusades) or 500 (Inquisition) years ago, versus the Islamic violence of today, and Obama's de facto giving of rationalization or equalizing or justifying metaphorical ammunition to our adversaries; a.k.a. giving aid and comfort to the Enemy.

Do you really think the "Enemy" was sitting in their caves somewhere thinking, "you know, I was going to totally change my life choices, but then Obama reminded me of the Crusades!!!" Fuck no. He's thinking how his father was killed when Bush-41 bombed his house and his brother was killed when Bush-43 sent in the troops that burned down his town.

Never claimed any such thing.

And you will not be allowed to get away with trying to pitch it as such, without challenge.

What I DO claim is that the basic or Core Teachings of Islam are saturated with rationalizations and divine permissions to wage war and to commit religiously-motivated violence and oppression against Unbelievers and those who accost The Faithful, and that these Core Teachings set Islam apart from its peers, as a far more dangerous seedbed of radicalism.

And so are Judaism and Christianity.
Yes, folks, there we see it... rationalizing and excusing the actions of The Enemy - namely, Radical Militant Islam.

Kissing cousins to Tokyo Rose and Lord Haw-Haw, Pierre Laval, Philippe Petain, Vidkun Quisling, Benedict Arnold, Judas, and all that lot.

Newsflash, my little Arab butt-buddy...

Muslim polities routinely antagonize and strike out at their Muslim neighbors dominated by different sect-beliefs, and Infidel -dominated states.

I'm going to cut off your verbal diarrhea right here, because frankly, it all goes on with your Islamophobia, which is kind of sad.

Yes, Muslims fight amongst each other over interpretations of their religion. SO DO CHRISTIANS!!!

Shit, you had a whole bunch of Evangelicals who wouldn't vote for Romney because he was a Mormon, until they remembered they hated Negroes more than Mormons. You had people in NOrthern Ireland blowing each other up over whether Jesus was made of wafers or not. Then you had the Balkans, when the Christians killed the Muslims, and then each other.

And, as a point of interest to any good atheist... in regions where a fundamentalist variant or enforcement of Islam holds sway... they'll work on killing-off the atheists and agnostics and gays and womens rights folk, before they turn on the Jews and Christians.

I never said I wanted to live there. I just think it's stupid for us to send troops over there to get involved in their fights. and frankly, if they weren't sitting on a shitload of oil, we wouldn't care.
but maybe you can understand them why the Jew hate? how do those Jews "piss people off"? you asked the question as if you knew the answer. whats your opinion?

You suddenly care about my opinion.

I think telling them, "Your God isn't God" probably has a lot to do with it. That's always good for pissing people off.

The fact that they collaborated with the Muslims during the occupation of Spain probably put them at the receiving end of the inquisition.
god? Most of those Jews slaughtered in Europe were more secular. I'm not quite sure about your babbling about? it took you all that time to come up with that? :uhh:
god? Most of those Jews slaughtered in Europe were more secular. I'm not quite sure about your babbling about? it took you all that time to come up with that?

Well, no, unlike you, I have a job that doesn't involve scoring steroids.

Getting a little bored with you guys playing the Hitler card, too.
god? Most of those Jews slaughtered in Europe were more secular. I'm not quite sure about your babbling about? it took you all that time to come up with that?

Well, no, unlike you, I have a job that doesn't involve scoring steroids.

Getting a little bored with you guys playing the Hitler card, too.

Oh..... Hows the Zionist, Jew banker, card been working for you?
god? Most of those Jews slaughtered in Europe were more secular. I'm not quite sure about your babbling about? it took you all that time to come up with that?

Well, no, unlike you, I have a job that doesn't involve scoring steroids.

Getting a little bored with you guys playing the Hitler card, too.

You mean like when you said Jews brought pogroms and being murdered by Muslims on themselves by pissing people off?
Actually, the FBI doesn't track terror by religion. Do you know why? What Muslim sympathizer made that decision? I'll give you a hint, he lives on Pennsylvania avenue and his middle name is Hussein. LOL.

You don't find an inability to use Google embarrassing?
You tell me:

FBI doesn t track terror by religion - Google Search

I found this under the search "religious profiling FBI" on the first page.
Eric Holder Bans FBI From Considering Religion When Investigating Terrorism

You have to be intelligent enough to know what search string to use. Kaz is right. You're not.
god? Most of those Jews slaughtered in Europe were more secular. I'm not quite sure about your babbling about? it took you all that time to come up with that?

Well, no, unlike you, I have a job that doesn't involve scoring steroids.

Getting a little bored with you guys playing the Hitler card, too.

Oh..... Hows the Zionist, Jew banker, card been working for you?

oh, it's working fine. I think a lot of Americans are getting sick of you guys playing us.

LIke when the Zionists tried to get us to take out Assad for them, Americans totally balked at that one.
god? Most of those Jews slaughtered in Europe were more secular. I'm not quite sure about your babbling about? it took you all that time to come up with that?

Well, no, unlike you, I have a job that doesn't involve scoring steroids.

Getting a little bored with you guys playing the Hitler card, too.

You mean like when you said Jews brought pogroms and being murdered by Muslims on themselves by pissing people off?

what does that have to do with anything I just said? Oh, never mind. Libertards are easily confused.

Hey, maybe you need to check with your idols, the Paul family. They don't like Zionists, either.

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