Obama Just Compared Christianity With Islam…At National Prayer Breakfast

god? Most of those Jews slaughtered in Europe were more secular. I'm not quite sure about your babbling about? it took you all that time to come up with that?

Well, no, unlike you, I have a job that doesn't involve scoring steroids.

Getting a little bored with you guys playing the Hitler card, too.

Oh..... Hows the Zionist, Jew banker, card been working for you?

oh, it's working fine. I think a lot of Americans are getting sick of you guys playing us.

LIke when the Zionists tried to get us to take out Assad for them, Americans totally balked at that one.
You're kidding yourself.

Smack-dab in the middle of the Summer 2014 Gaza War, the Gallup Polls of the time showed US popular support for Israel at an all-time high.

We (the American People) know the who the Bad Guys (Radical Militant Islam, and their fellow traveler militias) are, and who the Good Guys (the Jews of Israel) are.

And all the background chatter in the world from modern-day Muslim-friendly Tokyo Rose and Lord Haw-Haw types isn't going to change that.

Wake us up when Obumble manages to convince Congress and the American People that he is right and everybody else is wrong.

It's all a Worldwide Jooooo-ish Kornspiracy, I tellz ya!
You're kidding yourself.

Smack-dab in the middle of the Summer 2014 Gaza War, the Gallup Polls of the time showed US popular support for Israel at an all-time high.

We (the American People) know the who the Bad Guys (Radical Militant Islam, and their fellow traveler militias) are, and who the Good Guys (the Jews of Israel) are.

And all the background chatter in the world from modern-day Muslim-friendly Tokyo Rose and Lord Haw-Haw types isn't going to change that.

Wake us up when Obumble manages to convince Congress and the American People that he is right and everybody else is wrong.

It's all a Worldwide Jooooo-ish Kornspiracy, I tellz ya!

Yeah, again- AIPAC tried to get us to take out Assad. Obama was on board. the Republicans were on board.

The American people- NOT ON BOARD. So thankfully, we didn't try to take out Assad like the Zionists wanted us to.

Americans are getting sick and tired of the Zionists manipulating us into fighting their wars for them.
You're kidding yourself.

Smack-dab in the middle of the Summer 2014 Gaza War, the Gallup Polls of the time showed US popular support for Israel at an all-time high.

We (the American People) know the who the Bad Guys (Radical Militant Islam, and their fellow traveler militias) are, and who the Good Guys (the Jews of Israel) are.

And all the background chatter in the world from modern-day Muslim-friendly Tokyo Rose and Lord Haw-Haw types isn't going to change that.

Wake us up when Obumble manages to convince Congress and the American People that he is right and everybody else is wrong.

It's all a Worldwide Jooooo-ish Kornspiracy, I tellz ya!

Yeah, again- AIPAC tried to get us to take out Assad. Obama was on board. the Republicans were on board.

The American people- NOT ON BOARD. So thankfully, we didn't try to take out Assad like the Zionists wanted us to.

Americans are getting sick and tired of the Zionists manipulating us into fighting their wars for them.
Joe... simply automatic-gainsaying that Americans are not supportive of Israel does not ipso facto render it thus... the data says otherwise... sorry.
Joe... simply automatic-gainsaying that Americans are not supportive of Israel does not ipso facto render it thus... the data says otherwise... sorry.

Well, I think there's a big difference between, "I support Israel" and "I'm totally willing to have my son come home in a body bag so they can pretend their Magic Sky Fairy loves them best."

Americans are becoming a lot less keen on the latter, it seems.
Joe... simply automatic-gainsaying that Americans are not supportive of Israel does not ipso facto render it thus... the data says otherwise... sorry.

Well, I think there's a big difference between, "I support Israel" and "I'm totally willing to have my son come home in a body bag so they can pretend their Magic Sky Fairy loves them best."

Americans are becoming a lot less keen on the latter, it seems.
Joe, your bitterness and contempt of Believers in God not only colors your thinking and dialogue but seems to border on the obsessive and obstructive.

And, your bitterness and contempt directed against Israel, and your insistence that the US sends its children to die for it, seem to border on the outrageous and incredible.

Your wanting things to be the way you describe them does not render them thus.

I sense that you wish - with all your being - that the Real World is what you perceive it to be, in this context, but, a vast sizable majority of your countrymen hold otherwise.

Countrymen who are sane and rational and believing in a godhead and who support Israel and who are perfectly capable of thinking and reasoning for themselves and who are not as susceptible to propaganda manipulation as you would have the audience to believe along the road to trying to support and reinforce your position on such things.

If you have hard data to support your claims that a majority of Americans perceive that we are sending our children to die for Israel and that they are tired of it, by all means, produce your evidence.

Otherwise, I think we're going to have to settle for the hard data that does exist, and which supports a different viewpoint.

Joe, your bitterness and contempt of Believers in God not only colors your thinking and dialogue but seems to border on the obsessive and obstructive.

And, your bitterness and contempt directed against Israel, and your insistence that the US sends its children to die for it, seem to border on the outrageous and incredible.

Guy, if you don't think the Zionists are totally pulling the Strings in Washington, I would say you are the one who is delusional.

Can you think of another lobbying group that represents a foreign country that has the kind of influence that AIPAC has? Can you think of another foreign Leader who would be invited to address our Congress to express his contempt for a President who has pretty much gone along with everything their country has done?

Countrymen who are sane and rational and believing in a godhead

sane and rational does not involve beleiving in a Magic Sky Fairy who wants perpetual war over a strip of fucking desert on the other side of the planet.

If you have hard data to support your claims that a majority of Americans perceive that we are sending our children to die for Israel and that they are tired of it, by all means, produce your evidence.

I already did. The Jews tried to get us to take out Assad, and Americans said "NO!"

And they aren't too keen on going back into Iraq either like they want to.
Joe, your bitterness and contempt of Believers in God not only colors your thinking and dialogue but seems to border on the obsessive and obstructive.

And, your bitterness and contempt directed against Israel, and your insistence that the US sends its children to die for it, seem to border on the outrageous and incredible.

Guy, if you don't think the Zionists are totally pulling the Strings in Washington, I would say you are the one who is delusional.

Can you think of another lobbying group that represents a foreign country that has the kind of influence that AIPAC has? Can you think of another foreign Leader who would be invited to address our Congress to express his contempt for a President who has pretty much gone along with everything their country has done?

Countrymen who are sane and rational and believing in a godhead

sane and rational does not involve beleiving in a Magic Sky Fairy who wants perpetual war over a strip of fucking desert on the other side of the planet.

If you have hard data to support your claims that a majority of Americans perceive that we are sending our children to die for Israel and that they are tired of it, by all means, produce your evidence.

I already did. The Jews tried to get us to take out Assad, and Americans said "NO!"

And they aren't too keen on going back into Iraq either like they want to.

Did the Jews make to the miserable person you are? is it the fault of the Jew?
Actually, the FBI doesn't track terror by religion. Do you know why? What Muslim sympathizer made that decision? I'll give you a hint, he lives on Pennsylvania avenue and his middle name is Hussein. LOL.

You don't find an inability to use Google embarrassing?
You tell me:

FBI doesn t track terror by religion - Google Search

Now try to find an FBI stat on Muslim terror in the US in 2014. Good luck with that.
Actually, the FBI doesn't track terror by religion. Do you know why? What Muslim sympathizer made that decision? I'll give you a hint, he lives on Pennsylvania avenue and his middle name is Hussein. LOL.

You don't find an inability to use Google embarrassing?
You tell me:

FBI doesn t track terror by religion - Google Search

I found this under the search "religious profiling FBI" on the first page.
Eric Holder Bans FBI From Considering Religion When Investigating Terrorism

You have to be intelligent enough to know what search string to use. Kaz is right. You're not.

There is article after article on it, and if you check the 2014 stats it's not there. I decided long ago to stop supplying proof of factual information that people can find on their own. And I totally hold myself to that standard. I usually have two tabs up when I post, I do constant searches with various terms to google what people say, but my first quest is for knowledge. I never ask for factual information to be linked unless I truly can't find it after various efforts to do so or find the source of the claim if it's wrong. Glad you're the same.
Actually, the FBI doesn't track terror by religion. Do you know why? What Muslim sympathizer made that decision? I'll give you a hint, he lives on Pennsylvania avenue and his middle name is Hussein. LOL.

You don't find an inability to use Google embarrassing?
You tell me:

FBI doesn t track terror by religion - Google Search

I found this under the search "religious profiling FBI" on the first page.
Eric Holder Bans FBI From Considering Religion When Investigating Terrorism

You have to be intelligent enough to know what search string to use. Kaz is right. You're not.

There is article after article on it, and if you check the 2014 stats it's not there. I decided long ago to stop supplying proof of factual information that people can find on their own. And I totally hold myself to that standard. I usually have two tabs up when I post, I do constant searches with various terms to google what people say, but my first quest is for knowledge. I never ask for factual information to be linked unless I truly can't find it after various efforts to do so or find the source of the claim if it's wrong. Glad you're the same.

It's a tactic, trying to make somebody their link slave. Either the person lives under a rock and doesn't keep up with current events and they don't want to try to find the info themselves, or they know you're referring to an actual event but for their perverse pleasure want to make you run around for them anyway. Either way, I don't respond to such taunts anymore except in this case where synthahol seemed to make an effort but wasn't using the right search string.
Actually, the FBI doesn't track terror by religion. Do you know why? What Muslim sympathizer made that decision? I'll give you a hint, he lives on Pennsylvania avenue and his middle name is Hussein. LOL.

You don't find an inability to use Google embarrassing?
You tell me:

FBI doesn t track terror by religion - Google Search

I found this under the search "religious profiling FBI" on the first page.
Eric Holder Bans FBI From Considering Religion When Investigating Terrorism

You have to be intelligent enough to know what search string to use. Kaz is right. You're not.
Why am I not surprised at you only telling part of the story?

When you go to the source of this story, The New York Times (funny how wingnuts rely so much on the NYTimes, yet constantly denounce them as the Liberal Media), it explains that it was an order to not consider gender, National Origin, Sexual Orientation, or religion in addition to race, which Bush signed in 2001.

So you're wrong in framing it that he singled out and made a new rule for Muslims.
Actually, the FBI doesn't track terror by religion. Do you know why? What Muslim sympathizer made that decision? I'll give you a hint, he lives on Pennsylvania avenue and his middle name is Hussein. LOL.

You don't find an inability to use Google embarrassing?
You tell me:

FBI doesn t track terror by religion - Google Search

I found this under the search "religious profiling FBI" on the first page.
Eric Holder Bans FBI From Considering Religion When Investigating Terrorism

You have to be intelligent enough to know what search string to use. Kaz is right. You're not.
Why am I not surprised at you only telling part of the story?

When you go to the source of this story, The New York Times (funny how wingnuts rely so much on the NYTimes, yet constantly denounce them as the Liberal Media), it explains that it was an order to not consider gender, National Origin, Sexual Orientation, or religion in addition to race, which Bush signed in 2001.

So you're wrong in framing it that he singled out and made a new rule for Muslims.

FBI gathered the stat in 2013, but not in 2014, your excuse, it was Bush!
Actually, the FBI doesn't track terror by religion. Do you know why? What Muslim sympathizer made that decision? I'll give you a hint, he lives on Pennsylvania avenue and his middle name is Hussein. LOL.

You don't find an inability to use Google embarrassing?
You tell me:

FBI doesn t track terror by religion - Google Search

I found this under the search "religious profiling FBI" on the first page.
Eric Holder Bans FBI From Considering Religion When Investigating Terrorism

You have to be intelligent enough to know what search string to use. Kaz is right. You're not.
Why am I not surprised at you only telling part of the story?

When you go to the source of this story, The New York Times (funny how wingnuts rely so much on the NYTimes, yet constantly denounce them as the Liberal Media), it explains that it was an order to not consider gender, National Origin, Sexual Orientation, or religion in addition to race, which Bush signed in 2001.

So you're wrong in framing it that he singled out and made a new rule for Muslims.

Nobody said it was just Muslims, idiot.

I found this under the search "religious profiling FBI" on the first page.
Eric Holder Bans FBI From Considering Religion When Investigating Terrorism

You have to be intelligent enough to know what search string to use. Kaz is right. You're not.
Why am I not surprised at you only telling part of the story?

When you go to the source of this story, The New York Times (funny how wingnuts rely so much on the NYTimes, yet constantly denounce them as the Liberal Media), it explains that it was an order to not consider gender, National Origin, Sexual Orientation, or religion in addition to race, which Bush signed in 2001.

So you're wrong in framing it that he singled out and made a new rule for Muslims.

Nobody said it was just Muslims, idiot.

I wanted to give you two agrees for this, but the system only allows one...

I found this under the search "religious profiling FBI" on the first page.
Eric Holder Bans FBI From Considering Religion When Investigating Terrorism

You have to be intelligent enough to know what search string to use. Kaz is right. You're not.

There is article after article on it, and if you check the 2014 stats it's not there. I decided long ago to stop supplying proof of factual information that people can find on their own. And I totally hold myself to that standard. I usually have two tabs up when I post, I do constant searches with various terms to google what people say, but my first quest is for knowledge. I never ask for factual information to be linked unless I truly can't find it after various efforts to do so or find the source of the claim if it's wrong. Glad you're the same.

It's a tactic, trying to make somebody their link slave

Then when you provide them the link, they come back with some liberal blog that agrees with them as if it's the same or they just say whatever. So if they didn't care? Why did they ask for a link? What difference did it make?
Did the Jews make to the miserable person you are? is it the fault of the Jew?

Why do you always want to talk about me, dude.

Most Jews I've known, even ones I've worked for, are pretty decent folks.

But collectively, they get into some major league stupid. Like Zionism.
Did the Jews make to the miserable person you are? is it the fault of the Jew?

collectively, they get into some major league stupid. Like Zionism.

As if some Jew dog thinks they should have a home, I feel you, that's ridiculous. You had a great point how they brought the the Nazis and Arabs to the point of attempting to exterminate them. You almost have me there.
As if some Jew dog thinks they should have a home, I feel you, that's ridiculous. You had a great point how they brought the the Nazis and Arabs to the point of attempting to exterminate them. You almost have me there.

No one denies they have a right to a home.

It was stealing the Palestinians homes most of the world has a problem with.
As if some Jew dog thinks they should have a home, I feel you, that's ridiculous. You had a great point how they brought the the Nazis and Arabs to the point of attempting to exterminate them. You almost have me there.

No one denies they have a right to a home.

It was stealing the Palestinians homes most of the world has a problem with.

So considering Russia, Iraq, Yugoslavia, Burma, Niger and the endless places worse that has happened since and that most of the people who live in Israel weren't born yet when it happened, why is that the only one you focus on?

Here's a simple question for you? Where do Israelis rank on the list from first to third of who has killed the most Palestinians since 1948?


Your contention any of this justifies the Nazis and Arabs attempting to exterminate them regardless is sick.

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