Obama Just Compared Christianity With Islam…At National Prayer Breakfast

Yep...................it became personal to the U.S. when they lopped off the heads of AMERICANS THOUGH...........

You mean Americans who chose to go into harms way despite being warned it was a war zone?

I don't feel like going to war because stupid people remove themselves from the Gene Pool.
Yep...................it became personal to the U.S. when they lopped off the heads of AMERICANS THOUGH...........

You mean Americans who chose to go into harms way despite being warned it was a war zone?

I don't feel like going to war because stupid people remove themselves from the Gene Pool.

I do Joe. I'm waiting for the next poll to come out... But I betcha its clear, the American people would support boots on the ground to kill the 50K plus ISIS fighters in Iraq

Islam is basically just a Christian sect.
Islam is a hybrid of Judaism + Christianity + Arabic Paganism; a copycat, knock-off, rip-off or plagiarized knocked-together collection of borrowed/stolen concepts plus its own fair share of hallucinations, foisted upon the gullible locals (Arabs) by a self-excusing, bloodthirsty pedophile and war-monger.

The Jews and Christians of the time thought it was a shabby joke. They were right.

It is based on Christianity. It is little wonder that it has fallen into the same errors:

Bahira - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Islam is exactly as I described it, regardless of how many fictitious monk-legends came swarming out of the ditchwater of Muhammed's fevered brain.

Like the other Christian sects, local traditions have flavored the beliefs.
Nothing surprising that Obama compared Christianity With Islam. He has no human values in his mind. No difference between simple people or religion. Just he, his arabic lovers and funders and his megalomania
I do Joe. I'm waiting for the next poll to come out... But I betcha its clear, the American people would support boots on the ground to kill the 50K plus ISIS fighters in Iraq

I'm guessing- not.

But what I think needs to happen is you and all your other 2nd Amendment buddies should form a volunteer brigade to go over there and help.. You can done bring your AR-15 Squirrel Guns and weee-haa, have yourselves a good old time.

Saddam Hussein died because God told George W. Bush to invade Iraq. The Christian Crusades continue...

Ummmm, the crusaderes were Europeans, or hadn't you heard?

Who the fuck is Tony Blair?

Did you picture Tony Blair?

What the hell you smoking?

Maybe you should reread the thread title.

Perhaps you should take your own advise. Neither Blair or boooosh are leaders of organized religions.

Islam is a hybrid of Judaism + Christianity + Arabic Paganism; a copycat, knock-off, rip-off or plagiarized knocked-together collection of borrowed/stolen concepts plus its own fair share of hallucinations, foisted upon the gullible locals (Arabs) by a self-excusing, bloodthirsty pedophile and war-monger.

Replace the specific proper nouns with generics and you have a worthy definition of any of those religions.
But you know what, let's single one out and pretend it's "different". That way we need not inspect our own.
The Founder of Christianity (Jesus of Nazareth) preached peace and love and tolerance.

The Founder of Islam (Muhammed) preached war and bloody violence and oppression against Unbelievers, and against those who oppose Believers.

The former is a Religion of Peace.

The latter is a Warrior's Religion.

When Christianity has spawned warfare and violence, its leaders were doing so in direct violation of the precepts of their Founder.

When Islam has spawned warfare and violence, its leaders are doing so in direct compliance with the precepts of their Founder.

Huge phukking difference.

The basic or Core Teachings of Christianity supply a braking and self-correcting mechanism which always brings the philosophical wings back towards the center.

The basic or Core Teachings of Islam supply permissions and justifications for war and violence which serve as a perpetual breeding ground for fresh radicalisms.

Purveyors of faux equivalencies and those unable to distinguish these vast and all-important differences cannot be expected to agree with such distinctions.

If you can show us where Jesus of Nazareth gave repeated permissions and justifications for war and if you can show us where Jesus of Nazareth embarked upon campaigns of bloody conquest and if you can show us where Jesus of Nazareth stormed Jewish citadels and slaughtered their chiefs then forcibly-married the widow of one of those chiefs on the evening of her husband's killing and if you can show us where Jesus of Nazareth porked little girls, then, maybe, you've got a ballgame here.

:sigh... back to this crap again... :lame2:

Refute the assertions and you negate the claim to differences sufficient to put Islam into a different category.

Never mind the horseshit about the Old Testament.

Concentrate on the basic or Core Teachings of the two Founders, not what their mortal and fallible and disingenuous disciples and successors and heirs (spiritual and temporal) did with (or buried) those Teachings over the centuries in order to work mischief of their own.

But you won't defend Islam on the level of those Core Teachings... because you know you can't... that's OK... it's one helluva challenge... damned-near impossible.

I don't "defend" any religion. What would be the point?

What I defend is Logic. And what you have above, the same old "when we do it it's random nuts, when they do it it's institutional" crapola, doesn't come close. It's the same old double standard bullshit we've heard for years.

That's why I rarely venture into these things any more. Nobody's listening.

Lakota's gonna getcha for not reading the OP. ISIS has commanded killing. Used those as well as child rape and other atrocities as recruiting tools.

Comparing them to a few random killers and other assorted nujobs is, well, nutty.
Hardly... but it has to be done, from time to time, and, when that time comes, somebody's got to do it... sending our kids into harms' way.

The trick is not to do it lightly, and to do it intelligently, with clear and realistic goals in mind, to get it over quickly, and to then walk away quickly, without all that nation-building horseshit.

You mean make sure you have another war to fight in 10 years, then?

Hey, here's a crazy idea. How about

1) Stop pissing them off by propping up Israel.
2) Stop enabling crazy people who you think will do your bidding like Bin Laden and Saddam.
3) If you are going to send kids, then call a draft and make sure the kids of the rich and the politicians are right there in the foxhole next to the poor brown kids.

I'm guessing if you had #3 as a policy, you'd have a lot of politicians who would stop talking smack.

Thank you appeasement works so well
Nothing surprising that Obama compared Christianity With Islam. He has no human values in his mind. No difference between simple people or religion. Just he, his arabic lovers and funders and his megalomania

You don't have to take his word for it. Just read a history book... or newsish sites even:

Terrorist groups fuel rise in violent elephant poaching in central Africa Fox News

[75% of Iran's population is under 30. They're just waiting for those old mullah's to die off before they start wearing Levi's in public again.

That looks like South Beach. They don't look like the kind of crowd that's into berka's.

Yep too bad those people don't run the place. When one mullah dies off there another to take his place
Actually, no, he didn't say he's a christian anywhere in your quote.
Then you're saying Catholics aren't Christians.

No, you are functionally illiterate. Take a remedial reading course, read the Wiki and get back to me.

Christianity is a religion, you have to believe in the religion to be a member of that religion. Believing in the "values" of the Masons doesn't make you a Mason, believing in the "values" of the Hopi Indians doesn't make you a Hopi Indian, and believing in the "values" of Catholicism doesn't make you a Catholic if you don't believe in the religion.

I have to ask you, you seriously don't grasp that? You need to believe in Christ to be a Christian? You can't just agree with his values, you actually have to believe in him? You don't get that? Seriously?


OK, let's go with that. Obama on Islam: "there are values that transcend race or culture, that move us forward, and there’s an obligation for all of us individually as well as collectively to take responsibility to make those values lived."

So, you just proved Obama is a Muslim. Bam! Nicely done...
And where does Obama get off blaming Christianity for slavery without mentioning how many good Christian men and women were against slavery.

It was Christians who led the fight to abolish it. And maybe someone should let the President in on what's happening with slavery today in the here and now and who the hell is practicing it.

Some one show him Mauritana on a map. Glaring example of slavery in the present.

He's the one that needs to get down off his freaking high horse lecturing Christians as if we are living in a never never land and don't know our very own darker periods of time.

My heavens he's such an asshole.
Abolition as a concept was created by British Protestants. Can't get
Isn't it a coincidence wherever muslims are in large numbers there are conflicts like this? Poor misunderstood victims they are. Curious thing is that war was started by Muslims in the first place. War is hell and there are atrocities on both sides i condemn but don't act like muslims didn't start it. Also those militias aren't exclusively christian. They have animists as well who fear Muslim persecution

Who really cares who started it to be honest. We have to win this thing and that means make peace with the moderate Muslim leaders of the middle east.

Pakistan has to be on board after all queda slaughtered a military town women children and all.

Turkeys on board. Saudi agrees with us.

We don't want war with Iran I don't care what israel says.
What are you blabbering on about now? This war in CAR and how muslims started it has nothing to do with what you are talking about. You are just changing the subject.I am not American. But Turkey and Saudi Arabia can go to hell and so can America if they support them. They are parties responsible in funding these violent radicals in syria and Iraq because they dislike Assad. Assad is one of the decent moderate and pro christian leaders in the regio. Syria Iran and Iraq are the only ones confronting these radicals head on and I support them.

Iran? They are terrorist supporting scum as bad as Isis. They fund Hamas and Hazballah. They fund terrorist who place roadside bombs that kill our troops. Most of the Iranian people are good people, but the mullahs are no better than ISIS
Hezbollah defends Christians and fights ISIS in Syria and Iraq. As far as I am concerned, the Iranians are on the right side of supporting Hezbollah here. ISIS are lunatics that need to be stopped.
Hazballah kills Christians in order to gain power in Lebanon. Yes ISIS are lunatics and so are the Iranian Mullahs who are developing nukes
Hazballah kills Christians in order to gain power in Lebanon. Yes ISIS are lunatics and so are the Iranian Mullahs who are developing nukes

And the Zionists say, "We need to totally set up a country in the middle of all these crazy people because, God promised us this land. And the rest of you better be willing to pony up to let us do it!"

Yeah, that makes sense.

Waiting for the inevitable...'But, but, but...Hitler".
Hazballah kills Christians in order to gain power in Lebanon. Yes ISIS are lunatics and so are the Iranian Mullahs who are developing nukes

And the Zionists say, "We need to totally set up a country in the middle of all these crazy people because, God promised us this land. And the rest of you better be willing to pony up to let us do it!"

Yeah, that makes sense.

Waiting for the inevitable...'But, but, but...Hitler".

Whoah! Zionists never bombed any hotel. Only Moslems do that stuff!
Theists like to say atheists killed more than theists.
You have no idea how many people the Soviet Union and China alone have killed. LOL, you don't know what you are talking about, you never do...
They killed in the name of atheism?

Again, I don't know what I can tell you other then that you are like all liberals unable to read and process simple information.
You can weasel all you want but, in response to "Theists like to say atheists killed more than theists" you claimed that the Soviets and Chinese killed more.

Theists kill in the name of their religion, dumbass. Your response was knee-jerk with brain unengaged.

Actually I responded to the point that was made. You are moving the goal posts. You're also lowering the bar for yourself to a line painted on the floor. Atheists are only killing if they do it in the name of atheism. Here's your logic, the Earth is entirely covered with water. What about Michigan? Sorry, we're only going to count the parts of the earth covered with water, QED, the earth is entirely covered with water.

You measure it that way it's true, but who gives a shit? You held yourself to your typical no standard at all.
They are religious, they are radical islamists. You aren't going to seriously deny this are you?
In what way are they religious? Because they shout slogans?

Yet you argue Timothy McVeigh is a Christian because he said he believes in a non-specific to any religion deity. Yet a group calling themselves the "Islamic State" isn't religion. Care to work up one standard?
I claim he's a Christian because he claimed he was a Christian. He was born and raised Roman Catholic - as I showed.

He also stated that he still maintained the core beliefs of Catholicism.

And before his execution he took the Catholic sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick.

So why are you lying?

If you claim to be a midget, but I observe you are not, am I to believe you or my own eyes?

Seriously synth, you are better then that.
Being a midget is a physical characteristic that is provable.

Saying you are a Christian is a spiritual characterization that is unprovable.

So now your standard is that even though McVeigh said he wasn't a Christian, he can't prove that, so you can conclude he was.

So now here's your logic. Hillary Clinton is a gay hating Muslim extremist. Well, you can't prove she's not lying about that, so we can conclude she is.

Arguing with Liberal is stupid other than to mock you for your complete and utter idiocy.
Didn't Eric Rudolph set off a bomb that killed innocents?

True. And 1,490 Eric Rudolphs would have killed as many innocents as the 19 9/11 Hijackers. Not sure what that has to do with any of the points made though. My point, which you confirmed, is that while you say the ... Islamic State ... isn't Muslim you would argue that Timothy Mcveigh, who your own quote showed wasn't Christian, was Christian. A point you have proven continuously since.

And, typically for you, you are lying that he bombed a pre-school. He bombed a Federal building and had no idea there was a pre-school inside.

Who in their right mind would ever assume there was a pre-school inside of a Federal building?

It wouldn't occur to you that if you blew up an entire building there are likely to be a lot of other casualties, including children? Again, your argument you are right because you are clueless is a dubious strategy, but you're clearly going with it for all it's worth.
Kinda stupid in the first place.

McVeigh is an individual.

The crusaders, ISIS, Christians and Muslims are groups.

Deflection is deflection.
Kaz brought up McVeigh in an act of desperation.

You kept arguing ISIS, the "Islamic State" is not Muslim and therefore reflective of Islam. I asked if you would say McVeigh, was a Christian and you said yes. And you've been arguing it ever sense, even not understanding your own quote where he said he wasn't.

I'm desperate? LOL.
Hazballah kills Christians in order to gain power in Lebanon. Yes ISIS are lunatics and so are the Iranian Mullahs who are developing nukes

And the Zionists say, "We need to totally set up a country in the middle of all these crazy people because, God promised us this land. And the rest of you better be willing to pony up to let us do it!"

Yeah, that makes sense.

Waiting for the inevitable...'But, but, but...Hitler".
Secular Jews founded modern Israel and people in Europe were crazy enough to slaughter 6 million Jews...Crazy people everywhere :cuckoo:
Maybe 500 years ago. Sure as hell not today...

Can someone point out anything within christanity today that even starts to compare with the isis and al quada?? This is some crazy shit obama is smoking.

He didn't compare Christianity with ISIS or Al Qaida
In order to do that he'd have to be willing to call them by their names.

He'd have to be willing to support the terrorists' recruiting rhetoric.

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