Obama KILLS my HealthCare -- Leaves me to die...

I guess Republicans and Callous Conservatives believe only the poor should be personally responsible.

Yeah, that's why they're against paying for their own health care insurance and prefer instead the free socialist EMTALA.

Are they though? I thought most conservatives opposed EMTALA and the like? I certainly do. Especially when it's used to justify corporatist idiocy like PPACA. You seem to be a tad confused.
GOP Healthcare Plan in two phases:

Phase 1. Don't get sick.

Phase 2. If you get sick, die quickly.
No, I think the honest statement would be "You can keep your old insurance plan, unless your old insurer decides not to contine to offer coverage to you"...which is, BTW, exactly the way it has always been. As an underwriter, I tended to reject insuring professional associations anyway, since there was not "working at least 30 hours per week" elibibility requirment that is in employer group contracts. This meant that individuals continued to pay their dues and permiums to any age, which made these groups top heavy with old, sick folks, as opposed to employer/emplyee groups, where people usually retired around 65 and were taken off the billing.

Aren't you a social miracle worker.. Old, sick people UNDER 65? Not working? That's for municipal, state employees only dude..

And what is the meaning of portability if you can't continue that policy to age 65?

Wasn't the insurer that decided to BAN and OUTLAW non-employer national groups.. But of course the folks who wrote the legislation KNEW that no association in their right mind could afford to contract for INDIVIDUAL policies for their national memberships..

It was CALCULATED to remove the choices of forming groups. So that employers and govt would be the only game in town..

Tenn, You are so far off base that you are no even in the ball park.

Associations have no"'actively at work" requirment in thier insurance contracts. therefore, individuals remain insured under the policy until they die, whereas with employer groups, they eventually become too sick to work, and are taken off the billing. That is why association groups are not desirable risks. Insurers milk them in their early years, but as the adverse selection gets worse over time, they look for a reason to dump them. That is what happened to you.

There is no such thing, and never has been "portability' between group and individual contracts.

You seem to feel that the association "can not afford" to issue individual contracts. Tenn, the association issues NO contracts. they are issued by insurance companies, not associations, and have been issued by insurance companies for almost 100 years, and will contine to be be issued by insurance comapanies under ACA. The insurance company that underwrites your association group contract has chosen to get out of association group insurance. Well, hoop-de-do! I have worked for no less than 14 insuarance companies in the last 50 years who have ALSO chosen to get out of association group contracts. In fact, 12 of them have gotten out of group health insurance all together, leaving their former customers with nothing. Under ACA, for the first time, these people will have the option to buy coverage elsewhere, regardless of their health.

Geeze, Tenn, do you wake up in the morning sorry to discover that you have lived another day? For the very first ime in your life, you are being given the opportunity to buy a policy which can not be canceled by the insurance company for any reason other than your failure to pay the premium, regardless of your health, and this pisses you off.

And you are full of excuses and justifications that got you thru many years of being a royal asshat.. LOVING the opportunity to pick and choose the most profitable clientele for your company..

What the Fuch does "actively at work" have to do with buying insurance? Most Professionals WORK til age old age. None of your damn biz anyway who's a doctor or a lawyer or an engineer or a Union member or how many hours they work.

And the way in works in the REAL WORLD is that Professionals covered under this type of grouping don't " remain under that policy until they die"... They stay on the plan until they reach MediCare eligibility.. What the hell you trying to pull? Beginning to doubt your story about your former Pirate career with the insurers..

What part of the plan I had for 25 years doesn't meet portability requirements? I have CONTINUOUS COVERAGE for that period.. If I had to --- that was the requirement to jump to individual plans.

No insurance company "cancelled my insurance".. Maybe they wanted to -- but they continued the plan for 25 years. Now they HAVE TO end it because -------

The leftist mental midgets passed legislation which OUTLAWS National Group Plans.

Not a subtle diff.. That's a BIG diff. They HAVE TO..... They've been ORDERED TO....

Now since MOST of this turd was written to benefit INSURANCE COMPANIES --- maybe this was just an hor's doeurve that was slapped in there by you.. Who knows. But the type of plan that I relied on for 25 years is NOW ILLEGAL...

Wouldn't be the 1st time that legislation was written by an industry to it's advantage -- would it be?

AGAIN --- this is not about "my feelings". And it's not self-pity that I'm feeling. It's INTENSE anger directed at the morons driving this pooly designed travesty.
"Did you know anyone can say anything on the internet? "

Yes, Dave. I am well aware of the fact that anyone can make a fool out of themselves on an annoymous message board...and you certainly do not seem to be the kind of guy who is going to fail to take advantage of that.

Thanks for providing my minimum daily requirement of Vitamins Unmerited Liberal Arrogance and Stuffed Shirt Prickery.
Just hurry up and die.

And I mean really hurry, and "fast".
Is that some of that liberal tolerance I keep hearing so much about?

See? Just start the thread. It can be liberal stupidity, intolerance, anything. They will populate it with posts in the topic listed themselves.

Sadly, this represents a major sector of the liberals.

Zona and deeno just can't help themselves

thing was.... they never said it was going to be great.

what they promised was it was going to be great for anyone who did not have health care.

I doubt that healthy 25 year olds who don't have health insurance now will think it's great when they have to start paying a couple grand a year for ObamaCare.

Of course now they can remain under their parents policy until age 26. By then they will need to understand life is not free and they must take personal responsibility for themselves. Not buying said insurance from an exchange puts their parents in bind, let their kid be treated on the taxpayers dime (at a County/public Hospital) and have an enormous bill or buy a policy for their kid.

I guess Republicans and Callous Conservatives believe only the poor should be personally responsible.

By that age, they've figured out how to play the social system our government is getting into place. :eusa_whistle:

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