Obama KILLS my HealthCare -- Leaves me to die...

thing was.... they never said it was going to be great.

what they promised was it was going to be great for anyone who did not have health care.

What do ya think the odds are of any leftist poster showing up to defend any of this?
There is no defense of these decisions..

Actually thinking of my daughter -- she's nearing the age where she will be REQUIRED to enroll.. Regardless of her personal conditions or choice.. She HAS healthcare because now I pay for it.. In a year or two --- she won't.. I doubt that she's gonna come away from her INTRODUCTION to "government help" with a really favorable opinion..

MAYBE --- this will work in our favor in a relatively short period of time..

MAYBE --- this will work in our favor in a relatively short period of time.. More likely than not!

I can't speak to your personal problems - your problems may be unique to you or you may not understand what you're doing, or because your problem is your problem and your problem alone, you can change the circumstances any way you want at any time it suits and-----and given Republican's penchant for fudging facts..., you haven't earned any trust for not making it up as you go.

According to the rightwing rag Forbes; your wrong or lying about several "facts" in the OP; according to Forbes, "...price is determined only by four criteria:
  1. Age – older people will not pay more than three times the amount younger people pay.
  2. Premium rating area – high cost health areas will have more expensive insurance than low cost areas.
  3. Number of family members getting coverage.
  4. Tobacco use – this is the only lifestyle factor that is allowed to be considered."
If you're having problems understanding how to navigate (it ain't that hard) here's a helpful website ObamaCare Explained

Also, just to get you started here's where you can start process of using the exchange to leverage your health insurance dollars Health Insurance Marketplace

If you just do your own research instead of allowing yourself to be duped by Republican pundits, Fox et al, you'll probably find yourself in a pretty good place health insurancewise.


You're not a very good propagandist. The claim was if you had insurance you could keep it and it would possibly go down in cost. The reality is the rates are going UP almost everywhere...88% in my case.

But, if this crap is sooooo good. Why are all of these big corporations getting waivers? Why is CONGRESS getting a waiver?

I'll tell you why....because it sucks. Plain and simple, but you're too big a libtard shill to say different.
"If you like your current health insurance .... You can keep it"...

We let them lie.. We allow them to pass legislation that nobody reads. AND SOME OF US keep re-electing them..

Just picked up notice that the Professional Organization that has been offering me insurance for 25 years is being ended as of Dec 31st..

It is now ILLEGAL to offer group plans if you are NOT an employer.

So now professional organizations catering to their self-employed members will not be ALLOWED to offer coverage. Being self-employed for 25 yrs -- I HAVE no employer. I've just been dumped into the chaos and INTRUSIVE PRYING ARMS of the govt. run exchanges.

Not only that -- but I am uninsurable. Technically a cancer patient tho my form of Leukemia requires no anticipated treatment. AND I have a tremor condition and take statin drugs.. Been refused for underwriting.. Don't CARE to toss into a govt run exchange and then STILL GET SCREWED by the choices of insurers that are in there..

STOP THEM FROM LYING.. HOLD THEM ACCOUNTABLE.. I doubt if ANY CONGRESS critters knew that this bill would OUTLAW professional group plans..

Don't you get it, you will get coverage you don't want, no limitations on your out of pocket expenses, and the chance to not get the same subsidies that Obama is illegally handing out to Congress and its staff.

What's not to love?
thing was.... they never said it was going to be great.

what they promised was it was going to be great for anyone who did not have health care.

What do ya think the odds are of any leftist poster showing up to defend any of this?
There is no defense of these decisions..

Actually thinking of my daughter -- she's nearing the age where she will be REQUIRED to enroll.. Regardless of her personal conditions or choice.. She HAS healthcare because now I pay for it.. In a year or two --- she won't.. I doubt that she's gonna come away from her INTRODUCTION to "government help" with a really favorable opinion..

MAYBE --- this will work in our favor in a relatively short period of time..

MAYBE --- this will work in our favor in a relatively short period of time.. More likely than not!

I can't speak to your personal problems - your problems may be unique to you or you may not understand what you're doing, or because your problem is your problem and your problem alone, you can change the circumstances any way you want at any time it suits and-----and given Republican's penchant for fudging facts..., you haven't earned any trust for not making it up as you go.

According to the rightwing rag Forbes; your wrong or lying about several "facts" in the OP; according to Forbes, "...price is determined only by four criteria:
  1. Age – older people will not pay more than three times the amount younger people pay.
  2. Premium rating area – high cost health areas will have more expensive insurance than low cost areas.
  3. Number of family members getting coverage.
  4. Tobacco use – this is the only lifestyle factor that is allowed to be considered."
If you're having problems understanding how to navigate (it ain't that hard) here's a helpful website ObamaCare Explained

Also, just to get you started here's where you can start process of using the exchange to leverage your health insurance dollars Health Insurance Marketplace

If you just do your own research instead of allowing yourself to be duped by Republican pundits, Fox et al, you'll probably find yourself in a pretty good place health insurancewise.


Maybe it will rain money.
Maybe-----maybe your problems will be over but my guess is, you'll make buying insurance for yourself and your family as difficult as you possibly can so you can then piss and moan about what a horrible experience your having --shoulder shrug-- that's just the way some people roll --yawn--
Given that the people supposed to be administrating this don't know what they're doing, why are you insisting that people will have to go out of their way to make it a bad experience?

Oh, yes -- because you believe what the Obama Admin tells you, instantly and unthinkingly.
"If you like your current health insurance .... You can keep it"...

We let them lie.. We allow them to pass legislation that nobody reads. AND SOME OF US keep re-electing them..

Just picked up notice that the Professional Organization that has been offering me insurance for 25 years is being ended as of Dec 31st..

It is now ILLEGAL to offer group plans if you are NOT an employer.

So now professional organizations catering to their self-employed members will not be ALLOWED to offer coverage. Being self-employed for 25 yrs -- I HAVE no employer. I've just been dumped into the chaos and INTRUSIVE PRYING ARMS of the govt. run exchanges.

Not only that -- but I am uninsurable. Technically a cancer patient tho my form of Leukemia requires no anticipated treatment. AND I have a tremor condition and take statin drugs.. Been refused for underwriting.. Don't CARE to toss into a govt run exchange and then STILL GET SCREWED by the choices of insurers that are in there..

STOP THEM FROM LYING.. HOLD THEM ACCOUNTABLE.. I doubt if ANY CONGRESS critters knew that this bill would OUTLAW professional group plans..

Don't you get it, you will get coverage you don't want, no limitations on your out of pocket expenses, and the chance to not get the same subsidies that Obama is illegally handing out to Congress and its staff.

What's not to love?

AND -- I get to have a more intimate sharing experience with the IRS -- that's priceless.
Who knows? Maybe those navigators will sign me up for an ObamaPhone while I'm filling out those massive forms.. One-Stop Freebie stores -- that's the purpose of driving folks to the exchanges..

And don't forget --- it's all brought to you by the same folks that pillaged and robbed the Social Security for over 30 years and then LIED about how much value was in the Trust Fund. How can ANYONE believe the political propaganda at this point?
Talked to a VP of a local bank yesterday.. They started to SELF-INSURE their 1500 employees about 8 years ago.. Gave them a $5000 deductible insurance plan and an average of $4200/yr bonus for medical expenses.. The bank backs up the $5000 deductible with a catastrophic plan on each employee and DIRECTLY PAYS the gap between $5000 and when the catastrophic insurance kicks in.. Insurance companies are nearly CUT OUT OF THE EQUATION ! WORKS BEAUTIFULLY ! Is MSA qualified... ((sounds similiar to what that entreprenuer owner of "Fresh Market" did for his employees))

He told me -- with just MONTHS before the laws come crushing down --- They can't get an accurate reading on whether that plan will be legal going forward.. CERTAINLY the deductible has to come down to meet the stupidass requirements. And it's very unlikely that the bank will offer an alternative plan if high deductible MSAs are OUTLAWED...

So EVEN IF the bank offers employees the $4200 minus the Federal Fine --- THey are NEVER gonna be able to replace this deal.. Everyone of them will HATE the morons who caused this...

The anger out there is about to blow... He was as riled and outraged as I am..

Keep it up SKY.. Happy thoughts.. Ignore the carnage..

There are gonna be 10s of MILLIONS added to the uninsured. Insurance costs are gonna skyrocket. The insurance companies are gonna be the big benefactors.. EVERYTHING IS WORKING -- according to leftist planning..
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"If you like your current health insurance .... You can keep it"...

We let them lie.. We allow them to pass legislation that nobody reads. AND SOME OF US keep re-electing them..

Just picked up notice that the Professional Organization that has been offering me insurance for 25 years is being ended as of Dec 31st..

It is now ILLEGAL to offer group plans if you are NOT an employer.

So now professional organizations catering to their self-employed members will not be ALLOWED to offer coverage. Being self-employed for 25 yrs -- I HAVE no employer. I've just been dumped into the chaos and INTRUSIVE PRYING ARMS of the govt. run exchanges.

Not only that -- but I am uninsurable. Technically a cancer patient tho my form of Leukemia requires no anticipated treatment. AND I have a tremor condition and take statin drugs.. Been refused for underwriting.. Don't CARE to toss into a govt run exchange and then STILL GET SCREWED by the choices of insurers that are in there..

STOP THEM FROM LYING.. HOLD THEM ACCOUNTABLE.. I doubt if ANY CONGRESS critters knew that this bill would OUTLAW professional group plans..
There is nothing in the law that prevents professional groups from offering group health insurance and the law does not require that insurance companies continue to offer the insurance that you currently have.

In regard to Obama's statement, Jake Tapper asked Obama to explain his statement. In a rather long explanation he said " I'm saying the government is not going to make you change plans under health reform." If an insurance company chooses not to offer a particular plan that does not mean the ACA is responsible.

I do know that the National Association of the Self-Employer is offering group health insurance. Do you care to give any details to support your statements?

PolitiFact | Barack Obama promises you can keep your health insurance, but there's no guarantee

thing was.... they never said it was going to be great.

what they promised was it was going to be great for anyone who did not have health care.

I doubt that healthy 25 year olds who don't have health insurance now will think it's great when they have to start paying a couple grand a year for ObamaCare.

25 year olds might be healthy but they sure do get in or have a lot of accidents and sports injuries.
Yes, and if they don't have insurance, you know who's going to pay the bills. It's amazing how fast a young person's attitude toward health insurance changes when faced with hundreds of thousands in bills.
"If you like your current health insurance .... You can keep it"...

We let them lie.. We allow them to pass legislation that nobody reads. AND SOME OF US keep re-electing them..

Just picked up notice that the Professional Organization that has been offering me insurance for 25 years is being ended as of Dec 31st..

It is now ILLEGAL to offer group plans if you are NOT an employer.

So now professional organizations catering to their self-employed members will not be ALLOWED to offer coverage. Being self-employed for 25 yrs -- I HAVE no employer. I've just been dumped into the chaos and INTRUSIVE PRYING ARMS of the govt. run exchanges.

Not only that -- but I am uninsurable. Technically a cancer patient tho my form of Leukemia requires no anticipated treatment. AND I have a tremor condition and take statin drugs.. Been refused for underwriting.. Don't CARE to toss into a govt run exchange and then STILL GET SCREWED by the choices of insurers that are in there..

STOP THEM FROM LYING.. HOLD THEM ACCOUNTABLE.. I doubt if ANY CONGRESS critters knew that this bill would OUTLAW professional group plans..
There is nothing in the law that prevents professional groups from offering group health insurance and the law does not require that insurance companies continue to offer the insurance that you currently have.

In regard to Obama's statement, Jake Tapper asked Obama to explain his statement. In a rather long explanation he said " I'm saying the government is not going to make you change plans under health reform." If an insurance company chooses not to offer a particular plan that does not mean the ACA is responsible.

I do know that the National Association of the Self-Employer is offering group health insurance. Do you care to give any details to support your statements?

PolitiFact | Barack Obama promises you can keep your health insurance, but there's no guarantee

Already QUOTED what my Association said in the letter I recieved. THEY do not lie. Go to Page 1 -- I quoted the letter there. Or maybe also quoted and BOLDED IT on the previous page. http://www.usmessageboard.com/7672342-post48.html

NATIONAL groups would have to write INDIVIDUAL policies. And there would be no advantage of banding together as a group.. We're BEYOND speculation here. It is ILLEGAL for them to form a GROUP for the purpose of offering GROUP COVERAGE for a national membership.

Don't give a flying fudge what you're reading on the Web. Or how you want so badly to spin Obama's CHRONIC lying condition..

This chit is spinning out of control.. A LOT of folks are gonna be amazed at how LITTLE they KNEW about this steaming heap of crap... The Jake Tapper deal doesn't apply Flopper.. It wasn't the INSURANCE COMPANY that outlawed my coverage under a Profession Org.. It was the LIAR IN CHIEF himself... Do you get this??
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thing was.... they never said it was going to be great.

what they promised was it was going to be great for anyone who did not have health care.

What do ya think the odds are of any leftist poster showing up to defend any of this?
There is no defense of these decisions..

Actually thinking of my daughter -- she's nearing the age where she will be REQUIRED to enroll.. Regardless of her personal conditions or choice.. She HAS healthcare because now I pay for it.. In a year or two --- she won't.. I doubt that she's gonna come away from her INTRODUCTION to "government help" with a really favorable opinion..

MAYBE --- this will work in our favor in a relatively short period of time..

MAYBE --- this will work in our favor in a relatively short period of time.. More likely than not!

I can't speak to your personal problems - your problems may be unique to you or you may not understand what you're doing, or because your problem is your problem and your problem alone, you can change the circumstances any way you want at any time it suits and-----and given Republican's penchant for fudging facts..., you haven't earned any trust for not making it up as you go.

According to the rightwing rag Forbes; your wrong or lying about several "facts" in the OP; according to Forbes, "...price is determined only by four criteria:
  1. Age – older people will not pay more than three times the amount younger people pay.
  2. Premium rating area – high cost health areas will have more expensive insurance than low cost areas.
  3. Number of family members getting coverage.
  4. Tobacco use – this is the only lifestyle factor that is allowed to be considered."
If you're having problems understanding how to navigate (it ain't that hard) here's a helpful website ObamaCare Explained

Also, just to get you started here's where you can start process of using the exchange to leverage your health insurance dollars Health Insurance Marketplace

If you just do your own research instead of allowing yourself to be duped by Republican pundits, Fox et al, you'll probably find yourself in a pretty good place health insurancewise.


You very obviously missed the point of the OP. FCT has had satisfactory coverage for 25 years but will now not be able to maintain his coverage, as promised by the lying sacks of shit who passed this obamanation. Not only will his current provider be put out of business by the new obamanation rules, he is being forced to participate in a system that extorts far more personal information than is necessary to provide coverage.
Reading comprehension is your friend.
"If you like your current health insurance .... You can keep it"...

We let them lie.. We allow them to pass legislation that nobody reads. AND SOME OF US keep re-electing them..

Just picked up notice that the Professional Organization that has been offering me insurance for 25 years is being ended as of Dec 31st..

It is now ILLEGAL to offer group plans if you are NOT an employer.

So now professional organizations catering to their self-employed members will not be ALLOWED to offer coverage. Being self-employed for 25 yrs -- I HAVE no employer. I've just been dumped into the chaos and INTRUSIVE PRYING ARMS of the govt. run exchanges.

Not only that -- but I am uninsurable. Technically a cancer patient tho my form of Leukemia requires no anticipated treatment. AND I have a tremor condition and take statin drugs.. Been refused for underwriting.. Don't CARE to toss into a govt run exchange and then STILL GET SCREWED by the choices of insurers that are in there..

STOP THEM FROM LYING.. HOLD THEM ACCOUNTABLE.. I doubt if ANY CONGRESS critters knew that this bill would OUTLAW professional group plans..

Obama and the Democrats don't care about you. They never did.

That's for sure.. But now I doubt there was ANY KIND of thought provided when Nancy Pelosi marched her gavel in celebration from Cap. Hill to the W.H. for that signing.

What the hell were they thinking??

You seem to labor under the assumption that they think.
Talked to a VP of a local bank yesterday.. They started to SELF-INSURE their 1500 employees about 8 years ago.. Gave them a $5000 deductible insurance plan and an average of $4200/yr bonus for medical expenses.. The bank backs up the $5000 deductible with a catastrophic plan on each employee and DIRECTLY PAYS the gap between $5000 and when the catastrophic insurance kicks in.. Insurance companies are nearly CUT OUT OF THE EQUATION ! WORKS BEAUTIFULLY ! Is MSA qualified... ((sounds similiar to what that entreprenuer owner of "Fresh Market" did for his employees))

He told me -- with just MONTHS before the laws come crushing down --- They can't get an accurate reading on whether that plan will be legal going forward.. CERTAINLY the deductible has to come down to meet the stupidass requirements. And it's very unlikely that the bank will offer an alternative plan if high deductible MSAs are OUTLAWED...

So EVEN IF the bank offers employees the $4200 minus the Federal Fine --- THey are NEVER gonna be able to replace this deal.. Everyone of them will HATE the morons who caused this...

The anger out there is about to blow... He was as riled and outraged as I am..

Keep it up SKY.. Happy thoughts.. Ignore the carnage..

There are gonna be 10s of MILLIONS added to the uninsured. Insurance costs are gonna skyrocket. The insurance companies are gonna be the big benefactors.. EVERYTHING IS WORKING -- according to leftist planning..
No, the deductible of $5,000 does not have to come down to meet the requirements of the law. As long as out of pocket cost does not exceed $6,350 for individuals and $12,700 for families. $10,000 or $15,000 deductible plans won't make the cut.

According to the Kaiser Foundation only 10% of employees who get their insurance through their employer have high deductible plans. High deductible in this study is $1,000 or more. In spite of the low premiums, there are relative few people who purchase plans with $10,000 up deductibles.

Low-premium, high-deductible health plans are endangered by Affordable Care Act : Stltoday

Snapshots: The Prevalence and Cost of Deductibles in Employer Sponsored Insurance | The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation
Read All about iit!

Man chooses to die rather than take personal responsibility for his own health care or to sign up under provisions of the ACA!!! Whines for pity, but finds none!
So when Obama lied directly to your face saying you could keep your insurance...you're okay with that.

Probably one of those who will receive a subsidy to pay insurance costs the rest of us will be dunned to cover.
"If you like your current health insurance .... You can keep it"...

We let them lie.. We allow them to pass legislation that nobody reads. AND SOME OF US keep re-electing them..

Just picked up notice that the Professional Organization that has been offering me insurance for 25 years is being ended as of Dec 31st..

It is now ILLEGAL to offer group plans if you are NOT an employer.

So now professional organizations catering to their self-employed members will not be ALLOWED to offer coverage. Being self-employed for 25 yrs -- I HAVE no employer. I've just been dumped into the chaos and INTRUSIVE PRYING ARMS of the govt. run exchanges.

Not only that -- but I am uninsurable. Technically a cancer patient tho my form of Leukemia requires no anticipated treatment. AND I have a tremor condition and take statin drugs.. Been refused for underwriting.. Don't CARE to toss into a govt run exchange and then STILL GET SCREWED by the choices of insurers that are in there..

STOP THEM FROM LYING.. HOLD THEM ACCOUNTABLE.. I doubt if ANY CONGRESS critters knew that this bill would OUTLAW professional group plans..
There is nothing in the law that prevents professional groups from offering group health insurance and the law does not require that insurance companies continue to offer the insurance that you currently have.

In regard to Obama's statement, Jake Tapper asked Obama to explain his statement. In a rather long explanation he said " I'm saying the government is not going to make you change plans under health reform." If an insurance company chooses not to offer a particular plan that does not mean the ACA is responsible.

I do know that the National Association of the Self-Employer is offering group health insurance. Do you care to give any details to support your statements?

PolitiFact | Barack Obama promises you can keep your health insurance, but there's no guarantee

Already QUOTED what my Association said in the letter I recieved. THEY do not lie. Go to Page 1 -- I quoted the letter there. Or maybe also quoted and BOLDED IT on the previous page. http://www.usmessageboard.com/7672342-post48.html

NATIONAL groups would have to write INDIVIDUAL policies. And there would be no advantage of banding together as a group.. We're BEYOND speculation here. It is ILLEGAL for them to form a GROUP for the purpose of offering GROUP COVERAGE for a national membership.

Don't give a flying fudge what you're reading on the Web. Or how you want so badly to spin Obama's CHRONIC lying condition..

This chit is spinning out of control.. A LOT of folks are gonna be amazed at how LITTLE they KNEW about this steaming heap of crap... The Jake Tapper deal doesn't apply Flopper.. It wasn't the INSURANCE COMPANY that outlawed my coverage under a Profession Org.. It was the LIAR IN CHIEF himself... Do you get this??
You claimed that it is illegal to offer group plans if you're not an employer. What makes this illegal, certainly not the ACA because professional groups will be issuing policies next year? I have no doubt that forming a professional or trade group for the sole purpose of offering health insurance may be illegal because of state insurance laws but that has nothing to do with the ACA.
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What Flacal's professional association policyholder is doing is terminating coverage, because they do not choose to make the changes necesssary for them to comply with ACA, including guaranteed issue for late enrollees. He chooses to claim that ACA made it illegal for the association to continue to offer coverage. This is not true, but Flacali is so busy having a pity party that he will not acknowledge that. He also seems to think that any health insurance that is mandated by the goernment is bad and he refuses to particpate in it, so I assume that he will also refuse Medicare when he reaches 65.

In short, I have given up trying to reason with this guy.
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Why would my PROFESSIONAL ORG who wrote that letter LIE about the reason for termination?

They clearly stated that the new laws would require them to have the insurer issue INDIVIDUAL coverage --- rather than use the GROUP as a means for rating.. That -- my reading challenged buds --- means that GROUPS (by a national entity) are now NO LONGER ALLOWED..

You're fools if you think there's a reason to doubt that letter from my Prof Org..

Who am I gonna believe -- random Internet folks or a National Professional Org with over 80,000 members??

NO ONE wants to offer group insurance nationally if each member causes them to request a new policy and a new rating.
Flopper ---

Back up your assertion that Professional Groups will be offering national GROUP plans next year..

I don't want a web page.. I want a STATEMENT that their coverages will continue thru the implementation of ObamaCare..

It's a huge stretch to take life/death advice from a guy who believes that the Soc Sec Trust Fund is FILLED with valuable US purchased Treasury Bonds with the ability to pay future benefits.
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Continuing with the content of the letter from the Health Mgr for my org..

Even though XXXX is not able to provide the type of coverage that we currently have, why didn't the plan just move coverage to a different insurer?

Since PPACA DOES NOT CONSIDER non-employer based group Association coverage to be a group insurance, this type of coverage will have to comply with INDIVIDUAL insurance rules. It is not feasible for most health insurers to offer a nationwide, cost customized plan with all the state specific rules on a cost-competitive basis. In other words, effective January 1 2014, most non-EMPLOYER based group association health plans WILL CEASE TO EXIST. Instead, most of those plans will become individual plans, if they are to be still offered.

Seems pretty clear to me that Obama lied... And my completely portable CUSTOMIZED health plan is now illegal...

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