Obama KILLS my HealthCare -- Leaves me to die...

as I said, Repubs had 6 years to do something and ignored it. They had a golden opportunity that might've cemented their majority BUT they had other priorities. Its no big secret that the Dems have been trying to address healthcare for decades.
too bad Repubs didn't address the issue when they had complete control of the gov't from 2000-2006. Then they could have crafted something more to conservative's liking (whatever that would be). Thats one reason they were kicked to the curb. Funny thing is, they STILL haven't crafted an alternative plan. All they are is against things.


Prior to CommieCare:

"Life Expectancy. Another frequently cited statistic is that according to the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development, the U.S. ranks 18th among 30 world democracies in life expectancy. However, health care is not the only factor in life expectancy. If you correct for two causes of death not directly related to health care—homicides and automobile accidents—the U.S. actually rises to the top of the list for life expectancy."
Inaccurate Grounds for Calling U.S. Health Care Inferior
"Not only that -- but I am uninsurable. Technically a cancer patient tho my form of Leukemia requires no anticipated treatment. AND I have a tremor condition and take statin drugs.. Been refused for underwriting.. Don't CARE to toss into a govt run exchange and then STILL GET SCREWED by the choices of insurers that are in there.."

All I can say is that, should I come down with luekemia, I, too hope that I will come down with a form that "requires no anticipated treatment"!!!!!

Please read the quote in my footer.. I picked it out just for morons like you who want to disbelieve everything folks tell you...

THEN --- go to the WIKI and look up Chronic Leukocyctic Leukemia or CLL..
MOST people who get it --- die from something else. Only about 40% ever require treatment -- especially if they are younger like I am..

You know pretty quickly if you're in the 40% --- I'm not. My WBCell counts have plateaued.
You happy now that you've made me disclosed intimate health care info? No wonder you're a fan of ObamaCare.. You can now be up in everyone's business and that makes you happy? Wanna picture of the chigger bites on my ass now??

You done poking fun at my agony now? You love removing choices and making folks conform to your expectations don'tcha?

We already knew you were thin skinned butt-----butt chiggers on your ass? Please don't post a photo of your ass, most senior men's asses ain't that cute IYKWIMAITYD.

But back to the subject at hand - now that you've made public half the information you're 'were' paranoid about making public, you might as well get past all your paranoia, disclose your income, buy insurance and quit trying to make excuses for becoming one of those healthcare free riders and-----and while you're at it, don't forget to blame your rightwing hero Ronald Reagan for creating the healthcare free rider "problem".
"If you like your current health insurance .... You can keep it"...

We let them lie.. We allow them to pass legislation that nobody reads. AND SOME OF US keep re-electing them..

Just picked up notice that the Professional Organization that has been offering me insurance for 25 years is being ended as of Dec 31st..

It is now ILLEGAL to offer group plans if you are NOT an employer.

So now professional organizations catering to their self-employed members will not be ALLOWED to offer coverage. Being self-employed for 25 yrs -- I HAVE no employer. I've just been dumped into the chaos and INTRUSIVE PRYING ARMS of the govt. run exchanges.

Not only that -- but I am uninsurable. Technically a cancer patient tho my form of Leukemia requires no anticipated treatment. AND I have a tremor condition and take statin drugs.. Been refused for underwriting.. Don't CARE to toss into a govt run exchange and then STILL GET SCREWED by the choices of insurers that are in there..

STOP THEM FROM LYING.. HOLD THEM ACCOUNTABLE.. I doubt if ANY CONGRESS critters knew that this bill would OUTLAW professional group plans..

Read All about iit!

Man chooses to die rather than take personal responsibility for his own health care or to sign up under provisions of the ACA!!! Whines for pity, but finds none!

[Not only that -- but I am uninsurable. Technically a cancer patient tho my form of Leukemia requires no anticipated treatment. AND I have a tremor condition and take statin drugs.. Been refused for underwriting.. Don't CARE to toss into a govt run exchange and then STILL GET SCREWED by the choices of insurers that are in there.. /QUOTE]

I have provided for my OWN health insurance for 25 yrs now.. Not a govt. not an employer.

I have written one simple check a quarter to a competent administrator at my favorite Professional Org..

YOU and your Dear Leaders have REPEATEDLY LIED to us about this farce.
They have GROSSLY misrepresented the facts or were IGNORANT of the facts OR the HHS is just making shit up as it goes along..

YOU --- have FORCED ME to purchase insurance now from ONE SOURCE. Run by recent burger flipper converts. And subjected me to probing from the IRS and the HHS just for the honor of being "served"... They will ask for complete financial and banking information including electronic payment access. I will not give them that. I will not disclose my finances for the purposes of buying insurance..

YOU ---- may not understand the implications of that loss of freedom and choice. You very soon will.. In your lifetime -- if these morons aren't defeated --- you will be working for them...

Look, when you get tired of feeling sorry for yourself, please reread and absorb this.

First. ACA does not make private insurance illegal. if your association decided to cancel their health insurance policy on their memebers, it was THEIR DECISION ALONE. It may very well have been because they have an entire insured population of certificates issued to uninsurable individuals, like you, who would never have passed underwriting if they had applied for an individual policy.

Second. Under ACA, you will be given the opportunity to buy a guaranteed issue policy. That's the law.

Third. I am a retired VP of Life and Health underwriting. It was my job for 50 years or so to deny coverage to people like you. Now, for the first time in my life, people like you will have the opportunity to buy insurance anyway. What I did for a living was heart breaking and soul rending. I have fought for health care reform since 1990, so that people like you will NOT be left out in the cold with no insurance. Through the efforts of others like me, and myself, we have suceeded in giving you an option other than death. I am extremly proud of our success.

So, for crying out loud, quit whining, and take advantage of the fact that your fellow Americans cared enough to provide you with a chance for life, instead of just turning their backs and waiting for you to die, which is exactly what we have been doing since group health insurance first appeared in the 1930's.
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too bad Repubs didn't address the issue when they had complete control of the gov't from 2000-2006. Then they could have crafted something more to conservative's liking (whatever that would be). Thats one reason they were kicked to the curb. Funny thing is, they STILL haven't crafted an alternative plan. All they are is against things.


Yeah -- Your guys addressed it all right. THey didn't even KNOW what they were passing.
That's excellence in leftist govt..

Who cares how many folks go bankrupt and die while your idiots in charge "work out the details".. MILLIONS of folks like me are now pawns in your "victory"..

Enjoy... You couldn't get me off USMB thru honest debate -- you had to off me with an Act of Congress...


So you like giving the Insurance Companies a free sales, marketing and collection dept..
You're gonna save them SHITLOADS of money that the common folk will never see.
Think that was part of the deal DotCom?

Any Corporate CEOs that lied and distorted the facts on their product like the DEMS have done on ObamaCare ---- You'd be demanding a perp walk right now --- wouldn'tcha?

I'm still steaming mad.. I need MORE ObamaCare experts to tell me I don't know how great this all is...

BTW: I'll bet the Unions figured out that they can't cover their membership NATIONALLY anymore.. Probably why they came out with those ass-kicking statements last month..

Don't matter --- THEY GOT WAIVERS didn't they?

ummm..... thats one of the reasons the issue was addressed because insurance co's were taking people to the cleaners :eusa_eh:

Medical bills prompt more than 60 percent of U.S. bankruptcies - CNN.com

How many people in, Israel for example, declare bankruptcy due to medical bills? :eusa_whistle: Take your time answering.
Read All about iit!

Man chooses to die rather than take personal responsibility for his own health care or to sign up under provisions of the ACA!!! Whines for pity, but finds none!

I have provided for my OWN health insurance for 25 yrs now.. Not a govt. not an employer.

I have written one simple check a quarter to a competent administrator at my favorite Professional Org..

YOU and your Dear Leaders have REPEATEDLY LIED to us about this farce.
They have GROSSLY misrepresented the facts or were IGNORANT of the facts OR the HHS is just making shit up as it goes along..

YOU --- have FORCED ME to purchase insurance now from ONE SOURCE. Run by recent burger flipper converts. And subjected me to probing from the IRS and the HHS just for the honor of being "served"... They will ask for complete financial and banking information including electronic payment access. I will not give them that. I will not disclose my finances for the purposes of buying insurance..

YOU ---- may not understand the implications of that loss of freedom and choice. You very soon will.. In your lifetime -- if these morons aren't defeated --- you will be working for them...

Look, when you get tired of feeling sorry for yourself, please reread and absorb this.

First. ACA does not make private insurance illegal. if your association decided to cancel their health insurance policy on their memebers, it was THEIR DECISION ALONE. It may very well have been because they have an entire insured population of certificates issued to uninsurable individuals, like you, who would never have passed underwriting if they had applied for an individual policy.

Second. Under ACA, you will be given the opportunity to buy a guaranteed issue policy. That's the law.

Third. I am a retired VP of Life and Health underwriting. It was my job for 50 years or so to deny coverage to people like you. Now, for the first time in my life, people like you will have the opportunity to buy insurance anyway. What I did for a living was heart breaking and soul rending. I have fought for health care reform since 1990, so that people like you will NOT be left out in the cold with no insurance. Through the efforts of others like me, and myself, we have suceeded in giving you an option other than death. I am extremly proud of our success.

So, for crying out loud, quit whining, and take advantage of the fact that your fellow Americans cared enough to provide you with a chance for life, instead of just turning their backs and waiting for you to die, which is exactly what we have been doing since group health insurance first appeared in the 1930's.

You may have 50 yrs in the biz, but neither YOU or the FREAKING Congressional AUTHORS of this obamanation had a CLUE what was in it..

From a post of mine on Page 1..

From the letter I recieved..

Today XXXXX offers Association insurance as group insurance, which allows an Association policy to cover individual members nationwide, with plan designs and cost CUSTOMIZED to each association.. However the new laws consider these types of health care plans to be individual insurance, which removes these features. This is very significant change and would require XXXXX to become a different type of insurer .... to comply on a state by state basis..

OBAMA lied --- Pelosi and Reid had NO FUCKING IDEA "what was in it" and neither do you apparently --- But you love it ---dontcha?

NO MORE Professional Organizations offering PORTABLE WELL MANAGED insurance to their national membership... GET IT??

Nationwide Assoc plans were made ILLEGAL by OBAMACARE... My prof. org was happy, the membership was happy, and the insurance company was happy busily raising everybody's rates like they do..

Note that this is probably not much different from national populations of UNION members covered under Group plans..

Sorry you were forced to be a member of the Insurance Company SS for your lifetime..

Why don't you deal with your own guilt and ineptness to fix the problems? And quit SPECULATING about the stop action train wreck that keeps derailing for weeks and weeks before everyones eyes.

I'm sure your pals left in the industry are GIDDY with excitement to have all that free sales, marketing and collections support that the taxpayers are gonna pick up for..

You sure showed that industry a thing or two with your new Leftist Holy Suit didn't ya??

BTW: Mr. Experienced INsurance guy.. Folks ALWAYS HAD the ability to buy "guaranteed issue"... Don't tell me they didn't..
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too bad Repubs didn't address the issue when they had complete control of the gov't from 2000-2006. Then they could have crafted something more to conservative's liking (whatever that would be). Thats one reason they were kicked to the curb. Funny thing is, they STILL haven't crafted an alternative plan. All they are is against things.

Yeah -- Your guys addressed it all right. THey didn't even KNOW what they were passing.
That's excellence in leftist govt..

Who cares how many folks go bankrupt and die while your idiots in charge "work out the details".. MILLIONS of folks like me are now pawns in your "victory"..

Enjoy... You couldn't get me off USMB thru honest debate -- you had to off me with an Act of Congress...


So you like giving the Insurance Companies a free sales, marketing and collection dept..
You're gonna save them SHITLOADS of money that the common folk will never see.
Think that was part of the deal DotCom?

Any Corporate CEOs that lied and distorted the facts on their product like the DEMS have done on ObamaCare ---- You'd be demanding a perp walk right now --- wouldn'tcha?

I'm still steaming mad.. I need MORE ObamaCare experts to tell me I don't know how great this all is...

BTW: I'll bet the Unions figured out that they can't cover their membership NATIONALLY anymore.. Probably why they came out with those ass-kicking statements last month..

Don't matter --- THEY GOT WAIVERS didn't they?

ummm..... thats one of the reasons the issue was addressed because insurance co's were taking people to the cleaners :eusa_eh:

Medical bills prompt more than 60 percent of U.S. bankruptcies - CNN.com

How many people in, Israel for example, declare bankruptcy due to medical bills? :eusa_whistle: Take your time answering.

You've done NOTHING at all to reduce premium costs. IN FACT --- you've forced folks like me to buy more insurance than I need or want.. What I want is VERY high deductible. You've removed that choice that I could make to keep my premiums lower..

I'm NOT as sick as the insurers pretend I am.. I'm willing to cover the 1st $10K/yr of my healthcare instead paying for insurance.

AND you've shifted the COST of premiums to the taxpayers who will be picking up the subsidies and the cost of MASSIVE INFRASTRUCTURE to run the exchanges on behalf of the Insurance Companies..
Look, when you get tired of feeling sorry for yourself, please reread and absorb this.

First. ACA does not make private insurance illegal. if your association decided to cancel their health insurance policy on their memebers, it was THEIR DECISION ALONE. It may very well have been because they have an entire insured population of certificates issued to uninsurable individuals, like you, who would never have passed underwriting if they had applied for an individual policy.

Second. Under ACA, you will be given the opportunity to buy a guaranteed issue policy. That's the law.

Third. I am a retired VP of Life and Health underwriting. It was my job for 50 years or so to deny coverage to people like you. Now, for the first time in my life, people like you will have the opportunity to buy insurance anyway. What I did for a living was heart breaking and soul rending. I have fought for health care reform since 1990, so that people like you will NOT be left out in the cold with no insurance. Through the efforts of others like me, and myself, we have suceeded in giving you an option other than death. I am extremly proud of our success.

So, for crying out loud, quit whining, and take advantage of the fact that your fellow Americans cared enough to provide you with a chance for life, instead of just turning their backs and waiting for you to die, which is exactly what we have been doing since group health insurance first appeared in the 1930's.

You may have 50 yrs in the biz, but neither YOU or the FREAKING Congressional AUTHORS of this obamanation had a CLUE what was in it..

From a post of mine on Page 1..

From the letter I recieved..

OBAMA lied --- Pelosi and Reid had NO FUCKING IDEA "what was in it" and neither do you apparently --- But you love it ---dontcha?

NO MORE Professional Organizations offering PORTABLE WELL MANAGED insurance to their national membership... GET IT??

Nationwide Assoc plans were made ILLEGAL by OBAMACARE... My prof. org was happy, the membership was happy, and the insurance company was happy busily raising everybody's rates like they do..

Note that this is probably not much different from national populations of UNION members covered under Group plans..

Sorry you were forced to be a member of the Insurance Company SS for your lifetime..

Why don't you deal with your own guilt and ineptness to fix the problems? And quit SPECULATING about the stop action train wreck that keeps derailing for weeks and weeks before everyones eyes.

I'm sure your pals left in the industry are GIDDY with excitement to have all that free sales, marketing and collections support that the taxpayers are gonna pick up for..

You sure showed that industry a thing or two with your new Leftist Holy Suit didn't ya??

BTW: Mr. Experienced INsurance guy.. Folks ALWAYS HAD the ability to buy "guaranteed issue"... Don't tell me they didn't..

Well, in your case, Flac, I retract my prior statement. You simply do not deserve the option to get a free ride on ACA, which would have given you coverage at the expense of people who are not as sick. In your case, it would have been better for you to continue under the prior plan that you had, which had no guarantee of renewal whatsoever, and if they had chosen to cancel the association contract (which I did, as an underwriter, any time they showed signs of operating at a permenant loss), you would have been SOl, which, after having had this discourse with you, would not have cost me 5 minutes of sleep.

I hope that you keep your promise and do NOT take advantage of the ACA provided guaranteed issue law.
Read All about iit!

Man chooses to die rather than take personal responsibility for his own health care or to sign up under provisions of the ACA!!! Whines for pity, but finds none!

I have provided for my OWN health insurance for 25 yrs now.. Not a govt. not an employer.

I have written one simple check a quarter to a competent administrator at my favorite Professional Org..

YOU and your Dear Leaders have REPEATEDLY LIED to us about this farce.
They have GROSSLY misrepresented the facts or were IGNORANT of the facts OR the HHS is just making shit up as it goes along..

YOU --- have FORCED ME to purchase insurance now from ONE SOURCE. Run by recent burger flipper converts. And subjected me to probing from the IRS and the HHS just for the honor of being "served"... They will ask for complete financial and banking information including electronic payment access. I will not give them that. I will not disclose my finances for the purposes of buying insurance..

YOU ---- may not understand the implications of that loss of freedom and choice. You very soon will.. In your lifetime -- if these morons aren't defeated --- you will be working for them...

Look, when you get tired of feeling sorry for yourself, please reread and absorb this.

First. ACA does not make private insurance illegal. if your association decided to cancel their health insurance policy on their memebers, it was THEIR DECISION ALONE. It may very well have been because they have an entire insured population of certificates issued to uninsurable individuals, like you, who would never have passed underwriting if they had applied for an individual policy.

Second. Under ACA, you will be given the opportunity to buy a guaranteed issue policy. That's the law.

Third. I am a retired VP of Life and Health underwriting. It was my job for 50 years or so to deny coverage to people like you. Now, for the first time in my life, people like you will have the opportunity to buy insurance anyway. What I did for a living was heart breaking and soul rending. I have fought for health care reform since 1990, so that people like you will NOT be left out in the cold with no insurance. Through the efforts of others like me, and myself, we have suceeded in giving you an option other than death. I am extremly proud of our success.

So, for crying out loud, quit whining, and take advantage of the fact that your fellow Americans cared enough to provide you with a chance for life, instead of just turning their backs and waiting for you to die, which is exactly what we have been doing since group health insurance first appeared in the 1930's.

your strawman is......

too bad Repubs didn't address the issue when they had complete control of the gov't from 2000-2006. Then they could have crafted something more to conservative's liking (whatever that would be). Thats one reason they were kicked to the curb. Funny thing is, they STILL haven't crafted an alternative plan. All they are is against things.


Yeah -- Your guys addressed it all right. THey didn't even KNOW what they were passing.
That's excellence in leftist govt..

Who cares how many folks go bankrupt and die while your idiots in charge "work out the details".. MILLIONS of folks like me are now pawns in your "victory"..

Enjoy... You couldn't get me off USMB thru honest debate -- you had to off me with an Act of Congress...


So you like giving the Insurance Companies a free sales, marketing and collection dept..
You're gonna save them SHITLOADS of money that the common folk will never see.
Think that was part of the deal DotCom?

Any Corporate CEOs that lied and distorted the facts on their product like the DEMS have done on ObamaCare ---- You'd be demanding a perp walk right now --- wouldn'tcha?

I'm still steaming mad.. I need MORE ObamaCare experts to tell me I don't know how great this all is...

BTW: I'll bet the Unions figured out that they can't cover their membership NATIONALLY anymore.. Probably why they came out with those ass-kicking statements last month..

Don't matter --- THEY GOT WAIVERS didn't they?

ummm..... thats one of the reasons the issue was addressed because insurance co's were taking people to the cleaners :eusa_eh:

Medical bills prompt more than 60 percent of U.S. bankruptcies - CNN.com

How many people in, Israel for example, declare bankruptcy due to medical bills? :eusa_whistle: Take your time answering.

that Lie has been debunked and not even big chief warrens cooked stats can save you either.....60%, :lol:
You may have 50 yrs in the biz, but neither YOU or the FREAKING Congressional AUTHORS of this obamanation had a CLUE what was in it..

From a post of mine on Page 1..

Nationwide Assoc plans were made ILLEGAL by OBAMACARE... My prof. org was happy, the membership was happy, and the insurance company was happy busily raising everybody's rates like they do..

Note that this is probably not much different from national populations of UNION members covered under Group plans..

Sorry you were forced to be a member of the Insurance Company SS for your lifetime..

Why don't you deal with your own guilt and ineptness to fix the problems? And quit SPECULATING about the stop action train wreck that keeps derailing for weeks and weeks before everyones eyes.

I'm sure your pals left in the industry are GIDDY with excitement to have all that free sales, marketing and collections support that the taxpayers are gonna pick up for..

You sure showed that industry a thing or two with your new Leftist Holy Suit didn't ya??

BTW: Mr. Experienced INsurance guy.. Folks ALWAYS HAD the ability to buy "guaranteed issue"... Don't tell me they didn't..

Well, in your case, Flac, I retract my prior statement. You simply do not deserve the option to get a free ride on ACA, which would have given you coverage at the expense of people who are not as sick. In your case, it would have been better for you to continue under the prior plan that you had, which had no guarantee of renewal whatsoever, and if they had chosen to cancel the association contract (which I did, as an underwriter, any time they showed signs of operating at a permenant loss), you would have been SOl, which, after having had this discourse with you, would not have cost me 5 minutes of sleep.

I hope that you keep your promise and do NOT take advantage of the ACA provided guaranteed issue law.

What is the name of the fantasy in your head that imagines I'd EVER get a FREE RIDE on ACA? At the expense of people who are not sick? And why is that different from people organizing their OWN GROUPS in a similiar fashion to AN EMPLOYER?

What is the MAGIC of being an employer and allowed to leverage NATIONAL coverage -- when a professional organization with 20,000 members or so can't do the same?? I'll tell ya what it is --- driving MORE people to the exchanges.. Taking away options.. You leftists LOVE to reduce options.. Confuses the victim class to have 7 choices of ketchup..

You were a real badass weren't you? You're conversion to Dem-lite is NOT gonna save you from hell..

But let's not get "personal" eh? I've got a bi-annual rectal probing from the IRS, the HHS, and boatload of newly commissioned "navigators" who were just running voter registration drives in Memphis to replace your overpaid ass.. You ought to try it yourself.. See if you like handing over your "automatic withdrawal" keys to the Govt..
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Speaking of Obamacare lowering individual costs, it's not going to, at least for now:


WASHINGTON — In another setback for President Obama’s health care initiative, the administration has delayed until 2015 a significant consumer protection in the law that limits how much people may have to spend on their own health care.

The limit on out-of-pocket costs, including deductibles and co-payments, was not supposed to exceed $6,350 for an individual and $12,700 for a family. But under a little-noticed ruling, federal officials have granted a one-year grace period to some insurers, allowing them to set higher limits, or no limit at all on some costs, in 2014.
Obama's really looking out for the little guy, ain't he?
HAvent we learned by now that the title of the law means it will actually do/be the opposite?

Patriot Act being the star example.

Affordable (unaffordable) care act.
Leeches have no clue what is about to hit them but I sure as hell have no intention of allowing the govt viewing access of my assets norwill I allow them to fuck with my health until I have the same health care options as they do. They will be hidden because it's the safest place for them.
Speaking of Obamacare lowering individual costs, it's not going to, at least for now:


WASHINGTON — In another setback for President Obama’s health care initiative, the administration has delayed until 2015 a significant consumer protection in the law that limits how much people may have to spend on their own health care.

The limit on out-of-pocket costs, including deductibles and co-payments, was not supposed to exceed $6,350 for an individual and $12,700 for a family. But under a little-noticed ruling, federal officials have granted a one-year grace period to some insurers, allowing them to set higher limits, or no limit at all on some costs, in 2014.
Obama's really looking out for the little guy, ain't he?

Hey DaveMan --- quite screwing with my head.. I've only got 49 days til the exchanges open for business and rescue me.. All those welcoming faces will be properly trained and FLUENT in all the details of ObamaCare.. :lol: :lol: :lol:

I will be so happy that Obama LIED and Pelosi/Reid FAKED their way thru this great political victory for the "little guy"..

So don't try to ruin my enduring optimism for the extreme competence and excellence of Govt run programs like this one.. :eusa_shifty: :eusa_shifty:

In just 49 days --- my problems will be over... :eek:
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Speaking of Obamacare lowering individual costs, it's not going to, at least for now:


WASHINGTON — In another setback for President Obama’s health care initiative, the administration has delayed until 2015 a significant consumer protection in the law that limits how much people may have to spend on their own health care.

The limit on out-of-pocket costs, including deductibles and co-payments, was not supposed to exceed $6,350 for an individual and $12,700 for a family. But under a little-noticed ruling, federal officials have granted a one-year grace period to some insurers, allowing them to set higher limits, or no limit at all on some costs, in 2014.
Obama's really looking out for the little guy, ain't he?

Hey DaveMan --- quite screwing with my head.. I've only got 49 days til the exchanges open for business and rescue me.. All those welcoming faces will be properly trained and FLUENT in all the details of ObamaCare.. :lol: :lol: :lol:

I will be so happy that Obama LIED and Pelosi/Reid FAKED their way thru this great political victory for the "little guy"..

So don't try to ruin my enduring optimism for the extreme competence and excellence of Govt run programs like this one.. :eusa_shifty: :eusa_shifty:

In just 49 days --- my problems will be over... :eek:

Maybe-----maybe your problems will be over but my guess is, you'll make buying insurance for yourself and your family as difficult as you possibly can so you can then piss and moan about what a horrible experience your having --shoulder shrug-- that's just the way some people roll --yawn--

But-----but if you do make buying insurance difficult for yourself, you'll be giving yourself a different kind of experience than the overwhelming majority of Massachusettsian's who are enjoying-----enjoying their health insurance-----their health insurance that in the words of the bill's architect is "the same f**king bill" as Obamacare;
But while Republicans continue to peddle horror stories about America's future under Obamacare, the very satisfied residents of Massachusetts are telling a different story today. Earlier this month, the Massachusetts Medical Society released survey findings showing continued strong support for the 2006 law signed by Republican Governor Mitt Romney, one its architect Jonathan Gruber described as "the same f**king bill" as Obamacare:
The survey finds that 84 percent of Bay State residents are satisfied with their health coverage -- considerably higher than the approximately 67 percent of Americans nationally who are happy with their health care. Specifically, respondents praised high quality of care and good access to medical services as the reasons for their satisfaction. An additional 75 percent said that finding the kind of medical care they need isn't difficult. Those results track with earlier polls on Massachusetts' reform law. In 2011, a survey administered by state insurance officials found that 86 percent of residents were pleased with the range of services covered by plans under the law's insurance marketplace and 82 percent were pleased with their choice of doctors.
The popularity of "Romneycare" should come as no surprise. After all, the program now in its seventh year reduced the ranks of the uninsured from 10 percent to a national low of just two percent. Neither the supposed "rate shock" nor the hordes of angry residents forced to pay penalties for non-compliance came to pass: just 44,000 out of 6.6 million people paid the fine rather than comply with the individual mandate in 2010.
To be sure, the national Affordable Care Act and the Massachusetts law are not exactly the same and different states are differentially situated. As the Washington Post explained in May, "Massachusetts is a relatively rich and liberal state that already had a fairly high rate of health insurance." And there's another reason why "the Massachusetts experience might not prove an apt guide to the national experience":
Although the Massachusetts reforms are architecturally similar to the Affordable Care Act, they didn't have to contend with a political party working relentlessly to undermine their implementation.
And in Texas, Florida, Wisconsin, Virginia, Ohio, Pennsylvania and everywhere else where Republicans are working relentlessly to undermine the implementation of the Affordable Care Act, millions of their constituents will suffer. While blue states like California, Maryland, New York and Oregon running their own insurance exchanges and accepting the federal expansion of Medicaid will provide their residents greater coverage and lower premiums, the tragedy that is red state health care will needlessly continue.

Continue, that is, until constituents in Republican states demand the same access to and quality of health care they see their cousins enjoying in Democratic states. Starting next year, Americans will know who to blame for trying to deny them health care and who to credit for making reform possible. As Bill Kristol fretted two decades ago, that triumph will cement the Democrats' brand "as the generous protector of middle-class interests."


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