Obama KILLS my HealthCare -- Leaves me to die...

It is now ILLEGAL to offer group plans if you are NOT an employer.

No, it isn't.

Not only that -- but I am uninsurable. Technically a cancer patient tho my form of Leukemia requires no anticipated treatment. AND I have a tremor condition and take statin drugs.. Been refused for underwriting.. Don't CARE to toss into a govt run exchange and then STILL GET SCREWED by the choices of insurers that are in there..


I have some shocking news for you. A few years ago Congress passed a law--you probably haven't heard of it, it's called the Affordable Care Act--that put this into federal law, effective about three and a half months from right now:

42 USC § 300gg–1 - Guaranteed availability of coverage
(a) Guaranteed issuance of coverage in the individual and group market
Subject to subsections (b) through (e), each health insurance issuer that offers health insurance coverage in the individual or group market in a State must accept every employer and individual in the State that applies for such coverage.

No one is uninsurable anymore. No one can be refused for any plan that's in effect next year (most of which go on sale in about seven weeks).
He didn't say he wouldn't be insured.

He said the coverage will be most likely inferior to his current coverage. And the red tape involved will undeniably be orders of magnitude greater.
"If you like your current health insurance .... You can keep it"...

We let them lie.. We allow them to pass legislation that nobody reads. AND SOME OF US keep re-electing them..

Just picked up notice that the Professional Organization that has been offering me insurance for 25 years is being ended as of Dec 31st..

It is now ILLEGAL to offer group plans if you are NOT an employer.

So now professional organizations catering to their self-employed members will not be ALLOWED to offer coverage. Being self-employed for 25 yrs -- I HAVE no employer. I've just been dumped into the chaos and INTRUSIVE PRYING ARMS of the govt. run exchanges.

Not only that -- but I am uninsurable. Technically a cancer patient tho my form of Leukemia requires no anticipated treatment. AND I have a tremor condition and take statin drugs.. Been refused for underwriting.. Don't CARE to toss into a govt run exchange and then STILL GET SCREWED by the choices of insurers that are in there..

STOP THEM FROM LYING.. HOLD THEM ACCOUNTABLE.. I doubt if ANY CONGRESS critters knew that this bill would OUTLAW professional group plans..

Obama and the Democrats don't care about you. They never did.

That's for sure.. But now I doubt there was ANY KIND of thought provided when Nancy Pelosi marched her gavel in celebration from Cap. Hill to the W.H. for that signing.

What the hell were they thinking??
"What a grand and glorious first step to complete government takeover of the health care industry!!"
thing was.... they never said it was going to be great.

what they promised was it was going to be great for anyone who did not have health care.

What do ya think the odds are of any leftist poster showing up to defend any of this?
There is no defense of these decisions..

Actually thinking of my daughter -- she's nearing the age where she will be REQUIRED to enroll.. Regardless of her personal conditions or choice.. She HAS healthcare because now I pay for it.. In a year or two --- she won't.. I doubt that she's gonna come away from her INTRODUCTION to "government help" with a really favorable opinion..

MAYBE --- this will work in our favor in a relatively short period of time..

MAYBE --- this will work in our favor in a relatively short period of time.. More likely than not!

I can't speak to your personal problems - your problems may be unique to you or you may not understand what you're doing, or because your problem is your problem and your problem alone, you can change the circumstances any way you want at any time it suits and-----and given Republican's penchant for fudging facts..., you haven't earned any trust for not making it up as you go.

According to the rightwing rag Forbes; your wrong or lying about several "facts" in the OP; according to Forbes, "...price is determined only by four criteria:
  1. Age – older people will not pay more than three times the amount younger people pay.
  2. Premium rating area – high cost health areas will have more expensive insurance than low cost areas.
  3. Number of family members getting coverage.
  4. Tobacco use – this is the only lifestyle factor that is allowed to be considered."
If you're having problems understanding how to navigate (it ain't that hard) here's a helpful website ObamaCare Explained

Also, just to get you started here's where you can start process of using the exchange to leverage your health insurance dollars Health Insurance Marketplace

If you just do your own research instead of allowing yourself to be duped by Republican pundits, Fox et al, you'll probably find yourself in a pretty good place health insurancewise.


Basically, FCT, you just got told to roll over and accept the fact that you are now a ward of the state dependent on the good graces of the almighty Demopublican party. Now be quiet and don't cause any problems.

Any other APOLOGISTS for this travesty... I'm still fuming mad at being lied to and now forced to depend on the GOVT for my health insurance..

Huh, you're depending on the government for your health insurance, I thought you said you were rich, did you make that up too?

It looks to me like (how would I know for sure, it's your personal problem -- no one else's) you have/had an individual health insurance policy through a broker whose quid was forming their own group by cutting a deal with a couple of insurance companies whose quo was offering the broker incentives to send business their way -- bottom line, your navigator/broker wasn't offering a legally defined group policy but rather, was offering individual policies which they negotiated for you with an insurance company(s).

How do you know you will "get a newly converted inner city "community organizer" who was working for Obama America a week ago" or are you making this part up too? What's Obama America?

Only you know for sure (that's a problem when using personal stories on message boards) but it seems to me you started this thread for no other reason than to vent your ODS and hate for people that are less fortunate than you but-----but all you've accomplished is exposing yourself as just another Republican hack that makes it up as you go along? Post checkable facts then-----then we can discuss your problem as something other than, just more ho-hum whining cuz you didn't get your way in the last presidential election.

Whining without facts -- it's a Republican thing.
Any other APOLOGISTS for this travesty... I'm still fuming mad at being lied to and now forced to depend on the GOVT for my health insurance..

Huh, you're depending on the government for your health insurance, I thought you said you were rich, did you make that up too?

It looks to me like (how would I know for sure, it's your personal problem -- no one else's) you have/had an individual health insurance policy through a broker whose quid was forming their own group by cutting a deal with a couple of insurance companies whose quo was offering the broker incentives to send business their way -- bottom line, your navigator/broker wasn't offering a legally defined group policy but rather, was offering individual policies which they negotiated for you with an insurance company(s).

How do you know you will "get a newly converted inner city "community organizer" who was working for Obama America a week ago" or are you making this part up too? What's Obama America?

Only you know for sure (that's a problem when using personal stories on message boards) but it seems to me you started this thread for no other reason than to vent your ODS and hate for people that are less fortunate than you but-----but all you've accomplished is exposing yourself as just another Republican hack that makes it up as you go along? Post checkable facts then-----then we can discuss your problem as something other than, just more ho-hum whining cuz you didn't get your way in the last presidential election.

Whining without facts -- it's a Republican thing.
I know this is going to come as a shock to you, but the government running every aspect of individual lives is NOT a good thing.

Now while you're condemning people making up facts, I suggest you stop doing it yourself.
Any other APOLOGISTS for this travesty... I'm still fuming mad at being lied to and now forced to depend on the GOVT for my health insurance..

Huh, you're depending on the government for your health insurance, I thought you said you were rich, did you make that up too?

Perfect opportunity to point out how naive you are about the economic system that you live in.. YESTERDAY -- I could go to my Professional Org and have THEM manage an insurance group for me.. They LISTEN VERY CLOSELY to their membership and what they need and want. TOMORROW --- I deal EXCLUSIVELY with a govt entity called an "insurance exchange"..

BY DEFINITION -- that's "depending solely on the govt for my insurance".. They determine the products I can buy and control the ONLY OUTLET AVAILABLE TO ME for buying it.. Are you stupid intentionally?

Another opportunity to focus on how fixated you leftists are about "the rich".. What does that matter here. I said -- I wanted OUT of the prying into my finances and filling out forms resembling Student Loan FAFSAs --- so I was gonna tell them I didn't want a "subsidy"..

You never answered the question of WHY, individuals should be forced to hand over banking and financial info if they weren't gonna get a subsidy anyway.

It looks to me like (how would I know for sure, it's your personal problem -- no one else's) you have/had an individual health insurance policy through a broker whose quid was forming their own group by cutting a deal with a couple of insurance companies whose quo was offering the broker incentives to send business their way -- bottom line, your navigator/broker wasn't offering a legally defined group policy but rather, was offering individual policies which they negotiated for you with an insurance company(s).

BULLCRAP.. My choice of using a Prof. Org was no different than the way a UNION negotiates with a list of insurers and chooses just the BEST ONE.. And I TRUST my Prof Org. to do that management and negotiation, just like UNION members trust their union to do that. Your stupid ass anti-corporate bias here prevents you from realizing that I DON'T TRUST CONGRESS and the BUREAUCRACY to do as good a job..

IN FACT --- what you Dem suck-ups haven't realized is how HUGE a "quid p quo" this "reform" is to the insurance companies..

The insurers now do not have to pay commissions to brokers, maintain a field sales force or do a lot of marketing. They now have FREE GOVT HELP to do their customer service. AND a FREE collection agency.. You and the mental midgets of the Obama revolution have given them a FREE RIDE with a larger bonded servitude to pick over.

Do you not understand how much more graft and quid quo is entailed in YOUR asswad plan??

How do you know you will "get a newly converted inner city "community organizer" who was working for Obama America a week ago" or are you making this part up too? What's Obama America?

Hey asshole.. The admin has been BRAGGING about staffing the exchanges with "community organizers". You read the news? or only skim thinkprogress?

You've never heard of "Obama for America" and the legions of political hacks that will be prime patronage appointments to the expected 120,000 strong army of navigators??

So instead of a group of 4 LIFETIME HEALTH INSURANCE PROFESSIONALS (with a zillion years of experience) that my Organization hired to help me navigate healthcare... I'm gonna get some newly trained inner city -- Obama suck-up -- community organizer to that instead. Whose training consists mostly of sensitity training and other required Federal bullshit..

Only you know for sure (that's a problem when using personal stories on message boards) but it seems to me you started this thread for no other reason than to vent your ODS and hate for people that are less fortunate than you but-----but all you've accomplished is exposing yourself as just another Republican hack that makes it up as you go along? Post checkable facts then-----then we can discuss your problem as something other than, just more ho-hum whining cuz you didn't get your way in the last presidential election.

Make no mistake. Yesterday you were part of a corrupt inept and incompetent political party that just irritated me... TODAY --- YOU are my enemy.. Not the poor.. And I will spend all my time making certain that you and your minions NEVER grab this type of power and freedom from me again.. Fuck your effort to deflect here.. My anger is DIRECTED at the morons who passed this shit and celebrated withOUT consideration of what was in it. And a certified LIAR of a PREZ who look into the camera and told me "i could keep my insurance"..

Whining without facts -- it's a Republican thing.

I'm not a Republican.. I HAVE THE FACTS. You don't know SHIT about me nor do you care.. YOU --- are willing to tear apart the lives of the 90% of folks who WERE INSURED to address the needs of the 10% who weren't. AND make the 90% LESS in control of the basic decisions of their lives..

YOU -- need to stop GUESSING and GET the facts and Stop believing that you will TELL ME what's good for me... Get it?

Wanna have another go at it???

YOU outlawed the insurance I was supposed to be able to keep.. And PAID OFF the insurance companies to INCREASE THEIR PROFITS because the GOVT is now their FRONT OFFICEl... . Good work Obama revolution.

So many pissed off people.. You gonna see Tahrir Square times 100 very soon....
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Stop going by what you hear on Hannity :eusa_hand: and go do the foot work & find out what is available before jumping to conclusions. I thought conservatives were "pull yourself up by your bootstrap" -types. :eusa_eh:
Stop going by what you hear on Hannity :eusa_hand: and go do the foot work & find out what is available before jumping to conclusions. I thought conservatives were "pull yourself up by your bootstrap" -types. :eusa_eh:

.... and now I have CONFIRMATION that you leftists are the freedom stripping inept tyrants that I always expected that you were...

We are being lied to.. We are in the hands of the most inept.. And you are pleased with the progress...

Read All about iit!

Man chooses to die rather than take personal responsibility for his own health care or to sign up under provisions of the ACA!!! Whines for pity, but finds none!

[Not only that -- but I am uninsurable. Technically a cancer patient tho my form of Leukemia requires no anticipated treatment. AND I have a tremor condition and take statin drugs.. Been refused for underwriting.. Don't CARE to toss into a govt run exchange and then STILL GET SCREWED by the choices of insurers that are in there.. /QUOTE]
I really need to pummel someone today.. I need a leftist Obama Suck-Up revolutionary to smack around right now.. You want to see GENIUNE anger that not's gonna die???

Tell me how great this is...

thing was.... they never said it was going to be great.

what they promised was it was going to be great for anyone who did not have health care.

I doubt that healthy 25 year olds who don't have health insurance now will think it's great when they have to start paying a couple grand a year for ObamaCare.
"Not only that -- but I am uninsurable. Technically a cancer patient tho my form of Leukemia requires no anticipated treatment. AND I have a tremor condition and take statin drugs.. Been refused for underwriting.. Don't CARE to toss into a govt run exchange and then STILL GET SCREWED by the choices of insurers that are in there.."

All I can say is that, should I come down with luekemia, I, too hope that I will come down with a form that "requires no anticipated treatment"!!!!!
It is now ILLEGAL to offer group plans if you are NOT an employer.

No, it isn't.

Not only that -- but I am uninsurable. Technically a cancer patient tho my form of Leukemia requires no anticipated treatment. AND I have a tremor condition and take statin drugs.. Been refused for underwriting.. Don't CARE to toss into a govt run exchange and then STILL GET SCREWED by the choices of insurers that are in there..


I have some shocking news for you. A few years ago Congress passed a law--you probably haven't heard of it, it's called the Affordable Care Act--that put this into federal law, effective about three and a half months from right now:

42 USC § 300gg–1 - Guaranteed availability of coverage
(a) Guaranteed issuance of coverage in the individual and group market
Subject to subsections (b) through (e), each health insurance issuer that offers health insurance coverage in the individual or group market in a State must accept every employer and individual in the State that applies for such coverage.

No one is uninsurable anymore. No one can be refused for any plan that's in effect next year (most of which go on sale in about seven weeks).

you nit picked that nicely:lol:....well, not really...:doubt:
I really need to pummel someone today.. I need a leftist Obama Suck-Up revolutionary to smack around right now.. You want to see GENIUNE anger that not's gonna die???

Tell me how great this is...

thing was.... they never said it was going to be great.

what they promised was it was going to be great for anyone who did not have health care.

I doubt that healthy 25 year olds who don't have health insurance now will think it's great when they have to start paying a couple grand a year for ObamaCare.

25 year olds might be healthy but they sure do get in or have a lot of accidents and sports injuries.
I really need to pummel someone today.. I need a leftist Obama Suck-Up revolutionary to smack around right now.. You want to see GENIUNE anger that not's gonna die???

Tell me how great this is...

thing was.... they never said it was going to be great.

what they promised was it was going to be great for anyone who did not have health care.

I doubt that healthy 25 year olds who don't have health insurance now will think it's great when they have to start paying a couple grand a year for ObamaCare.

and i hope they grudge and hate every cent they have to fork over...... so that the blood sucking low life's who wont pay a cent into it....get everything they want.
Read All about iit!

Man chooses to die rather than take personal responsibility for his own health care or to sign up under provisions of the ACA!!! Whines for pity, but finds none!

[Not only that -- but I am uninsurable. Technically a cancer patient tho my form of Leukemia requires no anticipated treatment. AND I have a tremor condition and take statin drugs.. Been refused for underwriting.. Don't CARE to toss into a govt run exchange and then STILL GET SCREWED by the choices of insurers that are in there.. /QUOTE]

I have provided for my OWN health insurance for 25 yrs now.. Not a govt. not an employer.

I have written one simple check a quarter to a competent administrator at my favorite Professional Org..

YOU and your Dear Leaders have REPEATEDLY LIED to us about this farce.
They have GROSSLY misrepresented the facts or were IGNORANT of the facts OR the HHS is just making shit up as it goes along..

YOU --- have FORCED ME to purchase insurance now from ONE SOURCE. Run by recent burger flipper converts. And subjected me to probing from the IRS and the HHS just for the honor of being "served"... They will ask for complete financial and banking information including electronic payment access. I will not give them that. I will not disclose my finances for the purposes of buying insurance..

YOU ---- may not understand the implications of that loss of freedom and choice. You very soon will.. In your lifetime -- if these morons aren't defeated --- you will be working for them...
"Not only that -- but I am uninsurable. Technically a cancer patient tho my form of Leukemia requires no anticipated treatment. AND I have a tremor condition and take statin drugs.. Been refused for underwriting.. Don't CARE to toss into a govt run exchange and then STILL GET SCREWED by the choices of insurers that are in there.."

All I can say is that, should I come down with luekemia, I, too hope that I will come down with a form that "requires no anticipated treatment"!!!!!

Please read the quote in my footer.. I picked it out just for morons like you who want to disbelieve everything folks tell you...

THEN --- go to the WIKI and look up Chronic Leukocyctic Leukemia or CLL..
MOST people who get it --- die from something else. Only about 40% ever require treatment -- especially if they are younger like I am..

You know pretty quickly if you're in the 40% --- I'm not. My WBCell counts have plateaued.
You happy now that you've made me disclosed intimate health care info? No wonder you're a fan of ObamaCare.. You can now be up in everyone's business and that makes you happy? Wanna picture of the chigger bites on my ass now??

You done poking fun at my agony now? You love removing choices and making folks conform to your expectations don'tcha?
It is now ILLEGAL to offer group plans if you are NOT an employer.

No, it isn't.


I have some shocking news for you. A few years ago Congress passed a law--you probably haven't heard of it, it's called the Affordable Care Act--that put this into federal law, effective about three and a half months from right now:

42 USC § 300gg–1 - Guaranteed availability of coverage
(a) Guaranteed issuance of coverage in the individual and group market
Subject to subsections (b) through (e), each health insurance issuer that offers health insurance coverage in the individual or group market in a State must accept every employer and individual in the State that applies for such coverage.

No one is uninsurable anymore. No one can be refused for any plan that's in effect next year (most of which go on sale in about seven weeks).

you nit picked that nicely:lol:....well, not really...:doubt:

Love that last part of his passionate "help"..
No one can be refused for any plan that's in effect next year (most of which go on sale in about seven weeks

My convienient plan is now illegal and WILL BE cancelled as of 31 Dec.. I am supposed to be happy that MOST of the exchanges will be operational before the end of the year. You can tell the folks who have overconfidence in the efficacy of govt operation..

I am FORCED to be the guinea pig --- that is --- IF there are no delays in the "INDIVIDUAL" requirement of the PPACA.. I am at the whims of the mental midgets who run the govt.

THAT'S the problem.. :321:
too bad Repubs didn't address the issue when they had complete control of the gov't from 2000-2006. Then they could have crafted something more to conservative's liking (whatever that would be). Thats one reason they were kicked to the curb. Funny thing is, they STILL haven't crafted an alternative plan. All they are is against things.

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too bad Repubs didn't address the issue when they had complete control of the gov't from 2000-2006. Then they could have crafted something more to conservative's liking (whatever that would be). Thats one reason they were kicked to the curb. Funny thing is, they STILL haven't crafted an alternative plan. All they are is against things.


Yeah -- Your guys addressed it all right. THey didn't even KNOW what they were passing.
That's excellence in leftist govt..

Who cares how many folks go bankrupt and die while your idiots in charge "work out the details".. MILLIONS of folks like me are now pawns in your "victory"..

Enjoy... You couldn't get me off USMB thru honest debate -- you had to off me with an Act of Congress...


So you like giving the Insurance Companies a free sales, marketing and collection dept..
You're gonna save them SHITLOADS of money that the common folk will never see.
Think that was part of the deal DotCom?

Any Corporate CEOs that lied and distorted the facts on their product like the DEMS have done on ObamaCare ---- You'd be demanding a perp walk right now --- wouldn'tcha?

I'm still steaming mad.. I need MORE ObamaCare experts to tell me I don't know how great this all is...

BTW: I'll bet the Unions figured out that they can't cover their membership NATIONALLY anymore.. Probably why they came out with those ass-kicking statements last month..

Don't matter --- THEY GOT WAIVERS didn't they?

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