Obama knee-deep in Nixon-esque scandal


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
By Joe Battenfeld

President Obama’s second-term campaign slogan was “Forward,” but instead we’ve got cover-ups, congressional investigations and the government persecution of..
.More @ Obama knee-deep in Nixon-esque scandal | Boston Herald

Do you think Congress will have the juevos to really dig into these things like the Dems did to Nixon?
We all knew he was a corrupt THUG.. but his Zombie lemmings didn't care what he did.. HE'S BLACK.. That trumped it all.. and FAR LEFT- KOOKVILLE..
AIN'T IT AWFUL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

One more in a long string of hysterical outrages by the far far right wing. It's been four years and and six months since President Obama was elected to his first term of office and the right wing has been focused entirely on making his life miserable and hoping to discredit him.

The only sure thing is this: The right wing in America is anti democratic and anti American.
Our government is broken.
Last time I checked Congress was still one of the branches of gov't.
Does that answer your question?
these right wing nuts are the MINORITY, this is not a watergate type situation. Obama has NOTHING to do with the IRS, also remember under Bush the IRS targeted the NAACP, so really get a fucking grip.
AIN'T IT AWFUL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

One more in a long string of hysterical outrages by the far far right wing. It's been four years and and six months since President Obama was elected to his first term of office and the right wing has been focused entirely on making his life miserable and hoping to discredit him.

The only sure thing is this: The right wing in America is anti democratic and anti American.

I am Libertarian.. I am also a critic of Bush for the Patriot Act, 40000 regulations in to the economy etc... But common Obama is Bush on steroids when it comes to authoritarians: NDAA, Paramillitarization of the Police, Drones and now the IRS and the AP wire tapping common the guy needs to be impeached. Even many Democrats are waking up for that...
AIN'T IT AWFUL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

One more in a long string of hysterical outrages by the far far right wing. It's been four years and and six months since President Obama was elected to his first term of office and the right wing has been focused entirely on making his life miserable and hoping to discredit him.

The only sure thing is this: The right wing in America is anti democratic and anti American.

I am Libertarian.. I am also a critic of Bush for the Patriot Act, 40000 regulations in to the economy etc... But common Obama is Bush on steroids when it comes to authoritarians: NDAA, Paramillitarization of the Police, Drones and now the IRS and the AP wire tapping common the guy needs to be impeached. Even many Democrats are waking up for that...

When Obama invades a sovereign nation, then dons a flight suit, lands on a Carrier and opines Million Accomplished when it was never accomplished, and over the next five years we see 4,500 killed and over 10,000 wounded you might have some valid cause for writing Obama is Bush on steroids. Such a comment is beyond hyperbole; it's a damn lie!

Obama's use of drones is pragmatic, he is attempting and thus far succeeding in cutting the head off of a dangerous animal. Suggesting he should be impeached puts you in the camp of the idiot fringe.
AIN'T IT AWFUL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

One more in a long string of hysterical outrages by the far far right wing. It's been four years and and six months since President Obama was elected to his first term of office and the right wing has been focused entirely on making his life miserable and hoping to discredit him.

The only sure thing is this: The right wing in America is anti democratic and anti American.

I am Libertarian.. I am also a critic of Bush for the Patriot Act, 40000 regulations in to the economy etc... But common Obama is Bush on steroids when it comes to authoritarians: NDAA, Paramillitarization of the Police, Drones and now the IRS and the AP wire tapping common the guy needs to be impeached. Even many Democrats are waking up for that...

The President has no control over what the IRS does, it's federal law. We the people should demand a repeal of the Patiot Act as it allows for such secret surveillance. (I'm sure Tricky Dick has rolled over in his grave wishing he was given such power)
One more in a long string of hysterical outrages by the far far right wing. It's been four years and and six months since President Obama was elected to his first term of office and the right wing has been focused entirely on making his life miserable and hoping to discredit him.

They don't have to do that. Obama's accomplished that all by himself.
AIN'T IT AWFUL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

One more in a long string of hysterical outrages by the far far right wing. It's been four years and and six months since President Obama was elected to his first term of office and the right wing has been focused entirely on making his life miserable and hoping to discredit him.

The only sure thing is this: The right wing in America is anti democratic and anti American.

Only far right wing? :lol: I never thought Bernstein was far right. Never in my life did I think that.

But I guess to loony lefties any criticism of your beloved leader qualifies the critic to enter the realm you class as far far right wing.

So now the great Carl Bernstein by your criteria becomes anti democratic and anti American.


Oh does this make him a racist too? :lol:

Carl Bernstein rips White House over AP subpoena

Carl Bernstein said Tuesday the Justice Department’s decision to subpoena the phone records of dozens of Associated Press reporters in the name of stopping national security leaks was part of a broader campaign to “intimidate” reporters and their sources.

“It is outrageous, totally inexcusable,” the legendary investigative reporter said on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe.

“This administration has been terrible on this subject from the beginning. The object of it is to intimidate people who talk to reporters.

This was an accident waiting to become a nuclear event and now it’s happened. There’s no excuse for it whatsoever.

There’s no reason for this investigation, especially on this scale.”

Carl Bernstein rips White House over AP subpoena - Kevin Robillard - POLITICO.com
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By Joe Battenfeld

President Obama’s second-term campaign slogan was “Forward,” but instead we’ve got cover-ups, congressional investigations and the government persecution of..
.More @ Obama knee-deep in Nixon-esque scandal | Boston Herald

Do you think Congress will have the juevos to really dig into these things like the Dems did to Nixon?

think back to the early days of the first term

the media was comparing him to

honest abe



little did they know that he would turn out to

be compared to nixon

AIN'T IT AWFUL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

One more in a long string of hysterical outrages by the far far right wing. It's been four years and and six months since President Obama was elected to his first term of office and the right wing has been focused entirely on making his life miserable and hoping to discredit him.

The only sure thing is this: The right wing in America is anti democratic and anti American.
Well one thing for sure is Obama and his subordinates surely fail in math.
I've always considered if a person can't do simple math after reading the facts the person is either STUPID or doesn't care for the facts cause their mind's made up!

I've posted this several times and YET NOT ONE person has refuted the basic FACT that Obama LIED when he said their are 46 million americans that WANT and NEED health insurance! Operative words "Americans" and "WANT AND NEED"!

FACT from Obama's Census bureau:
The CENSUS BUREAU says 10 million of the 46 million "uninsured' are not citizens…
SO when you subtract 10 million from 46 million leaves 36 million!

Source: Income, Poverty and Health Insurance Coverage in the United States: 2009 - Income & Wealth - Newsroom - U.S. Census Bureau

FACT: After analysis of Census Data.. 14 million people counted as UNINSURED were covered by Medicaid!
GIVEN: 14 million are eligible for Medicaid..but they are counted as "uninsured"….
but Obama totally ignored this FACT and subtracting 14 million from 36 million that leaves 22 million…
Source: http://coverageforall.org/pdf/BC-BS_Uninsured-America.pdf

The Actuarial Research Corporation (ARC) to provide a detailed analysis of the uninsured identified by the Census Bureau, which found:
- Of the 44.7 million non-elderly uninsured individuals identified in the 2004 Census Current Population Survey (CPS) data,
nearly one-third — almost 14 million — were reachable through existing government
health programs such as Medicaid and the State Children’s Health Insurance Program (SCHIP) under current rules.
THAT MEANS all they had to do is register with Medicaid...

That leaves 22 million counted as Uninsured!

18 million people under 34, making over $50,000 and paying their own health expenses out of pocket .. READ CAREFULLY
THEY simply don't need or want health insurance! IS THAT NOT THEIR RIGHT???
And don't say they are "free-loaders' going to the hospital and running up bills...no way do these people want nor need credit problems!
Their credit rating depends on their paying their bills . They pay their own way!

That leaves ONLY 4 million! And because Obama and supporters just don't believe these facts... THEY are destroying all of our health care!
We now know how stupid the IRS is in their releasing tax information... do you want them now to have your health information? In light of the fact NO ONE
in the Obama administration obviously can do simple math..i.e. subtract 42 million already insured,don't want or don't qualify from 46 million leaves 4 million!
FOLKS these are NOT made up numbers! PLEASE CHECK the links out and see where these numbers come from!
AND IT IS THE MYTH of 46 million that has got our health care system all screwed up and it will get WORSE!
Health insurance premiums are climbing 400% in the next 5 years! There WILL be no health insurance programs for any of us! All destroyed because no one
challenged this simple math!!!
these right wing nuts are the MINORITY, this is not a watergate type situation. Obama has NOTHING to do with the IRS, also remember under Bush the IRS targeted the NAACP, so really get a fucking grip.

Exactly. But there is a deeper problem.

There was a massive influx of Tea Party groups applying for tax exempt status starting in early 2010. It completely dwarfed the number of Leftwing groups.

The Tea Party groups applied for a special tax designation that required one thing: that they were not primarily political; that they were not primarily aligned with a political movement but were promoting the general welfare (for all citizens, not just Right or Left).

The IRS is supposed to deny this particular tax exemption to political groups. It is there job to review any application where there is a question over whether or not a particular group is political. And the biggest collection of political groups trying to obtain this exemption was from groups that used the name "Tea Party". So, of course, they reviewed these applications.

They didn't flag Left Leaning groups since a) there are far fewer Lefty groups trying to exploit this particular exemption, and b) Leftwing groups don't all share the same name ("Tea Party") so they lacked a filtering tool for collecting all Leftwing applications.

The Rightwing is a victim of its own success. They have formed more activist political groups than the Left could ever dream of creating. The IRS was literally besieged by "Tea Party" applications. And everyone knows that the Tea Party is purely political. So, of course, they were flagged for review. Funny thing is, they got the very exemptions for which they so clearly do not qualify.
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