Obama knew. Clinton knew. Biden knew. Comey knew. Brennan knew. McCabe knew. Strzok knew.Clapper knew.Schiff knew.FBI,CIA,DOJ knew...

You think I'm easily fooled?

Ask me about Covid, and then face your own deficits. How many boosters did you get?

Oh good luck with all that stew swimming in your veins. Me, I'm free of it. Thank GOD

You’ve just proven that you’re easily fooled. You believe the lies that Fox News and right wing media told you about the Covid vaccines.

Canada, which is 80% vaxxed and has been for well over a year, has had 1/3 of the number of cases and deaths of the USA. Our treasury wasn’t bankrupted by the cost of testing and treating a third of our population

We had fewer waves of infection, and our economy did not crash.

You’re still losing 500 people a week to the virus. Fox News lies are still keeping the virus, mutating and spreading throughout the USA.

Why do you continue to believe the people who lie to you?
Can you please provide a link where “McCabe lied”. The only thing I can find is Barr’s failed attempts to prosecute McCabe, which lasted for nearly 2 years, and MCabe suing the government in winning.

Where are the charges? Trump and Republicans made a lot of allegations about criminal wrongdoing by the Republicans. NOTHING.

This is just another case where the Republican party made up shit about Democrats and then investigated the shit they made up and found NOTHING.

Durham’s report tried to make claims that he his two failed prosecutions were justified. Even though the jury said they were a waste of their time.

The “Russia Hoax” resulted in more than 200 and charges against more than 30 entities which resulted in nine convictions, and nine people being sent to jail. More than $40 million was recovered due to Mueller’s investigation.

Last, but not least, the Durham report is at odds with Trump’s own IG’s report, which said the Trump Campaign investigation was justified.

The Republican Senate investigation also found that Russia interfered with the US election, and Trump tried to work with him.

when did Barr attempt to prosecute McCabe?

Yes, here is a link to the IG report, highlighting McCabe's repeated lies...which lead to is termination. https://oig.justice.gov/reports/2018/o20180413.pdf

If you don't want to read the entire detailed report, here's a story about it from NBC:

Inspector general recommends criminal investigation of Andrew McCabe​

Sources say the Justice Department has been urged to investigate whether McCabe, the fired FBI deputy director, lied to federal officials.

McCabe was fired in March, and last week a report from the inspector general concluded that he repeatedly lied when asked about the leak of information regarding the FBI's efforts to look into the finances of the Clinton Foundation in 2016.

Legal sources familiar with the matter revealed Thursday that Inspector General Michael Horowitz recommended in January that McCabe be investigated on suspicion of lying
I think you're confused. Don't you know who Paul Singer is?
I do, but he's not relevant to this conversation, nor what the Clinton campaign and DNC did when they hired a foreign national to collect disinformation, then attempted to cover it up, with illegal campaign fin violations.

Federal campaign watchdog fines DNC, Clinton campaign over dossier spending disclosure​

Widespread election fraud began with Obama. All the people in his administration are election fraud disciples. We will never get rid of voter fraud until we eradicate all of Obama's followers.
Widespread election fraud began with Obama. All the people in his administration are election fraud disciples. We will never get rid of voter fraud until we eradicate all of Obama's followers.
Oh no, I remember hearing about them people voting over and over back in the 80's. Still. no evidence.
You’ve just proven that you’re easily fooled. You believe the lies that Fox News and right wing media told you about the Covid vaccines.

Canada, which is 80% vaxxed and has been for well over a year, has had 1/3 of the number of cases and deaths of the USA. Our treasury wasn’t bankrupted by the cost of testing and treating a third of our population

We had fewer waves of infection, and our economy did not crash.

You’re still losing 500 people a week to the virus. Fox News lies are still keeping the virus, mutating and spreading throughout the USA.

Why do you continue to believe the people who lie to you?
When the modern American version of the "brown shirts" comes to the forefront, they will get the truth and answers from the traitorous scum who have been empowered to insanity. And they will be like General McClellan's March to the Sea as nothing in their path will without question and e served justice. Including current authoritarians in police, judicial, political, security, intelligence, paid propagandists as pundits and entertainers and more. Those abused by this scum will not forget. Truth serums of all kinds including modern technologies and torture will get the information. Replacements of one authoritarian system with a new one at least gets some vengeance.
nah man the entire report was released

not a good look for the demafasict or their dembots
Ha! You won’t read it and even if you do, you won’t understand it.

It’s an opinion piece by a disgruntled prosecutor who got his ass handed to him in the two criminal cases he tried to fabricate from years of investigation.
Ha! You won’t read it and even if you do, you won’t understand it.

It’s an opinion piece by a disgruntled prosecutor who got his ass handed to him in the two criminal cases he tried to fabricate from years of investigation.
hahaha an opinion piece! a disgruntled prosecutor! hahah the typical of the dembots, start throwing out the personal insults at the messenger!

hahahha once again, your corruption was exposed.
hahaha an opinion piece! a disgruntled prosecutor! hahah the typical of the dembots, start throwing out the personal insults at the messenger!

hahahha once again, your corruption was exposed.
Oh, so much corruption that Durham conveniently forgot to prosecute after four years of investigation.

It’s all in your head.
Oh, so much corruption that Durham conveniently forgot to prosecute after four years of investigation.

It’s all in your head.
Once again, the conservatives just know. They are just a bit too incompetent to actually do anything about it.
Oh, so much corruption that Durham conveniently forgot to prosecute after four years of investigation.

It’s all in your head.
He was only suppose to file his report with the DOJ, he did that. It's up to the DOJ to act, but let's face it, it's currently lead by some of the folks that involved in the corruption he exposed.
He was only suppose to file his report with the DOJ, he did that. It's up to the DOJ to act, but let's face it, it's currently lead by some of the folks that involved in the corruption he exposed.
Well that's a lie, and an obvious one. He's a special prosecutor who is supposed to prosecute violations of law.

And he tried, mostly unsuccessfully because his little story of corruption wasn't true.
Well that's a lie, and an obvious one. He's a special prosecutor who is supposed to prosecute violations of law.

And he tried, mostly unsuccessfully because his little story of corruption wasn't true.
"The attached report is submitted to the Attorney General pursuant to 28 C.F.R. § 600.8(c), which states that, " [a]t the conclusion of the Special Counsel's work, he ... shall provide the Attorney General a confidential report.."

Now there are also parts of this report that have been released ot the public, but a lot that is classified....will Garland do what Barr did and declassify the report?? I doubt it
"The attached report is submitted to the Attorney General pursuant to 28 C.F.R. § 600.8(c), which states that, " [a]t the conclusion of the Special Counsel's work, he ... shall provide the Attorney General a confidential report.."

Now there are also parts of this report that have been released ot the public, but a lot that is classified....will Garland do what Barr did and declassify the report?? I doubt it
How stupid. Yes, the report is required, but that's not the "only" thing he is supposed to do.

The entire report is unclassified and was released without alteration.
when did Barr attempt to prosecute McCabe?

Yes, here is a link to the IG report, highlighting McCabe's repeated lies...which lead to is termination. https://oig.justice.gov/reports/2018/o20180413.pdf

If you don't want to read the entire detailed report, here's a story about it from NBC:

Inspector general recommends criminal investigation of Andrew McCabe​

Sources say the Justice Department has been urged to investigate whether McCabe, the fired FBI deputy director, lied to federal officials.

McCabe was fired in March, and last week a report from the inspector general concluded that he repeatedly lied when asked about the leak of information regarding the FBI's efforts to look into the finances of the Clinton Foundation in 2016.

Legal sources familiar with the matter revealed Thursday that Inspector General Michael Horowitz recommended in January that McCabe be investigated on suspicion of lying

That inspector general’s report was written specifically at Donald Trump’s behest to give him cover for firing McCabe.

Bill Barr spent nearly 2 years trying to prosecute McCabe, based on this IG report until and called the Grand Jury on at least two separate occasions, without obtaining an indictment. Finally, the judge told him to either indict, or let the grand jury go.
There’s these.

That inspector general’s report was written specifically at Donald Trump’s behest to give him cover for firing McCabe.

Bill Barr spent nearly 2 years trying to prosecute McCabe, based on this IG report until and called the Grand Jury on at least two separate occasions, without obtaining an indictment. Finally, the judge told him to either indict, or let the grand jury go.
There’s these.

haha yeah Obama’s hand picked IG wrote that for Trump hahaha
Which one of us is fascist?

Let's see, fascist support

Gun Control - confiscation
state sponsored DNA discrimination
hate hoaxes - false flag attacks
using a biased/controlled media to lie to the people
election fraud
sick science experiments like Fauci and trans surgery
restrictions on free movement

Reasonable gun control measures are supported by over 70% of the voters. There is no state sponsored DNA discrimination. There are no false flag attacks. That is right wing fantasy. Right wing media is lying to people. There was no election fraud. Another fantasy on the right. The only sick people around here are people like you. There is no censorship. Republicans want restrictions on free travel.
According to Durham, which was reported literally years ago, Former criminal / traitor CIA Director Brennan briefed Obama in 2016 that Hillary was intending to run some election scam regarding the Russian hoax.

Obama did know.
BIDEN did know.
Comey did know.

** FBI Lawyer Baker said he and everyone else knew when Hillary's lawyer showed up with the fake Dossier that Hillary had sent him with it to kick off the Russian hoax.

Of course the FBI already knew - Brennan had briefed it was coming.

So, despite already knowing it was fake Comey and the FBI knowingly, willingly engaged in Election Interference and TREASON against Trump.

** Brennan was later caught illegally spying on Congress, turned in by no other than D-Diane Feinstein.

To avoid indictment Brennan was forced to appear before Congress, admit what he had done, and promise not to do it again.
--- Several months later what Brennan had been looking for was exposed: News rather quietly broke that Feinstein had been harboring a CCP spy in her inner circle for DECADES....which she claimed she was unaware of. The spy was allowed to return to China, and, of course, nothing happened to Feinstein.

What a truly fucked up, criminal, treasonous political party the Democrats are.

There was no Russian hoax. The Trump campaign gave turned over internal polling data and other campaign information to a Russian spy. The Russians used that information to target pro-Trump social media ads. The dossier was not fake. At least 2 things were true. The rest was probably unverifiable. The fact is that the IG came to completely different conclusions.

A Russian spy worked her way into the conservative movement. She was ultimately allowed to leave the country. Why weren't those people arrested?

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