Obama Knuckles Under

No one has suggested that the US go to war with Russia. That's just nonthought libtard talking points. The irony is that Europe hated Bush and went crazy for Obama but now reality has set in and they are getting signals from Mr. O that they will be mostly on their own while we downsize. Be careful what you wish for.
Be the first one on your block
To have your boy come home in a box

And it's one, two, three.....

Anyway, like most conservatives I support a vigorous foreign policy. The lesson is that weakness leads to wars, not strength. The people crowing about "conservatives only want war" are of course nincompoops. The way to avoid war is strong responses, not weak ones.

Saying that all Conservatives want this, or all Liberals want that is just wrong.

And he'll do it 5 times today....all the while complaining about it happening the other way. It's what being a partisan hack is all about.
No one has suggested that the US go to war with Russia. That's just nonthought libtard talking points. The irony is that Europe hated Bush and went crazy for Obama but now reality has set in and they are getting signals from Mr. O that they will be mostly on their own while we downsize. Be careful what you wish for.

Okay...what is it that Obama should be doing TODAY to eject Russia from Crimea?
obama's weakness invites aggression. Russia does not threaten our national security. Is Russia a geopolitical foe? Sure. That foe is winning and wiping the floor with mop face obama.

Not really.

Frankly, Putin is really the loser here.

He wanted a Ukraine that was beholden to him.

Instead, he ended up getting a government in Kiev that was hostile to him, he is now responsible for supporting 2 million people in the Crimea, and he's going to lose billions in trade and investment from the west.


As to losing 'billions in trade'?

That's absurd. The Black Sea Ports are Russia's 3rd busiest ports.

That's like letting New York and the port system of New Jersey secede from the Union and saying it's good for us economically. They're cultural cesspools, but they're important trade ports.

Russia just locked its 3rd biggest port into permanent Russian ownership.

I just don't understand what goes in the dimocrap brain. I really don't.
obama's weakness invites aggression. Russia does not threaten our national security. Is Russia a geopolitical foe? Sure. That foe is winning and wiping the floor with mop face obama.

Not really.

Frankly, Putin is really the loser here.

He wanted a Ukraine that was beholden to him.

Instead, he ended up getting a government in Kiev that was hostile to him, he is now responsible for supporting 2 million people in the Crimea, and he's going to lose billions in trade and investment from the west.


As to losing 'billions in trade'?

That's absurd. The Black Sea Ports are Russia's 3rd busiest ports.

That's like letting New York and the port system of New Jersey secede from the Union and saying it's good for us economically. They're cultural cesspools, but they're important trade ports.

Russia just locked its 3rd biggest port into permanent Russian ownership.

I just don't understand what goes in the dimocrap brain. I really don't.

When stuff comes into a port owned by another country and is sent into your country, you can tax imports. When you own the port, you can't charge taxes on imports since you own the port.

Pretty simple if you think about it for a moment or two
No one has suggested that the US go to war with Russia. That's just nonthought libtard talking points. The irony is that Europe hated Bush and went crazy for Obama but now reality has set in and they are getting signals from Mr. O that they will be mostly on their own while we downsize. Be careful what you wish for.

Okay...what is it that Obama should be doing TODAY to eject Russia from Crimea?
I aswered that several times. I can't read for you.
Not really.

Frankly, Putin is really the loser here.

He wanted a Ukraine that was beholden to him.

Instead, he ended up getting a government in Kiev that was hostile to him, he is now responsible for supporting 2 million people in the Crimea, and he's going to lose billions in trade and investment from the west.


As to losing 'billions in trade'?

That's absurd. The Black Sea Ports are Russia's 3rd busiest ports.

That's like letting New York and the port system of New Jersey secede from the Union and saying it's good for us economically. They're cultural cesspools, but they're important trade ports.

Russia just locked its 3rd biggest port into permanent Russian ownership.

I just don't understand what goes in the dimocrap brain. I really don't.

When stuff comes into a port owned by another country and is sent into your country, you can tax imports. When you own the port, you can't charge taxes on imports since you own the port.

Pretty simple if you think about it for a moment or two

Bottom line..... Putin is the big winner in all of this. Anybody that thinks otherwise is simply an idiot.

And I'm telling you..... Listen to me; This is personal. obama made this personal.

You just don't make things personal with a nutcase, a ruthless nutcase, like Putin.

obama did. Stupidly.

This is the worst Foreign Policy president in our history. We have lost BILLIONS of people, dozens of Countries, many allies (remember the UK telling obama to piss off in Syria?) and we may never recover.

this scumbag does not have one single close relationship with one single Western Leader. Nobody respects him, nobody likes him, nobody trusts him.

And Syria? A laugher. First off, they're way behind schedule and secondly (and more importantly) do you know what Syrai is actually doing?

Rhetorical... Of course you don't.

Gas Weapons are only good for a few years and they are extremely difficult to dispose of. Beyond difficult. They get old, they lose their potency, they start to leak and what do you do with them?

Can't burn them, that wouldn't be real bright. Can't bury them, they'll get into your aquifer, can't ignore them, they'll just get worse....

So what do you do with them? Simple, you get the dumbest fuck on earth, obama, to volunteer to pay for getting rid of them..... Which is VERY expensive.

Putin and Assad are both laughing their asses off at the stupidity of obama :lmao:

The new ones? The ones that are still good and are still effective WMDs? Don't know what you're talking about...... What Gas Weapons? We don't got no gas weapons.

But they do. Hidden. And as far as getting more? So what? Russia can ship them new gas weapons in a matter of hours.

obama is a fucking idiot and you people that still support the piece of shit are pathetic.
I'm very conservative but I don't give a hoot what happens between the Russians and the Ukrainians. We have a giant laundry list of problems to tackle right here in the good, ole' USA. When we get all of our poop cleaned up then we can worry about the ka-ka in our neighbor's yard.

I do agree that Obama is weak and cowers in the presence of other world powers but we already knew that. He's far more concerned with reaching the goals of his Socialist agenda by subjugating citizens of the USA. So Americans need to recognize who the real enemy is. It's not a "foreign enemy" like Russia as much as it is a "domestic enemy" -- Obama and his cronies.

As to losing 'billions in trade'?

That's absurd. The Black Sea Ports are Russia's 3rd busiest ports.

That's like letting New York and the port system of New Jersey secede from the Union and saying it's good for us economically. They're cultural cesspools, but they're important trade ports.

Russia just locked its 3rd biggest port into permanent Russian ownership.

I just don't understand what goes in the dimocrap brain. I really don't.

When stuff comes into a port owned by another country and is sent into your country, you can tax imports. When you own the port, you can't charge taxes on imports since you own the port.

Pretty simple if you think about it for a moment or two

Bottom line..... Putin is the big winner in all of this. Anybody that thinks otherwise is simply an idiot.
Eventhough it was just explained to you how he is not. Gotcha.
And I'm telling you..... Listen to me; This is personal. obama made this personal.

You just don't make things personal with a nutcase, a ruthless nutcase, like Putin.

obama did. Stupidly.

This is the worst Foreign Policy president in our history. We have lost BILLIONS of people, dozens of Countries, many allies (remember the UK telling obama to piss off in Syria?) and we may never recover.
Billions of people...well there is only 6 Billion on the earth; about 1/3 of which you say we "lost" and another 1/3 without phones or internet. Not sure what "billions" you're talking about here.

It's more likely you haven't taken your morning meds and are simply off your rocker.

this scumbag does not have one single close relationship with one single Western Leader. Nobody respects him, nobody likes him, nobody trusts him.
And you know this how? When someone throws a shoe at him...let me know.

Yet here are two world leaders posing with him...


Not anywhere near what you're saying is happening...

And Syria? A laugher. First off, they're way behind schedule and secondly (and more importantly) do you know what Syrai is actually doing?
Rhetorical... Of course you don't.
Gas Weapons are only good for a few years and they are extremely difficult to dispose of. Beyond difficult. They get old, they lose their potency, they start to leak and what do you do with them?
Can't burn them, that wouldn't be real bright. Can't bury them, they'll get into your aquifer, can't ignore them, they'll just get worse....
Gee, it sort of takes the wind out of the "Iraq's WMDs are in Syria" nonsense.... It was also a good reason not to land troops in Syria...thank you Mr. President.
No one has suggested that the US go to war with Russia. That's just nonthought libtard talking points. The irony is that Europe hated Bush and went crazy for Obama but now reality has set in and they are getting signals from Mr. O that they will be mostly on their own while we downsize. Be careful what you wish for.

Okay...what is it that Obama should be doing TODAY to eject Russia from Crimea?

You can't 'unring' a bell. You can't 'unscramble' an egg.

You don't get it. Putin wouldn't have done this under a real president. A president with some balls....

That shit gets old, CC.

Kiss the 2014 midterms goodbye and 2016 General Election as well.

Who you gonna run in 2016, CC? Seriously, who you gonna run?

Hitlery is done. I mean, physically, she looks like an extra from a Zombie movie, she totally fucked up every foreign policy decision she made and Benghazi isn't going away.

I hope and pray you're stupid enough to run that dried up old nasty-ass.

But you won't. dimocraps are the scum of the earth but they're good politicians. Which is all they're good at. Leading? Not so much. Judgement? Laughable

I think we see a serious challenge, a serious effort from Elizabeth super-scrunt Warren of Occupy (bowel) Movement fame.

And I also think she gets the nomination.

The current power structure of the dimocrap scum party won't allow a moderate democrat to run and win, IMO. You're too far gone over the side.

And then that number you think you're so cute when you post is gonna look like 402-136. For the good guys.

Depending on the condition of the economy and who we run, it could get a lot better than that..... We might win every State but for a couple. We could even take Kalifornication if they go bankrupt in time.

People are tiring of your schtick
No one has suggested that the US go to war with Russia. That's just nonthought libtard talking points. The irony is that Europe hated Bush and went crazy for Obama but now reality has set in and they are getting signals from Mr. O that they will be mostly on their own while we downsize. Be careful what you wish for.

Okay...what is it that Obama should be doing TODAY to eject Russia from Crimea?
I aswered that several times. I can't read for you.


"I'm just here to bitch about things all day, every day...don't ask me what I would do differently that would make a difference."

Your non-answer was fully expected...:badgrin:
yes, let's start another unnecessary war for the chicken hawks….

who the fuck said anything about starting "another unnecessary war" ???????

oooooh !! BTW......, "Trust none of what you hear And less of what you see" Springsteen

Brucie baby is not the originator of this phrase, i heard my Mother and Grandmothers say, "Don't believe anything you hear and only half of what you see"

in fact:

“Believe none of what you hear, and only half of what you see.”

― Benjamin Franklin
No one has suggested that the US go to war with Russia. That's just nonthought libtard talking points. The irony is that Europe hated Bush and went crazy for Obama but now reality has set in and they are getting signals from Mr. O that they will be mostly on their own while we downsize. Be careful what you wish for.

Okay...what is it that Obama should be doing TODAY to eject Russia from Crimea?

You can't 'unring' a bell. You can't 'unscramble' an egg.

You can't do anything except bitch and moan about it...okay, what would Romney have done to stop Putin from going in in the first place? Is that an easier question? I'm sure "show leadership" will be your response but that would have done zilch.

Obama is responding by isolating Russia and it will continue on until there is an agreement reached and the agreement will include Russia keeping Crimea by the way.

You don't get it. Putin wouldn't have done this under a real president. A president with some balls....
I'll take your word for it on how you know Governor Romney has balls.

That shit gets old, CC.
Asking you to state something definitive does get old. You never do.

Kiss the 2014 midterms goodbye and 2016 General Election as well.
It all depends on how well Clinton can uncouple herself from the Obama administration. Not an easy thing to do. In the last two elections, however, the GOP has been very willing to help out the Democrats by running the polar opposite of the Democrat. No sign of that changing.
Who you gonna run in 2016, CC? Seriously, who you gonna run?
Hitlery is done. I mean, physically, she looks like an extra from a Zombie movie, she totally fucked up every foreign policy decision she made and Benghazi isn't going away.
I hope and pray you're stupid enough to run that dried up old nasty-ass.
This is one of the biggest plus Hillary has electorally, the fact that you guys can't go 5 seconds without attacking appearance of gender. Resume-wise, she stacks up well with any GOP pretender. She has baggage but it isn't going to be as pronounced as possible.

Ben-gotcha is more of a problem for the GOP at this point.

But you won't. dimocraps are the scum of the earth but they're good politicians. Which is all they're good at. Leading? Not so much. Judgement? Laughable
332-206. Check.
OBL dead. Check
GM alive. Check
Economy improving. Check
Jobs being added. Check
Obamacare...not checked yet...in a couple of years probably another check.

I think we see a serious challenge, a serious effort from Elizabeth super-scrunt Warren of Occupy (bowel) Movement fame.
Was any of that supposed to be English?

And I also think she gets the nomination.
The current power structure of the dimocrap scum party won't allow a moderate democrat to run and win, IMO. You're too far gone over the side.
Obama is a moderate; ask any liberal.

And then that number you think you're so cute when you post is gonna look like 402-136. For the good guys.

Depending on the condition of the economy and who we run, it could get a lot better than that..... We might win every State but for a couple. We could even take Kalifornication if they go bankrupt in time.

People are tiring of your schtick

Please report the 64 votes that will swing to the GOP side in 2016 and why.
Okay...what is it that Obama should be doing TODAY to eject Russia from Crimea?
I aswered that several times. I can't read for you.


"I'm just here to bitch about things all day, every day...don't ask me what I would do differently that would make a difference."

Your non-answer was fully expected...:badgrin:
I aswered it to YOU before. Only a fool would waste their time on someone that pretends what they don't agree with doesn't exist. It's what liberals do, if your answer is different you don't have an answer.
At this point, Ukraine is such a mess, obama should just move on. Europe is not interested in imposing any meaningful sanctions. There won't be trade sanctions or any reduction in the use of Russia's energy. We just gave 70 million dollars to Russia for the taxi fare to the space shuttle. You think Europe is going to impose trade sanctions? Really you are dreaming. In a droll slap, Levrov said "These are pre Ukraine prices". We gave Ukraine cash, which went DIRECTLY to Moscow to pay off arrearages on their discounted energy.

Democrats should just swallow their spin. Forcing Putin to annex Crimea was obama's plan all along. It's the best they have.
Okay...what is it that Obama should be doing TODAY to eject Russia from Crimea?

You can't 'unring' a bell. You can't 'unscramble' an egg.

You can't do anything except bitch and moan about it...okay, what would Romney have done to stop Putin from going in in the first place? Is that an easier question? I'm sure "show leadership" will be your response but that would have done zilch.

Obama is responding by isolating Russia and it will continue on until there is an agreement reached and the agreement will include Russia keeping Crimea by the way.

I'll take your word for it on how you know Governor Romney has balls.

Asking you to state something definitive does get old. You never do.

It all depends on how well Clinton can uncouple herself from the Obama administration. Not an easy thing to do. In the last two elections, however, the GOP has been very willing to help out the Democrats by running the polar opposite of the Democrat. No sign of that changing.

This is one of the biggest plus Hillary has electorally, the fact that you guys can't go 5 seconds without attacking appearance of gender. Resume-wise, she stacks up well with any GOP pretender. She has baggage but it isn't going to be as pronounced as possible.

Ben-gotcha is more of a problem for the GOP at this point.

332-206. Check.
OBL dead. Check
GM alive. Check
Economy improving. Check
Jobs being added. Check
Obamacare...not checked yet...in a couple of years probably another check.

Was any of that supposed to be English?

And I also think she gets the nomination.
The current power structure of the dimocrap scum party won't allow a moderate democrat to run and win, IMO. You're too far gone over the side.
Obama is a moderate; ask any liberal.

And then that number you think you're so cute when you post is gonna look like 402-136. For the good guys.

Depending on the condition of the economy and who we run, it could get a lot better than that..... We might win every State but for a couple. We could even take Kalifornication if they go bankrupt in time.

People are tiring of your schtick

Please report the 64 votes that will swing to the GOP side in 2016 and why.

You're too delusional to have a rational discussion with.

Too bad. I though you were the one, and only, libturd in here with a brain.

My mistake. You're just like the rest; bitter, angry, hateful with a personal ax to grind, radical and confrontational to the point of foolishness.

An entire Board without one intelligent liberal to talk to.... :dunno:

Not unusual, but uncommon. There's usually one :eusa_shifty:
the Liar In Chief is about as respected overseas as he is here...... Not at all

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mVFrdWIs2LI]Obama: Well That's Embarrassing, No One Clapped 3/25/2014 - YouTube[/ame]

Via Free Beacon:

This is the Sound of One Man Clapping for Obama | Washington Free Beacon

President Barack Obama failed to receive any applause or cheers Tuesday in the Netherlands at the conclusion of his joint news conference with Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte.

After thanking the crowd twice, Obama remained at the podium, expecting the usual fanfare and applause.

Instead, he was met with one slow, awkward clap.
I aswered that several times. I can't read for you.


"I'm just here to bitch about things all day, every day...don't ask me what I would do differently that would make a difference."

Your non-answer was fully expected...:badgrin:
I aswered it to YOU before. Only a fool would waste their time on someone that pretends what they don't agree with doesn't exist. It's what liberals do, if your answer is different you don't have an answer.

Translation #2.

"I'm still just here to bitch about things all day, every day...don't ask me what I would do differently that would make a difference."

As if it would be so hard for you to type it again but typed the 30 or so words in a response.

Face it; all you have is your hatred of our president to keep you warm.
You can't 'unring' a bell. You can't 'unscramble' an egg.

You can't do anything except bitch and moan about it...okay, what would Romney have done to stop Putin from going in in the first place? Is that an easier question? I'm sure "show leadership" will be your response but that would have done zilch.

Obama is responding by isolating Russia and it will continue on until there is an agreement reached and the agreement will include Russia keeping Crimea by the way.

I'll take your word for it on how you know Governor Romney has balls.

Asking you to state something definitive does get old. You never do.

It all depends on how well Clinton can uncouple herself from the Obama administration. Not an easy thing to do. In the last two elections, however, the GOP has been very willing to help out the Democrats by running the polar opposite of the Democrat. No sign of that changing.

This is one of the biggest plus Hillary has electorally, the fact that you guys can't go 5 seconds without attacking appearance of gender. Resume-wise, she stacks up well with any GOP pretender. She has baggage but it isn't going to be as pronounced as possible.

Ben-gotcha is more of a problem for the GOP at this point.

332-206. Check.
OBL dead. Check
GM alive. Check
Economy improving. Check
Jobs being added. Check
Obamacare...not checked yet...in a couple of years probably another check.

Was any of that supposed to be English?

Obama is a moderate; ask any liberal.

And then that number you think you're so cute when you post is gonna look like 402-136. For the good guys.

Depending on the condition of the economy and who we run, it could get a lot better than that..... We might win every State but for a couple. We could even take Kalifornication if they go bankrupt in time.

People are tiring of your schtick

Please report the 64 votes that will swing to the GOP side in 2016 and why.

You're too delusional to have a rational discussion with.

Too bad. I though you were the one, and only, libturd in here with a brain.

My mistake. You're just like the rest; bitter, angry, hateful with a personal ax to grind, radical and confrontational to the point of foolishness.

An entire Board without one intelligent liberal to talk to.... :dunno:

Not unusual, but uncommon. There's usually one :eusa_shifty:

You brought up 2016.

To get to 270 EVs...you guys need to flip 64 EVs to get to 270. I asked you where that 64 will come from.

Of course, you bailed out when pressed for specifics...just like always.

Well, please display your intelligence. Tell us where the 64 will come from and why. If you run Portman or Kusich (sp?) you may get the 18 out of Ohio. The other 46...well....where are they coming from?

Your turn beeotch.
You can't do anything except bitch and moan about it...okay, what would Romney have done to stop Putin from going in in the first place? Is that an easier question? I'm sure "show leadership" will be your response but that would have done zilch.

Obama is responding by isolating Russia and it will continue on until there is an agreement reached and the agreement will include Russia keeping Crimea by the way.

I'll take your word for it on how you know Governor Romney has balls.

Asking you to state something definitive does get old. You never do.

It all depends on how well Clinton can uncouple herself from the Obama administration. Not an easy thing to do. In the last two elections, however, the GOP has been very willing to help out the Democrats by running the polar opposite of the Democrat. No sign of that changing.

This is one of the biggest plus Hillary has electorally, the fact that you guys can't go 5 seconds without attacking appearance of gender. Resume-wise, she stacks up well with any GOP pretender. She has baggage but it isn't going to be as pronounced as possible.

Ben-gotcha is more of a problem for the GOP at this point.

332-206. Check.
OBL dead. Check
GM alive. Check
Economy improving. Check
Jobs being added. Check
Obamacare...not checked yet...in a couple of years probably another check.

Was any of that supposed to be English?

Obama is a moderate; ask any liberal.

Please report the 64 votes that will swing to the GOP side in 2016 and why.

You're too delusional to have a rational discussion with.

Too bad. I though you were the one, and only, libturd in here with a brain.

My mistake. You're just like the rest; bitter, angry, hateful with a personal ax to grind, radical and confrontational to the point of foolishness.

An entire Board without one intelligent liberal to talk to.... :dunno:

Not unusual, but uncommon. There's usually one :eusa_shifty:

You brought up 2016.

To get to 270 EVs...you guys need to flip 64 EVs to get to 270. I asked you where that 64 will come from.

Of course, you bailed out when pressed for specifics...just like always.

Well, please display your intelligence. Tell us where the 64 will come from and why. If you run Portman or Kusich (sp?) you may get the 18 out of Ohio. The other 46...well....where are they coming from?

Your turn beeotch.

Eat one.

Give me Pi to the last integer. Idiot

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