Obama Knuckles Under

You're too delusional to have a rational discussion with.

Too bad. I though you were the one, and only, libturd in here with a brain.

My mistake. You're just like the rest; bitter, angry, hateful with a personal ax to grind, radical and confrontational to the point of foolishness.

An entire Board without one intelligent liberal to talk to.... :dunno:

Not unusual, but uncommon. There's usually one :eusa_shifty:

You brought up 2016.

To get to 270 EVs...you guys need to flip 64 EVs to get to 270. I asked you where that 64 will come from.

Of course, you bailed out when pressed for specifics...just like always.

Well, please display your intelligence. Tell us where the 64 will come from and why. If you run Portman or Kusich (sp?) you may get the 18 out of Ohio. The other 46...well....where are they coming from?

Your turn beeotch.

Eat one.

Give me Pi to the last integer. Idiot

It's okay princess, prince freebus or whatever the head of the GOP's name is has the same problem you do; yeast infections.

That and you can't come up with the electoral math to fulfill your rhetoric. So all you have are one-liners and shrill screams of foul play.

Too bad.
So sad.
You brought up 2016.

To get to 270 EVs...you guys need to flip 64 EVs to get to 270. I asked you where that 64 will come from.

Of course, you bailed out when pressed for specifics...just like always.

Well, please display your intelligence. Tell us where the 64 will come from and why. If you run Portman or Kusich (sp?) you may get the 18 out of Ohio. The other 46...well....where are they coming from?

Your turn beeotch.

Eat one.

Give me Pi to the last integer. Idiot

It's okay princess, prince freebus or whatever the head of the GOP's name is has the same problem you do; yeast infections.

That and you can't come up with the electoral math to fulfill your rhetoric. So all you have are one-liners and shrill screams of foul play.

Too bad.
So sad.


Are you so stupid that you're telling me I can't come up with my numbers out of this collection?

Are you that ignorant? Are you that much of a quibbling little bitch?

Unfortunately, the answer is yes.

You really are a quibbling bitch.

Make me a sandwich, bitch and shut the fuck up
Last edited:
And it's one, two, three.....

Anyway, like most conservatives I support a vigorous foreign policy.

Correct, you are an arm chair war monger who wants other people to sacrifice their children for your political causes. Thankfully, the majority of the country no longer see it your way.
yes, let's start another unnecessary war for the chicken hawks….

In order to PREVENT aggressive infiltration and war, the President would have had to enforce a strong presence of "Rule of Law." But since Obama has shown he does not support a strong "Rule of Law" based on Natural Laws that give just authority to govt BASED ON CONSENT OF THE PEOPLE (but he relies on POLITICAL FORCE to "react against" opposition to his agenda), instead Obama merely enforces the SAME OPPRESSIVE tactics used by Putin and Russia.

So he is not one to speak, and Putin has pointed that out.

Obama would have to respect the CONSENT OF THE GOVERNED
to put Putin in his place.

Given how Obama has treated his own citizens, and members of opposing parties, beliefs and views who clearly DID NOT and DO NOT CONSENT to such policies as the ACA,
who is left to defend the "CONSENT OF THE GOVERNED" as the basis of natural laws and social contracts between people and government?

If Obama does not even believe in respecting consent as the basis of law and government,
how can he expect ANYONE to respect his authority that should be derived from this?
And it's one, two, three.....

Anyway, like most conservatives I support a vigorous foreign policy.

Correct, you are an arm chair war monger who wants other people to sacrifice their children for your political causes. Thankfully, the majority of the country no longer see it your way.

You are a pusillanimous pissant whose wrong headed policies have plunged us into war far more often than vigorous foreign policy.
Feel better now?
Eat one.

Give me Pi to the last integer. Idiot

It's okay princess, prince freebus or whatever the head of the GOP's name is has the same problem you do; yeast infections.

That and you can't come up with the electoral math to fulfill your rhetoric. So all you have are one-liners and shrill screams of foul play.

Too bad.
So sad.


Are you so stupid that you're telling me I can't come up with my numbers out of this collection?

Are you that ignorant? Are you that much of a quibbling little bitch?

Unfortunately, the answer is yes.

You really are a quibbling bitch.

Make me a sandwich, bitch and shut the fuck up

Apparently you're proving just how impotent you are since you can't identify the votes. Look, you brought up 2016 and the supposed bloodbath for the Dems. Asking you to develop your thesis as to where the GOP will get the 64 votes and why those states will flip shouldn't be a problem unless you were just talking out of your ass.

Since all you seem to have are personal attacks and, of course, terms derogatory to women, it's clear you have nothing other than your sad, skewed opinions to back up your fantasy.

I love that you are the poster child for republicans; call someone a "bitch" and when they don't knuckle under...call them a "bitch" again and see if that works. It's easy to see why you're alone.
Obama is a moderate; ask any liberal.

If Obama is a moderate then today's "liberals" are full blown Communists.

There is a HUGE difference between the "real left"
and the "commercialized or politicized left" which Obama, Hillary, all "paid politicians" become pawns to with their corporate financers and media images.

Same with the right.

There is the "real conservative right"
and the "commercialized politicized right" that is bought and sold in the media.

If you want the "real thing" go talk with the people directly, on both sides, who are fed up with their votes and support being "bought and sold" along with their politicians.
Do you doubt that Putin is aggressive? Is Putin threatening our national security?

Obama should look into his eyes... maybe he can see his soul :thup:

Putin knew better than to try this nonsense when Bush was president. Bush is the one that signed the missile defense agreement with eastern europe. obama pulled out of that agreement. He wanted to be more flexible. Hillary ' s reset button ya know.

Pootin' did pull this when he was president, Bush did no strike with military power. No American forces have ever responded militarily to Russian aggression.

nitially the Bush Administration considered a military response to defend Georgia, but such an intervention was ruled out due to the inevitable conflict it would lead to with Russia.[303][304] Instead, Bush opted for a softer option by sending humanitarian supplies to Georgia by military, rather than civilian, aircraft.[303][304] US sanctions against Russia, put in place by the Bush administration, were lifted by the Obama administration in May 2010

Russo-Georgian war - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Obama should look into his eyes... maybe he can see his soul :thup:

Putin knew better than to try this nonsense when Bush was president. Bush is the one that signed the missile defense agreement with eastern europe. obama pulled out of that agreement. He wanted to be more flexible. Hillary ' s reset button ya know.

Pootin' did pull this when he was president, Bush did no strike with military power. No American forces have ever responded militarily to Russian aggression.

nitially the Bush Administration considered a military response to defend Georgia, but such an intervention was ruled out due to the inevitable conflict it would lead to with Russia.[303][304] Instead, Bush opted for a softer option by sending humanitarian supplies to Georgia by military, rather than civilian, aircraft.[303][304] US sanctions against Russia, put in place by the Bush administration, were lifted by the Obama administration in May 2010

Russo-Georgian war - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

When was military intervention necessary? It wasn't. It isn't now. Russia has Crimea. In time it will take the rest of Ukraine. There simply isn't enough public support for the west. Likely countries that have become successful, like Poland, Estonia and Latvia, will remain independent obama can stamp his feet and scream, which will have exactly the same effect as going to the beach and threatening the tide when it comes in.
Clearly, with these past elections closer to 50/50 between liberal Democrats and conservative Republicans, we are outgrowing this system of "winner takes all."
It makes no sense to have just one party in office at a time, representing and defending the interests of their party "unequally" while half the nation is denied equal defense and representation. How can we expect to enforce Constitutional equal protections of the law for all people this way? Is this a baseball game, where we take turns at bat, facing opponents who try to block anyone on the other team from scoring?

And dividing the US States into target votes, to try to outnumber opponents and take control over more territory like a "RISK" game. How is this representing all people across the board? When you only care to get enough votes to outnumber the rest who don't count?

Is this really what America has come to?

Why not require the President to win BOTH the popular vote AND the electoral vote.
Not either/or, but BOTH. And if neither wins by a strong enough majority (maybe we should increase it to 2/3 or 3/4), then share the responsibility for representation between the two party teams. Have an External President and Vice President to handle foreign policy and federal issues. And an Internal President and Vice President to negotiate with people and states on local domestic issues.

Why not COUNT what % of States votes went for either Party candidate, and create an "internal Vice President" position for the candidate with the second highest votes to serve as Mediator over a council or parliamentary coalition of party reps proportionally from each State, to redress and resolve partisan conflicts so that all people of ALL parties and views are represented in public policy decisions coming out of Federal and State governments.

Such a commission of reps per Party and State could also serve as a "check" against contested decisions, policies, or reforms on all levels of government, fielding complaints and directing them to the appropriate office or process for redressing those grievances so conflicts do not backlog govt with unresolved issues, waste or abuse, bad legislation, or political deadlocks.

Ralph Nader wrote the legislation that started the Consumer Protection and Occupational Safety systems. Why not model legislation after the OSHA grievance process for citizens and states to redress grievances DIRECTLY with corporations and federal govt so we have more access and accountability?

Why can't we have BOTH elected representation AND direct channels for representation, such as organizing these by party and/or by issue. Why not hire lawyers and elect leaders who can MEDIATE and resolve conflicts to create policies that represent people equally.

Why are we buying into politics, and then complaining when govt does not represent or defend our interests? What are we paying for and voting for anyway?

It's okay princess, prince freebus or whatever the head of the GOP's name is has the same problem you do; yeast infections.

That and you can't come up with the electoral math to fulfill your rhetoric. So all you have are one-liners and shrill screams of foul play.

Too bad.
So sad.


Are you so stupid that you're telling me I can't come up with my numbers out of this collection?

Are you that ignorant? Are you that much of a quibbling little bitch?

Unfortunately, the answer is yes.

You really are a quibbling bitch.

Make me a sandwich, bitch and shut the fuck up

Apparently you're proving just how impotent you are since you can't identify the votes. Look, you brought up 2016 and the supposed bloodbath for the Dems. Asking you to develop your thesis as to where the GOP will get the 64 votes and why those states will flip shouldn't be a problem unless you were just talking out of your ass.

Since all you seem to have are personal attacks and, of course, terms derogatory to women, it's clear you have nothing other than your sad, skewed opinions to back up your fantasy.

I love that you are the poster child for republicans; call someone a "bitch" and when they don't knuckle under...call them a "bitch" again and see if that works. It's easy to see why you're alone.
Clearly, with these past elections closer to 50/50 between liberal Democrats and conservative Republicans, we are outgrowing this system of "winner takes all."
It makes no sense to have just one party in office at a time, representing and defending the interests of their party "unequally" while half the nation is denied equal defense and representation. How can we expect to enforce Constitutional equal protections of the law for all people this way? Is this a baseball game, where we take turns at bat, facing opponents who try to block anyone on the other team from scoring?

And dividing the US States into target votes, to try to outnumber opponents and take control over more territory like a "RISK" game. How is this representing all people across the board? When you only care to get enough votes to outnumber the rest who don't count?

Is this really what America has come to?

Why not require the President to win BOTH the popular vote AND the electoral vote.
Not either/or, but BOTH.

I have been saying that for a long time:



I also had this idea earlier of making 1/3 of the states winner take all, 1/3 by straight popular vote, and 1/3 with no electoral votes; just the popular vote .

I like the idea of getting rid of the EC in its' current form but I don't think it should be a straight popular vote.

The EC would be well served if there were a rotation where by 1/3 of the States had proportional electoral college votes, 1/3 had winner take all, and the final third had straight popular vote where they had no electoral votes up for grabs but just a number of votes to be had.

To win, you have to win the Presidency, you have to win both the EC and the popular vote across all 3 platforms.

For example:

If Romney/Cain or Obama won 275 electoral votes across the 2/3 of the states and lost the popular vote across all 50 states, he would not be the President-Elect; the HOR would decide.

This popular vote enhancement would throw the doors open for 3rd party candidates depending on the states that are in play that year. Also, in the proportional states, if he or she gets 20% of the votes, they get 20% of the electors. This may not be enough to put a Green Party or Libertarian Party candidate into the Oval office but Romney/Cain and Obama will have to compete with these guys and gals.
War is good business. Invest your son.

Be the first one on your block
To have your boy come home in a box

And it's one, two, three.....

Anyway, like most conservatives I support a vigorous foreign policy. The lesson is that weakness leads to wars, not strength. The people crowing about "conservatives only want war" are of course nincompoops. The way to avoid war is strong responses, not weak ones.

...and in addition to what Obama is doing , how would u define "strong response"?
Saber rattling?
Preparing for war?

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the Liar In Chief is about as respected overseas as he is here...... Not at all

Obama: Well That's Embarrassing, No One Clapped 3/25/2014 - YouTube

Via Free Beacon:

This is the Sound of One Man Clapping for Obama | Washington Free Beacon

President Barack Obama failed to receive any applause or cheers Tuesday in the Netherlands at the conclusion of his joint news conference with Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte.

After thanking the crowd twice, Obama remained at the podium, expecting the usual fanfare and applause.

Instead, he was met with one slow, awkward clap.

R U happy about that? Wanna send the Netherlands a thank u note ? Did u hear their prime minister paise and thank our prez after an American journalist razzed him? Which actions r u emphasizing and attending to?
Fortunately, not all Americans r like u...some recognize the positive efforts of our prez both home and abroad...and support our leaders in times of crisis...instead of giving comfort to the enemy.
Shame on U

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Obama should look into his eyes... maybe he can see his soul :thup:

Putin knew better than to try this nonsense when Bush was president. Bush is the one that signed the missile defense agreement with eastern europe. obama pulled out of that agreement. He wanted to be more flexible. Hillary ' s reset button ya know.


I LOVE it when cons defend Bush on foreign policy! It must be hard to pretend that those 8 years never happened. Carry on Katz... you dumb fuck :thup:

Well you stupid motherfucker! Just what do you think the World would look like if Bush had not taken Saddam down and stopped the el Qaeda in Afghanistan?
The Europeans were already ignoring the sanctions and were about to pass a U.N. resolution to do away with them altogether. Saddam had already sent envoys to Africa to purchase 'Yellow Cake' Uranium. Without the sanctions he would have built a nuclear weapon way before now, then what song would you be singing?

Bush handed Obama two victories and Obama turned them into defeat so he could continue blaming it all on Bush.

"I'm just here to bitch about things all day, every day...don't ask me what I would do differently that would make a difference."

Your non-answer was fully expected...:badgrin:
I aswered it to YOU before. Only a fool would waste their time on someone that pretends what they don't agree with doesn't exist. It's what liberals do, if your answer is different you don't have an answer.

Translation #2.

"I'm still just here to bitch about things all day, every day...don't ask me what I would do differently that would make a difference."

As if it would be so hard for you to type it again but typed the 30 or so words in a response.

Face it; all you have is your hatred of our president to keep you warm.
I'm not here for you. Why do liberals feel the world revolves around them? And I don't hate Obama. He was very clearly a left wing extremist from the moment he came on the scene. I am disappointed that so many Americans are so easily duped and apprently have learning disabilities. There was a small hope the man would rise to the occasion but that diminished long ago as he steadily, and still, engages in petty politics, blaming the opposition for everything going wrong. Unable ot unwilling to be accountable for ANYTHING. Typical liberal. Not to be hated, but pityed.
I aswered it to YOU before. Only a fool would waste their time on someone that pretends what they don't agree with doesn't exist. It's what liberals do, if your answer is different you don't have an answer.

Translation #2.

"I'm still just here to bitch about things all day, every day...don't ask me what I would do differently that would make a difference."

As if it would be so hard for you to type it again but typed the 30 or so words in a response.

Face it; all you have is your hatred of our president to keep you warm.

I'm not here for you.
Gee, is anyone here for anyone else in your mind? :cuckoo:

Why do liberals feel the world revolves around them?
No liberal I know feels that way outside of Hollywood bubbleheads

And I don't hate Obama.
You just criticize his every move, every day and offer no alternatives.

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