Obama / Liberal Sleight of Hand Performed to Perfection Again

So, when the President does not get what he wants, when he wants it, it is his DUTY to usurp the constitution, and separation of powers? You really don't have any regard for the rule of law do you?

Stupid and moronic retort........The point here is that congress has chosen to do NOTHING....In a fairer world, they should be fired from their positions. Like Truman was faced by a "do-nothing" congress, Obama has repeatedly stated to congress, "if you don't like my executive orders [get off your asses] and pass your OWN legislation"...

That has not happened since all that most congress people are concerned about is NOT governing, but just sit around lest ANY action will jeopardize their re-election.

Besides.....count the EOs by Obama versus GWB's......Go on...learn something.
So, when the President does not get what he wants, when he wants it, it is his DUTY to usurp the constitution, and separation of powers? You really don't have any regard for the rule of law do you?

Stupid and moronic retort........The point here is that congress has chosen to do NOTHING....In a fairer world, they should be fired from their positions. Like Truman was faced by a "do-nothing" congress, Obama has repeatedly stated to congress, "if you don't like my executive orders [get off your asses] and pass your OWN legislation"...

That has not happened since all that most congress people are concerned about is NOT governing, but just sit around lest ANY action will jeopardize their re-election.

Besides.....count the EOs by Obama versus GWB's......Go on...learn something.
Stupid and moronic retort
So now you return to insults instead of a substantiated argument. Back to the basics of "Rules For Radicals" I see.
So, your saying it is an excellent move to usurp the political process when you do not get your way? Can anyone say "Dictatorship", or at least " Banana Republic"?

NO, moron.......When republicans in congress do absolutely NOTHING but sit on their asses and then go on vacation (where are they right now, dimwit?)...THEN the executive branch MUST act......

Tell us ALL those wonderful legislative initiative that republicans in congress have initiated....Go on, love to hear about them.

^^^ possibly the dumbest thing I have read this year, go back to school and pay attention this time when they discuss 3 separate and equal branches of government.
So now you return to insults instead of a substantiated argument. Back to the basics of "Rules For Radicals" I see.

So again you deflect by whining instead of responding to the points.

That cry-and-run act is one of the basics of "Rules for Republicans".
Whining? Whining? I'm Whining? No, I am pointing out the poster has resorted to insults instead of substantial argument. It's really just that simple. I do not and will not discuss serious issues with a person who cannot, or will not, refrain from insults.

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