Obama Lied..People Die

Actually, Jr. and Cheney lied and many of our military died.

Those who were affected by what happened under Obamacare (which made the b.s. companies who provide crappy healthcare) wake up to how they're being screwed by their insurance companies that provide sub par insurance.

Jr. and Cheney lied..........................Obamacare made those who were lying to their policy holders be responsible.

Try again.
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It's inevitable...just sayin



The interesting thing is that unless it's in a womb or part of their family, most of these folks could give a fig about people dying.

They even cheer some deaths. You hear any of them complain about this?

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5rXPrfnU3G0]Collateral Murder - Wikileaks - Iraq - YouTube[/ame]

Shot up a journalist, his photographer and the folks that tried to rescue the wounded.



In fact, they defended this.
Actually, Jr. and Cheney lied and many of our military died.

Those who were affected by what happened under Obamacare (which made the b.s. companies who provide crappy healthcare) wake up to how they're being screwed by their insurance companies that provide sub par insurance.

Jr. and Cheney lied..........................Obamacare made those who were lying to their policy holders be responsible.

Try again.

I guess you forgot Democrats voted for the Iraqi war..

No worries though, most liberal Democrats prefer to conveniently forget that fact also, it's that damn honesty thing they have a problem with....:thup:
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Actually, Jr. and Cheney lied and many of our military died.

Those who were affected by what happened under Obamacare (which made the b.s. companies who provide crappy healthcare) wake up to how they're being screwed by their insurance companies that provide sub par insurance.

Jr. and Cheney lied..........................Obamacare made those who were lying to their policy holders be responsible.

Try again.

I guess you forgot Democrats voted for the Iraqi war..

No worries though, most liberal Democrats prefer to conveniently forget also, it's that damn honesty thing they have a problem with....:thup:

Funny you bring up the honesty thing.

Because Democrats were really lied to by Bush. And Bush told some whoppers.

Additionally, Bush said anyone against the war with Iraq was in League with the Terrorists.

He called it a "Crusade".
Actually, Jr. and Cheney lied and many of our military died.

Those who were affected by what happened under Obamacare (which made the b.s. companies who provide crappy healthcare) wake up to how they're being screwed by their insurance companies that provide sub par insurance.

Jr. and Cheney lied..........................Obamacare made those who were lying to their policy holders be responsible.

Try again.

I guess you forgot Democrats voted for the Iraqi war..

No worries though, most liberal Democrats prefer to conveniently forget also, it's that damn honesty thing they have a problem with....:thup:

I guess you forgot that Obama decided to pull the troops out of Iraq, as well as decided to shut down the war that Jr. and Cheney started.

Oh......................btw...........................Osama Bin Laden didn't have shit to do with the Iraq war, nor did Iraq have any kind of chemical or nuclear weapons (as claimed by the administration of Jr. and Cheney), they were just hoping for something against Saddam because he (Saddam) had threatened Jr.'s father.

Sorry, but invading Iraq to get rid of the 9/11 terrorists was a bad idea. Jr. and Cheney should have gone after OBL, but they were in the hands of the corporate military defense corporations.

Same reason JFK was killed..................
BTW..........................I challenge ANYBODY to show me where Obama has lied and people have died.

Jr. and that asshole Cheney lied and several thousands (meaning above 4,000) soldiers have died.

How many people have died because of what you claim Obama lied about?
Almost 5 years and Democrats still blame Bush, you should be embarrassed but I really don't expect much..:lol:

I get the the impression you'd rather not talk about your President. I don't even blame you for that, it's totally understandable..:wink_2:
It's inevitable...just sayin



The interesting thing is that unless it's in a womb or part of their family, most of these folks could give a fig about people dying.

They even cheer some deaths. You hear any of them complain about this?

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5rXPrfnU3G0]Collateral Murder - Wikileaks - Iraq - YouTube[/ame]

Shot up a journalist, his photographer and the folks that tried to rescue the wounded.



In fact, they defended this.

You can understand why your judgement or "feelings" on Republicans is highly suspect at best..:popcorn:
Lied about what?

I see your difficulty, soooo many many..many many..many many lies, it's difficult to pick just one..

I'm talking about the compulsive lying that's been repeated and repeated and repeated for the past 3 years..around 40 times from last count.
Almost 5 years and Democrats still blame Bush, you should be embarrassed but I really don't expect much..:lol:

I get the the impression you'd rather not talk about your President. I don't even blame you for that, it's totally understandable..:wink_2:

Well see the things we blamed Bush for are still his fault. That hasnt changed. The economy tanked a year before Obama was elected. Obviously things are going to be bad when Obama came into office. The good news is, the economy has gotten better since then. Is the economy where it should be? No, but it is BETTER. That is something you refuse to give him credit for.

As for ObamaCare? Yes. The roll out has been problematic. Obama was dishonest about it. No one is denying that.
Almost 5 years and Democrats still blame Bush, you should be embarrassed but I really don't expect much..:lol:

I get the the impression you'd rather not talk about your President. I don't even blame you for that, it's totally understandable..:wink_2:

Well see the things we blamed Bush for are still his fault. That hasnt changed. The economy tanked a year before Obama was elected. Obviously things are going to be bad when Obama came into office. The good news is, the economy has gotten better since then. Is the economy where it should be? No, but it is BETTER. That is something you refuse to give him credit for.

As for ObamaCare? Yes. The roll out has been problematic. Obama was dishonest about it. No one is denying that.

You do recall, of course, Democrats controlled the House and Senate the last 2 years of Bush's term. Yup, Nancy and Harry controlled the purse strings, and were obviously complicit in insuring the housing bubble by lack of oversight.

They were far too busy undermining our soldiers and screwing over Bush and the American people with the election coming up and all.

Yup, the economy is great...:lmao:

btw.. why do you bitch about a thread creation then post in the thread, it seems rather schizophrenic.. just sayin..it could be the early signs of tourettes syndrome I suppose.
Actually, Jr. and Cheney lied and many of our military died.

Those who were affected by what happened under Obamacare (which made the b.s. companies who provide crappy healthcare) wake up to how they're being screwed by their insurance companies that provide sub par insurance.

Jr. and Cheney lied..........................Obamacare made those who were lying to their policy holders be responsible.

Try again.

I guess you forgot Democrats voted for the Iraqi war..

No worries though, most liberal Democrats prefer to conveniently forget that fact also, it's that damn honesty thing they have a problem with....:thup:

Most Democrats voted against the war. You're retarded to think otherwise.
Almost 5 years and Democrats still blame Bush, you should be embarrassed but I really don't expect much..:lol:

I get the the impression you'd rather not talk about your President. I don't even blame you for that, it's totally understandable..:wink_2:

Well see the things we blamed Bush for are still his fault. That hasnt changed. The economy tanked a year before Obama was elected. Obviously things are going to be bad when Obama came into office. The good news is, the economy has gotten better since then. Is the economy where it should be? No, but it is BETTER. That is something you refuse to give him credit for.

As for ObamaCare? Yes. The roll out has been problematic. Obama was dishonest about it. No one is denying that.

You do recall, of course, Democrats controlled the House and Senate the last 2 years of Bush's term. Yup, Nancy and Harry controlled the purse strings, and were obviously complicit in insuring the housing bubble by lack of oversight.

They were far too busy undermining our soldiers and screwing over Bush and the American people with the election coming up and all.

Yup, the economy is great...:lmao:

btw.. why do you bitch about a thread creation then post in the thread, it seems rather schizophrenic.. just sayin..it could be the early signs of tourettes syndrome I suppose.

So its all their fault huh? Not Bush's rampant spending or costly tax cuts? Does the pointless Iraq War ring a bell? Hey guess what? When republicans took control of the House in 2010, they did nothing to improve this country. In fact, they made it worse last month. The economy lost billions of dollars during that shutdown and it accomplished absolutely NOTHING.
Actually, Jr. and Cheney lied and many of our military died.

Those who were affected by what happened under Obamacare (which made the b.s. companies who provide crappy healthcare) wake up to how they're being screwed by their insurance companies that provide sub par insurance.

Jr. and Cheney lied..........................Obamacare made those who were lying to their policy holders be responsible.

Try again.

I guess you forgot Democrats voted for the Iraqi war..

No worries though, most liberal Democrats prefer to conveniently forget that fact also, it's that damn honesty thing they have a problem with....:thup:

Most Democrats voted against the war. You're retarded to think otherwise.

Making fun of retarded people..for shame..:eusa_snooty:

I don't really feel like finding quotes from Kerry, the Clinton's, Joe Biden etc. expressing their concern with Iraq's WMD and promoting the war

..btw'' if Clinton had not stuck Bush with the problem and killed Osama on the opportunities he had, Iraq would have never happened and neither would have the 9/11 trade center terrorist attacks.
Well see the things we blamed Bush for are still his fault. That hasnt changed. The economy tanked a year before Obama was elected. Obviously things are going to be bad when Obama came into office. The good news is, the economy has gotten better since then. Is the economy where it should be? No, but it is BETTER. That is something you refuse to give him credit for.

As for ObamaCare? Yes. The roll out has been problematic. Obama was dishonest about it. No one is denying that.

You do recall, of course, Democrats controlled the House and Senate the last 2 years of Bush's term. Yup, Nancy and Harry controlled the purse strings, and were obviously complicit in insuring the housing bubble by lack of oversight.

They were far too busy undermining our soldiers and screwing over Bush and the American people with the election coming up and all.

Yup, the economy is great...:lmao:

btw.. why do you bitch about a thread creation then post in the thread, it seems rather schizophrenic.. just sayin..it could be the early signs of tourettes syndrome I suppose.

So its all their fault huh? Not Bush's rampant spending or costly tax cuts? Does the pointless Iraq War ring a bell? Hey guess what? When republicans took control of the House in 2010, they did nothing to improve this country. In fact, they made it worse last month. The economy lost billions of dollars during that shutdown and it accomplished absolutely NOTHING.

Democrats control 66.6% of the Federal elected power, you're being myopic.

I hear about these billions but I have seen no actual itemized proof. You seem so certain, I'm glad you can provide a link, it will be an interesting itemized report. thanks for your effort.
Actually, Jr. and Cheney lied and many of our military died.

Those who were affected by what happened under Obamacare (which made the b.s. companies who provide crappy healthcare) wake up to how they're being screwed by their insurance companies that provide sub par insurance.

Jr. and Cheney lied..........................Obamacare made those who were lying to their policy holders be responsible.

Try again.

I guess you forgot Democrats voted for the Iraqi war..

Perhaps they did because some asshole sold them a can of snake-oil regarding WMD's

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