Obama Lied..People Die

Actually, Jr. and Cheney lied and many of our military died.

Those who were affected by what happened under Obamacare (which made the b.s. companies who provide crappy healthcare) wake up to how they're being screwed by their insurance companies that provide sub par insurance.

Jr. and Cheney lied..........................Obamacare made those who were lying to their policy holders be responsible.

Try again.

I guess you forgot Democrats voted for the Iraqi war..

Perhaps they did because some asshole sold them a can of snake-oil regarding WMD's

You mean Clinton, Kerry, Hillary or your choice of several Democrats??
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It's inevitable...just sayin



The interesting thing is that unless it's in a womb or part of their family, most of these folks could give a fig about people dying.

They even cheer some deaths. You hear any of them complain about this?

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5rXPrfnU3G0]Collateral Murder - Wikileaks - Iraq - YouTube[/ame]

Shot up a journalist, his photographer and the folks that tried to rescue the wounded.



In fact, they defended this.

I guess kinda like the way your kind counted the deaths of our great soldiers daily
I've been up all night and now it's bed time, although, you liberal Obama butt tinglers
seem like the groggy ones..:lol:


The interesting thing is that unless it's in a womb or part of their family, most of these folks could give a fig about people dying.

They even cheer some deaths. You hear any of them complain about this?

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5rXPrfnU3G0]Collateral Murder - Wikileaks - Iraq - YouTube[/ame]

Shot up a journalist, his photographer and the folks that tried to rescue the wounded.



In fact, they defended this.

I guess kinda like the way your kind counted the deaths of our great soldiers daily

That pissed me off, using our soldiers as fodder to win an election, totally disgraceful but an example of how low Democrats will go to win an election..live and learn..:mad:
coming to you in ObamaNation soon

Revealed, lottery of death in health service hospitals | Mail Online

How foreign 'health tourists' are bleeding the NHS dry exposed in damning whistleblowers' testimony | Mail Online

Millions too fat for NHS surgery


Last updated at 13:46 01 May 2007

Smokers and those seen as too obese risk being ignored by the NHS

Millions of patients could be denied some NHS treatments because they are overweight or smoke.

The controversial policy has already been adopted by around one in ten hospitals - many of them battling to claw back huge cash deficits.

Health Secretary Patricia Hewitt has stirred the row further, saying a ban on surgery to replace problem joints is "perfectly legitimate".

Doctors say the risks of operating on obese patients are higher and the treatment may be less effective, with new hips and knees wearing out sooner. Smokers can have a higher risk of complications.

But the spread of the policy has brought angry protests from obesity experts, Opposition MPs and patient groups.

They say patients are being denied treatment to save money, rather than on clinical grounds, and point out that problems with joints can often be a reason for obesity, as sufferers cannot exercise.

Read more: Millions too fat for NHS surgery | Mail Online
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook
coming to you in ObamaNation soon

Revealed, lottery of death in health service hospitals | Mail Online

How foreign 'health tourists' are bleeding the NHS dry exposed in damning whistleblowers' testimony | Mail Online

Millions too fat for NHS surgery


Last updated at 13:46 01 May 2007

Smokers and those seen as too obese risk being ignored by the NHS

Millions of patients could be denied some NHS treatments because they are overweight or smoke.

The controversial policy has already been adopted by around one in ten hospitals - many of them battling to claw back huge cash deficits.

Health Secretary Patricia Hewitt has stirred the row further, saying a ban on surgery to replace problem joints is "perfectly legitimate".

Doctors say the risks of operating on obese patients are higher and the treatment may be less effective, with new hips and knees wearing out sooner. Smokers can have a higher risk of complications.

But the spread of the policy has brought angry protests from obesity experts, Opposition MPs and patient groups.

They say patients are being denied treatment to save money, rather than on clinical grounds, and point out that problems with joints can often be a reason for obesity, as sufferers cannot exercise.

Read more: Millions too fat for NHS surgery | Mail Online
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

Thanks Stephanie..much appreciation for your post..
I guess you forgot Democrats voted for the Iraqi war..

No worries though, most liberal Democrats prefer to conveniently forget that fact also, it's that damn honesty thing they have a problem with....:thup:

Most Democrats voted against the war. You're retarded to think otherwise.

Making fun of retarded people..for shame..:eusa_snooty:

I don't really feel like finding quotes from Kerry, the Clinton's, Joe Biden etc. expressing their concern with Iraq's WMD and promoting the war

..btw'' if Clinton had not stuck Bush with the problem and killed Osama on the opportunities he had, Iraq would have never happened and neither would have the 9/11 trade center terrorist attacks.

It's OK Mr. Lumpy...Obama surpassed all of that and opened up a larger can of worms for the next guy to contend with...:eusa_whistle:
Most Democrats voted against the war. You're retarded to think otherwise.

Making fun of retarded people..for shame..:eusa_snooty:

I don't really feel like finding quotes from Kerry, the Clinton's, Joe Biden etc. expressing their concern with Iraq's WMD and promoting the war

..btw'' if Clinton had not stuck Bush with the problem and killed Osama on the opportunities he had, Iraq would have never happened and neither would have the 9/11 trade center terrorist attacks.

It's OK Mr. Lumpy...Obama surpassed all of that and opened up a larger can of worms for the next guy to contend with...:eusa_whistle:

It certainly is going to be difficult for the nation to bounce back from Obama's Socialist "Special Favors" regime.. I really don't like the odds.
It's funny when conservatoons try to get some kind of payback for the merciless attacks on Dumbya for his mistaken Iraq War fiasco.

Bush lied and people died . Hundreds of thousands of them, all of whom would be alive were it not for that ill-spoken buffoon, G. W Bushtarded. He was breathtakingly stupid, and his supporters were just as dumb.

The right's lame-o attempts to incorporate the liberal critique of Dumbya is just such a flop & failure.
It's funny when conservatoons try to get some kind of payback for the merciless attacks on Dumbya for his mistaken Iraq War fiasco.

Bush lied and people died . Hundreds of thousands of them, all of whom would be alive were it not for that ill-spoken buffoon, G. W Bushtarded. He was breathtakingly stupid, and his supporters were just as dumb.

The right's lame-o attempts to incorporate the liberal critique of Dumbya is just such a flop & failure.

:lol:.. you seem angry and confused, far more than normal....just sayin.

If Clinton had done his job there wouldn't have been a "9/11" or an Iraqi war..ponder that honestly.
Last edited:
Making fun of retarded people..for shame..:eusa_snooty:

I don't really feel like finding quotes from Kerry, the Clinton's, Joe Biden etc. expressing their concern with Iraq's WMD and promoting the war

..btw'' if Clinton had not stuck Bush with the problem and killed Osama on the opportunities he had, Iraq would have never happened and neither would have the 9/11 trade center terrorist attacks.

It's OK Mr. Lumpy...Obama surpassed all of that and opened up a larger can of worms for the next guy to contend with...:eusa_whistle:

It certainly is going to be difficult for the nation to bounce back from Obama's Socialist "Special Favors" regime.. I really don't like the odds.
Nor do I.
How many Americans will have to die because of Obama/Demo-care before Democrats are willing to accept reality?
Obama lied. Democracy died.

But probably not very many people will die because of Obamacare. Probably. I doubt it will be in the thousands.
Obama lied. Democracy died.

But probably not very many people will die because of Obamacare. Probably. I doubt it will be in the thousands.

If people can't afford insurance, I suppose they could try going to the Emergency Rooms but if their suffering from cancer, heart conditions or several other long lasting medical conditions their odds of proper care seem like a toss up to me. Just waiting for timely care could be a killer.
It's inevitable...just sayin
You mean like when bush said "Right now, Iraq is expanding and improving facilities that were used for the production of biological weapons."
SEE! This actually is an example of a lie that ended up causing people to die. And it is a lie you would approve of and defend.

George W. Bush
Speech to UN General Assembly
September 12, 2002
Obama lied. Democracy died.

But probably not very many people will die because of Obamacare. Probably. I doubt it will be in the thousands.

If people can't afford insurance, I suppose they could try going to the Emergency Rooms but if their suffering from cancer, heart conditions or several other long lasting medical conditions their odds of proper care seem like a toss up to me. Just waiting for timely care could be a killer.

My guess is that most of the people who won't have insurance after Obamacare probably already didn't have insurance. SOME who are being kicked off their current plans won't reinsure, but I bet most people will bite the bullet and get insurance even if it's expensive.

Among those who don't reinsure, what are the odds that they'll get so sick that they die before they have a chance to jump into an insurance program? It will probably happen to some, but I'm thinking that it won't happen that often.

And once they get on insurance, I imagine the care they'd receive after Obamacare is close in quality to the care they would have received before. Perhaps some nontraditional and specialty center options will no longer be available to them, but the traditional treatments still will be available, and those will be effective on most patients.

So though I agree that some will be SOL because of Obamacare, the numbers will be relatively low. Not enough for Obama, Pelosi, Reid, Wasserman Schultz, etc. to lose sleep over.

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