Obama Lied..People Die

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How many Americans will have to die because of Obama/Demo-care before Democrats are willing to accept reality?
Part of the reality you seem perfectly willing to ignore is that without the ACA thirty million (30,000,000) people would have no health care. How many of those 30 million will wait for health care that is never coming if you have your way? What you are also willing to ignore is that the health care system previously in place was in an inflation cycle and gradually becoming out of reach for more and more people.
It's inevitable...just sayin

In case of that California woman with stage IV bladder cancer - it is inevitably true.

and she is just one from the millions.

5,000,000,000 have lost their insurance but that is considered nothing to Obama and his supporters so far.

Nothing new under the sun.

Do I need to remind how many tens of millions of people were slaughtered as a sacrifice for the leftist beast during the last century - an it still did not work - because it CAN NOT work.

and you are talking of some millions being dumped from their insurance.

those are peanuts for the leftards.
How many Americans will have to die because of Obama/Demo-care before Democrats are willing to accept reality?
Part of the reality you seem perfectly willing to ignore is that without the ACA thirty million (30,000,000) people would have no health care. How many of those 30 million will wait for health care that is never coming if you have your way? What you are also willing to ignore is that the health care system previously in place was in an inflation cycle and gradually becoming out of reach for more and more people.

they still do not.
and many more will loose it because of this crap obamacare
How many Americans will have to die because of Obama/Demo-care before Democrats are willing to accept reality?
Part of the reality you seem perfectly willing to ignore is that without the ACA thirty million (30,000,000) people would have no health care. How many of those 30 million will wait for health care that is never coming if you have your way? What you are also willing to ignore is that the health care system previously in place was in an inflation cycle and gradually becoming out of reach for more and more people.

Yes, several million people who didn't have insurance before will have insurance now.

However, several million people who had insurance before are having their policies cancelled. What percentage of those will sign up for new insurance?

When it's all done, how many million people still won't have insurance?

How much will it have cost for the unimpressive increase in the number of insured?

And how much more will it cost to fix all the new damage which the ACA has caused?
It's inevitable...just sayin
You mean like when bush said "Right now, Iraq is expanding and improving facilities that were used for the production of biological weapons."
SEE! This actually is an example of a lie that ended up causing people to die. And it is a lie you would approve of and defend.

George W. Bush
Speech to UN General Assembly
September 12, 2002

Again.. If Clinton had killed off Osama on the several opportunities he had. It's unlikely 9/11 and the Iraqi war would have happened..correct
It's inevitable...just sayin
You mean like when bush said "Right now, Iraq is expanding and improving facilities that were used for the production of biological weapons."
SEE! This actually is an example of a lie that ended up causing people to die. And it is a lie you would approve of and defend.

George W. Bush
Speech to UN General Assembly
September 12, 2002

Wasn't a lie. Or if it was a lie, it wasn't Bush's lie. He inherited it. Democrats believed it true too, including the Democrats in power before him, and Saddam wanted them to believe it to be true.

On the other hand, we have Obama on record showing that he knew things which he later contradicted. The Obama administration even set up a hotline for people to report those who told the truth.
You do recall, of course, Democrats controlled the House and Senate the last 2 years of Bush's term. Yup, Nancy and Harry controlled the purse strings, and were obviously complicit in insuring the housing bubble by lack of oversight.

They were far too busy undermining our soldiers and screwing over Bush and the American people with the election coming up and all.

Yup, the economy is great...:lmao:

btw.. why do you bitch about a thread creation then post in the thread, it seems rather schizophrenic.. just sayin..it could be the early signs of tourettes syndrome I suppose.

So its all their fault huh? Not Bush's rampant spending or costly tax cuts? Does the pointless Iraq War ring a bell? Hey guess what? When republicans took control of the House in 2010, they did nothing to improve this country. In fact, they made it worse last month. The economy lost billions of dollars during that shutdown and it accomplished absolutely NOTHING.

Democrats control 66.6% of the Federal elected power, you're being myopic.

I hear about these billions but I have seen no actual itemized proof. You seem so certain, I'm glad you can provide a link, it will be an interesting itemized report. thanks for your effort.

Shutdown took $24 billion bite out of economy - Oct. 16, 2013

It's amazing what a simple Google search can do. You should try it some time.
In case of that California woman with stage IV bladder cancer - it is inevitably true.

and she is just one from the millions.

5,000,000,000 have lost their insurance but that is considered nothing to Obama and his supporters so far.

Too many zeroes on that.

You're right................there were too many zeroes on that, because apparently the poster doesn't know how math works.

Apparently they think there are 5 billion people who are losing their health insurance.

I guess they didn't understand that there are only 7 billion people on the entire planet.

Nor, did they understand that the current population of the United States is only around 300 million.

Guess hyperbole knows no bounds.
So its all their fault huh? Not Bush's rampant spending or costly tax cuts? Does the pointless Iraq War ring a bell? Hey guess what? When republicans took control of the House in 2010, they did nothing to improve this country. In fact, they made it worse last month. The economy lost billions of dollars during that shutdown and it accomplished absolutely NOTHING.

Democrats control 66.6% of the Federal elected power, you're being myopic.

I hear about these billions but I have seen no actual itemized proof. You seem so certain, I'm glad you can provide a link, it will be an interesting itemized report. thanks for your effort.

Shutdown took $24 billion bite out of economy - Oct. 16, 2013

It's amazing what a simple Google search can do. You should try it some time.

Sorry, unacceptable..good news though, if you were a federal employee you'd get a bonus..

I was hoping you would actually show specific reasons/figures why Republicans were responsible..

The federal employees received their back pay and military families suffered because Obama made them suffer.

Obama closed several outdoor public parks, monuments and such to produce maximum pain to the citizens.

btw.. So the government wasted less taxpayer money than they normally do and that's a bad thing...are you sure your not a tax, create massive debt and spend Democrat?

btw 2. If 1 dollar out of ever 3 dollars you spend you had to borrow, how long would you last?
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So its all their fault huh? Not Bush's rampant spending or costly tax cuts? Does the pointless Iraq War ring a bell? Hey guess what? When republicans took control of the House in 2010, they did nothing to improve this country. In fact, they made it worse last month. The economy lost billions of dollars during that shutdown and it accomplished absolutely NOTHING.

Democrats control 66.6% of the Federal elected power, you're being myopic.

I hear about these billions but I have seen no actual itemized proof. You seem so certain, I'm glad you can provide a link, it will be an interesting itemized report. thanks for your effort.

Shutdown took $24 billion bite out of economy - Oct. 16, 2013

It's amazing what a simple Google search can do. You should try it some time.

It's amazing what a rudimentary education in mathematics can do. You should try it some time.

Which number is bigger?

The $24,000,000,000 caused by the shutdown


The $6,000,000,000,000 spent by President Obama in his past five years in office?

You tell me.

"I will not sign a plan that adds one dime to our deficits — either now or in the future. I will not sign it if it adds one dime to the deficit, now or in the future, period." (

-President Barack Obama, in reference to the passage of the Patient Protection Affordable Care Act

(There's that period word again)
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Democrats control 66.6% of the Federal elected power, you're being myopic.

I hear about these billions but I have seen no actual itemized proof. You seem so certain, I'm glad you can provide a link, it will be an interesting itemized report. thanks for your effort.

Shutdown took $24 billion bite out of economy - Oct. 16, 2013

It's amazing what a simple Google search can do. You should try it some time.

It's amazing what a rudimentary education in mathematics can do. You should try it some time.

Which number is bigger?

The $24,000,000,000 caused by the shutdown


The $6,000,000,000,000 spent by President Obama in his past five years in office?

You tell me.

Ok if you're going to compare random numbers together, why wouldn't you mention the 10 trillion Bush spent? We are talking about republicans are we not?
Democrats control 66.6% of the Federal elected power, you're being myopic.

I hear about these billions but I have seen no actual itemized proof. You seem so certain, I'm glad you can provide a link, it will be an interesting itemized report. thanks for your effort.

Shutdown took $24 billion bite out of economy - Oct. 16, 2013

It's amazing what a simple Google search can do. You should try it some time.

Sorry, unacceptable..I was hoping you would actually show specific reasons why Republicans were responsible..

The federal employees received their back pay and military families suffered because Obama made them suffer.

Obama closed several outdoor public parks, monuments and such to produce maximum pain to the citizens.

btw.. So the government wasted less taxpayer money than they normally do and that's a bad thing...are you sure your not a tax, create massive debt and spend Democrat?

btw 2. If 1 dollar out of ever 3 dollars you spend you had to borrow, how long would you last?

Are you actually suggesting Obama was responsible for the shutdown?

I really don't get it. I take no issue with criticizing dems when they do something stupid. You however can't even admit it when republicans do something stupid. Are you really that immature?
Shutdown took $24 billion bite out of economy - Oct. 16, 2013

It's amazing what a simple Google search can do. You should try it some time.

It's amazing what a rudimentary education in mathematics can do. You should try it some time.

Which number is bigger?

The $24,000,000,000 caused by the shutdown


The $6,000,000,000,000 spent by President Obama in his past five years in office?

You tell me.

Ok if you're going to compare random numbers together, why wouldn't you mention the 10 trillion Bush spent? We are talking about republicans are we not?

You're the one making the big deal out of the 24 billion number. If you're going to be dishonest, try not to make it look so obvious. BOOOOSH!
Shutdown took $24 billion bite out of economy - Oct. 16, 2013

It's amazing what a simple Google search can do. You should try it some time.

Sorry, unacceptable..I was hoping you would actually show specific reasons why Republicans were responsible..

The federal employees received their back pay and military families suffered because Obama made them suffer.

Obama closed several outdoor public parks, monuments and such to produce maximum pain to the citizens.

btw.. So the government wasted less taxpayer money than they normally do and that's a bad thing...are you sure your not a tax, create massive debt and spend Democrat?

btw 2. If 1 dollar out of ever 3 dollars you spend you had to borrow, how long would you last?

Are you actually suggesting Obama was responsible for the shutdown?

I really don't get it. I take no issue with criticizing dems when they do something stupid. You however can't even admit it when republicans do something stupid. Are you really that immature?

No, Republicans and Democrats are almost one in the same. But in this instance, you are lying through your teeth. The fact you called me immature means you got upset at me for criticizing Obama. I can admit when Republicans do something wrong. I have no problem doing it, in fact, you should have seen the fat joke I was telling about Chris Christie the other day (which in hindsight may not have been very nice).

Anywho, it's too early in the morning to play liberal shenanigans. Go bother somebody else.
Sorry, unacceptable..I was hoping you would actually show specific reasons why Republicans were responsible..

The federal employees received their back pay and military families suffered because Obama made them suffer.

Obama closed several outdoor public parks, monuments and such to produce maximum pain to the citizens.

btw.. So the government wasted less taxpayer money than they normally do and that's a bad thing...are you sure your not a tax, create massive debt and spend Democrat?

btw 2. If 1 dollar out of ever 3 dollars you spend you had to borrow, how long would you last?

Are you actually suggesting Obama was responsible for the shutdown?

I really don't get it. I take no issue with criticizing dems when they do something stupid. You however can't even admit it when republicans do something stupid. Are you really that immature?

No, Republicans and Democrats are almost one in the same. But in this instance, you are lying through your teeth. The fact you called me immature means you got upset at me for criticizing Obama. I can admit when Republicans do something wrong. I have no problem doing it, in fact, you should have seen the fat joke I was telling about Chris Christie the other day (which in hindsight may not have been very nice).

Anywho, it's too early in the morning to play liberal shenanigans. Go bother somebody else.

You realize of course my reply was to Lumpy right?
5,000,000,000 have lost their insurance but that is considered nothing to Obama and his supporters so far.

Too many zeroes on that.

You're right................there were too many zeroes on that, because apparently the poster doesn't know how math works.

Apparently they think there are 5 billion people who are losing their health insurance.

I guess they didn't understand that there are only 7 billion people on the entire planet.

Nor, did they understand that the current population of the United States is only around 300 million.

Guess hyperbole knows no bounds.

Sheesh.. I make a mistake and I should be held responsible and it cost nothing but embarrassment.

Now ..would you consider holding Obama/Democrats responsible for their mistakes that cost billions of dollars, personal freedoms, inconveniences to Americans and likely many lives?
It's amazing what a rudimentary education in mathematics can do. You should try it some time.

Which number is bigger?

The $24,000,000,000 caused by the shutdown


The $6,000,000,000,000 spent by President Obama in his past five years in office?

You tell me.

Ok if you're going to compare random numbers together, why wouldn't you mention the 10 trillion Bush spent? We are talking about republicans are we not?

You're the one making the big deal out of the 24 billion number. If you're going to be dishonest, try not to make it look so obvious. BOOOOSH!

Government spending is a necessary practice. It always has been. Any republican president of the past will tell you that.

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