Obama Lied..People Die

Ok if you're going to compare random numbers together, why wouldn't you mention the 10 trillion Bush spent? We are talking about republicans are we not?

You're the one making the big deal out of the 24 billion number. If you're going to be dishonest, try not to make it look so obvious. BOOOOSH!

Government spending is a necessary practice. It always has been. Any republican president of the past will tell you that.


That's priceless!! Since when does government spending become so necessary that you have to go 6 trillion in more debt for it?
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Too many zeroes on that.

You're right................there were too many zeroes on that, because apparently the poster doesn't know how math works.

Apparently they think there are 5 billion people who are losing their health insurance.

I guess they didn't understand that there are only 7 billion people on the entire planet.

Nor, did they understand that the current population of the United States is only around 300 million.

Guess hyperbole knows no bounds.

Sheesh.. I make a mistake and I should be held responsible and it cost nothing but embarrassment.

Now ..would you consider holding Obama/Democrats responsible for their mistakes that cost billions of dollars, personal freedoms, inconveniences to Americans and likely many lives?

Yanno..........................I've not spent as much under Obama as what I did under Jr., so no, Obama has cost less than what Jr. cost me as a taxpayer (especially since I'm not one of the wealthy that he gave a permanent tax cut to, I'm just one of the underlings that he gave a one time 300 dollar check to).

Can you provide a link that shows what personal freedoms you've lost under Obama that you had under Jr.? Remember, Homeland Security and most of the snooping that currently occurs started under Jr., it's just that they didn't tell Obama.

BTW........................what lives have been lost under Obama? He's tried to get us out of the wars that Jr. started.

Try again.
You're the one making the big deal out of the 24 billion number. If you're going to be dishonest, try not to make it look so obvious. BOOOOSH!

Government spending is a necessary practice. It always has been. Any republican president of the past will tell you that.


That's priceless!! Since when does government spending become so necessary that you have to go 6 trillion in more debt for it?

Um I never said it was necessary to spend 6 trillion.
You're right................there were too many zeroes on that, because apparently the poster doesn't know how math works.

Apparently they think there are 5 billion people who are losing their health insurance.

I guess they didn't understand that there are only 7 billion people on the entire planet.

Nor, did they understand that the current population of the United States is only around 300 million.

Guess hyperbole knows no bounds.

Sheesh.. I make a mistake and I should be held responsible and it cost nothing but embarrassment.

Now ..would you consider holding Obama/Democrats responsible for their mistakes that cost billions of dollars, personal freedoms, inconveniences to Americans and likely many lives?

Yanno..........................I've not spent as much under Obama as what I did under Jr., so no, Obama has cost less than what Jr. cost me as a taxpayer (especially since I'm not one of the wealthy that he gave a permanent tax cut to, I'm just one of the underlings that he gave a one time 300 dollar check to).

Can you provide a link that shows what personal freedoms you've lost under Obama that you had under Jr.? Remember, Homeland Security and most of the snooping that currently occurs started under Jr., it's just that they didn't tell Obama.

BTW........................what lives have been lost under Obama? He's tried to get us out of the wars that Jr. started.

Try again.

You don't seem the least bit receptive and your request could surely be handled on your own. I'd rather not waste my time for absolutely nothing, that's a Democrat thing...:lol:
Sheesh.. I make a mistake and I should be held responsible and it cost nothing but embarrassment.

Now ..would you consider holding Obama/Democrats responsible for their mistakes that cost billions of dollars, personal freedoms, inconveniences to Americans and likely many lives?

Yanno..........................I've not spent as much under Obama as what I did under Jr., so no, Obama has cost less than what Jr. cost me as a taxpayer (especially since I'm not one of the wealthy that he gave a permanent tax cut to, I'm just one of the underlings that he gave a one time 300 dollar check to).

Can you provide a link that shows what personal freedoms you've lost under Obama that you had under Jr.? Remember, Homeland Security and most of the snooping that currently occurs started under Jr., it's just that they didn't tell Obama.

BTW........................what lives have been lost under Obama? He's tried to get us out of the wars that Jr. started.

Try again.

You don't seem the least bit receptive and your request could surely be handled on your own. I'd rather not waste my time for absolutely nothing, that's a Democrat thing...:lol:

Exactly what I'd thought..............you can't provide a link, so you try to say that those who ask for proof are worthless.

Know what I think is worthless? Those who are asked for proof who say they can't provide it because they think those asking for it don't deserve it.

Thanks for showing you're not willing to waste your time showing the truth of what you believe is real, because it shows you don't have any proof.
Shutdown took $24 billion bite out of economy - Oct. 16, 2013

It's amazing what a simple Google search can do. You should try it some time.

Sorry, unacceptable..I was hoping you would actually show specific reasons why Republicans were responsible..

The federal employees received their back pay and military families suffered because Obama made them suffer.

Obama closed several outdoor public parks, monuments and such to produce maximum pain to the citizens.

btw.. So the government wasted less taxpayer money than they normally do and that's a bad thing...are you sure your not a tax, create massive debt and spend Democrat?

btw 2. If 1 dollar out of ever 3 dollars you spend you had to borrow, how long would you last?

Are you actually suggesting Obama was responsible for the shutdown?

I really don't get it. I take no issue with criticizing dems when they do something stupid. You however can't even admit it when republicans do something stupid. Are you really that immature?

Democrats/Obama hold 66.6% of the federally elected power and they shouldn't be held responsible for their lack of negotiation skills, is that what your saying.?

In my opinion they're 66.6% responsible..I figure you're a victim of the Democrat controlled media and you have my sympathy.
Sorry, unacceptable..I was hoping you would actually show specific reasons why Republicans were responsible..

The federal employees received their back pay and military families suffered because Obama made them suffer.

Obama closed several outdoor public parks, monuments and such to produce maximum pain to the citizens.

btw.. So the government wasted less taxpayer money than they normally do and that's a bad thing...are you sure your not a tax, create massive debt and spend Democrat?

btw 2. If 1 dollar out of ever 3 dollars you spend you had to borrow, how long would you last?

Are you actually suggesting Obama was responsible for the shutdown?

I really don't get it. I take no issue with criticizing dems when they do something stupid. You however can't even admit it when republicans do something stupid. Are you really that immature?

Democrats/Obama hold 66.6% of the federally elected power and they shouldn't be held responsible for their lack of negotiation skills, is that what your saying.?

In my opinion they're 66.6% responsible..I figure you're a victim of the Democrat controlled media and you have my sympathy.

If that's the truth, then can you explain Boehner and his staunch support of Ted Cruz (who is a Senator and shouldn't have any pull in the House)?

I'm sorry, but the tea baggers (aka Ted Cruz and his buddy Cantor) are leading Boehner around by the nose.

BTW...........................Democrats (as well as President Obama) were against shutting down the government. The reason the parks were shut down was because of the government shutdown touted by idiots like Cruz (who was a Senator who lobbied the House).

Obama didn't shut down the parks, the Congress did.
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Yanno..........................I've not spent as much under Obama as what I did under Jr., so no, Obama has cost less than what Jr. cost me as a taxpayer (especially since I'm not one of the wealthy that he gave a permanent tax cut to, I'm just one of the underlings that he gave a one time 300 dollar check to).

Can you provide a link that shows what personal freedoms you've lost under Obama that you had under Jr.? Remember, Homeland Security and most of the snooping that currently occurs started under Jr., it's just that they didn't tell Obama.

BTW........................what lives have been lost under Obama? He's tried to get us out of the wars that Jr. started.

Try again.

You don't seem the least bit receptive and your request could surely be handled on your own. I'd rather not waste my time for absolutely nothing, that's a Democrat thing...:lol:

Exactly what I'd thought..............you can't provide a link, so you try to say that those who ask for proof are worthless.

Know what I think is worthless? Those who are asked for proof who say they can't provide it because they think those asking for it don't deserve it.

Thanks for showing you're not willing to waste your time showing the truth of what you believe is real, because it shows you don't have any proof.

First of all...was my OP toooo confusing for You?

but... here's a link for you...http://news.investors.com/032510-528137-20-ways-obamacare-will-take-away-our-freedoms.htm
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You don't seem the least bit receptive and your request could surely be handled on your own. I'd rather not waste my time for absolutely nothing, that's a Democrat thing...:lol:

Exactly what I'd thought..............you can't provide a link, so you try to say that those who ask for proof are worthless.

Know what I think is worthless? Those who are asked for proof who say they can't provide it because they think those asking for it don't deserve it.

Thanks for showing you're not willing to waste your time showing the truth of what you believe is real, because it shows you don't have any proof.

First of all...was my OP toooo confusing for You?

but... here's a link for you...20 Ways ObamaCare Will Take Away Our Freedoms - Investors.com

Actually, no................it wasn't confusing. I'd read previous posts that you'd laid down, and KNEW that you wouldn't provide proof.

You're scared that if you post it, you'd be proven wrong, because you already know you're wrong.
Exactly what I'd thought..............you can't provide a link, so you try to say that those who ask for proof are worthless.

Know what I think is worthless? Those who are asked for proof who say they can't provide it because they think those asking for it don't deserve it.

Thanks for showing you're not willing to waste your time showing the truth of what you believe is real, because it shows you don't have any proof.

First of all...was my OP toooo confusing for You?

but... here's a link for you...20 Ways ObamaCare Will Take Away Our Freedoms - Investors.com

Actually, no................it wasn't confusing. I'd read previous posts that you'd laid down, and KNEW that you wouldn't provide proof.

You're scared that if you post it, you'd be proven wrong, because you already know you're wrong.

Second of all did you read the link?
This is the post you're referring to ..correct

"Now ..would you consider holding Obama/Democrats responsible for their mistakes that cost billions of dollars, personal freedoms, inconveniences to Americans and likely many lives?"

Here's starting links on government waste.

Wasteful Spending List | Congressman Bill Posey :: Representing the 8th District of Florida


a link for fun..http://www.westernjournalism.com/ob...is-lying-lawbreaking-corruption-cronyism-etc/
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BTW..........................I challenge ANYBODY to show me where Obama has lied and people have died.

Jr. and that asshole Cheney lied and several thousands (meaning above 4,000) soldiers have died.

How many people have died because of what you claim Obama lied about?
Remember Fast and Furious?s Mexican Victims | National Review Online

Feel free to come up with an article that shows the Obama administration introduced new weapons to the mix.

Fast and Furious was simply monitoring private and possibly illegal sales.

That's it.

Unlike Wide Receiver, which did introduce new guns to the mix.


The interesting thing is that unless it's in a womb or part of their family, most of these folks could give a fig about people dying.

They even cheer some deaths. You hear any of them complain about this?

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5rXPrfnU3G0]Collateral Murder - Wikileaks - Iraq - YouTube[/ame]

Shot up a journalist, his photographer and the folks that tried to rescue the wounded.



In fact, they defended this.

I guess kinda like the way your kind counted the deaths of our great soldiers daily

Unlike your kind which pretended no one was dying and that the Iraq war was a cakewalk. What was it you folks said? "We'd be greeted as Liberators and Iraqi oil would pay for the whole thing".
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Lied about what?

I see your difficulty, soooo many many..many many..many many lies, it's difficult to pick just one..

I'm talking about the compulsive lying that's been repeated and repeated and repeated for the past 3 years..around 40 times from last count.

Actually I see your difficulty.

You live in an alternate reality where there is an invisible sky pixie that micro manages each of our lives, the rich are rich because the sky pixie says they should be rich and Jesus rode a dinosaur.
Lied about what?

I see your difficulty, soooo many many..many many..many many lies, it's difficult to pick just one..

I'm talking about the compulsive lying that's been repeated and repeated and repeated for the past 3 years..around 40 times from last count.

Actually I see your difficulty.

You live in an alternate reality where there is an invisible sky pixie that micro manages each of our lives, the rich are rich because the sky pixie says they should be rich and Jesus rode a dinosaur.

You're right................there were too many zeroes on that, because apparently the poster doesn't know how math works.

Apparently they think there are 5 billion people who are losing their health insurance.

I guess they didn't understand that there are only 7 billion people on the entire planet.

Nor, did they understand that the current population of the United States is only around 300 million.

Guess hyperbole knows no bounds.

Sheesh.. I make a mistake and I should be held responsible and it cost nothing but embarrassment.

Now ..would you consider holding Obama/Democrats responsible for their mistakes that cost billions of dollars, personal freedoms, inconveniences to Americans and likely many lives?

Yanno..........................I've not spent as much under Obama as what I did under Jr., so no, Obama has cost less than what Jr. cost me as a taxpayer (especially since I'm not one of the wealthy that he gave a permanent tax cut to, I'm just one of the underlings that he gave a one time 300 dollar check to).

Can you provide a link that shows what personal freedoms you've lost under Obama that you had under Jr.? Remember, Homeland Security and most of the snooping that currently occurs started under Jr., it's just that they didn't tell Obama.

BTW........................what lives have been lost under Obama? He's tried to get us out of the wars that Jr. started.

Try again.

If the media posted the death ticker under Obama for the good war -- the one Obama supported and supports -- the same way that they posted the death ticker under Bush, then you might know how many lives have been lost under Obama. Too bad we're saddled with a media who don't appreciate their role in America and instead have chosen to protect Obama for years.

But this is a new subject -- this is about people who may die because Obama lied to push through and lied some more to stop voters from knowing the truth about a misbegotten boondoggle in time to do anything about it. I don't think that many people are going to die because of the changes Obama forced onto their lives. Some likely will but I don't think it will be as many as Lumpy does. Still, a lot are going to suffer. How much money is going to be taken out of local economies because money which would be spent on vacations, home improvements, electronics, etc. will now be sent to insurance companies in the form of higher premiums?

And that's for people who decide to go ahead and bite the bullet and purchase the coverage instead of taking the penalty because they can't afford the new prices.
Lied about what?

I see your difficulty, soooo many many..many many..many many lies, it's difficult to pick just one..

I'm talking about the compulsive lying that's been repeated and repeated and repeated for the past 3 years..around 40 times from last count.

Actually I see your difficulty.

You live in an alternate reality where there is an invisible sky pixie that micro manages each of our lives, the rich are rich because the sky pixie says they should be rich and Jesus rode a dinosaur.
You need to grow up, buddy.
Sheesh.. I make a mistake and I should be held responsible and it cost nothing but embarrassment.

Now ..would you consider holding Obama/Democrats responsible for their mistakes that cost billions of dollars, personal freedoms, inconveniences to Americans and likely many lives?

Yanno..........................I've not spent as much under Obama as what I did under Jr., so no, Obama has cost less than what Jr. cost me as a taxpayer (especially since I'm not one of the wealthy that he gave a permanent tax cut to, I'm just one of the underlings that he gave a one time 300 dollar check to).

Can you provide a link that shows what personal freedoms you've lost under Obama that you had under Jr.? Remember, Homeland Security and most of the snooping that currently occurs started under Jr., it's just that they didn't tell Obama.

BTW........................what lives have been lost under Obama? He's tried to get us out of the wars that Jr. started.

Try again.

If the media posted the death ticker under Obama for the good war -- the one Obama supported and supports -- the same way that they posted the death ticker under Bush, then you might know how many lives have been lost under Obama. Too bad we're saddled with a media who don't appreciate their role in America and instead have chosen to protect Obama for years.

But this is a new subject -- this is about people who may die because Obama lied to push through and lied some more to stop voters from knowing the truth about a misbegotten boondoggle in time to do anything about it. I don't think that many people are going to die because of the changes Obama forced onto their lives. Some likely will but I don't think it will be as many as Lumpy does. Still, a lot are going to suffer. How much money is going to be taken out of local economies because money which would be spent on vacations, home improvements, electronics, etc. will now be sent to insurance companies in the form of higher premiums?

And that's for people who decide to go ahead and bite the bullet and purchase the coverage instead of taking the penalty because they can't afford the new prices.

You mean like this one?


The New York Times never stopped reporting on US war deaths.

Conservative outrage over this..has stopped.

Now it's a good thing.


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