Obama Likes Wanda Sykes Joke About Rush Limbaugh: 'I Hope His Kidneys Fail'

This look familiar?

By the way, AIDS is a death sentence.

And, no, I'm not pissed at Obama over laughing over a stupid joke. I think Wanda Sykes made a tasteless joke, but not something to cry over... However, you made it personal.

LMAO...i made it personal but her joke wasn't personal and obama laughing is not personal...

see, this stuff does bother you, but your defense of obama is perplexing

and no, aids is not a death sentence, magic johnson ring a bell...so you're wrong, i did not wish you death.

Just because Magic Johnson hasn't died of AIDS yet, doesn't mean he isn't going to.

Wanda Sykes made it personal to Rush. You made it personal to me.

No, I am not pissed. Just making a point.

actually Magic is a bad example since he doesnt really have AIDS, he is HIV positive
but there are people now that are surviving with AIDS
Sykes is a commedian and can say whatever she wants.

BO is POTUS and is supposed to show decorum, dignity and respect.

This guys fails at this over and over again, he is every bit the joke chimpy was.
basically wishing death on a US citizen...and obama laughs at it
Is that better than wanting the entire country to "fail"? Like his counterparts on the left and his comrades on the right, Rush is a partisan dick who deserves all of the ridicule that is thrown at him.
one problem with that
Rush doesnt want the country to fail, just Obama, so the country will survive

That's not exactly what LimpBoy said, is it????
No he said he hopes ALL hard working "Joes" lose their jobs in 6 months. That sure sounds like a lit more people than JUST Obama failing.

Why do you lie for that pathological liar anywhy?????

November 5, 2008
RUSH: I hope all your Joe the Plumbers are unemployed in six months! There.
LMAO...i made it personal but her joke wasn't personal and obama laughing is not personal...

see, this stuff does bother you, but your defense of obama is perplexing

and no, aids is not a death sentence, magic johnson ring a bell...so you're wrong, i did not wish you death.

Just because Magic Johnson hasn't died of AIDS yet, doesn't mean he isn't going to.

Wanda Sykes made it personal to Rush. You made it personal to me.

No, I am not pissed. Just making a point.

actually Magic is a bad example since he doesnt really have AIDS, he is HIV positive
but there are people now that are surviving with AIDS

Surviving, yes, but it is still something that they are likely to die from eventually... if they don't step in front of a bus first.

Oh, but if there were only a cure.

Sykes is a commedian and can say whatever she wants.

BO is POTUS and is supposed to show decorum, dignity and respect.

This guys fails at this over and over again, he is every bit the joke chimpy was.

However, would a robot for a president be better? Regardless of him being a moron when it comes to policy, at least when e chuckles at a joke he demonstrates that one most important trait in humans ... humanity.
Sykes is a commedian and can say whatever she wants.

BO is POTUS and is supposed to show decorum, dignity and respect.

This guys fails at this over and over again, he is every bit the joke chimpy was.

You make a good point. And Rush is a big boy and is a celebrity. He expects these kinds of things and he dishes them out as well.

The fact that the President laughed is not a big deal. Bad taste, but hey, so what? Have you ever found yourself laughing at a racist joke? I know I have and then later thought, that really was not something that I should have been laughing at, but to me it was funny. In bad taste, but still it was funny.

YOU were the one who made some shit up about religion, dipshit. I just mentioned sin, which can be about a moral issue, and doesn't necessarily have anything to do with religion.
Asshole, YOU were the one who claimed it was 'a sin' not me.

Try to at least remmeber what you say.


Ok, let me make a timeline for you.

1) I said it was a sin. Referring NOT to a religion, but to a moral judgment.
2) YOU mentioned religion.
3) i said it had nothing to do with religion, but I was talking about a moral judgment, and that YOU brought up religion.
4) You countered with saying that of course it was I who claimed it was a sin.........


Yes. I said the word sin. In a non-religious context. YOU brought in religion. Comprende?

Mediamatters, quoting CBS, Fox News, and the White House. Do you think those three organizations are also lying?
Funny how we hear that now, but never did at the time, isn't it.

Of course the queen being classy would have covered that imbecile's ass, now wouldn't she.

Right, of course she did. Any evidence for this assertion? A link to back it up? Anything?

No he doesn't you idiot, that is the point.

You think BO went to some kind of school to learn these things? He was advised by his bumpkin staff of Clintoon morons, and it shows.

Right...because you are such an expert at foreign policy :lol:

You are making a tautology, dumbass. You are claiming that he doesn't know more about foreign policy than a jackass on the internet and this claim is made by...a jackass on the internet. Sorry, jackass, but I'll take his word over yours.

Oh, so you LIKE el presidente for life.

Did you miss the part where I said Chavez isn't exactly a great leader? Try some reading comprehension sometime.

It's also clear you have no business discussing this:

The announcement states that President Chavez has manipulated the criminal justice system to bring politically motivated charges against 45 different individuals, violating their basic human rights as guaranteed by local and international law. These violations include character assassination, fabricating criminal charges and evidence, torturing and bribing witnesses, breaching privacy and confidentiality, interfering with and controlling judges, and groundless pre-trial incarceration and denial of bail, the announcement states.

Chavez confronted on human rights abuses

Yes, thats terrible...its surely good that Obama didn't meet with the Chinese leader who has imprisoned thousands of dissidents. Oh wait, thats all ok because he wasn't "overly friendly". He only shook his hand and smiled widely.

Sorry, but this has nothing to do with HR abuses. You are just taking your cues from right-wing bloggers who got all freaked out about Obama meeting with Chavez. Give me a fuckin break.

Congratulations, your not a Republican. You just happened to mention Republican talking points when criticizing Obama.
Wrong again chauncey.

Like all the dimwits who have their head up Obama's ass, you think everyone who opposes this idiot is a GoP Bush supporter. Your ped freind Red dawn suffers from the same idiocy.

I'm wrong that you are mentioning republican talking points? I'm really not. The saudi thing, the Gordon Brown thing, the Queens Ipod and Chavez? All shit picked up and spread around by the right wing bloggers. But no...I'm sure your just an independent voter :lol:
What's happened to me?

This petty assed bullshit about crying because someone laughed at a stupid joke, that is what happened to me. It was a dumb joke. It wasn't like she killed someone. It was a stupid joke from an entertainer, nothing more and it doesn't deserve all this hysteria from the right. In fact, you sound more like a PC whiner then a grown up conservative.

That's what happened to me... conservatives are acting like liberals crying about petty assed bullshit and quite frankly it is sickening.


i don't find our president laughing at the failure of someone's health petty. i find it disturbing. and look in the mirror, you're whining louder than anyone and you're whining about someone allegedly whining :lol:

Odd, but I find someone laughing at the failure of this country by wishing the president failed disturbing to ... hmm ...

rush did not say that at all and you know it...and i don't recall a laugh involved...

do you even realize that you're saying that obama's policies are the ONLY way for this country to succeed...
i don't find our president laughing at the failure of someone's health petty. i find it disturbing. and look in the mirror, you're whining louder than anyone and you're whining about someone allegedly whining :lol:

Odd, but I find someone laughing at the failure of this country by wishing the president failed disturbing to ... hmm ...

rush did not say that at all and you know it...and i don't recall a laugh involved...

do you even realize that you're saying that obama's policies are the ONLY way for this country to succeed...

No, he said it, whether he laughed or not, he is nothing but an entertainer anyway, and everything he says is just funny.
i don't find our president laughing at the failure of someone's health petty. i find it disturbing. and look in the mirror, you're whining louder than anyone and you're whining about someone allegedly whining :lol:

Odd, but I find someone laughing at the failure of this country by wishing the president failed disturbing to ... hmm ...

rush did not say that at all and you know it...and i don't recall a laugh involved...

do you even realize that you're saying that obama's policies are the ONLY way for this country to succeed...

Obama, being the president and all, is whose policies will be implemented. If they fail, the country fails. If they don't, the country doesn't.
Odd, but I find someone laughing at the failure of this country by wishing the president failed disturbing to ... hmm ...

rush did not say that at all and you know it...and i don't recall a laugh involved...

do you even realize that you're saying that obama's policies are the ONLY way for this country to succeed...

No, he said it, whether he laughed or not, he is nothing but an entertainer anyway, and everything he says is just funny.
no, he didnt
he said that he wanted Obama and his policies to fail to save America
not that he wanted America to fail

and what about all those fucking libs praying for Soldiers to die and America to fail for 8 fucking years
Ok, let me make a timeline for you.

1) I said it was a sin.
Yes, and it's not about religion and never was.

Sin is a term used mainly in a religious context to describe an act that violates a moral rule, or the state of having committed such a violation. Commonly, the moral code of conduct is decreed by a divine entity, i.e. Divine law.

Sin - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Right, of course she did. Any evidence for this assertion? A link to back it up? Anything?
Mediamatters is working on it as we speak.

Right...because you are such an expert at foreign policy
Compared to you, my cat is an expert on foreign policy.

You are making a tautology, dumbass. You are claiming that he doesn't know more about foreign policy than a jackass on the internet and this claim is made by...a jackass on the internet. Sorry, jackass, but I'll take his word over yours.
You Obamatrons are as bad as Bushbots.

When are you going to realize these dicks are not ABOVE us, that they don't 'know more' and make tons of mistakes?

Did you miss the part where I said Chavez isn't exactly a great leader? Try some reading comprehension sometime.
Not a great leader does not equal human rights abuser mon simpleton.

It's really funny you saying 'reading comprehension after saying something so dog stupid. :lol:

Yes, thats terrible...its surely good that Obama didn't meet with the Chinese leader who has imprisoned thousands of dissidents. Oh wait, thats all ok because he wasn't "overly friendly". He only shook his hand and smiled widely.
Sorry, but this has nothing to do with HR abuses. You are just taking your cues from right-wing bloggers who got all freaked out about Obama meeting with Chavez. Give me a fuckin break.
It's nice to know that if Obama needs a Rim job you are good to go for him.

"right wing bloggers"...HA HA HA HA

Don't ANY of you have minds of your own?

This is not about 'us/them'

It's about an imcompient in the white house.

I'm wrong that you are mentioning republican talking points?
What you are wrong about is criticism of Obama is NOT 'republican talking points.'

You idiots are so locked into this you think everyone is automatically in teh other major party.


I'm really not. The saudi thing, the Gordon Brown thing, the Queens Ipod and Chavez? All shit picked up and spread around by the right wing bloggers. But no...I'm sure your just an independent voter :lol:
Gee, all those things in were news (where we all on this board heard them first, not from 'right wing bloggers'') but if someone picked them up, they are now 'right wing talking points.'

I bet you jerk off to pictures of begala and carvelle.
Odd, but I find someone laughing at the failure of this country by wishing the president failed disturbing to ... hmm ...

rush did not say that at all and you know it...and i don't recall a laugh involved...

do you even realize that you're saying that obama's policies are the ONLY way for this country to succeed...

Obama, being the president and all, is whose policies will be implemented. If they fail, the country fails. If they don't, the country doesn't.
if his policies fail, America survives
Sykes is a commedian and can say whatever she wants.

BO is POTUS and is supposed to show decorum, dignity and respect.

This guys fails at this over and over again, he is every bit the joke chimpy was.

You make a good point. And Rush is a big boy and is a celebrity. He expects these kinds of things and he dishes them out as well.

The fact that the President laughed is not a big deal. Bad taste, but hey, so what? Have you ever found yourself laughing at a racist joke? I know I have and then later thought, that really was not something that I should have been laughing at, but to me it was funny. In bad taste, but still it was funny.


But, don't you hold the president of the greatest nation in the world to a higher standard than you, and I? He is just bringing it down to street level trash. just sayin....
You make a good point. And Rush is a big boy and is a celebrity. He expects these kinds of things and he dishes them out as well.

The fact that the President laughed is not a big deal. Bad taste, but hey, so what? Have you ever found yourself laughing at a racist joke? I know I have and then later thought, that really was not something that I should have been laughing at, but to me it was funny. In bad taste, but still it was funny.

The difference is I'm not the POTUS Immie.

I expect and demand more from POTUS.

We had 8 years of a moron, 8 years before that of a letcher, 4 years before that of a criminal...when does it get better?

It goes with the job being under a microscope, Obama treats the postion like he's a reality star in a gameshow on VH1.
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rush did not say that at all and you know it...and i don't recall a laugh involved...

do you even realize that you're saying that obama's policies are the ONLY way for this country to succeed...

No, he said it, whether he laughed or not, he is nothing but an entertainer anyway, and everything he says is just funny.
no, he didnt
he said that he wanted Obama and his policies to fail to save America
not that he wanted America to fail

and what about all those fucking libs praying for Soldiers to die and America to fail for 8 fucking years

By proxy, if Obama fails America fails, he knows that, so he also knows that wishing Obama fails is wishing America fails. Think about it, if he does fail will you be safe? We are trying to push him into choosing better policies so he doesn't fail, not wishing he would enact failure policies, Rush however doesn't care about America, he would rather the president fail so he can be right instead of pleading to the president to make better choices. There is something inherently wrong with that, but since he's just an entertainer I have few worries about it. But he did say it, trying to ignore the implications does not change that fact.
Odd, but I find someone laughing at the failure of this country by wishing the president failed disturbing to ... hmm ...

rush did not say that at all and you know it...and i don't recall a laugh involved...

do you even realize that you're saying that obama's policies are the ONLY way for this country to succeed...

No, he said it, whether he laughed or not, he is nothing but an entertainer anyway, and everything he says is just funny.

so then you support every single obama policy and want every one of his policies to succeed...is this right?
i don't find our president laughing at the failure of someone's health petty. i find it disturbing. and look in the mirror, you're whining louder than anyone and you're whining about someone allegedly whining :lol:

Odd, but I find someone laughing at the failure of this country by wishing the president failed disturbing to ... hmm ...

rush did not say that at all and you know it...and i don't recall a laugh involved...

You gotta love the way CON$ nitpick in their rebuttals. LimpBoy was nearly ORGASMIC at the mere thought of Americans suffering, which is worse than laughing, but they object to "laughing."
Odd, but I find someone laughing at the failure of this country by wishing the president failed disturbing to ... hmm ...

rush did not say that at all and you know it...and i don't recall a laugh involved...

do you even realize that you're saying that obama's policies are the ONLY way for this country to succeed...

Obama, being the president and all, is whose policies will be implemented. If they fail, the country fails. If they don't, the country doesn't.

so you wanted every single GWB policy to succeed?

you have a disturbing view of this country. as if the president's policies alone make this country successful. you really do worship obama, that is just weird.

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