Obama Likes Wanda Sykes Joke About Rush Limbaugh: 'I Hope His Kidneys Fail'

By proxy, if Obama fails America fails, he knows that, so he also knows that wishing Obama fails is wishing America fails. Think about it, if he does fail will you be safe? We are trying to push him into choosing better policies so he doesn't fail, not wishing he would enact failure policies, Rush however doesn't care about America, he would rather the president fail so he can be right instead of pleading to the president to make better choices. There is something inherently wrong with that, but since he's just an entertainer I have few worries about it. But he did say it, trying to ignore the implications does not change that fact.
the point being the policies are a failure
and RUsh knows this
to have them implimented will be a disaster

Saying that would have been fine, but he's a shock jock and saying that would have bored his audience, so he spiced it up by saying instead he "hopes Obama fails" ... again, he said it and by proxy was wishing for the US to fail, he wasn't wrong in saying it, though I do understand the outrage and trying to point out to you why there was. However you must also remember, I would fight to the death to defend his right to say it, no matter what he did say. Just as I would defend the comedians right to say her joke, and Obamas right to find it funny. The feud between Obama and Rush is just sensationalism, both are milking it and getting more fame for it. Once the outrage vanishes they'll find something else to use for attention. It's why I hate pop culture, they are not being true to themselves in reality, they are doing it for attention only.
no, he DID say that
the libs then went balistic
its been funny as hell watching them
rush did not say that at all and you know it...and i don't recall a laugh involved...

You gotta love the way CON$ nitpick in their rebuttals. LimpBoy was nearly ORGASMIC at the mere thought of Americans suffering, which is worse than laughing, but they object to "laughing."

No, "Limpboy" didn't want the people to suffer. "Limpboy" wanted Barry's policies to fail...there is a big difference. A failure in Barry's policies would not make Americans suffer.

Read it yourself. LimpBoy said that watching Americans suffer that "uh-oh" moment was so "EUPHORIC" for him it was second only to orgasm. He came right out and said he wants Americans to learn a painful LESSON that he is all too willing to teach them.

Parsing The Messiah's Speech
Parsing The Messiah's Speech
November 5, 2008
RUSH: That's why I'm nitpicking this 'cause I want people to understand what they have done. Like I said yesterday, I love enlightening stupid people. There is nothing to me -- well, I can't say nothing, there are things I like more than this -- but, folks, you talk about euphoria, I get euphoric when I turn the light on inside some stupid person's brain. Well, does that sound cruel, Mr. Snerdley? What's wrong with the word "stupid"? It has a definition. There are some stupid people. There are also some ignorant people. (interruption) You prefer "ignorant"? Now you're starting to sound like people, "Don't offend them, Rush, don't offend them." All right, I'll say ignorant people. (interruption) I'm not talking about our side. I'm talking about the people that voted for Obama. (interruption) No, I'm not talking to the people on our side that voted for Obama. I doubt they're still listening. I hope that they have been humiliated in the first hour and are gone in meditation and contemplation. I'm confident they'll be back.

Folks, don't you like teaching people things? When people have just fallen for a bunch of nothing and you are able to point out what they have fallen for, don't you love it when you see in their face, uh-oh? We are trying to help them, Snerdley. I am trying to be helpful. You are misunderstanding my tone here. I get gleeful when I teach somebody something. That's why I'm nitpicking this; that's why I'm parsing this. "I will always be honest with you about the challenges we face." What challenges? I didn't think there were any. Once we had hope and change taken care of and once he was elected, that was it. "I will listen to you, especially when we disagree." Oh! Now, I happen to disagree. Are you going to listen to me or are you going to implement the Fairness Doctrine? "And above all, I will ask you to join in the work of remaking this nation." Now, that, remaking the nation? That's not fixing something. Remaking it? What the hell is that? And I maintain to you that the vast majority of people that voted for Obama aren't even thinking about this the way I'm thinking about it. They're not even contemplating it. There was no substance to the people electing him, most of them who did. He was a symbol, represented all kinds of stuff. That's why I'm nitpicking this. "Rush, are you trying to make people bad? Are you trying to make them feel bad for the decision they made?" Yes! Of course I am.

RUSH: And furthermore, ladies and gentlemen, as I was saying, I hope you people in Ohio lose your coal industry; and I hope all your Joe the Plumbers are unemployed in six months! There.
so you did want some of bush's policies to fail...hypocrite

if you read rush's statement, he says he only wants obama's plan that are going to harm america to fail. try being honest about it....

this whole thing is silly....it is bad to criticize obama laughing at someone's health failure, but it is good to criticize rush for wanting obama's policies that will harm this country to fail....the hypocrisy from many in this thread is down right bizarre

Sure thats what he said...

have you even read his entire statement surrounding the words?

you're a hypocrite, you did not want all bush's policies to succeed
yeah, like the libs just hanging on waiting for the next Soldier to die in Iraq
They have a committee that meets up every monday to decide which Republican they are gonna hate on for that week.. Bush, Cheney, Gonzalez, Libby,,Rush, Ann, Sean, Laura, The Twins, Beck, Ingraham, Bohener, McCain, Palin, , you name em they hate em...

and the DUmbasses think we can't figure their bullshit out. idiots!
This from someone who got all his criticisms of Obama from these boards
Looks like reading comprehention isn't up to snuf, show us where I said ALL criticisms.

You really aern't very good at this.

Funny you just wouldn't listen when I rebutted some of them. A bit one minded you are. And yet its me who can't think for myself? Pathetic.
I never saw you before this thread mon simpleton. :lol:

Really, stop being a parrot for the parties, go after these jerks, THINK for yourself, stop trying to play 'us/them.'

The only thing you have to lose by going along with them is your country.
lol ...

200+ posts because someone used hyperbole to make a tasteless joke in forum where the point is to tell jokes.

Holy shit.
the point being the policies are a failure
and RUsh knows this
to have them implimented will be a disaster

Saying that would have been fine, but he's a shock jock and saying that would have bored his audience, so he spiced it up by saying instead he "hopes Obama fails" ... again, he said it and by proxy was wishing for the US to fail, he wasn't wrong in saying it, though I do understand the outrage and trying to point out to you why there was. However you must also remember, I would fight to the death to defend his right to say it, no matter what he did say. Just as I would defend the comedians right to say her joke, and Obamas right to find it funny. The feud between Obama and Rush is just sensationalism, both are milking it and getting more fame for it. Once the outrage vanishes they'll find something else to use for attention. It's why I hate pop culture, they are not being true to themselves in reality, they are doing it for attention only.
no, he DID say that
the libs then went balistic
its been funny as hell watching them

Perhaps he did in another broadcast, but I was talking about the specific phrase. Extremists like to attack people who disagree with them, I concede that, just as they did with Obama laughing at a joke many people found funny (regardless of why, it wasn't that funny to me, just lame really) but it was said in jest. As I said, they are milking it, both of them, and getting ratings for it. The feud will last until they stop getting ratings for it, then they'll move on to another non-issue for them. The joke to me, is how both sides are keeping this up for so long, it's such old news but they are still going around with it.
lol ...

200+ posts because someone used hyperbole to make a tasteless joke in forum where the point is to tell jokes.

Holy shit.

still waiting for one of you to tell what the "funny laughing part' of dying of kidney failure is
this thread has taken a bizarre twist...seems if obama gets criticized people have to bring up rush to justify obama's behavior...
It's a recurring pattern whenever Obama is criticised.

There is a scramble to belittle, deflect, and derail it.

This entire thread is a classic example of it.

BO does yet another classless act, so it's commented on, you think that would be the end of it.

Instead, you see the pattern emerge:

'YOU are a GoP hack!'

'BUSH did it!'

'RUSH wants the country to fail!'

'YOU are a little girl for daring to criticize Obama!'

'YOU are obcessing on it!!'


You would think anyone with a functioning brain would agree Obama again did the wrong thing in public, yet here is the thread, growing in excuses.

It was the same with Bush, his followers also could never admit fault in him.
lol ...

200+ posts because someone used hyperbole to make a tasteless joke in forum where the point is to tell jokes.

Holy shit.

still waiting for one of you to tell what the "funny laughing part' of dying of kidney failure is

She took Rush's comments about wishing for failure, turned it on him, and ratched it up a notch.

That was is.

It's called comedic hyperbole ... clearly you didn't find it funny, others did.

Deal with it, move on, and stop whining like a whittle baby.
lol ...

200+ posts because someone used hyperbole to make a tasteless joke in forum where the point is to tell jokes.

Holy shit.

my favorite has to be where the people had to bring up rush's behavior in order to justify obama's behavior...

My favorite parts were where Obama called Boenher a "person of color" and when Obama called out Michael Steel saying he was in the hizzzouse and said "Wassup" to him. That shit was hilarious!
lol ...

200+ posts because someone used hyperbole to make a tasteless joke in forum where the point is to tell jokes.

Holy shit.

still waiting for one of you to tell what the "funny laughing part' of dying of kidney failure is

She took Rush's comments about wishing for failure, turned it on him, and ratched it up a notch.

That was is.

It's called comedic hyperbole ... clearly you didn't find it funny, others did.

Deal with it, move on, and stop whining like a whittle baby.

we are dealing with it donkey face,, it's called free speech.. remember???
still waiting for one of you to tell what the "funny laughing part' of dying of kidney failure is

She took Rush's comments about wishing for failure, turned it on him, and ratched it up a notch.

That was is.

It's called comedic hyperbole ... clearly you didn't find it funny, others did.

Deal with it, move on, and stop whining like a whittle baby.

we are dealing with it donkey face,, it's called free speech.. remember???

My bad.

By all means, please, continue to exercise your right to whine like a baby.
still waiting for one of you to tell what the "funny laughing part' of dying of kidney failure is

She took Rush's comments about wishing for failure, turned it on him, and ratched it up a notch.

That was is.

It's called comedic hyperbole ... clearly you didn't find it funny, others did.

Deal with it, move on, and stop whining like a whittle baby.

we are dealing with it donkey face,, it's called free speech.. remember???

.... and he has the freedom to tell you to quit whining.
She took Rush's comments about wishing for failure, turned it on him, and ratched it up a notch.

That was is.

It's called comedic hyperbole ... clearly you didn't find it funny, others did.

Deal with it, move on, and stop whining like a whittle baby.

we are dealing with it donkey face,, it's called free speech.. remember???

My bad.

By all means, please, continue to exercise your right to whine like a baby.

Thank You,, vewy much,, you guys bitched every time Bush moved his eyes or took a breath,,, we dealt with that too. now it's our turn,, we're up to bat so to speak!
It was the same with Bush, his followers also could never admit fault in him.

Not true at all. We tore Bush a new one when he screwed up. We simply didnt agree with the left that he screwed up on everything he did.
how is it that criticizing obama has now become de facto whining? pretty lame to jump up and cry "you're whining" everytime someone criticizes obama...

i hope you get kidney failure :lol:

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