Obama Likes Wanda Sykes Joke About Rush Limbaugh: 'I Hope His Kidneys Fail'

How am I thin skinned about Obama, I don't care if he's made fun of in fact I've done it here before as well

You know you really shouldn't be pulling arguments and facts out of your ass.
Learn how to do links correctly, you posted on page 3, not 4.

I didn't pull anything 'out of my ass' the problem appears to be you are not an obama supporter, but a full blown hypocrite.

You feel it's ok for you to mock Obama, but if someone criticizes him, you say they need thicker skin.

I have to hand it to you, that is the first time someone ever linked to something that made them look like more of a douchebag.
How am I thin skinned about Obama, I don't care if he's made fun of in fact I've done it here before as well

You know you really shouldn't be pulling arguments and facts out of your ass.
Learn how to do links correctly, you posted on page 3, not 4.

I didn't pull anything 'out of my ass' the problem appears to be you are not an obama supporter, but a full blown hypocrite.

You feel it's ok for you to mock Obama, but if someone criticizes him, you say they need thicker skin.

I have to hand it to you, that is the first time someone ever linked to something that made them look like more of a douchebag.

It linked fine for me.
Wanda wasn't even that good anyway.

Now THIS is how you do it:

[YOUTUBE]<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/BSE_saVX_2A&hl=en&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/BSE_saVX_2A&hl=en&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>[/YOUTUBE]

That was dull, now this is funny:

How am I thin skinned about Obama, I don't care if he's made fun of in fact I've done it here before as well

You know you really shouldn't be pulling arguments and facts out of your ass.
Learn how to do links correctly, you posted on page 3, not 4.

I didn't pull anything 'out of my ass' the problem appears to be you are not an obama supporter, but a full blown hypocrite.

You feel it's ok for you to mock Obama, but if someone criticizes him, you say they need thicker skin.

I have to hand it to you, that is the first time someone ever linked to something that made them look like more of a douchebag.

It linked fine for me.
What part of the link went to page for and he posted on 3 did you miss?
Learn how to do links correctly, you posted on page 3, not 4.

I didn't pull anything 'out of my ass' the problem appears to be you are not an obama supporter, but a full blown hypocrite.

You feel it's ok for you to mock Obama, but if someone criticizes him, you say they need thicker skin.

I have to hand it to you, that is the first time someone ever linked to something that made them look like more of a douchebag.

It linked fine for me.
What part of the link went to page for and he posted on 3 did you miss?

Your personal settings must be messing it up somehow, when I clicked on the link it went right to his post ... on page 8.
Nothing in my settings is messed up, I have never changed the settings here.

It does not link directly to a post.

THIS is how you link directly to a post:


Meh ... both ways work just fine ... nothing wrong with different techniques. It works both ways, just one takes you to the thread and then has to auto-scroll to the actual post, the other isolates a specific post.
The funny thing, I get reps from accused "lefties" for almost all my jokes, including the ones at their expense. But from the "righties" in this thread complaining only two have given me rep for jokes at their expense but plenty have given me rep for jokes at the "lefties" expense.

That's just ... well ... odd. Hmm ... see, this is why I am always undecided.
I'm just wondering if any of the poor outraged souls here actually saw the routine. It was okay at best because the material isn't so good to work with. And Wanda Sykes is no Stephen Colbert....

But this group freak out is really a bit much... her line was a throw away. It got a grin. Good taste? It was a comedy bit and was in keeping with the line that came before it... which was "he wants the country to fail (beat) I hope his kidneys fail". Ba da da!

In the context of 15 minute bit, it's an irrelevancy and is more faux outrage from the right... and unncessary defense from the left. She also made fun of the IPod... and Michelle putting her arm on the Queen of England's back... and said something to the effect of "I hear you and Joe were hanging out together getting burgers the other day. you shouldn't be hanging out together. Whose idea was that one? Nancy Pelosi??" (ba da!)

Aside from the fact that Rush is undeserving of the faux outrage of the right, he DID say he wants the country to fail. And he said so because if Obama succeeds... meaning WE succeed as a country, then the fat oxycontin addict is out of a job.

Now stop y'all whining, stop listening to your wingnut press and actually watch the video before you spew anymore.... it's really boring watching all of the whinging... It's not even a good enough comedy bit to warrant the attention.

[youtube]<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/zmyRog2w4DI&hl=en&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/zmyRog2w4DI&hl=en&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>[/youtube]
Meh ... both ways work just fine ...
No they don't.

nothing wrong with different techniques.
Yes there is, the way he linked it, it went to page four, his posts were on page three, the way I linked it, goes directly to the post to be shown.
It works both ways, just one takes you to the thread and then has to auto-scroll to the actual post, the other isolates a specific post.
A large thread with losts of posts, that someone must scroll through, instead of directly linking to a post.
Rush wishes for an entire country to fail and then gets insulted when a comedian shows the irony of him. What a fat, blowhard, jackass he is.

Now that people know how thinskinned he is, I see a lot more jokes like this in his future.
I see that the anti-Obaman partisans are grasping at straws.

Oh my god he laughed at a joke about a man who is a hatemongering liar who attacks him on radio evry damned day.

The horror!

Grow up kids, nobody with a clue cares if Obama laughs at such things.
If it was "just" a comedian making fun than there was nothing wrong with the watermelon on the front lawn or the monkey being shot either!
Oh but wait there was outrage .... demands to step down and quit ... public apologies

Policies to fail not the country or the people!

Its a black thing you wouldn't understand!
i guess my question, and it's an important one, would be why does anyone give a flying fuck?

If it was "just" a comedian making fun than there was nothing wrong with the watermelon on the front lawn or the monkey being shot either!
Oh but wait there was outrage .... demands to step down and quit ... public apologies

Policies to fail not the country or the people!

Its a black thing you wouldn't understand!

Everyone but Rush apologists understands exactly what the asshole was saying when he said he hopes Obama fails.
Sykes is a commedian and can say whatever she wants.

BO is POTUS and is supposed to show decorum, dignity and respect.

This guys fails at this over and over again, he is every bit the joke chimpy was.

You make a good point. And Rush is a big boy and is a celebrity. He expects these kinds of things and he dishes them out as well.

The fact that the President laughed is not a big deal. Bad taste, but hey, so what? Have you ever found yourself laughing at a racist joke? I know I have and then later thought, that really was not something that I should have been laughing at, but to me it was funny. In bad taste, but still it was funny.


But, don't you hold the president of the greatest nation in the world to a higher standard than you, and I? He is just bringing it down to street level trash. just sayin....

No, not really, Meister. He is after all only human.

Maybe that is the problem... everyone expects him to be the messiah? ;)

You make a good point. And Rush is a big boy and is a celebrity. He expects these kinds of things and he dishes them out as well.

The fact that the President laughed is not a big deal. Bad taste, but hey, so what? Have you ever found yourself laughing at a racist joke? I know I have and then later thought, that really was not something that I should have been laughing at, but to me it was funny. In bad taste, but still it was funny.

The difference is I'm not the POTUS Immie.

I expect and demand more from POTUS.

We had 8 years of a moron, 8 years before that of a letcher, 4 years before that of a criminal...when does it get better?

It goes with the job being under a microscope, Obama treats the postion like he's a reality star in a gameshow on VH1.

See my reply to Meister. ;)

this thread has taken a bizarre twist...seems if obama gets criticized people have to bring up rush to justify obama's behavior...

If I am not mistaken Rush has been a part of this thread since the OP.

As for what Rush said, everyone knows what Rush said. Everyone knows what Rush meant even IF he worded it wrong. Attacking Rush for the comment is no better than attacking Wanda Sykes for her comment. We all know that Rush did not wish the country to fail or for its people to suffer. We all know that despite how he worded it, what he meant was that he wanted the policies of the President to fail because that is what he believes is the best for the country.

There is nothing wrong with what Rush meant, but people have taken his comments out of context and bashed him and his fans for it.

What Wanda Sykes said was wrong and in bad taste. But, I still contend that it is nothing to have a coronary over. She flopped on a joke. I'm sure it wasn't her first time and it probably won't be the last either. Life will go on for her. Forgive her. Christ would.

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No, not really, Meister. He is after all only human.

Maybe that is the problem... everyone expects him to be the messiah? ;)

Some say only those on the right claim the whole 'messiah' thing. Not according to Obama, as he 'promised to complete his next 100 days in only 72 days and on the 73rd day he would rest'. Oh yes, it was only a joke. I think the inflation of Obama's head now matches his ego.

My brother thought the number 72 was an odd number to use. Isn't there a reference to '72 virgins in heaven' in Isalm? Just an observation.
have you noticed these hate mongerging hypocrite assed democwats who wished totally for America to fail for 8 long years,,are whining more and more and more everyday.. they just don't get fed enough hate... when they don't have some one to bash,, they just feel unhinged.. it's terribly funny now that the "in crowd" thinks it's cool to wish kidney failure on one of their sworn enemies,, and "they" get to decide now who is and who is not deserving of support... azzhole braying buncha donkeys.

no damn class, none whatsoever.

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