Obama Likes Wanda Sykes Joke About Rush Limbaugh: 'I Hope His Kidneys Fail'

liberal logic:

you can't make fun of race, but you can hope someone's health fails and laugh about it

KK: what is your point with your spam in this thread? do you actually have somethign to say about the topic or are you just going to spam us with lame jokes...
If it was "just" a comedian making fun than there was nothing wrong with the watermelon on the front lawn or the monkey being shot either!
Oh but wait there was outrage .... demands to step down and quit ... public apologies

Policies to fail not the country or the people!

Its a black thing you wouldn't understand!

Everyone but Rush apologists understands exactly what the asshole was saying when he said he hopes Obama fails.

I really don't ever find humor offensive, no matter who/what is being mocked. I find alot of this to be inflated false hysteria over nothing. Is that what the right is reduced to, at this point in time?
liberal logic:

you can't make fun of race, but you can hope someone's health fails and laugh about it

KK: what is your point with your spam in this thread? do you actually have somethign to say about the topic or are you just going to spam us with lame jokes...

LOL ... spam spam spam spam (Monty fans will get it).

My point was, jokes are not bound by any laws. If what you said was remotely true then almost every comedian would be in jail right this minute. The few people that take offense do not target comedians, because they know they can't! So they go after those who laugh at the comedian instead (sound familiar). It's not right to do that either, but it's not a "liberal" concept, as a matter of fact old school liberals hate censorship of any sort (think Dave Chapelle, Penn and Teller, and George Carlin for old school liberals). NOTHING is sacred to a good comedian, period. My jokes proved to me that this outrage about it is one sided, you didn't get angry until I made jokes about your false gods, showing your partisanship. While no outrage from anyone on the left when I made jokes about theirs. Good or bad, the jokes proved what most on this thread have said, people just need to grow funny bones (stem cell research is close to helping with that from what I heard). I have a very "radical" sense of humor myself, find everything funny and find humor in anything I see, can't help it, that's just who I am. People don't always "get" everyones jokes, and the more radical the fewer people who will find them all funny.

But seriously, if the PC police were just neo-liberals then almost all comedians would be in jail right now, but they aren't. Just as many are neo-cons. I mean do you really think a "godless" liberal deemed fuck as a bad word and banned it from TV?
once again immie,

stop saying i am having a coronary...so now i can't comment on something without you claiming i'm having a coronary? its funny, those that have been whining about people so-called whining over the joke can't even see their own hypocrisy. its NOT ok to comment about the joke, but it is ok to comment about people commenting on the joke.

this thread has shown some of the biggest hypocrisy i've ever seen a board

Did I mention your name as having a coronary?

I'm saying you're whole crowd is having a coronary over this. It is petty BS.

It is perfectly okay for you to comment on it, but you guys have been whining about this for 1/2ish of 320 posts. It is no big deal. So the President laughed at a tasteless joke... have you ever laughed at a racist joke? By the way racist jokes are tasteless, in case you didn't realize that.

As for hypocrisy, well, you already know that I think with how you defended Bush to the hilt on so much of what he did and how you attack everything Obama does, doesn't exclude you for the hypocrit's side either, so what is your point? When you get right down to it, all humanity is hypocritical.

basically wishing death on a US citizen...and obama laughs at it
Is that better than wanting the entire country to "fail"? Like his counterparts on the left and his comrades on the right, Rush is a partisan dick who deserves all of the ridicule that is thrown at him.

I used to listen to Rush a great deal. I still do every now and then, but not too much, as there are so many other options. The thing about Rush is that so many like you, have him pegged completely wrong. He is not partisan at all. Yes, he sides with the Republicans for the most part, but that is not what Rush is. Rush is a conservative first, Republican second. If the Dems had any conservative views at all, Rush would support them on those stands.
basically wishing death on a US citizen...and obama laughs at it
Is that better than wanting the entire country to "fail"? Like his counterparts on the left and his comrades on the right, Rush is a partisan dick who deserves all of the ridicule that is thrown at him.

I used to listen to Rush a great deal. I still do every now and then, but not too much, as there are so many other options. The thing about Rush is that so many like you, have him pegged completely wrong. He is not partisan at all. Yes, he sides with the Republicans for the most part, but that is not what Rush is. Rush is a conservative first, Republican second. If the Dems had any conservative views at all, Rush would support them on those stands.

Wait though, didn't he throw a hissy about jokes made at Bushs expense?
But, don't you hold the president of the greatest nation in the world to a higher standard than you, and I? He is just bringing it down to street level trash. just sayin....

No, not really, Meister. He is after all only human.

Maybe that is the problem... everyone expects him to be the messiah? ;)

See my reply to Meister. ;)

this thread has taken a bizarre twist...seems if obama gets criticized people have to bring up rush to justify obama's behavior...

If I am not mistaken Rush has been a part of this thread since the OP.

As for what Rush said, everyone knows what Rush said. Everyone knows what Rush meant even IF he worded it wrong. Attacking Rush for the comment is no better than attacking Wanda Sykes for her comment. We all know that Rush did not wish the country to fail or for its people to suffer. We all know that despite how he worded it, what he meant was that he wanted the policies of the President to fail because that is what he believes is the best for the country.

There is nothing wrong with what Rush meant, but people have taken his comments out of context and bashed him and his fans for it.

What Wanda Sykes said was wrong and in bad taste. But, I still contend that it is nothing to have a coronary over. She flopped on a joke. I'm sure it wasn't her first time and it probably won't be the last either. Life will go on for her. Forgive her. Christ would.


once again immie,

stop saying i am having a coronary...so now i can't comment on something without you claiming i'm having a coronary? its funny, those that have been whining about people so-called whining over the joke can't even see their own hypocrisy. its NOT ok to comment about the joke, but it is ok to comment about people commenting on the joke.

this thread has shown some of the biggest hypocrisy i've ever seen a board

Knock off the straw men. Nobody said it isn't ok to comment on the joke we're just saying that your outrage over it is either faux or you're all oversensitive.
liberal logic:

you can't make fun of race, but you can hope someone's health fails and laugh about it

KK: what is your point with your spam in this thread? do you actually have somethign to say about the topic or are you just going to spam us with lame jokes...

Sure you can.

How are black people like apples?
They both look good hanging from trees.

Now there's an offensive joke.

But apparently you don't understand the concepts of jokes, so I'll explain it to you very carefully.

When people tell jokes they sometimes say stuff they don't really mean for humor's sake.

So they don't want to see Rush's kidneys fail and I don't want to see people hanging from trees.

Tomorrow we'll discuss the humor in shock value and making light of very serious subjects.
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If it was "just" a comedian making fun than there was nothing wrong with the watermelon on the front lawn or the monkey being shot either!
Oh but wait there was outrage .... demands to step down and quit ... public apologies

Policies to fail not the country or the people!

Its a black thing you wouldn't understand!

Everyone but Rush apologists understands exactly what the asshole was saying when he said he hopes Obama fails.

I really don't ever find humor offensive, no matter who/what is being mocked. I find alot of this to be inflated false hysteria over nothing. Is that what the right is reduced to, at this point in time?

I can understand that. Rush is an entertainer only when it suits him and his fans. The rest of the time he's Republican leadership. :lol:
the thing about rush is that so many like you, have him pegged completely wrong. He is not partisan at all. Yes, he sides with the republicans for the most part, but that is not what rush is. rush is a conservative first, republican second. if the dems had any conservative views at all, rush would support them on those stands.


the gop dumps on conservatives, then blames us for their losses
may 14, 2008
rush: This thing down in mississippi, the special election, regardless of party, conservatives could have voted for the republican down there, doesn't matter. in two of the three of these cases, in two of the three of these house republican congressional losses, they have been beaten by conservative democrats, big-time conservative, social conservative democrats. The republican party is ceding conservatism in the south to the democrat party. You know, yesterday was a very frustrating day, as you know.

caller: I was wondering if the democrats in mississippi were more conservative than the republicans, why wouldn't you be pleased about that as a conservative?

rush: You think i ought to be happy that there's conservatism out there. i'm not happy my own party wants to get rid of it. I'm mad that my own party wants to cast conservatism aside. i know there's plenty of conservatism out there. That's the source of the frustration.
can someone tell me why you get to make a joke about wishing rush dead ..... but have to appologize for making a joke wishing nancy and harry dead.....
can someone tell me why you get to make a joke about wishing rush dead ..... but have to appologize for making a joke wishing nancy and harry dead.....

Micheal J Fox will go ahead and fill you in on that one!


it all goes back to the hypocritical BS that the left shovels EVERY DAY OF THEIR LIVES! They can bitch moan and complain about anything and everything when there's a Republican in the Whitehouse, but they expect the right to sit back and keep their mouth's shut when they have one of their puppets in office.

Someone said very early in this thread that Obama is a schoolyard bully....that's BS. He's to cowardly to be a bully. If he were a bully, he'd be the one making the jokes about his adversaries dying instead of letting someone else speak his mind for him. The only mind he speaks is the minds of his puppet masters.

It's a far cry different for a man to say I wish bad health and possible death on you, than it is to say you wish a man's policies would fail. But of course, the left isn't going to see the harm in their "humor" (sick as it may be). They only want to further their propoganda.

I don't even like Rush that much, but damn! How offensive can an entire party be? Could you be more pathetic? Could you show less class? Could you stop and consider the thousands that heard that comment who may have just gone through kidney failure or lost a loved one because of it?

You bitch moan and complain about waterboarding and how inhumane it is, then you wish death on a person who dares to speak his mind????

To steal a phrase (altered slightly for my own benefit ) from the First "Lady" (HA! Diva is more like it)...

"For the first time my adult life, I'm ashamed of my country and it's corrupt and hate filled leaders."
Rush wishes for an entire country to fail and then gets insulted when a comedian shows the irony of him. What a fat, blowhard, jackass he is.

Now that people know how thinskinned he is, I see a lot more jokes like this in his future.
how can anyone be this fucking stupid
as far as i know, rush hadnt said a thing about this
If it was "just" a comedian making fun than there was nothing wrong with the watermelon on the front lawn or the monkey being shot either!
Oh but wait there was outrage .... demands to step down and quit ... public apologies

Policies to fail not the country or the people!

Its a black thing you wouldn't understand!

Everyone but Rush apologists understands exactly what the asshole was saying when he said he hopes Obama fails.
you have it backwards, as usual
fucking morons like YOU never understand
Hey dude.. when you finally get the Micheal J Fox joke above then perhaps your pussy will stop tarting like a lemon wedge douche. Perhaps you should chill on the manufactured reproach until more than a week after Hannity's Mustardgate..

If it was "just" a comedian making fun than there was nothing wrong with the watermelon on the front lawn or the monkey being shot either!
Oh but wait there was outrage .... demands to step down and quit ... public apologies

Policies to fail not the country or the people!

Its a black thing you wouldn't understand!

Everyone but Rush apologists understands exactly what the asshole was saying when he said he hopes Obama fails.
you have it backwards, as usual
fucking morons like YOU never understand

Indeed, if only we were capable of deciphering high brow humor about condiments the likes of which William F Buckley would have chortled at, eh?

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