Obama Likes Wanda Sykes Joke About Rush Limbaugh: 'I Hope His Kidneys Fail'

Lighten up nancy... with the losening of stem cell laws Rush could be rapidly treated... now that liver of his is a friggin tickin timebomb...
yea, plainly for someone who WANTS to perceive his statement as nothing less than benevolent. Then again, we played this same double speak game after a total lack of phantom WMDs were not found in iraq too so. I'm sure Mike J Fox reads your clarification loud and clear!

I used to listen to Rush back when he was first on the air. I thought he was funny and just in it to yank chains but now, I really believe all this has gone to his head.

That magic negro stuff and Michael J Fox were clearly hate speach. I'm surprised he is still on the air.

I can tell you why he's still on the air.... HE'S GOT MILLIONS OF LISTENERS!!! And the only way that could be true is if he has credibility. You hear hate and slander in the Magic Negro piece...but if you listen to it....I mean REALLY listen. It's not even about Obama. It's making fun of Al Sharpton!!! The funny in that was that it's the ironic hatred that Al Sharpton had for Obama when he got nominated! It pissed Al off!!! Cuz Al couldn't get that far!

But as far as it going to his head...you're probably right. He's one of the most influential radio commentators in the world. And that kind of power will effect your opinion of yourself. I'm sure Obama can relate to the euphoric feeling of having all that attention and thinking how important he is...

:eusa_eh: Eh ... Fox has more viewers, so does that mean Fox is even more credible?
you will defend it till the cows come home but the truth is the visual of the leader of the usa sitting and cackling over the possible death of one of his political enemies is not an endearing moment.. it just solidifies my distaste for him from the beginning..
No, Sarah, you don't have to be a rocket scientist to know what he said and if you would even take the time to actually listen to him, you'd know for yourself. He has gone over it and over it and explained it very plainly.

yea, plainly for someone who WANTS to perceive his statement as nothing less than benevolent. Then again, we played this same double speak game after a total lack of phantom WMDs were not found in iraq too so. I'm sure Mike J Fox reads your clarification loud and clear!

I used to listen to Rush back when he was first on the air. I thought he was funny and just in it to yank chains but now, I really believe all this has gone to his head.

That magic negro stuff and Michael J Fox were clearly hate speach. I'm surprised he is still on the air.

I read The Way Things Ought To Be back in the early 90s and still like to use the term Feminazi. I'm not one to demonize shit talkers and assholes. Hell, one of my favorite talking heads is Mike Savage! But, crying about Wanda Sykes making a joke about Rush is no less fucking retarded than bellyaching when a serial killer gets murdered. If he, and his cult-like fans, can't take it then perhaps they should shut the fuck up when a diseased Alex P Keeton makes a political commerical.
you will defend it till the cows come home but the truth is the visual of the leader of the usa sitting and cackling over the possible death of one of his political enemies is not an endearing moment.. it just solidifies my distaste for him from the beginning..

Hell .. Rush will probably die of a heart attack anyway, look how fat he is! :eek:
you will defend it till the cows come home but the truth is the visual of the leader of the usa sitting and cackling over the possible death of one of his political enemies is not an endearing moment.. it just solidifies my distaste for him from the beginning..

Hell .. Rush will probably die of a heart attack anyway, look how fat he is! :eek:

That's will give you left wing hate mongerers a reason to gather and cheer..
No, Sarah, you don't have to be a rocket scientist to know what he said and if you would even take the time to actually listen to him, you'd know for yourself. He has gone over it and over it and explained it very plainly.

yea, plainly for someone who WANTS to perceive his statement as nothing less than benevolent. Then again, we played this same double speak game after a total lack of phantom WMDs were not found in iraq too so. I'm sure Mike J Fox reads your clarification loud and clear!

I used to listen to Rush back when he was first on the air. I thought he was funny and just in it to yank chains but now, I really believe all this has gone to his head.

That magic negro stuff and Michael J Fox were clearly hate speach. I'm surprised he is still on the air.
thus showing how much of a moron you are again

the "magic negro" stuff was from the LA Times
and what he said about Michael J Fox , Fox himself later admitted to be TRUE
so, you are WRONG once again
you will defend it till the cows come home but the truth is the visual of the leader of the usa sitting and cackling over the possible death of one of his political enemies is not an endearing moment.. it just solidifies my distaste for him from the beginning..

Hell .. Rush will probably die of a heart attack anyway, look how fat he is! :eek:

That's will give you left wing hate mongerers a reason to gather and cheer..

See ... now that's a good joke. Return Joke:

Then the right wing hatemongers like you will has a reason to grab the pitch forks again! :eek:
you will defend it till the cows come home but the truth is the visual of the leader of the usa sitting and cackling over the possible death of one of his political enemies is not an endearing moment.. it just solidifies my distaste for him from the beginning..

Hell .. Rush will probably die of a heart attack anyway, look how fat he is! :eek:

That's will give you left wing hate mongerers a reason to gather and cheer..
KK isnt leftwing, let alone a hate monger
not in a long shot
Rush has been mum on this... guess he's backin down cause he's been publically called a drug addict again and he wants that fact to fade from the news cycle.. what a loser... this guy is the republican leader... no wonder they are now the third party...
I STILL haven't seen nearly as many people whining about the jokes for Obama ... and I've made plenty myself. Just why is it sooooo bad that someone made a joke about what is now seen as Obama's arch-enemy by a comedian in the middle of a bunch of jokes targeting everyone?

My God!!! Are you serious??? Surely, you're not that blind and dumb.

The difference is that the joke toward Rush involved a wish a death!!!!

Can you show me a joke delivered at a high dollar dinner that wished Obama would suffer a life threatening event like kidney failure? And then have respected officials and government representatives laugh at it?

You can't. Because there aren't any to refer to.

If that is a comedian's idea of funny, then that's one twisted sense of humor.

But Obama didn't even make the joke first, and secondly ... all I have seen is return jokes from most of the "lefties". A joke is a joke, just because the word "wish" was used in the joke doesn't mean they really want that. How about the jokes about "lefties" should be jailed, slaughtered, etc? Oh, that's right, those weren't jokes ... but very few of them whined about it this much.

Obama didn't make the joke at all!!!! What thread have you been reading??? The joke came from a comedian...Obama was in attendence and laughed....out loud....heartily! He thought it was funny. Now, you show me where a comedian has cracked a joke in the presence of government dignitaries wishing death on a president and it was funny.

Sorry..."a joke is a joke" is a PISS POOR way to escape judgement. And on top of that, you missed it completely. It wasn't about the word "wish"...it was about the words KIDNEY FAILURE.

And please explain to me why my disapproval or disagreement on this issue is considered whining??? Or is that just another way of saying you're tired of hearing someone disagree with you?
yea, plainly for someone who WANTS to perceive his statement as nothing less than benevolent. Then again, we played this same double speak game after a total lack of phantom WMDs were not found in iraq too so. I'm sure Mike J Fox reads your clarification loud and clear!

I used to listen to Rush back when he was first on the air. I thought he was funny and just in it to yank chains but now, I really believe all this has gone to his head.

That magic negro stuff and Michael J Fox were clearly hate speach. I'm surprised he is still on the air.
thus showing how much of a moron you are again

the "magic negro" stuff was from the LA Times
and what he said about Michael J Fox , Fox himself later admitted to be TRUE
so, you are WRONG once again

do you have evidence to post? We both know that you are a lying piece of shit but I'll go ahead and give you the chance to post your link to WND anyway.

We all know that Rush did not wish the country to fail or for its people to suffer.

Then why did he say it if he didn't mean it?????

November 5, 2008
RUSH: I hope all your Joe the Plumbers are unemployed in six months! There.

February 13, 2009
I Hope the Stimulus Package Fails
RUSH: I hope it prolongs the recession.

February 16, 2009
RUSH: I want this whole plan to bomb out. And the only way this plan will bomb out is if it causes the pain that we know it's going to cause

Everyone but Rush apologists understands exactly what the asshole was saying when he said he hopes Obama fails.

No, Sarah, you don't have to be a rocket scientist to know what he said and if you would even take the time to actually listen to him, you'd know for yourself. He has gone over it and over it and explained it very plainly.

Not the quotes I posted!!!
He denies hoping ANYONE becomes unemployed, blaming the media, but THERE HE IS hoping "ALL" average hard working "Joes" are unemployed in 6 months. And the context was how much he enjoyed watching those STUPID soon to be unemployed "Joes" learn a LESSON the hard way.

And he says outright that he hopes Obama's policies will "PROLONG THE RECESSION." How exactly is prolonging the Bush Depression good for America???

And he openly says he wants Americans to be in PAIN from Obama's plan.
Clearly he supports his IDEOLOGY over America.

What does he have to say and then deny saying before you see he's a pathological liar????

March 2, 2009
RUSH: Let me tell you how this is being portrayed. When I say that I hope President Obama fails, what some people are saying, "Oh, Limbaugh wants the economy to fail? Limbaugh wants unemployment to stay high. Limbaugh wants the stock market to crash?" No, my friends, and please don't be so gullible that you would believe that interpretation of things. It's the exact opposite that I want.
you are the most useless human being i've ever seen.

seek help.
i would put ABS up there as well
more so even
i have yet to see willow attempt to bully anyone

she's also never said anything of value...

unless calling anyone who disagrees with her "DUmmies" counts But I figure that's just a lame effort at humor.

i didn't call her a bully.
My God!!! Are you serious??? Surely, you're not that blind and dumb.

The difference is that the joke toward Rush involved a wish a death!!!!

Can you show me a joke delivered at a high dollar dinner that wished Obama would suffer a life threatening event like kidney failure? And then have respected officials and government representatives laugh at it?

You can't. Because there aren't any to refer to.

If that is a comedian's idea of funny, then that's one twisted sense of humor.

But Obama didn't even make the joke first, and secondly ... all I have seen is return jokes from most of the "lefties". A joke is a joke, just because the word "wish" was used in the joke doesn't mean they really want that. How about the jokes about "lefties" should be jailed, slaughtered, etc? Oh, that's right, those weren't jokes ... but very few of them whined about it this much.

Obama didn't make the joke at all!!!! What thread have you been reading??? The joke came from a comedian...Obama was in attendence and laughed....out loud....heartily! He thought it was funny. Now, you show me where a comedian has cracked a joke in the presence of government dignitaries wishing death on a president and it was funny.

Sorry..."a joke is a joke" is a PISS POOR way to escape judgement. And on top of that, you missed it completely. It wasn't about the word "wish"...it was about the words KIDNEY FAILURE.

And please explain to me why my disapproval or disagreement on this issue is considered whining??? Or is that just another way of saying you're tired of hearing someone disagree with you?

A joke is a joke ... get a funny bone will ya. Kidney failure is common among drug addicts anyway, so do you just fear that she may just get that wish proving once and for all that Rush is still hopped up? :eusa_shhh:

Also, whining is official when you rebut with the same useless points which were shot down already as if they are the only facts you have. *yawn* Would you rather have SkyNet as president? At least that wouldn't laugh at any jokes. :cool:
My God!!! Are you serious??? Surely, you're not that blind and dumb.

The difference is that the joke toward Rush involved a wish a death!!!!

Can you show me a joke delivered at a high dollar dinner that wished Obama would suffer a life threatening event like kidney failure? And then have respected officials and government representatives laugh at it?

You can't. Because there aren't any to refer to.

If that is a comedian's idea of funny, then that's one twisted sense of humor.

But Obama didn't even make the joke first, and secondly ... all I have seen is return jokes from most of the "lefties". A joke is a joke, just because the word "wish" was used in the joke doesn't mean they really want that. How about the jokes about "lefties" should be jailed, slaughtered, etc? Oh, that's right, those weren't jokes ... but very few of them whined about it this much.

Obama didn't make the joke at all!!!! What thread have you been reading??? The joke came from a comedian...Obama was in attendence and laughed....out loud....heartily! He thought it was funny. Now, you show me where a comedian has cracked a joke in the presence of government dignitaries wishing death on a president and it was funny.

Sorry..."a joke is a joke" is a PISS POOR way to escape judgement. And on top of that, you missed it completely. It wasn't about the word "wish"...it was about the words KIDNEY FAILURE.

And please explain to me why my disapproval or disagreement on this issue is considered whining??? Or is that just another way of saying you're tired of hearing someone disagree with you?

HOLY SHIT! OBAMA LAUGHED AT A JOKE! Someone call The Onion right after we call a Constitutional Convention into session!

Hey, at LEAST she didn't pick on Rush's condiment of choice.. that would have been HARSH!

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