Obama Likes Wanda Sykes Joke About Rush Limbaugh: 'I Hope His Kidneys Fail'

I STILL haven't seen nearly as many people whining about the jokes for Obama ... and I've made plenty myself. Just why is it sooooo bad that someone made a joke about what is now seen as Obama's arch-enemy by a comedian in the middle of a bunch of jokes targeting everyone?
If it was "just" a comedian making fun than there was nothing wrong with the watermelon on the front lawn or the monkey being shot either!
Oh but wait there was outrage .... demands to step down and quit ... public apologies

Policies to fail not the country or the people!

Its a black thing you wouldn't understand!

Everyone but Rush apologists understands exactly what the asshole was saying when he said he hopes Obama fails.

No, Sarah, you don't have to be a rocket scientist to know what he said and if you would even take the time to actually listen to him, you'd know for yourself. He has gone over it and over it and explained it very plainly.
If it was "just" a comedian making fun than there was nothing wrong with the watermelon on the front lawn or the monkey being shot either!
Oh but wait there was outrage .... demands to step down and quit ... public apologies

Policies to fail not the country or the people!

Its a black thing you wouldn't understand!

Everyone but Rush apologists understands exactly what the asshole was saying when he said he hopes Obama fails.

No, Sarah, you don't have to be a rocket scientist to know what he said and if you would even take the time to actually listen to him, you'd know for yourself. He has gone over it and over it and explained it very plainly.

If it was "just" a comedian making fun than there was nothing wrong with the watermelon on the front lawn or the monkey being shot either!
Oh but wait there was outrage .... demands to step down and quit ... public apologies

Policies to fail not the country or the people!

Its a black thing you wouldn't understand!

Everyone but Rush apologists understands exactly what the asshole was saying when he said he hopes Obama fails.

No, Sarah, you don't have to be a rocket scientist to know what he said and if you would even take the time to actually listen to him, you'd know for yourself. He has gone over it and over it and explained it very plainly.

yea, plainly for someone who WANTS to perceive his statement as nothing less than benevolent. Then again, we played this same double speak game after a total lack of phantom WMDs were not found in iraq too so. I'm sure Mike J Fox reads your clarification loud and clear!
I STILL haven't seen nearly as many people whining about the jokes for Obama ... and I've made plenty myself. Just why is it sooooo bad that someone made a joke about what is now seen as Obama's arch-enemy by a comedian in the middle of a bunch of jokes targeting everyone?

My God!!! Are you serious??? Surely, you're not that blind and dumb.

The difference is that the joke toward Rush involved a wish a death!!!!

Can you show me a joke delivered at a high dollar dinner that wished Obama would suffer a life threatening event like kidney failure? And then have respected officials and government representatives laugh at it?

You can't. Because there aren't any to refer to.

If that is a comedian's idea of funny, then that's one twisted sense of humor.
poor pathetic losers,, have to stoop now to defending laughing about inflicting illness on another human being.. where the fuck did all those high faluten morals go that you were so proud of last week??
liberal logic:

you can't make fun of race, but you can hope someone's health fails and laugh about it

KK: what is your point with your spam in this thread? do you actually have somethign to say about the topic or are you just going to spam us with lame jokes...

LOL ... spam spam spam spam (Monty fans will get it).

My point was, jokes are not bound by any laws. If what you said was remotely true then almost every comedian would be in jail right this minute. The few people that take offense do not target comedians, because they know they can't! So they go after those who laugh at the comedian instead (sound familiar). It's not right to do that either, but it's not a "liberal" concept, as a matter of fact old school liberals hate censorship of any sort (think Dave Chapelle, Penn and Teller, and George Carlin for old school liberals). NOTHING is sacred to a good comedian, period. My jokes proved to me that this outrage about it is one sided, you didn't get angry until I made jokes about your false gods, showing your partisanship. While no outrage from anyone on the left when I made jokes about theirs. Good or bad, the jokes proved what most on this thread have said, people just need to grow funny bones (stem cell research is close to helping with that from what I heard). I have a very "radical" sense of humor myself, find everything funny and find humor in anything I see, can't help it, that's just who I am. People don't always "get" everyones jokes, and the more radical the fewer people who will find them all funny.

But seriously, if the PC police were just neo-liberals then almost all comedians would be in jail right now, but they aren't. Just as many are neo-cons. I mean do you really think a "godless" liberal deemed fuck as a bad word and banned it from TV?

wtf are you talking about? i have never discussed any such thing with you...

you're raising a strawman argument. people commenting they find something distasteful is NOT wanting to outlaw such speech. people like you fail to realize the hypocrisy in your own stance. according to you and people like you, we are wrong for commenting on a distasteful joke, but you are right to comment about our commenting (you call it hysteria and whining and then people like you get in a tizzy when you're accused of whining) and you are right to make distasteful jokes.

simply bizarre logic

liberal logic:

you make a joke about race... you're evil, you wish somebody's health fails with a potentially deadly outcome...you're good
Everyone but Rush apologists understands exactly what the asshole was saying when he said he hopes Obama fails.

No, Sarah, you don't have to be a rocket scientist to know what he said and if you would even take the time to actually listen to him, you'd know for yourself. He has gone over it and over it and explained it very plainly.

yea, plainly for someone who WANTS to perceive his statement as nothing less than benevolent. Then again, we played this same double speak game after a total lack of phantom WMDs were not found in iraq too so. I'm sure Mike J Fox reads your clarification loud and clear!

I used to listen to Rush back when he was first on the air. I thought he was funny and just in it to yank chains but now, I really believe all this has gone to his head.

That magic negro stuff and Michael J Fox were clearly hate speach. I'm surprised he is still on the air.
once again immie,

stop saying i am having a coronary...so now i can't comment on something without you claiming i'm having a coronary? its funny, those that have been whining about people so-called whining over the joke can't even see their own hypocrisy. its NOT ok to comment about the joke, but it is ok to comment about people commenting on the joke.

this thread has shown some of the biggest hypocrisy i've ever seen a board

Did I mention your name as having a coronary?

I'm saying you're whole crowd is having a coronary over this. It is petty BS.

It is perfectly okay for you to comment on it, but you guys have been whining about this for 1/2ish of 320 posts. It is no big deal. So the President laughed at a tasteless joke... have you ever laughed at a racist joke? By the way racist jokes are tasteless, in case you didn't realize that.

As for hypocrisy, well, you already know that I think with how you defended Bush to the hilt on so much of what he did and how you attack everything Obama does, doesn't exclude you for the hypocrit's side either, so what is your point? When you get right down to it, all humanity is hypocritical.



sorry to tell you this, but your post is full of lies. you don't know me at all, i'm really surprised at your baseless allegations. i have not attacked everything obama does and i did not defend everything bush did. i really have no idea what has come over you lately.

when somebody says "you" to me and quotes my post, that indicates you are talking to me. half this thread is not really discussing the joke, it is discussing people like you hypocrisy. and then of course people had to bring up rush in order to justify obama's behavior.
I STILL haven't seen nearly as many people whining about the jokes for Obama ... and I've made plenty myself. Just why is it sooooo bad that someone made a joke about what is now seen as Obama's arch-enemy by a comedian in the middle of a bunch of jokes targeting everyone?

My God!!! Are you serious??? Surely, you're not that blind and dumb.

The difference is that the joke toward Rush involved a wish a death!!!!

Can you show me a joke delivered at a high dollar dinner that wished Obama would suffer a life threatening event like kidney failure? And then have respected officials and government representatives laugh at it?

You can't. Because there aren't any to refer to.

If that is a comedian's idea of funny, then that's one twisted sense of humor.

But Obama didn't even make the joke first, and secondly ... all I have seen is return jokes from most of the "lefties". A joke is a joke, just because the word "wish" was used in the joke doesn't mean they really want that. How about the jokes about "lefties" should be jailed, slaughtered, etc? Oh, that's right, those weren't jokes ... but very few of them whined about it this much.
Everyone but Rush apologists understands exactly what the asshole was saying when he said he hopes Obama fails.

No, Sarah, you don't have to be a rocket scientist to know what he said and if you would even take the time to actually listen to him, you'd know for yourself. He has gone over it and over it and explained it very plainly.

yea, plainly for someone who WANTS to perceive his statement as nothing less than benevolent. Then again, we played this same double speak game after a total lack of phantom WMDs were not found in iraq too so. I'm sure Mike J Fox reads your clarification loud and clear!

I don't expect you to use grown up logic here....it require's too much brain power. You don't want to hear the real truth in his statements. You WANT to hear someone wish failure on this country, which was NEVER said. But it's ok....go right ahead and keep holding on to that way of thinking. You'll get your country's failure. And when it happens, there will be too much time gone by to be able to blame Bush anymore.

Oh wait...that's wrong. You'll be blaming Bush long after BO is out of office.
poor pathetic losers,, have to stoop now to defending laughing about inflicting illness on another human being.. where the fuck did all those high faluten morals go that you were so proud of last week??

Parkinson's Disease says what?
liberal logic:

you can't make fun of race, but you can hope someone's health fails and laugh about it

KK: what is your point with your spam in this thread? do you actually have somethign to say about the topic or are you just going to spam us with lame jokes...

LOL ... spam spam spam spam (Monty fans will get it).

My point was, jokes are not bound by any laws. If what you said was remotely true then almost every comedian would be in jail right this minute. The few people that take offense do not target comedians, because they know they can't! So they go after those who laugh at the comedian instead (sound familiar). It's not right to do that either, but it's not a "liberal" concept, as a matter of fact old school liberals hate censorship of any sort (think Dave Chapelle, Penn and Teller, and George Carlin for old school liberals). NOTHING is sacred to a good comedian, period. My jokes proved to me that this outrage about it is one sided, you didn't get angry until I made jokes about your false gods, showing your partisanship. While no outrage from anyone on the left when I made jokes about theirs. Good or bad, the jokes proved what most on this thread have said, people just need to grow funny bones (stem cell research is close to helping with that from what I heard). I have a very "radical" sense of humor myself, find everything funny and find humor in anything I see, can't help it, that's just who I am. People don't always "get" everyones jokes, and the more radical the fewer people who will find them all funny.

But seriously, if the PC police were just neo-liberals then almost all comedians would be in jail right now, but they aren't. Just as many are neo-cons. I mean do you really think a "godless" liberal deemed fuck as a bad word and banned it from TV?

wtf are you talking about? i have never discussed any such thing with you...

you're raising a strawman argument. people commenting they find something distasteful is NOT wanting to outlaw such speech. people like you fail to realize the hypocrisy in your own stance. according to you and people like you, we are wrong for commenting on a distasteful joke, but you are right to comment about our commenting (you call it hysteria and whining and then people like you get in a tizzy when you're accused of whining) and you are right to make distasteful jokes.

simply bizarre logic

liberal logic:

you make a joke about race... you're evil, you wish somebody's health fails with a potentially deadly outcome...you're good

Hmm ... really? I haven't seen much about racial jokes at all.

Here's one:

In the Crocodile Dundee scene where the robber pulls a knife and Dundee says, "that's not a knife, this is a knife." You know what a nigga in the hood would say ...

... "well mother fucker, this is a gun."
I STILL haven't seen nearly as many people whining about the jokes for Obama ... and I've made plenty myself. Just why is it sooooo bad that someone made a joke about what is now seen as Obama's arch-enemy by a comedian in the middle of a bunch of jokes targeting everyone?

right....no one said a thing about watermelon jokes, and some mayor in CA made a watermelon joke about obama and there was "outrage"...even jillian commented on how tasteless it was...yet jillian thinks people are wrong to comment about this tasteless joke

the hypocrisy from the left is no longer amazing, it just simply is
No, Sarah, you don't have to be a rocket scientist to know what he said and if you would even take the time to actually listen to him, you'd know for yourself. He has gone over it and over it and explained it very plainly.

yea, plainly for someone who WANTS to perceive his statement as nothing less than benevolent. Then again, we played this same double speak game after a total lack of phantom WMDs were not found in iraq too so. I'm sure Mike J Fox reads your clarification loud and clear!

I don't expect you to use grown up logic here....it require's too much brain power. You don't want to hear the real truth in his statements. You WANT to hear someone wish failure on this country, which was NEVER said. But it's ok....go right ahead and keep holding on to that way of thinking. You'll get your country's failure. And when it happens, there will be too much time gone by to be able to blame Bush anymore.

Oh wait...that's wrong. You'll be blaming Bush long after BO is out of office.

ahh yes.. "grown up logic" which pretty much amounts to "do as I say, not as I do". *yawn*

"REAL TRUTH"! :rofl: yea, dude.. I'm about as interested in Rush's REAL TRUTH as I am enlightened by his masterful opinion of Parkinson's disease. when you stop WANTING to believe that iraq had phantom WMDs then perhaps you can throw your stone.. Until then, clone, spare me your fucking hypocrisies.

Who is blaming Bush? I'm blaming short sighted bitches like you whose crybaby manufactured drama should win a second Academy award (following a savant-inspiring call for an invasion of Iraq on the "evidence" of mobile chem weapons labs and yellow cake uranium!)

Now, please.. continue bleeding all over your panties because lil Rushy was the butt end of a joke. Hell, at least it wasn't a reference to his condiment of choice!

It never ceases to make me laugh when you pussy motherfuckers knee-jerk yourselves into martyr mode because one of the most abrasive assholes on your side gets some return fire. For real, wipe your pussy off, go take a midol and find something worth that "grown up logic" you bought at the dollar store.
I STILL haven't seen nearly as many people whining about the jokes for Obama ... and I've made plenty myself. Just why is it sooooo bad that someone made a joke about what is now seen as Obama's arch-enemy by a comedian in the middle of a bunch of jokes targeting everyone?

right....no one said a thing about watermelon jokes, and some mayor in CA made a watermelon joke about obama and there was "outrage"...even jillian commented on how tasteless it was...yet jillian thinks people are wrong to comment about this tasteless joke

the hypocrisy from the left is no longer amazing, it just simply is

Saying it's tasteless is different from saying it's wrong. People on this thread are whining about it, big difference. Also, as I said, there wasn't a lot who did say it was tasteless, fewer than those whining about this one joke. However this does point out hypocrisy on both sides, not just one. If the "right" was truly better they wouldn't have cared, it would have slid off their backs instead, but being hypocrites as well, they instead started their ranting whines about it.
No, Sarah, you don't have to be a rocket scientist to know what he said and if you would even take the time to actually listen to him, you'd know for yourself. He has gone over it and over it and explained it very plainly.

yea, plainly for someone who WANTS to perceive his statement as nothing less than benevolent. Then again, we played this same double speak game after a total lack of phantom WMDs were not found in iraq too so. I'm sure Mike J Fox reads your clarification loud and clear!

I used to listen to Rush back when he was first on the air. I thought he was funny and just in it to yank chains but now, I really believe all this has gone to his head.

That magic negro stuff and Michael J Fox were clearly hate speach. I'm surprised he is still on the air.

I can tell you why he's still on the air.... HE'S GOT MILLIONS OF LISTENERS!!! And the only way that could be true is if he has credibility. You hear hate and slander in the Magic Negro piece...but if you listen to it....I mean REALLY listen. It's not even about Obama. It's making fun of Al Sharpton!!! The funny in that was that it's the ironic hatred that Al Sharpton had for Obama when he got nominated! It pissed Al off!!! Cuz Al couldn't get that far!

But as far as it going to his head...you're probably right. He's one of the most influential radio commentators in the world. And that kind of power will effect your opinion of yourself. I'm sure Obama can relate to the euphoric feeling of having all that attention and thinking how important he is...

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