Obama Likes Wanda Sykes Joke About Rush Limbaugh: 'I Hope His Kidneys Fail'

rush did not say that at all and you know it...and i don't recall a laugh involved...

do you even realize that you're saying that obama's policies are the ONLY way for this country to succeed...

Obama, being the president and all, is whose policies will be implemented. If they fail, the country fails. If they don't, the country doesn't.
if his policies fail, America survives

No, if his policies fail after being enacted, America does fail, we fail in more ways than many will see. One big way, we fail to stop him. We fail to protect ourselves, and we fail to talk to him. Not to mention our country will collapse. He is on thin ice and his mistakes right now could cost us too much, so we need to stop him from failing.
Ok, let me make a timeline for you.

1) I said it was a sin.
Yes, and it's not about religion and never was.

Sin is a term used mainly in a religious context to describe an act that violates a moral rule, or the state of having committed such a violation. Commonly, the moral code of conduct is decreed by a divine entity, i.e. Divine law.

Sin - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Wow...are you really this dishonest? Did you read the entire article? I suspect that you did. The next thing it says is: "Sin is often used to mean an action that is prohibited or considered wrong". Bam. No religious context there.

Right, of course she did. Any evidence for this assertion? A link to back it up? Anything?
Mediamatters is working on it as we speak.

Compared to you, my cat is an expert on foreign policy.

You Obamatrons are as bad as Bushbots.

When are you going to realize these dicks are not ABOVE us, that they don't 'know more' and make tons of mistakes?

Not a great leader does not equal human rights abuser mon simpleton.

It's really funny you saying 'reading comprehension after saying something so dog stupid. :lol:

It's nice to know that if Obama needs a Rim job you are good to go for him.

"right wing bloggers"...HA HA HA HA

Don't ANY of you have minds of your own?

This is not about 'us/them'

It's about an imcompient in the white house.

I'm wrong that you are mentioning republican talking points?
What you are wrong about is criticism of Obama is NOT 'republican talking points.'

You idiots are so locked into this you think everyone is automatically in teh other major party.


I'm really not. The saudi thing, the Gordon Brown thing, the Queens Ipod and Chavez? All shit picked up and spread around by the right wing bloggers. But no...I'm sure your just an independent voter :lol:
Gee, all those things in were news (where we all on this board heard them first, not from 'right wing bloggers'') but if someone picked them up, they are now 'right wing talking points.'

I bet you jerk off to pictures of begala and carvelle.

Blah, blah blah. Most of this is bullshit posturing. Whether you are too stupid to realize it or not, you ARE spewing Republican talking points. That doesn't necessarily make you a Republican, you might just be a willing tool. But regardless, its clear you don't know what the hell you are talking about.
No, he said it, whether he laughed or not, he is nothing but an entertainer anyway, and everything he says is just funny.
no, he didnt
he said that he wanted Obama and his policies to fail to save America
not that he wanted America to fail

and what about all those fucking libs praying for Soldiers to die and America to fail for 8 fucking years

By proxy, if Obama fails America fails, he knows that, so he also knows that wishing Obama fails is wishing America fails. Think about it, if he does fail will you be safe? We are trying to push him into choosing better policies so he doesn't fail, not wishing he would enact failure policies, Rush however doesn't care about America, he would rather the president fail so he can be right instead of pleading to the president to make better choices. There is something inherently wrong with that, but since he's just an entertainer I have few worries about it. But he did say it, trying to ignore the implications does not change that fact.
the point being the policies are a failure
and RUsh knows this
to have them implimented will be a disaster
Odd, but I find someone laughing at the failure of this country by wishing the president failed disturbing to ... hmm ...

rush did not say that at all and you know it...and i don't recall a laugh involved...

You gotta love the way CON$ nitpick in their rebuttals. LimpBoy was nearly ORGASMIC at the mere thought of Americans suffering, which is worse than laughing, but they object to "laughing."

you're full of meadowmuffins...he either laughed or he didn't...moron
no, he didnt
he said that he wanted Obama and his policies to fail to save America
not that he wanted America to fail

and what about all those fucking libs praying for Soldiers to die and America to fail for 8 fucking years

By proxy, if Obama fails America fails, he knows that, so he also knows that wishing Obama fails is wishing America fails. Think about it, if he does fail will you be safe? We are trying to push him into choosing better policies so he doesn't fail, not wishing he would enact failure policies, Rush however doesn't care about America, he would rather the president fail so he can be right instead of pleading to the president to make better choices. There is something inherently wrong with that, but since he's just an entertainer I have few worries about it. But he did say it, trying to ignore the implications does not change that fact.
the point being the policies are a failure
and RUsh knows this
to have them implimented will be a disaster

i never realized that KK wanted every single one of obama's policies to succeed and get implemented...
Odd, but I find someone laughing at the failure of this country by wishing the president failed disturbing to ... hmm ...

rush did not say that at all and you know it...and i don't recall a laugh involved...

You gotta love the way CON$ nitpick in their rebuttals. LimpBoy was nearly ORGASMIC at the mere thought of Americans suffering, which is worse than laughing, but they object to "laughing."

No, "Limpboy" didn't want the people to suffer. "Limpboy" wanted Barry's policies to fail...there is a big difference. A failure in Barry's policies would not make Americans suffer.
rush did not say that at all and you know it...and i don't recall a laugh involved...

do you even realize that you're saying that obama's policies are the ONLY way for this country to succeed...

Obama, being the president and all, is whose policies will be implemented. If they fail, the country fails. If they don't, the country doesn't.

so you wanted every single GWB policy to succeed?

you have a disturbing view of this country. as if the president's policies alone make this country successful. you really do worship obama, that is just weird.

If, and when, GWB implemented policies to boost the economy, increase job growth, and save us from going into a depression, would I want him to succeed? Fuck yes I would.
rush did not say that at all and you know it...and i don't recall a laugh involved...

do you even realize that you're saying that obama's policies are the ONLY way for this country to succeed...

Obama, being the president and all, is whose policies will be implemented. If they fail, the country fails. If they don't, the country doesn't.
if his policies fail, America survives

LimpBoy wants Americans to suffer so the hate religion of CON$ervatism can survive the Bush failure. He wants Americans unemployed for the benefit of an IDEOLOGY.
rush did not say that at all and you know it...and i don't recall a laugh involved...

do you even realize that you're saying that obama's policies are the ONLY way for this country to succeed...

No, he said it, whether he laughed or not, he is nothing but an entertainer anyway, and everything he says is just funny.
no, he didnt
he said that he wanted Obama and his policies to fail to save America
not that he wanted America to fail

and what about all those fucking libs praying for Soldiers to die and America to fail for 8 fucking years

the only time democwats are for america is when they are in power.. remember it took meeecheeellle 45 years to figure out she was proud of her country.. talk about retarded
Obama, being the president and all, is whose policies will be implemented. If they fail, the country fails. If they don't, the country doesn't.

so you wanted every single GWB policy to succeed?

you have a disturbing view of this country. as if the president's policies alone make this country successful. you really do worship obama, that is just weird.

If, and when, GWB implemented policies to boost the economy, increase job growth, and save us from going into a depression, would I want him to succeed? Fuck yes I would.

so you did want some of bush's policies to fail...hypocrite

if you read rush's statement, he says he only wants obama's plan that are going to harm america to fail. try being honest about it....

this whole thing is silly....it is bad to criticize obama laughing at someone's health failure, but it is good to criticize rush for wanting obama's policies that will harm this country to fail....the hypocrisy from many in this thread is down right bizarre
Obama, being the president and all, is whose policies will be implemented. If they fail, the country fails. If they don't, the country doesn't.
if his policies fail, America survives

LimpBoy wants Americans to suffer so the hate religion of CON$ervatism can survive the Bush failure. He wants Americans unemployed for the benefit of an IDEOLOGY.

Come on...your hatred of Rush is really showing on this one. Fact is, your giving Rush way too much power. He's a conservative entertainer...that's it. Just like Keith Olbermann is a liberal entertainer
Blah, blah blah.
That sums you up beautifully son, you are in love with Obama, and will say and do anything to protect your lover.

People like you are dangerous, you don't think for yourself.

This from someone who got all his criticisms of Obama from these boards :lol:

Funny you just wouldn't listen when I rebutted some of them. A bit one minded you are. And yet its me who can't think for myself? Pathetic.
no, he didnt
he said that he wanted Obama and his policies to fail to save America
not that he wanted America to fail

and what about all those fucking libs praying for Soldiers to die and America to fail for 8 fucking years

By proxy, if Obama fails America fails, he knows that, so he also knows that wishing Obama fails is wishing America fails. Think about it, if he does fail will you be safe? We are trying to push him into choosing better policies so he doesn't fail, not wishing he would enact failure policies, Rush however doesn't care about America, he would rather the president fail so he can be right instead of pleading to the president to make better choices. There is something inherently wrong with that, but since he's just an entertainer I have few worries about it. But he did say it, trying to ignore the implications does not change that fact.
the point being the policies are a failure
and RUsh knows this
to have them implimented will be a disaster

Saying that would have been fine, but he's a shock jock and saying that would have bored his audience, so he spiced it up by saying instead he "hopes Obama fails" ... again, he said it and by proxy was wishing for the US to fail, he wasn't wrong in saying it, though I do understand the outrage and trying to point out to you why there was. However you must also remember, I would fight to the death to defend his right to say it, no matter what he did say. Just as I would defend the comedians right to say her joke, and Obamas right to find it funny. The feud between Obama and Rush is just sensationalism, both are milking it and getting more fame for it. Once the outrage vanishes they'll find something else to use for attention. It's why I hate pop culture, they are not being true to themselves in reality, they are doing it for attention only.
so you wanted every single GWB policy to succeed?

you have a disturbing view of this country. as if the president's policies alone make this country successful. you really do worship obama, that is just weird.

If, and when, GWB implemented policies to boost the economy, increase job growth, and save us from going into a depression, would I want him to succeed? Fuck yes I would.

so you did want some of bush's policies to fail...hypocrite

if you read rush's statement, he says he only wants obama's plan that are going to harm america to fail. try being honest about it....

this whole thing is silly....it is bad to criticize obama laughing at someone's health failure, but it is good to criticize rush for wanting obama's policies that will harm this country to fail....the hypocrisy from many in this thread is down right bizarre

Sure thats what he said...
Obama, being the president and all, is whose policies will be implemented. If they fail, the country fails. If they don't, the country doesn't.
if his policies fail, America survives

No, if his policies fail after being enacted, America does fail, we fail in more ways than many will see. One big way, we fail to stop him. We fail to protect ourselves, and we fail to talk to him. Not to mention our country will collapse. He is on thin ice and his mistakes right now could cost us too much, so we need to stop him from failing.

If, and when, GWB implemented policies to boost the economy, increase job growth, and save us from going into a depression, would I want him to succeed? Fuck yes I would.

so you did want some of bush's policies to fail...hypocrite

if you read rush's statement, he says he only wants obama's plan that are going to harm america to fail. try being honest about it....

this whole thing is silly....it is bad to criticize obama laughing at someone's health failure, but it is good to criticize rush for wanting obama's policies that will harm this country to fail....the hypocrisy from many in this thread is down right bizarre

Sure thats what he said...

have you even read his entire statement surrounding the words?

you're a hypocrite, you did not want all bush's policies to succeed
if his policies fail, America survives

No, if his policies fail after being enacted, America does fail, we fail in more ways than many will see. One big way, we fail to stop him. We fail to protect ourselves, and we fail to talk to him. Not to mention our country will collapse. He is on thin ice and his mistakes right now could cost us too much, so we need to stop him from failing.


I'm bored so I'll bite, why? Take it point by point, explain what I said that was wrong in any way and how. At least use your intellect instead of partisanship though, and I will respond in kind, but if you continue to just respond with partisan bullshit then I will also respond in kind, and believe me, my partisanship would not be pretty, but it WILL be funny to most people.

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