Obama Likes Wanda Sykes Joke About Rush Limbaugh: 'I Hope His Kidneys Fail'

what a time we live in...a president can laugh at the thought of a US citizen coming down with a serious medical condition that can cause death and then people will vigorously defend obama laughing at the thought of someone else's health failing....

I know...its just terrible. I mean its not like the last president who would never do anything like that. He only did moral things, like torture people, invade other countries, wiretap US citizens without warrants.

I'd take a president who would work to give healthcare to sick Americans and prevent them from dying, while laughing at the thought of one dying, over one who wouldn't laugh at Americans actually dying from a lack of healthcare but do nothing about it. No question about it.

i hope you get aids and die:lol:
what a time we live in...a president can laugh at the thought of a US citizen coming down with a serious medical condition that can cause death and then people will vigorously defend obama laughing at the thought of someone else's health failing....

Do you have some sort of man crush on Rush Limpballs?

I've never seen so many dudes become so emotional, and rush to the defend the honor of a fat ass drug addict. Its like you consider him your girlfriend, who needs his honor defended.

does this picture make you horny?

You haven't asked me anything you didn't already know. You are merely trying to deflect from answering the question. Really a simple procedure that is pathetically easy to see through.

You have earned a big fat FAIL and I'm not talking bout yer kidney either! :lol::lol::lol::lol:

More deflection, eh?

I wonder if one of these days you'll get the cognitive ability to answer a simple yes or no question. Probably not, but you never know.

I guess you cannot figure it out.. you sound like a diaper wearing basement dweller..
aaaahh, poor wittle red dawn, someone criticizes his god obama and he gets all upsettted and angaaary....

i hope red dawn gets aids :lol:
sin:any act regarded as such a transgression, esp. a willful or deliberate violation of some religious or moral principle.

No shit is has nothing to do with religion.
That is right numb nuts, so get with the program.

Yes, he fucked up with Gordons gift. As for the rest of your nonsense?
Hey asshole, get with the program, unhook your face from obama's anus and realize he's not a god.

'Mediamatters'...HA HA HA

They would swear water isn't wet to defend a democrat.

He screwed up so badly when he bowed to the Saudis....

Little Green Footballs - Bush Bowed Too
That is three for three idiot, using Bush as an exucse to me is a waste of time, Bush was the biggest douchebag in creation.

You just told us your idol is the same as the biggest douchebag in creation.

As for being "buddy buddy" with Chavez, yeah hes not a dick to foreign leaders. I know thats such a terrible, terrible thing :eek:
Yes, who needs the president to be surely with human rights abusers, what the fuck, the peasnats probaly desreed it, right chico?

If you look hard enough you can find a flaw in everything. And the Republicans are making an exact science out of this skill.
Too bad I am not and never have been a republican dickhead.
You have earned a big fat FAIL and I'm not talking bout yer kidney either! :lol::lol::lol::lol:

More deflection, eh?

I wonder if one of these days you'll get the cognitive ability to answer a simple yes or no question. Probably not, but you never know.

I guess you cannot figure it out.. you sound like a diaper wearing basement dweller..

No, I can't figure out your opinion. Hence why I asked the question. Jesus...is this really so complicated? Yes or No. Thats all you need to say.
i hope you get aids :lol:

That from someone I always respected


it was a joke....

too funny, you no longer respect me for making a joke that you defend obama for laughing at...

your respect is worthless

It wasn't funny.

And I didn't defend President Obama. I said it wasn't anything to have a coronary over.

You bitch and moan over the most stupid things in the world.

He spent a trillion dollars in a heartbeat and you want to bitch because he laughed at a stupid joke?

More deflection, eh?

I wonder if one of these days you'll get the cognitive ability to answer a simple yes or no question. Probably not, but you never know.

I guess you cannot figure it out.. you sound like a diaper wearing basement dweller..

No, I can't figure out your opinion. Hence why I asked the question. Jesus...is this really so complicated? Yes or No. Thats all you need to say.

you mean we don't have one?
Simply because she made one bad joke doesn't mean I won't ever go to see her perform. Just because President Obama laughed at a joke I didn't find funny, doesn't mean he is a terrible person.

obama gets to keep your respect, but i lose yours...

immie, i've known you for a while but your stance is completely hypocritical. you defend obama but then not me...
That from someone I always respected


it was a joke....

too funny, you no longer respect me for making a joke that you defend obama for laughing at...

your respect is worthless

It wasn't funny.

And I didn't defend President Obama. I said it wasn't anything to have a coronary over.

You bitch and moan over the most stupid things in the world.

He spent a trillion dollars in a heartbeat and you want to bitch because he laughed at a stupid joke?

i think he bitched about the trillions also
That from someone I always respected


it was a joke....

too funny, you no longer respect me for making a joke that you defend obama for laughing at...

your respect is worthless

It wasn't funny.

And I didn't defend President Obama. I said it wasn't anything to have a coronary over.

You bitch and moan over the most stupid things in the world.

He spent a trillion dollars in a heartbeat and you want to bitch because he laughed at a stupid joke?


You know what the experts say? most people who say they are joking are in fact not joking.. most people mean exactly what they say whether or not they giggle..
That from someone I always respected


it was a joke....

too funny, you no longer respect me for making a joke that you defend obama for laughing at...

your respect is worthless

It wasn't funny.

And I didn't defend President Obama. I said it wasn't anything to have a coronary over.

You bitch and moan over the most stupid things in the world.

He spent a trillion dollars in a heartbeat and you want to bitch because he laughed at a stupid joke?


so i can't talk about anything else, i must always only talk about the budget...and now its bitching and moaning.

dude, what has happened to you?
Simply because she made one bad joke doesn't mean I won't ever go to see her perform. Just because President Obama laughed at a joke I didn't find funny, doesn't mean he is a terrible person.

obama gets to keep your respect, but i lose yours...

immie, i've known you for a while but your stance is completely hypocritical. you defend obama but then not me...

Excuse me.

Did I defend Wanda Sykes? It was her joke not Obamas. He simply laughed at her joke. You made a joke and wished me death with it.

I said Wanda Sykes was wrong for making the joke, didn't I? She wished him dead. You just wished me dead. You didn't laugh at a joke someone else made about wishing me dead... you made the joke. See the difference?

And for the record, I'm not pissed at you, just making a point.

what a time we live in...a president can laugh at the thought of a US citizen coming down with a serious medical condition that can cause death and then people will vigorously defend obama laughing at the thought of someone else's health failing....

I know...its just terrible. I mean its not like the last president who would never do anything like that. He only did moral things, like torture people, invade other countries, wiretap US citizens without warrants.

I'd take a president who would work to give healthcare to sick Americans and prevent them from dying, while laughing at the thought of one dying, over one who wouldn't laugh at Americans actually dying from a lack of healthcare but do nothing about it. No question about it.

you mean you have the wherewithal to prevent dying? :eek: goddamn but you are good..
Hey kids, who wants to go down to the hospital and laugh at the kidney patients?

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