Obama lost 1,042 seats. Lol at the pathetic making this giant deal about Alabama

The leftists in this country won't act so smarmy once they figure out how many conservative judicial positions President Trump has filled over the last year.

They're pretty much screwed for the next several decades and don't even know it yet.:banana:
You underetimate how pathetic and stupid the left are. Especially the ones that post here.
The leftists in this country won't act so smarmy once they figure out how many conservative judicial positions President Trump has filled over the last year.

They're pretty much screwed for the next several decades and don't even know it yet.:banana:
You underetimate how pathetic and stupid the left are. Especially the ones that post here.

I know full well how stupid those parrots are. But sooner or later, they're going to wake up to the uncomfortable realization that things changed after 2016. Maybe some of them will even figure out that they've been played the fool to by their trusted news sources. We can only hope.
The leftists in this country won't act so smarmy once they figure out how many conservative judicial positions President Trump has filled over the last year.

They're pretty much screwed for the next several decades and don't even know it yet.:banana:
You underetimate how pathetic and stupid the left are. Especially the ones that post here.

I know full well how stupid those parrots are. But sooner or later, they're going to wake up to the uncomfortable realization that things changed after 2016. Maybe some of them will even figure out that they've been played the fool to by their trusted news sources. We can only hope.
They will never figure it out.
The leftists in this country won't act so smarmy once they figure out how many conservative judicial positions President Trump has filled over the last year.

They're pretty much screwed for the next several decades and don't even know it yet.:banana:
You underetimate how pathetic and stupid the left are. Especially the ones that post here.

I know full well how stupid those parrots are. But sooner or later, they're going to wake up to the uncomfortable realization that things changed after 2016. Maybe some of them will even figure out that they've been played the fool to by their trusted news sources. We can only hope.
They will never figure it out.

Well you might be right. They did after all blame everything Obama did wrong on GW, and everything Trump has done right on Obama.

That's some weapons-grade stupidity there. :laugh:
Obama lost 1,042 seats

And STILL the Republicans can't repeal and replace ObamaCare!

After 60 repeals while Obama was President, the GOP suddenly can't manage to do it.

Was I right all that time when I told you tards they were putting on theater for you rubes, OR WHAT!?! :lol:

Half the Republicans in state and local office would qualify as RINO's around here in the eyes of the RWnuts.

Yup, a Bible-thumping, racist, homophobic pedophile is the new gold standard for Republicanism.
Anything left of this hypocritical redneck goon is a RINO.

The Hildebeast lost get the F over it.

And yet the Cons can’t stop talking about Hillary .

Maybe if she'd shut her piehole and fade away to inevitable obscurity she wouldnt be taking it on the chin.
Obama lost 1,042 seats

And STILL the Republicans can't repeal and replace ObamaCare!

After 60 repeals while Obama was President, the GOP suddenly can't manage to do it.

Was I right all that time when I told you tards they were putting on theater for you rubes, OR WHAT!?! :lol:

Half the Republicans in state and local office would qualify as RINO's around here in the eyes of the RWnuts.

Yup, a Bible-thumping, racist, homophobic pedophile is the new gold standard for Republicanism.
Anything left of this hypocritical redneck goon is a RINO.

The Hildebeast lost get the F over it.

And yet the Cons can’t stop talking about Hillary .
They are obsessed with her......but can't seem to get around to investigating/indicting/or locking her up.
Gee, with all those local seats you’d think the Gop would’ve discovered proof of all these illegals voting !

Or maybe it’s the Gop voter fraud that got them those seats?


Follow the money. Always follow the money.

I learned from this book that the Koch brothers have a rather shocking past: Their father, Fred Koch got the contract to build the oil refinery in 1935 that fueled the Luftwaffe air force in WW2. That's how they became so wealthy.
Papa Koch first got into bed with Stalin, but started getting scared when he saw what Stalin was doing to people around him that he didn't need anymore, and Stalin started to not have to rely on Papa Koch to build his refineries, so Papa Koch fled back to the USA.

Then Papa Koch decided to help Hitler fuel his war machine, but the USA banks saw what he was up to and wouldn't loan him money to aid Hitler in fueling his war machine, so Papa Koch went right to Hitler who was more than happy to pay Papa Koch to build his refineries to fuel his war machine.

Nice guy, huh.
What the Democrats don't want you to know: Party lost more than 1,030 seats in state legislatures, governor's mansions and Congress during Barack Obama's presidency

Democrats lost more than 1,030 seats during Barack Obama's presidency | Daily Mail Online

The left are just a bunch of squabling pigs in a barnyard. Stupid ass moronic hypocritical gasbags.

Not worth one second of your time. Should not get any your attention.

No doubt. They remind me of a starving man finding a scrap of bread and thinking it's a banquet. And that's an insult to the starving and to the bread to compare them to liberal sewer rats and their violent hatred of all things American and/or white.
And the search continues for at least one political party who remains humble in victory and defeat...

You get on liberals for not handling defeat well, but here you all are trying to throw every curse word and insult you can think of at them because Moore lost. And then come the liberals to rub it in and gloat in response to your kicking and screaming.

It’s like when Trump won, except the roles are reversed. One of y’all has gotta take the high road
What the Democrats don't want you to know: Party lost more than 1,030 seats in state legislatures, governor's mansions and Congress during Barack Obama's presidency

Democrats lost more than 1,030 seats during Barack Obama's presidency | Daily Mail Online

The left are just a bunch of squabling pigs in a barnyard. Stupid ass moronic hypocritical gasbags.

Not worth one second of your time. Should not get any your attention.

Shut the hell up! Obama is not president anymore number 1. Number 2 had Moore won you dumb ass conservatives would be howling loud about the end of liberals. You lost last night. The people of Alabama spoke. Deal with it.
What the Democrats don't want you to know: Party lost more than 1,030 seats in state legislatures, governor's mansions and Congress during Barack Obama's presidency

Democrats lost more than 1,030 seats during Barack Obama's presidency | Daily Mail Online

The left are just a bunch of squabling pigs in a barnyard. Stupid ass moronic hypocritical gasbags.

Not worth one second of your time. Should not get any your attention.
you are bleeding all over the thread LOL


Day 1: The Signing of ObamaCare


O no he di'int!


Trow da bahstahds out!


We're going to put on some theater for the rubes and repeal ObamaCare, knowing it will be stopped in the Senate and by Obama.


Time travel forward five years...


ObamaCare is repealed for the 60th time!



The rubes never get tired of this shit!


Time travel forward one year...


Trump and the GOP win! Now we can REALLY repeal ObamaCare!!!


I can't REALLY repeal the ACA. That was just a ruse to win the election!


You've had SEVEN YEARS to come up with a replacement! And you don't have one!?!?


Okay. Plan B. What were all those fixes to the ACA the Democrats wanted that we obstructed?
Man dude you went to a lot of work to post this
You’re really into this ####
Makes me glad I have a life
LOL at the left proving they are losers and not knowing that they are proving it.
The left are just a bunch of squabling pigs in a barnyard. Stupid ass moronic hypocritical gasbags.

Not worth one second of your time. Should not get any your attention.
Then what are you doing wasting your time with this thread?:crybaby:
What the Democrats don't want you to know: Party lost more than 1,030 seats in state legislatures, governor's mansions and Congress during Barack Obama's presidency

Democrats lost more than 1,030 seats during Barack Obama's presidency | Daily Mail Online

The left are just a bunch of squabling pigs in a barnyard. Stupid ass moronic hypocritical gasbags.

Not worth one second of your time. Should not get any your attention.

Wow, you are so not getting the point.

Since Trump was elected, there have been over 40 national and statewide elections. The Democrats have swung 24 of those elections from the Republicans whereas the Republicans have swung 0 from the Democrats.

In every single election since Trump won, the Democrats have improved their vote margin. Every. Single. One.

The Republicans are losing seats at the same pace under Trump as the Democrats did under Obama.

And now the Republicans have lost one of the reddest states in the country.
What the Democrats don't want you to know: Party lost more than 1,030 seats in state legislatures, governor's mansions and Congress during Barack Obama's presidency

Democrats lost more than 1,030 seats during Barack Obama's presidency | Daily Mail Online

The left are just a bunch of squabling pigs in a barnyard. Stupid ass moronic hypocritical gasbags.

Not worth one second of your time. Should not get any your attention.

Wow, you are so not getting the point.

Since Trump was elected, there have been over 40 national and statewide elections. And the Democrats have swung 24 from the Republicans whereas the Republicans have swung 0 from the Democrats.

In every single election since Trump won, the Democrats have improved their vote margin. Every. Single. One.

The Republicans are losing seats at the same pace under Trump as the Democrats did under Obama.

And now the Republicans have lost one of the reddest states in the country.
Yep. As usual, the winning party got too full of itself, went too far, and pissed too many people off.

Now, back we go in the other direction.

The only question is how far we'll go before we've had too much.

We're not learning a goddamn thing.
What the Democrats don't want you to know: Party lost more than 1,030 seats in state legislatures, governor's mansions and Congress during Barack Obama's presidency

Democrats lost more than 1,030 seats during Barack Obama's presidency | Daily Mail Online

The left are just a bunch of squabling pigs in a barnyard. Stupid ass moronic hypocritical gasbags.

Not worth one second of your time. Should not get any your attention.

Yes, yes......its real bitch being half-black while leading a nation where racism was "covered" by a very thin layer of decency....but, "rejoice" in that Obama has helped.posters like YOU, Owlie, to come out of your closet.
What the Democrats don't want you to know: Party lost more than 1,030 seats in state legislatures, governor's mansions and Congress during Barack Obama's presidency

Democrats lost more than 1,030 seats during Barack Obama's presidency | Daily Mail Online

The left are just a bunch of squabling pigs in a barnyard. Stupid ass moronic hypocritical gasbags.

Not worth one second of your time. Should not get any your attention.

lol, I predicted this 'no big deal' reaction from the RWnuts if Jones win. Not that that was that hard of a prediction.
They'll still be saying this sort of thing after next years election when the Democrats take back the House.

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