Obama, low in polls, Carter, smiling- won't be remembered as the pariah of Dem Party

Obama, low in polls, Carter, smiling- won't be remembered as the pariah of Democratic Party

At least Jimmy Carter can smile now. Papa Obama has a worst end of First year approval than he did.


Jimmy Carter at 57% approval rating end of First year

Papa Obama at 49% approval rating end of First year

Of course, in a strange way it is all starting to look "familiar"
But on steroids


Well, given the unremitting bullshit that the Repubs are screeching from every media outlet, it is surprising that our President still has the support of 49%. However, as the economy improves, and people realize what even this poor of a health care bill will do for them, his numbers will rise. And the Repubs numbers will continue to decline.
I'm never one for making predictions years out. But I would say it hinges on two factors -- one: where is the economy in 2012? and two: who is going to be running against him.

Really simple.

But insofar as 'the left' is concerned. They have no one else to vote for.

I'm never sure what exactly "left" means, though.

Anybody with an ounce of brains. Anyone that understands the scientific method. Anyone that considers the living standard of the working American as more important that the continued increase in the power and fortunes of the very rich.

That is the new "Liberal" that the Republican Party hates.
The point, weirdo, is that Reagan's were low at this point,too.

That's what happens when a new president has a lot on his plate.

and you might want to consider that a lot of dissatisfaction is with people on the LEFT...not the right (which has remained pretty much the same) because he hasn't gone far enough or been tough enough on you wingnuts.

And THOSE people aren't voting for you guys come 2012.

So, once again...

your point is irrelevant.

Reagan was a target of the press when he entered office. As hard as they tried Reagan won the hearts of Most of America despite the extreme efforts of the leftist dominated press.

Obama on the other hand has been the beneficiary of unbelievably supportive press...to the point that they appear to slobber over every word he utters.....and still the American people can see...and more and more of them see every single day....that's he's full of shit.

I think it's important to like a president as a person. People liked Ronald Reagan.....I can't say the same for Obama.

Ya, Reagan was a nice senile old bastard.
The point, weirdo, is that Reagan's were low at this point,too.

That's what happens when a new president has a lot on his plate.

and you might want to consider that a lot of dissatisfaction is with people on the LEFT...not the right (which has remained pretty much the same) because he hasn't gone far enough or been tough enough on you wingnuts.

And THOSE people aren't voting for you guys come 2012.

So, once again...

your point is irrelevant.

In the words/ spirit of Lloyd Bentsen

"I knew Ronald Reagan, Ronald Reagan was a friend of mine"

Mr Obama you're no Ronald Reagan


Plus Reagan's policies were more pro growth

What might work in the left's advantage-so far

They delayed a lot of the anti growth stuff till the next election and spent money

The goal being - lets not mess up the economy too bad until the after the next election

Of if this Health care bull gets signed into law- it will tend to be a job killer

A freind of the very wealthy. Didn't do a damned thing for the working man.
The point, weirdo, is that Reagan's were low at this point,too.

That's what happens when a new president has a lot on his plate.

and you might want to consider that a lot of dissatisfaction is with people on the LEFT...not the right (which has remained pretty much the same) because he hasn't gone far enough or been tough enough on you wingnuts.

And THOSE people aren't voting for you guys come 2012.

So, once again...

your point is irrelevant.

In the words/ spirit of Lloyd Bentsen

"I knew Ronald Reagan, Ronald Reagan was a friend of mine"

Mr Obama you're no Ronald Reagan


Plus Reagan's policies were more pro growth

What might work in the left's advantage-so far

They delayed a lot of the anti growth stuff till the next election and spent money

The goal being - lets not mess up the economy too bad until the after the next election

Of if this Health care bull gets signed into law- it will tend to be a job killer

A freind of the very wealthy. Didn't do a damned thing for the working man.

Lloyd Bentsen

I hear you
The point, weirdo, is that Reagan's were low at this point,too.

That's what happens when a new president has a lot on his plate.

and you might want to consider that a lot of dissatisfaction is with people on the LEFT...not the right (which has remained pretty much the same) because he hasn't gone far enough or been tough enough on you wingnuts.

And THOSE people aren't voting for you guys come 2012.

So, once again...

your point is irrelevant.

Reagan was a target of the press when he entered office. As hard as they tried Reagan won the hearts of Most of America despite the extreme efforts of the leftist dominated press.

Obama on the other hand has been the beneficiary of unbelievably supportive press...to the point that they appear to slobber over every word he utters.....and still the American people can see...and more and more of them see every single day....that's he's full of shit.

I think it's important to like a president as a person. People liked Ronald Reagan.....I can't say the same for Obama.

I was a kid but I do remember the MSM saying well Reagan is old and Bush can take over when he dies


...and Reagan was shot and came back to finish his second term. It is a shame that he forgot about it all before he finally died.

Reagan was a great man.
Reagan was a target of the press when he entered office. As hard as they tried Reagan won the hearts of Most of America despite the extreme efforts of the leftist dominated press.

Obama on the other hand has been the beneficiary of unbelievably supportive press...to the point that they appear to slobber over every word he utters.....and still the American people can see...and more and more of them see every single day....that's he's full of shit.

I think it's important to like a president as a person. People liked Ronald Reagan.....I can't say the same for Obama.

I do like the president as a person... I couldn't stand George Bush for his stupidity... but I'd have been happy to sit down with him at a cocktail party. they used to say that ronald reagan would give you the shirt off his back when you were in his office and then cut your mother's social sercurity benefits when you walked out.

this idea of people loving Reagan is self-deluded... the right likes reagan. in death i like him, too. he sucked in the white house and the false mythology you all make up about him is kind of pathetic given what the truth was.

and since you're so concerned about the accuracy of the polling numbers

according to realclearpolitics. com the average approval rating is 49.5

Gallup 50%

CNN 54%

AP 56%

ABC 50%

Battleground 50%

Fox 50%

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - President Obama Job Approval

maybe someone would actually start listening to the noise you people make if you weren't so disingenuous and self-serving.

just saying.

and mostly, i don't need the president to be someone i want to have a drink with. i want him to be smart and learn from any mistakes he makes.

have a good day.
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actually, you're self-deluded... the right likes reagan. in death i like him, too. he sucked in the white house and the false mythology you all make up about him is kind of pathetic given what the truth was.

and since you're so concerned about the accuracy of the polling numbers

according to realclearpolitics. com the average approval rating is 49.5

Gallup 50%

CNN 54%

AP 56%

ABC 50%

Battleground 50%

Fox 50%

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - President Obama Job Approval

maybe someone would actually start listening to the noise you people make if you weren't so disingenuous and self-serving.

just saying.

have a good day.

I know nutroots hate to hear it but

Ramussen was the most acturate poll in the last election and
they have Papa Obama at 44%

Just saying

Fordham university
Poll Accuracy in the 2008 Presidential Election

1. Rasmussen (11/1-3)**
1. Pew (10/29-11/1)**
2. YouGov/Polimetrix (10/18-11/1)
3. Harris Interactive (10/20-27)
4. GWU (Lake/Tarrance) (11/2-3)*
5. Diageo/Hotline (10/31-11/2)*
5. ARG (10/25-27)*
6. CNN (10/30-11/1)
6. Ipsos/McClatchy (10/30-11/1)
7. DailyKos.com (D)/Research 2000 (11/1-3)
8. AP/Yahoo/KN (10/17-27)
9. Democracy Corps (D) (10/30-11/2)
10. FOX (11/1-2)
11. Economist/YouGov (10/25-27)
12. IBD/TIPP (11/1-3)
13. NBC/WSJ (11/1-2)
14. ABC/Post (10/30-11/2)
15. Marist College (11/3)
16. CBS (10/31-11/2)
17. Gallup (10/31-11/2)
18. Reuters/ C-SPAN/ Zogby (10/31-11/3)
19. CBS/Times (10/25-29)

20. Newsweek (10/22-23)
do you imbeciles EVER stop lying?

fivethirtyeight.com was the most accurate....and RCP average was right behind.

do you imbeciles EVER stop lying?

fivethirtyeight.com was the most accurate....and RCP average was right behind.


So Fordham university is lying

Who knew- they must be part of some evil Republican cabal

Are nutroot fisters all this afraid of the truth

Of course, truth is the worst enemy of the left
can always count on the wingnuttiest of rightwingnutters to be the most foul-mouthed, trashiest people on the board.

fivethirtyeight.com was the most accurate and had the presidential election dead on.

RCP average was most accurate because it was an overview.
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can always count on the wingnuttiest of rightwingnutters to be the most foul-mouthed, trashiest people on the board.

Oh really

Well my nutrootiest of leftwingnutrootfister ,

you have been no "vestal virgin" with your epithets for the right.

I suppose if "you can't stand the heat get out of the kitchen"
but then again who would make Christmas dinner?
The point, weirdo, is that Reagan's were low at this point,too.

That's what happens when a new president has a lot on his plate.

and you might want to consider that a lot of dissatisfaction is with people on the LEFT...not the right (which has remained pretty much the same) because he hasn't gone far enough or been tough enough on you wingnuts.

And THOSE people aren't voting for you guys come 2012.

So, once again...

your point is irrelevant.

Reagan was a target of the press when he entered office. As hard as they tried Reagan won the hearts of Most of America despite the extreme efforts of the leftist dominated press.

Obama on the other hand has been the beneficiary of unbelievably supportive press...to the point that they appear to slobber over every word he utters.....and still the American people can see...and more and more of them see every single day....that's he's full of shit.

I think it's important to like a president as a person. People liked Ronald Reagan.....I can't say the same for Obama.

I was a kid but I do remember the MSM saying well Reagan is old and Bush can take over when he dies


Every time Reagan spoke they were looking for clues to his senility.

If he had claimed he had visited 57 states or that the Japanese were hit by a nuke at Pearl Harbor, or that the Israeli people will aways support the Israeli people.....I think they would be all over him like Jillian would be all over Obama if she could get him alone in a room.
The point, weirdo, is that Reagan's were low at this point,too.

That's what happens when a new president has a lot on his plate.

and you might want to consider that a lot of dissatisfaction is with people on the LEFT...not the right (which has remained pretty much the same) because he hasn't gone far enough or been tough enough on you wingnuts.

And THOSE people aren't voting for you guys come 2012.

So, once again...

your point is irrelevant.

In the words/ spirit of Lloyd Bentsen

"I knew Ronald Reagan, Ronald Reagan was a friend of mine"

Mr Obama you're no Ronald Reagan


Plus Reagan's policies were more pro growth

What might work in the left's advantage-so far

They delayed a lot of the anti growth stuff till the next election and spent money

The goal being - lets not mess up the economy too bad until the after the next election

Of if this Health care bull gets signed into law- it will tend to be a job killer

Reagan pro-growth? How? By running massive deficits? btw, Reagan inherited a growing economy and was back into recession 6 months into his term. Nice work eh?
The point, weirdo, is that Reagan's were low at this point,too.

That's what happens when a new president has a lot on his plate.

and you might want to consider that a lot of dissatisfaction is with people on the LEFT...not the right (which has remained pretty much the same) because he hasn't gone far enough or been tough enough on you wingnuts.

And THOSE people aren't voting for you guys come 2012.

So, once again...

your point is irrelevant.

In the words/ spirit of Lloyd Bentsen

"I knew Ronald Reagan, Ronald Reagan was a friend of mine"

Mr Obama you're no Ronald Reagan


Plus Reagan's policies were more pro growth

What might work in the left's advantage-so far

They delayed a lot of the anti growth stuff till the next election and spent money

The goal being - lets not mess up the economy too bad until the after the next election

Of if this Health care bull gets signed into law- it will tend to be a job killer

Reagan pro-growth? How? By running massive deficits? btw, Reagan inherited a growing economy and was back into recession 6 months into his term. Nice work eh?

Reagan fought communism...Obama embraces it. Both are costly.
Image is everything.

I remember Jimmy Carter had that big smile. Reminded us of JFK.

Then I found out from a guy who worked in the White House that he just a stuck up elitist.

He said that when Gerald Ford was prez he used to walk down the the West Wing greating everyone...waving and shaking hands.

That all ended when the Carters entered the White House.

You were to speak only when spoken to. He said when Jimmy walked down the isle it was like a cold-wind was coming through. During the Clinton's time staffers would duck into their office to avoid facing Hillary. I wonder what the Obamas are like to the staff because most of them loved Laura and George W.

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