Obama makes huge announcement

LOL I can see the ad's for anyone running against Obama and I'm sure McCain in 2012
the Stimulus money sucks big time.
The government then has it's hands into your business telling YOU what you will pay in wages, and do some governing from the sidelines. This is why it's been a failure because businesses refused the money because of those situations. Obama wanted union wages for the new hires. WTF?
We haven't even spent the money from the second stimulus, and they want another one...I have a feeling it may not fly. The money we have been repaid from the first one, Obama wants to use that money into more spending and not paying down the deficit. Does anyone see how inherently wrong this is?
The problem is these infrastructure project haven't started moving. We know that if we invest in America and rebuild our infrastructure, you can't go wrong. That is one part of the economy that will make jobs, produce revenue and add to the tax base. It's a no brainer. So why doesn't it happen.

Well, you have Democrats who are made up of many different factions who need to take a concensus to get anything done and who are afraid of the monolithic Republicans.

Then you have the Republican who have publicly stated the want the President to fail. They are very curious. One one hand screaming for jobs, on the other wailing they want to government to stop doing anything.

We know Republicans can get things done. They started two wars. They trashed the economy. They moved the wealth of the nation from the middle class to the top 3%. They stopped health care for millions of Americans who will die or go bankrupt. Those may be bad things, but it proves they ARE very effective. When they have a goal, they are single minded, no doubt about it.

Now imagine if those same Republicans actually got behind rebuilding America's infrastructure? It would happen. It would be incredible. But it won't happen. Republicans hate having a black president so bad, they call him terrible names, Nazi, Socialist and other names. They want him to fail no matter how much it damages the country.

And the Republcian Ideas they want to go back to? Invade more countries. More death. Cut taxes for the rich. Cut funding for education. No health care reform of any kind. It's like they have a "national death wish". I don't see anything positive happening until Obama stands up to the Republican leadership and challenges them into doing the right thing.
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The problem is these infrastructure project haven't started moving. We know that if we invest in America and rebuild our infrastructure, you can't go wrong. That is one part of the economy that will make jobs, produce revenue and add to the tax base. It's a no brainer. So why doesn't it happen.

Well, you have Democrats who are made up of many different factions who need to take a concensus to get anything done and who are afraid of the monolithic Republicans.

Then you have the Republican who have publicly stated the want the President to fail. They are very curious. One one hand screaming for jobs, on the other wailing they want to government to stop doing anything.

We know Republicans can get things done. They started two wars. They trashed the economy. They moved the wealth of the nation from the middle class to the top 3%. They stopped health care for millions of Americans who will die or go bankrupt. Those may be bad things, but it proves they ARE very effective. When they have a goal, they are single minded, no doubt about it.

Now imagine if those same Republicans actually got behind rebuilding America's infrastructure? It would happen. It would be incredible. But it won't happen. Republicans hate having a black president so bad, they call him terrible names, Nazi, Socialist and other names. They want him to fail no matter how much it damages the country.

And the Republcian Ideas they want to go back to? Invade more countries. More death. Cut taxes for the rich. Cut funding for education. No health care reform of any kind. It's like they have a "national death wish". I don't see anything positive happening until Obama stands up to the Republican leadership and challenges them into doing the right thing.

Another DUMB-ASS LIBERAL--commenting on infracstructure!

FIRST: I have been in the constuction industry for 30 plus years in my own construction business. First of all infracstructure projects commonly known as bridges & roads take at least 5 to 7 years of engineering, soil perk testing, architecture, permits, etc. before the 1st shovel goes in the dirt. Reason, we do not want them to collapse "like Haiti" under certain mother nature conditions.

SECONDLY: Back in the 1930's when FDR did this, we actually needed roads & bridges. Today we connect this continent with 4 lane highways & bridges that are constantly monitored & maintained. What took thousands of men with "shovels to build back in the 1930's can now be done with a few heavy equipment operators today.

THIRDLY: This economy today is so diverse from the 1930's--that the only people that are happy with spending 787 billion taxpayer dollars is actually the few that work on roads & bridges.


"The change you can believe in" which of course comes from the 1930's.

Isn't it amazing that all these Yale & Havard intellectual LAWYERS didn't know this---LOL--LOL--LOL
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When your poll numbers are tanking, when you get your Party's ass kicked in three elections, when you endorse 2 candidates and they lose...what do you do?

You announce another multi billion dollar spending plan to "elevate the middle class".

Apparently the non-existent middle class will be called upon to bail out the President...but since no one has a job and their credit rating is all screwed up the spending measure is just a bunch of hot air in a feeble attempt to boost his poll numbers before the SOTU speech.

First you do that--then you announce a freeze on spending or vce-versa.

Obama Seeks Freeze on Many Domestic Programs

The freeze would cover the agencies and programs for which Congress allocates specific budgets each year, including air traffic control, farm subsidies, education, nutrition and national parks.

Obama to Propose Freeze on Some Spending to Trim Deficit - NYTimes.com
The problem is these infrastructure project haven't started moving. We know that if we invest in America and rebuild our infrastructure, you can't go wrong. That is one part of the economy that will make jobs, produce revenue and add to the tax base. It's a no brainer. So why doesn't it happen.

Well, you have Democrats who are made up of many different factions who need to take a concensus to get anything done and who are afraid of the monolithic Republicans.

Then you have the Republican who have publicly stated the want the President to fail. They are very curious. One one hand screaming for jobs, on the other wailing they want to government to stop doing anything.

We know Republicans can get things done. They started two wars. They trashed the economy. They moved the wealth of the nation from the middle class to the top 3%. They stopped health care for millions of Americans who will die or go bankrupt. Those may be bad things, but it proves they ARE very effective. When they have a goal, they are single minded, no doubt about it.

Now imagine if those same Republicans actually got behind rebuilding America's infrastructure? It would happen. It would be incredible. But it won't happen. Republicans hate having a black president so bad, they call him terrible names, Nazi, Socialist and other names. They want him to fail no matter how much it damages the country.
And the Republcian Ideas they want to go back to? Invade more countries. More death. Cut taxes for the rich. Cut funding for education. No health care reform of any kind. It's like they have a "national death wish". I don't see anything positive happening until Obama stands up to the Republican leadership and challenges them into doing the right thing.

Thank you!!! This was true during the campaign. It is absolutely true that there are people out there that are very racist and will never accept a black president. These people say that when they don't agree with Obama they are called racists. That is such crap. There are a lot of people that don't agree with Obama that are not racists and nobody calls them that.

The racists are not hard to spot. Their terminology, the names they call Obama, and the signs they carry are a dead giveaway. Then they have the nerve to get all bent out of shape when they are called on it.

So you agree with someone saying 'Republicans hate having a black president' and you claim as you emphasis it in red that is not painting with a broad brush? I am not republican but those are the insults I was speaking of in the other thread that I hear and see at work and from the TH and those who support Obama. I see a very broad brush and not even the word 'some' or a few.

The other thing that is assumed is at work and by people I know, if I do not like Obama or his policy I must be rebublican too. That one is irritating.
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CaféAuLait;1943923 said:
So you agree with someone saying 'Republicans hate having a black president' and you claim as you emphasis it in red that is not painting with a broad brush? I am not republican but those are the insults I was speaking of in the other thread that I hear and see at work and from the TH and those who support Obama. I see a very broad brush and not even the word 'some' or a few.

Rinata is not representative of anyone else here. Using Rinata as anything but the exception is stupid.
CaféAuLait;1943923 said:
So you agree with someone saying 'Republicans hate having a black president' and you claim as you emphasis it in red that is not painting with a broad brush? I am not republican but those are the insults I was speaking of in the other thread that I hear and see at work and from the TH and those who support Obama. I see a very broad brush and not even the word 'some' or a few.

Rinata is not representative of anyone else here. Using Rinata as anything but the exception is stupid.

And rdean who penned what Rinata quoted?
CaféAuLait;1943929 said:
And rdean who penned what Rinata quoted?

Same deal. Taking two of the most leftist people here is not the norm.
CaféAuLait;1943933 said:
Ahhh so it does not count-- that what I spoke of earlier is happening -- and it does not count because they are too far left? How silly of me.:eusa_whistle:

You act as if rational people are saying these things. Would you like me to take the words of Fred Phelps and say they are the words you believe in as well? :eusa_eh:
CaféAuLait;1943933 said:
Ahhh so it does not count-- that what I spoke of earlier is happening -- and it does not count because they are too far left? How silly of me.:eusa_whistle:

You act as if rational people are saying these things. Would you like me to take the words of Fred Phelps and say they are the words you believe in as well? :eusa_eh:

I do not spend enough time here to know who you deem rational or irrational. Either way it happens. Something you and Article15 claims does not happen on this forum and neither of you can claim does not happen in my place of work or those I know or as we both know it does happen with the news articles I linked to in the other thread.
CaféAuLait;1943939 said:
I do not spend enough time here to know who you deem rational or irrational. Either way it happens. Something you and Article15 claims does not happen on this forum and neither of you can claim does not happen in my place of work or those I know or as we both know it does happen with the news articles I linked to in the other thread.

Again, you cried wolf and tried to say everyone was calling you racist for being Anti-Obama. It's simply not so. And outside of the few nutters on this board, it's the same here.

Though since you tout your not being here often, I do believe I would know better between the two of us on what happens here.
CaféAuLait;1943939 said:
I do not spend enough time here to know who you deem rational or irrational. Either way it happens. Something you and Article15 claims does not happen on this forum and neither of you can claim does not happen in my place of work or those I know or as we both know it does happen with the news articles I linked to in the other thread.

Again, you cried wolf and tried to say everyone was calling you racist for being Anti-Obama. It's simply not so. And outside of the few nutters on this board, it's the same here.

Though since you tout your not being here often, I do believe I would know better between the two of us on what happens here.

You can keep trying to say that I was speaking of this forum I visit about once a week or less or you can see I was speaking about my life outside of this board. It is up to you. Seems you like call names and infer the worst-- have at it. Either way my point is in black, white and red above and I'm sure all over this forum too by those you deem irrational. I guess only the irrational visit this forum, eh? None are anywhere else?
CaféAuLait;1943952 said:
You can keep trying to say that I was speaking of this forum I visit about once a week or less or you can see I was speaking about my life outside of this board. It is up to you. Seems you like call names and infer the worst-- have at it. Either way my point is in black, white and red above and I'm sure all over this forum too by those you deem irrational. I guess only the irrational visit this forum, eh? None are anywhere else?

Two people I said are not the entire board, now you're whining and being dishonest again. To be blunt, your dishonesty makes me question your claims that everybody calls you a racist in real life. Or you're probably not telling us the whole story.
CaféAuLait;1943952 said:
You can keep trying to say that I was speaking of this forum I visit about once a week or less or you can see I was speaking about my life outside of this board. It is up to you. Seems you like call names and infer the worst-- have at it. Either way my point is in black, white and red above and I'm sure all over this forum too by those you deem irrational. I guess only the irrational visit this forum, eh? None are anywhere else?

Two people I said are not the entire board, now you're whining and being dishonest again. To be blunt, your dishonesty makes me question your claims that everybody calls you a racist in real life. Or you're probably not telling us the whole story.

Entire board? Where did I said such?

LOL, it's your dishonesty. I never said that which you try to claim. Have fun skewing the facts AGAIN. :eusa_hand:
CaféAuLait;1943957 said:
Entire board? Where did I said such?

LOL, it's your dishonesty. I never said that which you try to claim. Have fun skewing the facts AGAIN. :eusa_hand:

Your last lines. The only one skewing anything is you when you try to claim that everyone calls you a racist for being against Obama. To be quite honest, at this point I feel you probably make racist jokes or something else if your claims are true. I talk to people of all ages who support Obama and when I disagree with the guy, none of them call me racist.

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