Obama - Mass Murderer: 116 civilians dead in Obama Drone/air strikes

I will get back to ya on that. Why do Islamic Militants hide among civilians and expect a different outcome? Silly me for noticing that quirk of theirs. Drag in civilians and then use the casualties as a outrage to fuel their propaganda for their idiotic war against the west. Islam isn't the victim here, truth is.
And yet when Israel kills terrorists and some civilians die we hear all about how evil Israel is FROM this administration.
I would have thought it was more

Bush's "shock and awe" bombings killed more
Napalm attacks in Vietnam killed tens of thousands of civilians

Drone attacks are relatively efficient
So killing civilians is ok when a liberal does it...got it.

Hunting terrorists is not an easy business

Your options are:

1. Boots on the ground and engaging in random battles in populated areas

2. Bombing attacks in populated areas killing all those around the terrorist target

3. Drone attacks where you can select your time and place of hitting your target

Which do you prefer?
According to Obama:
- The war on terror has been over for at least 4 years
- The US will not and has not put boots on the ground to fight a non-existent war
- 'If you still like your plan you can still keep it...'

Show me where Obama ever said the war on terror was over

I can't wait for your reply
Obama never said 'War on Terror is over'...prove it...'I can't wait for your response'.


"The "Global War on Terror" is over, President Barack Obama announced Thursday, saying the military and intelligence agencies will not wage war against a tactic but will instead focus on a specific group of networks determined to destroy the U.S."


You're welcome.

Oh, and...suck it.
Islam kills civilians on purpose, USA unfortunately kills some. The point is the leftist puke spent 5 years camped out in Crawford but now gone mute. At least GWB had congress vote. BHO ~5 wars, no approval but the left loonies silent?
Islam kills civilians on purpose, USA unfortunately kills some. The point is the leftist puke spent 5 years camped out in Crawford but now gone mute. At least GWB had congress vote. BHO ~5 wars, no approval but the left loonies silent?
True enough but do we become loser hypocrites just because they do it?

This thread is proof that for some politics doesn't end at the waters edge.
I would have thought it was more

Bush's "shock and awe" bombings killed more
Napalm attacks in Vietnam killed tens of thousands of civilians

Drone attacks are relatively efficient
So killing civilians is ok when a liberal does it...got it.

Hunting terrorists is not an easy business

Your options are:

1. Boots on the ground and engaging in random battles in populated areas

2. Bombing attacks in populated areas killing all those around the terrorist target

3. Drone attacks where you can select your time and place of hitting your target

Which do you prefer?
According to Obama:
- The war on terror has been over for at least 4 years
- The US will not and has not put boots on the ground to fight a non-existent war
- 'If you still like your plan you can still keep it...'

Show me where Obama ever said the war on terror was over

I can't wait for your reply
Obama never said 'War on Terror is over'...prove it...'I can't wait for your response'.


"The "Global War on Terror" is over, President Barack Obama announced Thursday, saying the military and intelligence agencies will not wage war against a tactic but will instead focus on a specific group of networks determined to destroy the U.S."


You're welcome.

Oh, and...suck it.

Your link says page not found

At best, what our President is saying is that the war against a tactic is over but the war against those using the tactic is ongoing

Islam kills civilians on purpose, USA unfortunately kills some. The point is the leftist puke spent 5 years camped out in Crawford but now gone mute. At least GWB had congress vote. BHO ~5 wars, no approval but the left loonies silent?
If you knew how the drone tracks targets you wouldn't blame Obama.
What else expected from bufoons that say "global warming cause terrorism" or something like that. ISIS is on the run (yep, running into USA). BHO only allowed some recent strikes because Putin showed his pansy butt up, made him look silly. 6-7 years in now BHO cares? Huh? All the Christians sre dead, girls raped, sheilds.
Islam kills civilians on purpose, USA unfortunately kills some. The point is the leftist puke spent 5 years camped out in Crawford but now gone mute. At least GWB had congress vote. BHO ~5 wars, no approval but the left loonies silent?
If you knew how the drone tracks targets you wouldn't blame Obama.

I don't blame BHO. ISIS should be taken out by some army? Feel sorry for Christian shields, innocent kids trspped by these animals.

The thread got started, then accused OP of hypocrisy. Ridiculous.
Humiliating 'Red Line'

Tried to blame the world.

Supplied, armed, funded, trained, & protected ISIS

Allowed ISIS to freely waltz into Iraq and begin taking over much of the territory our military liberated at great cost

Dragged the country into the middle of a civil war between a dictator and the terrorists he armed

Ran his own personal drone assassination program

116 innocent civilians murdered by that program as a result of Obama trying to make up for his Syrian Red Line mess

And it's all good....because he is a liberal with a Nobel Peace Prize...

1. Obama slap Putin with crippling economic sanctions. Install missile defense system ( EIS) in Poland right in Putin ass. June 6/16 military exercise in Poland with over 31k soldiers participated right next to Putin ass. Obama is not a pussy after all. That red line BS is obsolete.
2. Putin continue to murder civilians by the thousands in Syria. And yet disgusting people like you never mentioned anything.
But here you are trashing your own president. You are not an American.
3. Do you have a proof that Obama purposely killed 116 civilians? I'm waiting.
I can't believe the crocodile tears from the right over this. Obama kills 116 by drone, Ronnie Raygun kills 241 Marines out of incompetence and you people were silent. George Bush killed over 500,000 Iraqis and you got your panties in a twist over 116. You people need to start taking Prozac.
So it's ok to kill civilians when a liberal does it...got it.
You cheer when Pootin does it...
You lie...go figure.

From Sept. 2015 to Feb. 2016 Putin thugs purposely murdered 2,000 civilians in Syria. Attacking schools and hospitals.

Russian airstrikes in Syria killed 2,000 civilians in six months

Russian airstrikes in Syria have killed about 2,000 civilians in six months of attacks on markets, hospitals, schools and homes, rights groups and observers say, warning that plans for a military drawdown may not mean an end to the deaths.
Moscow has insisted it carried out only surgical strikes on “terrorists”, but victims and fighters say bombers strayed well behind frontlines in areas far from strongholds of Islamic State or al-Qaida fighters.

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Jets appear to have intentionally bombed civilian areas, in a campaign to spread fear and clear areas where government ground troops were planning to advance. Coalition airstrikes led by the US have also killed civilians, but have stricter rules of engagement.

“Any strategic benefits of Russia’s intervention have come at a bloody cost to civilians, with all local casualty recorders in agreement that 2,000 or more non-combatants have died,” said Chris Woods, director of monitoring organisation Airwars which collects and evaluates casualty reports.
“Thousands more opposition fighters have also died, in a Russian campaign which has outstripped the coalition both in terms of tempo and aggressiveness,” Woods said.
What a waste of a Nobel Peace Prize and the credibility of the entire award....
He dragged the nation into the middle of a Syrian civil war - on his own - between another dictator and another set of terrorists to ally himself - again- with terrorists...Obama has also been waging his own personal drone war....

The results are in: Add another 116 dead to Obama's body count...all civilians.

Since this is as an UN-sanctioned war, could this make Obama a 'War Criminal'?

In the immortal words of Hillary Clinton, "What difference does it make?!" In the end, Obama's war has killed 116 civilians...

US: Up to 116 civilians killed in drone, other air attacks | Fox News

Obama's wars have killed FAR more than 116 civilians .. but did you have the same criticisms of Bush and his drone wars?
He dragged the nation into the middle of a Syrian civil war - on his own - between another dictator and another set of terrorists to ally himself - again- with terrorists...Obama has also been waging his own personal drone war....

The results are in: Add another 116 dead to Obama's body count...all civilians.

Since this is as an UN-sanctioned war, could this make Obama a 'War Criminal'?

In the immortal words of Hillary Clinton, "What difference does it make?!" In the end, Obama's war has killed 116 civilians...

US: Up to 116 civilians killed in drone, other air attacks | Fox News

Obama's wars have killed FAR more than 116 civilians .. but did you have the same criticisms of Bush and his drone wars?
I thought Bush's drone wars were a good idea

I thought invading Iraq was a mistake as soon as it was conceived

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