Obama - Mass Murderer: 116 civilians dead in Obama Drone/air strikes

Drag in civilians and then use the casualties as a outrage to fuel their propaganda for their idiotic war against the west. Islam isn't the victim here, truth is.

That sounds like our republican party. Wait a minute. Are you saying our republican party acts like terrorists?
He dragged the nation into the middle of a Syrian civil war - on his own - between another dictator and another set of terrorists to ally himself - again- with terrorists...Obama has also been waging his own personal drone war....

The results are in: Add another 116 dead to Obama's body count...all civilians.

Since this is as an UN-sanctioned war, could this make Obama a 'War Criminal'?

In the immortal words of Hillary Clinton, "What difference does it make?!" In the end, Obama's war has killed 116 civilians...

US: Up to 116 civilians killed in drone, other air attacks | Fox News

So you want us to withdraw from the war with ISIS. Okay.
The 'War on Terror' is over....oh, you mean Obama's own personal un-sanctioned war in Syria....

Oh you mean Trump's own personal un-sanctioned war in Syria?

Just pointing out that Trump's collateral damage has included civilians in Syria- when the Tomahawk's hit- and Yemen- and now Somalia where Trump even rolled back
the rules to limit civilian casualties
Donald Trump rolls back rules used to prevent civilian casualties from US air strikes in Somalia

How many civilians have Trump's wars killed now?

How many more before Easy calls Trump a mass murderer too?

Answer- there are not enough citizens in the world for Trump to kill before easy would call Trump a mass murderer.
Offhand, I would say that Obama is directly and indirectly responsible for the deaths of hundreds of thousands of people, the destruction of trillions of dollars of lost property, the decimation of countless irreplaceable ancient artifacts and religious sites in the Middle East and so much more, by his actions and indifference is putting his personal political aims ahead of all else! Some people might think he ought to be made to atone for all that. I know it would keep me up awake at night! But then, what can you expect from a guy who really loved a white girl but threw her aside and married a black girl instead because it looked better on his political curriculum vitae?

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