Obama - Mass Murderer: 116 civilians dead in Obama Drone/air strikes

So it's ok to kill civilians when a liberal does it...got it.
It's OK for collateral damage if the target is of high value.
We can't demand that our soldiers hands be untied with the same breath we bitch about casualties of war.

Stop being a hypocrite
What soldiers? We're talking about Obama's own personal drone assassination program.

Hypocrite? This coming from the libs who criticized others for the same thing?! LOL
I am not a liberal you stupid fuck. And calling me such does not excuse your BLATANT hypocrisy. Fuck em.....kill them all. You want to hang around known terrorists? Welcome to your pine box motherfucker.

Fucking hack, you give my party a bad name.
Sorry, you're acting like a lib.

I'm not a member of your party.

And you really are obsessed with that word, huh? :p
I am obsessed with cock suckers like you who play keyboard commando from the safety of your home. You can't have it both ways jackass. Call me a liberal to my face with the intent to demean me and I'd knock your fucking teeth out.

Man up and admit this thread is stupid & you are just being a partisan douche
He dragged the nation into the middle of a Syrian civil war - on his own - between another dictator and another set of terrorists to ally himself - again- with terrorists...Obama has also been waging his own personal drone war....

The results are in: Add another 116 dead to Obama's body count...all civilians.

Since this is as an UN-sanctioned war, could this make Obama a 'War Criminal'?

In the immortal words of Hillary Clinton, "What difference does it make?!" In the end, Obama's war has killed 116 civilians...

US: Up to 116 civilians killed in drone, other air attacks | Fox News
Barry only cares about politics of control...
He dragged the nation into the middle of a Syrian civil war - on his own - between another dictator and another set of terrorists to ally himself - again- with terrorists...Obama has also been waging his own personal drone war....

The results are in: Add another 116 dead to Obama's body count...all civilians.

Since this is as an UN-sanctioned war, could this make Obama a 'War Criminal'?

In the immortal words of Hillary Clinton, "What difference does it make?!" In the end, Obama's war has killed 116 civilians...

US: Up to 116 civilians killed in drone, other air attacks | Fox News

Your dementia is very entertaining.

Last November, you said this:

"Obama is refusing to let American pilots, and allied pilots, bomb critical targets because they might kill one or two civilians...while allowing ISIS to kill more than 150 and would almost as many more.

War is NOT pretty - it is ugly. Innocent people die in war, and sometimes it is more important to take out a target with the least amount of civilian casualties as possible to prevent the slaughter of dozens / hundreds. If the Commander and Chief is too squeamish to run a war, to do what must be done in war maybe he needs to step down. Even if he doesn't step down he should at least GET THE HELL OUT OF THE WAY."

Obama Mocks 'Fear of Widows and Orphans'

Classic ODS. Attack Obama for not doing something (so you claimed) then attack him for doing it.

You are an excellent example of why conservatism is dead.

you didn't think the lazy unemployed troll has any integrity, did you?

I've never understood the point of trolling, especially in such an ignorant manner.
He dragged the nation into the middle of a Syrian civil war - on his own - between another dictator and another set of terrorists to ally himself - again- with terrorists...Obama has also been waging his own personal drone war....

The results are in: Add another 116 dead to Obama's body count...all civilians.

Since this is as an UN-sanctioned war, could this make Obama a 'War Criminal'?

In the immortal words of Hillary Clinton, "What difference does it make?!" In the end, Obama's war has killed 116 civilians...

US: Up to 116 civilians killed in drone, other air attacks | Fox News
Barry only cares about politics of control...

...and golf.
He dragged the nation into the middle of a Syrian civil war - on his own - between another dictator and another set of terrorists to ally himself - again- with terrorists...Obama has also been waging his own personal drone war....

The results are in: Add another 116 dead to Obama's body count...all civilians.

Since this is as an UN-sanctioned war, could this make Obama a 'War Criminal'?

In the immortal words of Hillary Clinton, "What difference does it make?!" In the end, Obama's war has killed 116 civilians...

US: Up to 116 civilians killed in drone, other air attacks | Fox News

So you want us to withdraw from the war with ISIS. Okay.
The 'War on Terror' is over....oh, you mean Obama's own personal un-sanctioned war in Syria....
You are a worthless, unAmerican piece of shit.
Wow, that would really hurt if I gave a damn what you thought.

Then why are you crying?
He dragged the nation into the middle of a Syrian civil war - on his own - between another dictator and another set of terrorists to ally himself - again- with terrorists...Obama has also been waging his own personal drone war....

The results are in: Add another 116 dead to Obama's body count...all civilians.

Since this is as an UN-sanctioned war, could this make Obama a 'War Criminal'?

In the immortal words of Hillary Clinton, "What difference does it make?!" In the end, Obama's war has killed 116 civilians...

US: Up to 116 civilians killed in drone, other air attacks | Fox News

Your dementia is very entertaining.

Last November, you said this:

"Obama is refusing to let American pilots, and allied pilots, bomb critical targets because they might kill one or two civilians...while allowing ISIS to kill more than 150 and would almost as many more.

War is NOT pretty - it is ugly. Innocent people die in war, and sometimes it is more important to take out a target with the least amount of civilian casualties as possible to prevent the slaughter of dozens / hundreds. If the Commander and Chief is too squeamish to run a war, to do what must be done in war maybe he needs to step down. Even if he doesn't step down he should at least GET THE HELL OUT OF THE WAY."

Obama Mocks 'Fear of Widows and Orphans'

Classic ODS. Attack Obama for not doing something (so you claimed) then attack him for doing it.

You are an excellent example of why conservatism is dead.

you didn't think the lazy unemployed troll has any integrity, did you?

I've never understood the point of trolling, especially in such an ignorant manner.

he seems to have it down to science. all day long....every day.

i'd feel badly for him if he wasn't such a loser.
He dragged the nation into the middle of a Syrian civil war - on his own - between another dictator and another set of terrorists to ally himself - again- with terrorists...Obama has also been waging his own personal drone war....

The results are in: Add another 116 dead to Obama's body count...all civilians.

Since this is as an UN-sanctioned war, could this make Obama a 'War Criminal'?

In the immortal words of Hillary Clinton, "What difference does it make?!" In the end, Obama's war has killed 116 civilians...

US: Up to 116 civilians killed in drone, other air attacks | Fox News

So you want us to withdraw from the war with ISIS. Okay.
The 'War on Terror' is over....oh, you mean Obama's own personal un-sanctioned war in Syria....
You are a worthless, unAmerican piece of shit.
Wow, that would really hurt if I gave a damn what you thought.

Then why are you crying?
He dragged the nation into the middle of a Syrian civil war - on his own - between another dictator and another set of terrorists to ally himself - again- with terrorists...Obama has also been waging his own personal drone war....

The results are in: Add another 116 dead to Obama's body count...all civilians.

Since this is as an UN-sanctioned war, could this make Obama a 'War Criminal'?

In the immortal words of Hillary Clinton, "What difference does it make?!" In the end, Obama's war has killed 116 civilians...

US: Up to 116 civilians killed in drone, other air attacks | Fox News

Your dementia is very entertaining.

Last November, you said this:

"Obama is refusing to let American pilots, and allied pilots, bomb critical targets because they might kill one or two civilians...while allowing ISIS to kill more than 150 and would almost as many more.

War is NOT pretty - it is ugly. Innocent people die in war, and sometimes it is more important to take out a target with the least amount of civilian casualties as possible to prevent the slaughter of dozens / hundreds. If the Commander and Chief is too squeamish to run a war, to do what must be done in war maybe he needs to step down. Even if he doesn't step down he should at least GET THE HELL OUT OF THE WAY."

Obama Mocks 'Fear of Widows and Orphans'

Classic ODS. Attack Obama for not doing something (so you claimed) then attack him for doing it.

You are an excellent example of why conservatism is dead.

you didn't think the lazy unemployed troll has any integrity, did you?

I've never understood the point of trolling, especially in such an ignorant manner.

I support giving known Trolls their own section, a section that only they can post in and where they stay and aren't allowed to post outside of their Troll section, the majority don't want them repeatedly crapping in threads and being a general disruption.

Most of them are of minimal intelligence anyhow, or they wouldn't be Trolls.
Humiliating 'Red Line'

Tried to blame the world.

Supplied, armed, funded, trained, & protected ISIS

Allowed ISIS to freely waltz into Iraq and begin taking over much of the territory our military liberated at great cost

Dragged the country into the middle of a civil war between a dictator and the terrorists he armed

Ran his own personal drone assassination program

116 innocent civilians murdered by that program as a result of Obama trying to make up for his Syrian Red Line mess

And it's all good....because he is a liberal with a Nobel Peace Prize...
I would have thought it was more

Bush's "shock and awe" bombings killed more
Napalm attacks in Vietnam killed tens of thousands of civilians

Drone attacks are relatively efficient
He dragged the nation into the middle of a Syrian civil war - on his own - between another dictator and another set of terrorists to ally himself - again- with terrorists...Obama has also been waging his own personal drone war....

The results are in: Add another 116 dead to Obama's body count...all civilians.

Since this is as an UN-sanctioned war, could this make Obama a 'War Criminal'?

In the immortal words of Hillary Clinton, "What difference does it make?!" In the end, Obama's war has killed 116 civilians...

US: Up to 116 civilians killed in drone, other air attacks | Fox News

So you want us to withdraw from the war with ISIS. Okay.
The 'War on Terror' is over....oh, you mean Obama's own personal un-sanctioned war in Syria....
You are a worthless, unAmerican piece of shit.
Wow, that would really hurt if I gave a damn what you thought.

Then why are you crying?
:wtf: Dude, what are you - 6? Grow up...and get help.
I would have thought it was more

Bush's "shock and awe" bombings killed more
Napalm attacks in Vietnam killed tens of thousands of civilians

Drone attacks are relatively efficient
So killing civilians is ok when a liberal does it...got it.
I would have thought it was more

Bush's "shock and awe" bombings killed more
Napalm attacks in Vietnam killed tens of thousands of civilians

Drone attacks are relatively efficient

Perhaps the lesson is to stop interfering in other nations and let them deal with their own crap themselves?
He dragged the nation into the middle of a Syrian civil war - on his own - between another dictator and another set of terrorists to ally himself - again- with terrorists...Obama has also been waging his own personal drone war....

The results are in: Add another 116 dead to Obama's body count...all civilians.

Since this is as an UN-sanctioned war, could this make Obama a 'War Criminal'?

In the immortal words of Hillary Clinton, "What difference does it make?!" In the end, Obama's war has killed 116 civilians...

US: Up to 116 civilians killed in drone, other air attacks | Fox News

Your dementia is very entertaining.

Last November, you said this:

"Obama is refusing to let American pilots, and allied pilots, bomb critical targets because they might kill one or two civilians...while allowing ISIS to kill more than 150 and would almost as many more.

War is NOT pretty - it is ugly. Innocent people die in war, and sometimes it is more important to take out a target with the least amount of civilian casualties as possible to prevent the slaughter of dozens / hundreds. If the Commander and Chief is too squeamish to run a war, to do what must be done in war maybe he needs to step down. Even if he doesn't step down he should at least GET THE HELL OUT OF THE WAY."

Obama Mocks 'Fear of Widows and Orphans'

Classic ODS. Attack Obama for not doing something (so you claimed) then attack him for doing it.

You are an excellent example of why conservatism is dead.

you didn't think the lazy unemployed troll has any integrity, did you?

I've never understood the point of trolling, especially in such an ignorant manner.

he seems to have it down to science. all day long....every day.

i'd feel badly for him if he wasn't such a loser.

The only hobby worth having even if you're bad at it is golf.
So you want us to withdraw from the war with ISIS. Okay.
The 'War on Terror' is over....oh, you mean Obama's own personal un-sanctioned war in Syria....
You are a worthless, unAmerican piece of shit.
Wow, that would really hurt if I gave a damn what you thought.

Then why are you crying?
:wtf: Dude, what are you - 6? Grow up...and get help.

Respond to your quote I posted from November if you want to be an adult.
I would have thought it was more

Bush's "shock and awe" bombings killed more
Napalm attacks in Vietnam killed tens of thousands of civilians

Drone attacks are relatively efficient
So killing civilians is ok when a liberal does it...got it.

Hunting terrorists is not an easy business

Your options are:

1. Boots on the ground and engaging in random battles in populated areas

2. Bombing attacks in populated areas killing all those around the terrorist target

3. Drone attacks where you can select your time and place of hitting your target

Which do you prefer?
I saw no mention of the at least two Americans killed by drone, one of them being a very innocent 16 year old.

Obama claims US drones strikes have killed up to 116 civilians

Rafiq ur-Rehman, whose mother was killed and children seriously injured by a 2012 drone strike in Pakistan, told the Guardian this year: “In my opinion, America treats us worse than animals.”

Faheem Qureshi, who at 14 years old survived Obama’s very first drone strike in January 2009, told the Guardian: “If there is a list of tyrants in the world, to me, Obama will be put on that list by his drone program.”
I would have thought it was more

Bush's "shock and awe" bombings killed more
Napalm attacks in Vietnam killed tens of thousands of civilians

Drone attacks are relatively efficient
So killing civilians is ok when a liberal does it...got it.

Hunting terrorists is not an easy business

Your options are:

1. Boots on the ground and engaging in random battles in populated areas

2. Bombing attacks in populated areas killing all those around the terrorist target

3. Drone attacks where you can select your time and place of hitting your target

Which do you prefer?
According to Obama:
- The war on terror has been over for at least 4 years
- The US will not and has not put boots on the ground to fight a non-existent war
- 'If you still like your plan you can still keep it...'

I would have thought it was more

Bush's "shock and awe" bombings killed more
Napalm attacks in Vietnam killed tens of thousands of civilians

Drone attacks are relatively efficient
So killing civilians is ok when a liberal does it...got it.

Hunting terrorists is not an easy business

Your options are:

1. Boots on the ground and engaging in random battles in populated areas

2. Bombing attacks in populated areas killing all those around the terrorist target

3. Drone attacks where you can select your time and place of hitting your target

Which do you prefer?
According to Obama:
- The war on terror has been over for at least 4 years
- The US will not and has not put boots on the ground to fight a non-existent war
- 'If you still like your plan you can still keep it...'

Show me where Obama ever said the war on terror was over

I can't wait for your reply
Trump advocates killing terrorists family members......good

Some collateral damage happens in drone strikes.....bad

WTF wormhole did I fall into?

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