Obama Meeting With Billionare Capitalists To Map Out Post Presidency

We'll be shocked to see how much this loser SOAKED us taxpayers for either his personal pleasures, his party's fundraising, and lets not forget how we put out to keep their live in babysitter his mother-in-law. They broke the mold in taking ADVANTAGE of the privileges they were given.
We'll be shocked to see how much this loser SOAKED us taxpayers for either his personal pleasures, his parties fundraising, and lets not forget how we put out to keep their live in babysitter his mother-in-law.
And you would complain about all the presidents that had people that stayed during their time in the White House?
How dare dat black man have a library all to himself, why that is down right stingy....

I totally agree. How dare that black man have a presidential library. Why does every person who is president get a presidential library.
Wow. Obama must be the first President in history to raise money for a Presidential library. What an ego!

Oh, wait...

Wow the right wing is totally against Billionaires donating money. You can tell by their feverish support for Citizens United!
Wow. Obama must be the first President in history to raise money for a Presidential library. What an ego!

Oh, wait...

Wow the right wing is totally against Billionaires donating money. You can tell by their feverish support for Citizens United!
But.....but.....but the rich don't pay their fair share.

They're greedy
They're evil
They're always trying to rip us off
They're always keeping the brother down
Capitalism is evil.......unless you need someone to donate to your library.. ..
Wow. Obama must be the first President in history to raise money for a Presidential library. What an ego!

Oh, wait...

Wow the right wing is totally against Billionaires donating money. You can tell by their feverish support for Citizens United!
But.....but.....but the rich don't pay their fair share.

They're greedy
They're evil
They're always trying to rip us off
They're always keeping the brother down
Capitalism is evil.......unless you need someone to donate to your library.. ..

Is there a point you'd like to make here?
Pictures to be on display in Obama's library:




Wow. Obama must be the first President in history to raise money for a Presidential library. What an ego!

Oh, wait...

Wow the right wing is totally against Billionaires donating money. You can tell by their feverish support for Citizens United!
But.....but.....but the rich don't pay their fair share.

They're greedy
They're evil
They're always trying to rip us off
They're always keeping the brother down
Capitalism is evil.......unless you need someone to donate to your library.. ..

Is there a point you'd like to make here?
How do you spell hypocrisy ....
We'll be shocked to see how much this loser SOAKED us taxpayers for either his personal pleasures, his parties fundraising, and lets not forget how we put out to keep their live in babysitter his mother-in-law.
And you would complain about all the presidents that had people that stayed during their time in the White House?

Not me. I actually don't have a problem with the President having some perks.

But soaking the tax payer...... How about that national debt that went from $10 Trillion to $18 Trillion....? Let's follow the left-wing foot steps of Greece. It worked for them!.
Next you'll be complaining that Obama's not a morning person.:drills:

News flash. Obama has no problem with people bring rich. He just wants to tax them a little bit more. Don't worry. Those poor rich people would be OK. :itsok:

What has he done for the small business entrepreneur?
There comes a time when you've made enough money.....unless you're willing to donate $millions to my library.

Obama is out there begging for money on our dime.

What incentive do you think Obama is offering these capitalists to get his state of the art presidential library, projected to cost at least a billion dollars?

With High-Profile Help Obama Plots Life After Presidency

WASHINGTON — The dinner in the private upstairs dining room of the White House went so late that Reid Hoffman, the LinkedIn billionaire, finally suggested around midnight that President Obama might like to go to bed.

“Feel free to kick us out,” Mr. Hoffman recalled telling the president.

But Mr. Obama was just getting started. “I’ll kick you out when it’s time,” he replied. He then lingered with his wife, Michelle, and their 13 guests — among them the novelist Toni Morrison, the hedge fund manager Marc Lasry and the Silicon Valley venture capitalist John Doerr — well past 2 a.m.

Mr. Obama “seemed incredibly relaxed,” said another guest, the writer Malcolm Gladwell. He recalled how the group, which also included the actress Eva Longoria and Vinod Khosla, a founder of Sun Microsystems, tossed out ideas about what Mr. Obama should do after he leaves the White House.

“Where we’ll end up, I don’t know yet,” said Marty Nesbitt, the president’s longtime Chicago friend who is leading an extensive planning effort for Mr. Obama’s library and an anticipated global foundation.

Publicly, Mr. Obama betrays little urgency about his future. Privately, he is preparing for his postpresidency with the same fierce discipline and fund-raising ambition that characterized the 2008 campaign that got him to the White House.​

The Obamas are going to howl like Georgia when they find their influence peddling only pays 3/5 of what the Clintons have been getting.
Wow. Obama must be the first President in history to raise money for a Presidential library. What an ego!

Oh, wait...

While claiming to be against the rich, and for the average working man..... Oh, wait....

Obama has never claimed to be against the rich.
The rich engineered his election.

He is the clean articulate Negro that ran the country so the rich could clean up.

Top 10% has prospered, the rest of us have not.

Just as planned.
Next you'll be complaining that Obama's not a morning person.:drills:

News flash. Obama has no problem with people bring rich. He just wants to tax them a little bit more. Don't worry. Those poor rich people would be OK. :itsok:
That's pure rhetoric.

The people Obama has been taxing more is us.....the Middle-Class.

Obama is friends with the rich. He's made alot of them much richer and alot of us alot poorer.

Obama talks about strengthening the Middle-Class......so if lowering the job-participation rate so that 62% of all working age adults aren't working, 93 million of us are considered living in poverty, 43 million are collecting food-stamps, and the divide between the rich and the poor is still growing wider is strengthening the Middle-Class....then he's living in an alternative universe.

At the same time he's letting in millions of poor illegals driving wages down and health care costs up.....and you dipshits feel that he should be spending long hours in the Whitehouse meeting with billionaires so he can build the centerpiece of his legacy so millions of folks can file in and remember all of the wonderful things he did for us.

That's what this thread is about.

I can name several ways Obama has screwed me personally. Can you name anything that he's personally done to help you?
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