Obama: ‘most Democratic Voters Not Aware There’s An Election On November 4′

They can have plans to do whatever they like but since they dont have the capability their "plans" are "dreams". If you fear them coming to the US then I'm sorry for you...I dont for obvious reasons.

I'm curious, Closed...are the ISIS mortar shells falling on the Green Zone in Iraq today a "dream" as well?

No what I said was their plans to come to America is a dream. I didnt even mention the green zone. Can we talk about what I'm actually telling you or are you going to "translate" every post into what you think I'm saying?

You are labeling ISIS as incapable, Closed...when in reality they are proving themselves to be RATHER capable. So when are you going to start dealing with what reality consists of instead of what you'd like it to consist of?

For fucks sake...What I say and what you think I say are two diff things.

YES I said they are not capable.....OF ATTACKING AMERICA. Not they arent capable to bombing a green zone or making baked ziti.

Once you understand what capability I am referring to (see above or see right here: Attacking America) then maybe we can talk but you cant.


So what you're saying is that we can "sacrifice" the Middle East to ISIS because even if they take the ME over...they aren't attacking America and therefore we shouldn't concern ourselves? Does that pretty much sum up the gist of your take on things?

Jesus christ. You cons have a hearing, reading or a reality problem.

Bush = 9/11
Obama = No 9/11

Obama wins.

You need to grow a brain.

He said what he said, you can kiss his butt all day long...it's cool. But I take him at his word on this...unaware dumb democrats need to be made to understand an election is coming up and vote democrat.

You putting words in my mouth to justify your slant is weak, and definitely not the game someone who doesn't care plays.

Oh, the nostalgia, it's like being back at high school again.

I'm curious, Closed...are the ISIS mortar shells falling on the Green Zone in Iraq today a "dream" as well?

No what I said was their plans to come to America is a dream. I didnt even mention the green zone. Can we talk about what I'm actually telling you or are you going to "translate" every post into what you think I'm saying?

You are labeling ISIS as incapable, Closed...when in reality they are proving themselves to be RATHER capable. So when are you going to start dealing with what reality consists of instead of what you'd like it to consist of?

For fucks sake...What I say and what you think I say are two diff things.

YES I said they are not capable.....OF ATTACKING AMERICA. Not they arent capable to bombing a green zone or making baked ziti.

Once you understand what capability I am referring to (see above or see right here: Attacking America) then maybe we can talk but you cant.


So what you're saying is that we can "sacrifice" the Middle East to ISIS because even if they take the ME over...they aren't attacking America and therefore we shouldn't concern ourselves? Does that pretty much sum up the gist of your take on things?

Jesus christ. You cons have a hearing, reading or a reality problem.

Bush = 9/11
Obama = No 9/11

Obama wins.


Who has a "reality problem", Closed? Bush didn't pretend 9/11 didn't happen. He didn't call it an attack by the "JV". He recognized Al Queda for the threat that it was and he took action.

Now compare THAT to what Barack Obama has done with ISIS over the past year! Despite constant warnings from his intelligence agencies that ISIS was a growing threat in Iraq, Barry pulled out all US troops from Iraq, then watched as ISIS marched across open desert where they were completely exposed to air strikes and took one Iraqi city after another.

How is THAT a "win" for Barack Obama? Even in the simplistic way that you appear to view reality...how can THAT not be a HUGE LOSS for Barack Obama in every way possible?

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