Obama: ‘most Democratic Voters Not Aware There’s An Election On November 4′

That may be because some blue states vote months in advance of Nov 4th...
They get a couple of weekends....
And they are always complaining about one thing or another.
That may be because some blue states vote months in advance of Nov 4th...
They get a couple of weekends....
And they are always complaining about one thing or another.

That was some really lovely stupity.

The very earliest anyone can vote is in the states of Minnesota and Vermont (46/45 days before the election), Wyoming (40 days before the election), New York (32 days before the election, but only with an excuse) ,Indiana and Ohio (29 days before election day) and Arizona (26 days before election day). And then there is Nebraska (21 days) and Kansas and Tennessee (20 days before).

However, the rules in Idaho, Maine and Massachusetts, Montana and South Carolina, say that you can vote as soon as the ballots have been printed.

So, let's look at that. Not one single state has voting 2 months before the election. Just in case you are weak in math, 46 days is NOT two months. There are ten states that officially allow early voting from 21 days to 46 days before the election and 6 of those 10 states are very red states, 3 are blue states and one is a swing-state.

Of the five states that simply say "as soon as the ballots are printed", 3 of the 5 states are RED states, 2 are blue states.

Early voting - Ballotpedia

Enjoy your heaping portion of humble pie.
So you DO think that ISIS has no designs on killing Americans where ever they can? Now THAT is amusing, Closed.

They can have plans to do whatever they like but since they dont have the capability their "plans" are "dreams". If you fear them coming to the US then I'm sorry for you...I dont for obvious reasons.

I'm curious, Closed...are the ISIS mortar shells falling on the Green Zone in Iraq today a "dream" as well?

No what I said was their plans to come to America is a dream. I didnt even mention the green zone. Can we talk about what I'm actually telling you or are you going to "translate" every post into what you think I'm saying?

You are labeling ISIS as incapable, Closed...when in reality they are proving themselves to be RATHER capable. So when are you going to start dealing with what reality consists of instead of what you'd like it to consist of?

For fucks sake...What I say and what you think I say are two diff things.

YES I said they are not capable.....OF ATTACKING AMERICA. Not they arent capable to bombing a green zone or making baked ziti.

Once you understand what capability I am referring to (see above or see right here: Attacking America) then maybe we can talk but you cant.


So what you're saying is that we can "sacrifice" the Middle East to ISIS because even if they take the ME over...they aren't attacking America and therefore we shouldn't concern ourselves? Does that pretty much sum up the gist of your take on things?
ok, you all like being talked DOWN to and being kicked in the ass all at the same time. myself I find it pathetic he feels he needs to do this to his voters and. how becoming for OUR President isn't it?

US politics. One person says something, the other side slams them for saying it. Do you think people actually give a damn that the Republicans are laughing, yet again, at something the Democrats do? It's so old and childish and boring.

well write him a letter whining about it if you voted for him. I don't care how he talks down to you all. thankfully I didn't vote him...lol

I didn't vote for him, never voted for the ugly faces of the Republicans or Democrats. I prefer democracy, freedom and liberty than you very much.

whoa, get a grip. Not my problem you don't have a sense of humor
and unless you have a crystal ball you don't know who the hell I vote for.

Er... You complain I have no sense of humor, and then go off on a rant which, using your logic, suggests YOU don't have a sense of humor. Irony.
No, that's just conceited. Everyone who votes has their reason and it's not up to you to decide who's reasons are worthy.

As the pres. pointed out, too many in his group are too dumb to even know an election is coming up. If he can herd them, and they vote for his picks it's valid. He made it clear he is courting the stupid.

Er... I didn't say I needed to decide for them why they voted. I merely said, in my opinion, people who vote Democrat and Republican usually don't have a clue what they're voting for.

It's funny really, you've tried to turn this from both parties being the same, courting idiots who don't know what they're voting for, to just Democrats.I'm assuming you vote Republican and don't want to feel like you're voting for something you hardly know what you're voting for then.

Also, like I said, the president didn't say they were too dumb to know an elections was coming up, he used a polite way of basically getting people to realise it was coming up. How many people, even the clever people, forget dates, especially for mid-terms when people have a tendency of turning off.

2012 58.2 million voted Republican in the House and 59.6 voted Democrat in the House.
2010, no presidential election, 44.8 million voted Republican and 38.9 million Democrat. (40.9%)
2008, presidential election, 65.2 million voted Democrat and 52.2 million voted Republican.

So, you're looking at at least 8 million Republican voters who didn't bother (if we want to play childish games, lets say they just forgot) and 20 million Democrat voters. Okay, some will be swing voters. But either way, we can do this the adult way, or the childish way.

I'm guessing you'll go for the childish way.
ok, you all like being talked DOWN to and being kicked in the ass all at the same time. myself I find it pathetic he feels he needs to do this to his voters and. how becoming for OUR President isn't it?

US politics. One person says something, the other side slams them for saying it. Do you think people actually give a damn that the Republicans are laughing, yet again, at something the Democrats do? It's so old and childish and boring.

...and they really think that "voting" in "their" party will improve things...naive little partisans..

It's all political theater to keep the partisans fighting among themselves while the gvmt grows bigger and more corrupt.
Been going on for generations...the two party electoral system has completely broken down and is useless at this point.
Time to re set.

Yeah, though whenever I bring up PR (I like the German system, half PR and half FPTP) everyone sort of ignores it. Probably because they know the two sold out parties are so strong they'd never let it happen.
ok, you all like being talked DOWN to and being kicked in the ass all at the same time. myself I find it pathetic he feels he needs to do this to his voters and. how becoming for OUR President isn't it?

US politics. One person says something, the other side slams them for saying it. Do you think people actually give a damn that the Republicans are laughing, yet again, at something the Democrats do? It's so old and childish and boring.

...and they really think that "voting" in "their" party will improve things...naive little partisans..

It's all political theater to keep the partisans fighting among themselves while the gvmt grows bigger and more corrupt.
Been going on for generations...the two party electoral system has completely broken down and is useless at this point.
Time to re set.

Yeah, though whenever I bring up PR (I like the German system, half PR and half FPTP) everyone sort of ignores it. Probably because they know the two sold out parties are so strong they'd never let it happen.

I've been interested in proportional representation for a little while...
The system we have is two corrupt parties with the same agenda...with PR there would always be minority parties who would never attain power, but at least they could act as watchdogs on the majority parties to ensure they follow all the rules and laws.

america has become an ineptocracy and the only option left is to re set after the inevitable collapse.
Who's your daddy's!!!! my gawd save us from these intruders in our lives

Woah. Obama BOOED LOUDLY at Michigan State Game – Led By Student Section
Posted by Jim Hoft on Monday, October 6, 2014, 9:52 PM

Hope For America–
Michigan State University aired a sexual assault with Uncle Joe and Barack Obama PSA during the football game Saturday.
Now Barack and Hollywood elites are lecturing students at football games.

all of it with a video here:
Woah. Obama BOOED LOUDLY at Michigan State Game 8211 Led By Student Section The Gateway Pundit
Who's your daddy's!!!! my gawd save us from these intruders in our lives

Woah. Obama BOOED LOUDLY at Michigan State Game – Led By Student Section
Posted by Jim Hoft on Monday, October 6, 2014, 9:52 PM

Hope For America–
Michigan State University aired a sexual assault with Uncle Joe and Barack Obama PSA during the football game Saturday.
Now Barack and Hollywood elites are lecturing students at football games.

all of it with a video here:
Woah. Obama BOOED LOUDLY at Michigan State Game 8211 Led By Student Section The Gateway Pundit
Let's not loose focus here, the important thing is that State won that game. Mmmkay? :cheers2:
Who's your daddy's!!!! my gawd save us from these intruders in our lives

Woah. Obama BOOED LOUDLY at Michigan State Game – Led By Student Section
Posted by Jim Hoft on Monday, October 6, 2014, 9:52 PM

Hope For America–
Michigan State University aired a sexual assault with Uncle Joe and Barack Obama PSA during the football game Saturday.
Now Barack and Hollywood elites are lecturing students at football games.

all of it with a video here:
Woah. Obama BOOED LOUDLY at Michigan State Game 8211 Led By Student Section The Gateway Pundit
Let's not loose focus here, the important thing is that State won that game. Mmmkay? :cheers2:

We have people being beheaded, terrorist marching towards us, EBOLA has bee allowed to fester into our country and these elected asses has time make some freaky ad to interrupt their lives at ball game
Who's your daddy's!!!! my gawd save us from these intruders in our lives

Woah. Obama BOOED LOUDLY at Michigan State Game – Led By Student Section
Posted by Jim Hoft on Monday, October 6, 2014, 9:52 PM

Hope For America–
Michigan State University aired a sexual assault with Uncle Joe and Barack Obama PSA during the football game Saturday.
Now Barack and Hollywood elites are lecturing students at football games.

all of it with a video here:
Woah. Obama BOOED LOUDLY at Michigan State Game 8211 Led By Student Section The Gateway Pundit
Let's not loose focus here, the important thing is that State won that game. Mmmkay? :cheers2:

We have people being beheaded, terrorist marching towards us, EBOLA has bee allowed to fester into our country and these elected asses has time make some freaky ad to interrupt their lives at ball game
with obama EVERYTHING is about him. It's a mental defect.....delusions of grandeur.
Who's your daddy's!!!! my gawd save us from these intruders in our lives

Woah. Obama BOOED LOUDLY at Michigan State Game – Led By Student Section
Posted by Jim Hoft on Monday, October 6, 2014, 9:52 PM

Hope For America–
Michigan State University aired a sexual assault with Uncle Joe and Barack Obama PSA during the football game Saturday.
Now Barack and Hollywood elites are lecturing students at football games.

all of it with a video here:
Woah. Obama BOOED LOUDLY at Michigan State Game 8211 Led By Student Section The Gateway Pundit
Let's not loose focus here, the important thing is that State won that game. Mmmkay? :cheers2:

We have people being beheaded, terrorist marching towards us, EBOLA has bee allowed to fester into our country and these elected asses has time make some freaky ad to interrupt their lives at ball game
with obama EVERYTHING is about him. It's a mental defect.....delusions of grandeur.

I can't stand to see his face anymore or his wife's
If you are good little Democrats marching to the party you can receive a note from those Dear Obama's.... now on your knees and give them the money:puke:

Another Patronizing DNC Email: Michelle Obama Is So Proud Of Me!

And it doesn’t stop there, Mooch and Barack are also “so grateful” to have me with them!
Via DNC:
I am always in awe of how many of you are putting your heart and soul into helping Democratic candidates in your community. Barack and I are so grateful to have you with us, Drew.
There is nothing Barack enjoys more about being on the campaign trail than having a chance to make it clear just how grateful he is — and he will be doing just that next week in New York.
If you make a contribution of just $10 or whatever you can give to help Democrats, you’ll be automatically entered for a chance to join him there — so he can tell you in person, from both of us, how much we appreciate all the hard work you’re doing.
What you do in the next 29 days will make a difference, Drew — whatever the outcome on Election Day, I can promise you that everything you’re investing in these campaigns matters to me and Barack, and to all our outstanding Democratic candidates.
So keep up the good work, Drew — I’m proud of you. And I’ll say it one more time: Thank you.

all of it here:
Another Patronizing DNC Email Michelle Obama Is So Proud Of Me Weasel Zippers
Who's your daddy's!!!! my gawd save us from these intruders in our lives

Woah. Obama BOOED LOUDLY at Michigan State Game – Led By Student Section
Posted by Jim Hoft on Monday, October 6, 2014, 9:52 PM

Hope For America–
Michigan State University aired a sexual assault with Uncle Joe and Barack Obama PSA during the football game Saturday.
Now Barack and Hollywood elites are lecturing students at football games.

all of it with a video here:
Woah. Obama BOOED LOUDLY at Michigan State Game 8211 Led By Student Section The Gateway Pundit
Let's not loose focus here, the important thing is that State won that game. Mmmkay? :cheers2:

We have people being beheaded, terrorist marching towards us, EBOLA has bee allowed to fester into our country and these elected asses has time make some freaky ad to interrupt their lives at ball game
with obama EVERYTHING is about him. It's a mental defect.....delusions of grandeur.

I can't stand to see his face anymore or his wife's
. . . . and yet you make it your avatar? Strange. :eusa_think:
Who's your daddy's!!!! my gawd save us from these intruders in our lives

Woah. Obama BOOED LOUDLY at Michigan State Game – Led By Student Section
Posted by Jim Hoft on Monday, October 6, 2014, 9:52 PM

Hope For America–
Michigan State University aired a sexual assault with Uncle Joe and Barack Obama PSA during the football game Saturday.
Now Barack and Hollywood elites are lecturing students at football games.

all of it with a video here:
Woah. Obama BOOED LOUDLY at Michigan State Game 8211 Led By Student Section The Gateway Pundit
Let's not loose focus here, the important thing is that State won that game. Mmmkay? :cheers2:

We have people being beheaded, terrorist marching towards us, EBOLA has bee allowed to fester into our country and these elected asses has time make some freaky ad to interrupt their lives at ball game
with obama EVERYTHING is about him. It's a mental defect.....delusions of grandeur.

I can't stand to see his face anymore or his wife's
. . . . and yet you make it your avatar? Strange. :eusa_think:

I mean in real time. that avatar is fitting and people needs to see it
Who's your daddy's!!!! my gawd save us from these intruders in our lives

Woah. Obama BOOED LOUDLY at Michigan State Game – Led By Student Section
Posted by Jim Hoft on Monday, October 6, 2014, 9:52 PM

Hope For America–
Michigan State University aired a sexual assault with Uncle Joe and Barack Obama PSA during the football game Saturday.
Now Barack and Hollywood elites are lecturing students at football games.

all of it with a video here:
Woah. Obama BOOED LOUDLY at Michigan State Game 8211 Led By Student Section The Gateway Pundit
Let's not loose focus here, the important thing is that State won that game. Mmmkay? :cheers2:

We have people being beheaded, terrorist marching towards us, EBOLA has bee allowed to fester into our country and these elected asses has time make some freaky ad to interrupt their lives at ball game
with obama EVERYTHING is about him. It's a mental defect.....delusions of grandeur.

ALL presidents are that way.

Psychopathic Personality Traits Linked With U.S. Presidential Success, Psychologists Suggest

Psychopathic Personality Traits Linked With U.S. Presidential Success Psychologists Suggest

"Politicians are more likely than people in the general population to be sociopaths," clinical psychologist and author Dr. Martha Stout, who's not associated with the Emory study, told The Huffington Post for an earlier story. The terms sociopath and psychopath can be interchangeable in the mental health profession, she said.

He's probably just right up there with Nixon and LBJ on how bad he's got it.
No, that's just conceited. Everyone who votes has their reason and it's not up to you to decide who's reasons are worthy.

As the pres. pointed out, too many in his group are too dumb to even know an election is coming up. If he can herd them, and they vote for his picks it's valid. He made it clear he is courting the stupid.

Er... I didn't say I needed to decide for them why they voted. I merely said, in my opinion, people who vote Democrat and Republican usually don't have a clue what they're voting for.

It's funny really, you've tried to turn this from both parties being the same, courting idiots who don't know what they're voting for, to just Democrats.I'm assuming you vote Republican and don't want to feel like you're voting for something you hardly know what you're voting for then.

Also, like I said, the president didn't say they were too dumb to know an elections was coming up, he used a polite way of basically getting people to realise it was coming up. How many people, even the clever people, forget dates, especially for mid-terms when people have a tendency of turning off.

2012 58.2 million voted Republican in the House and 59.6 voted Democrat in the House.
2010, no presidential election, 44.8 million voted Republican and 38.9 million Democrat. (40.9%)
2008, presidential election, 65.2 million voted Democrat and 52.2 million voted Republican.

So, you're looking at at least 8 million Republican voters who didn't bother (if we want to play childish games, lets say they just forgot) and 20 million Democrat voters. Okay, some will be swing voters. But either way, we can do this the adult way, or the childish way.

I'm guessing you'll go for the childish way.
You still sound conceited

He pointed out correctly the base of his party are dumb and unaware. Not that they don't bother voting.

The tired old argument "it's both parties" is lame and in the context of this thread is pompous . The pres made the comment because he is not dumb when it comes to elections. Whites turn out at greater rates then minorities so he is pleading to his base based on simple math.

You constantly trying to convince us all that your an independent voter all the while giving cover to Obamas deliberate and fact based words and trying to actually pin those accusations on the right is what is childish.
I've been interested in proportional representation for a little while...
The system we have is two corrupt parties with the same agenda...with PR there would always be minority parties who would never attain power, but at least they could act as watchdogs on the majority parties to ensure they follow all the rules and laws.

america has become an ineptocracy and the only option left is to re set after the inevitable collapse.

The German system actually had smaller parties in junior govt.

Basically you have the CDU which is the equivalent of the Republicans and the SPD, the equivalent of the Democrats.

Then you had the CSU which is basically the Bavarian part of the CDU so doesn't count, plus the Greens, who often get into junior govt with the SPD and the FPD who, until recently, got into junior govt with the CDU/CSU.

So, these parties have to negotiate, and anything could make them fall, like an invasion of Iraq, etc.
You still sound conceited

Oh my heart bleeds.

He pointed out correctly the base of his party are dumb and unaware. Not that they don't bother voting.

The tired old argument "it's both parties" is lame and in the context of this thread is pompous . The pres made the comment because he is not dumb when it comes to elections. Whites turn out at greater rates then minorities so he is pleading to his base based on simple math.

You constantly trying to convince us all that your an independent voter all the while giving cover to Obamas deliberate and fact based words and trying to actually pin those accusations on the right is what is childish.

You're just trying to put this into the same political game. It's boring.

Trying to get people out to vote in an election where you can expect to see twenty million people not bother voting who would vote in a presidential year is hardly anything new, it's hardly ground breaking, it's hardly anything other than politics.

But hey, you really want it to be that he's calling the democrats stupid. Who the hell cares? You're going to play this game whether I respond to you or not, so go ahead, you just tell me why democrats are so damn stupid and republicans are the smartest people on the planet. And i'll just choose to put you down as another one of those people who just can't look at politics in a proper manner. I really don't care.
You still sound conceited

Oh my heart bleeds.

He pointed out correctly the base of his party are dumb and unaware. Not that they don't bother voting.

The tired old argument "it's both parties" is lame and in the context of this thread is pompous . The pres made the comment because he is not dumb when it comes to elections. Whites turn out at greater rates then minorities so he is pleading to his base based on simple math.

You constantly trying to convince us all that your an independent voter all the while giving cover to Obamas deliberate and fact based words and trying to actually pin those accusations on the right is what is childish.

You're just trying to put this into the same political game. It's boring.

Trying to get people out to vote in an election where you can expect to see twenty million people not bother voting who would vote in a presidential year is hardly anything new, it's hardly ground breaking, it's hardly anything other than politics.

But hey, you really want it to be that he's calling the democrats stupid. Who the hell cares? You're going to play this game whether I respond to you or not, so go ahead, you just tell me why democrats are so damn stupid and republicans are the smartest people on the planet. And i'll just choose to put you down as another one of those people who just can't look at politics in a proper manner. I really don't care.
You need to grow a brain.

He said what he said, you can kiss his butt all day long...it's cool. But I take him at his word on this...unaware dumb democrats need to be made to understand an election is coming up and vote democrat.

You putting words in my mouth to justify your slant is weak, and definitely not the game someone who doesn't care plays.

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