Obama: ‘most Democratic Voters Not Aware There’s An Election On November 4′

ok, you all like being talked DOWN to and being kicked in the ass all at the same time. myself I find it pathetic he feels he needs to do this to his voters and. how becoming for OUR President isn't it?

US politics. One person says something, the other side slams them for saying it. Do you think people actually give a damn that the Republicans are laughing, yet again, at something the Democrats do? It's so old and childish and boring.

well write him a letter whining about it if you voted for him. I don't care how he talks down to you all. thankfully I didn't vote him...lol

I didn't vote for him, never voted for the ugly faces of the Republicans or Democrats. I prefer democracy, freedom and liberty than you very much.
Anyone remember a time when at President at least pretended to REPRESENTED all the people in this country?

Well like everything with this man and his party that flew out the window. So go ahead vote in another one from this progressive/commie party you like being spit on
ok, you all like being talked DOWN to and being kicked in the ass all at the same time. myself I find it pathetic he feels he needs to do this to his voters and. how becoming for OUR President isn't it?

US politics. One person says something, the other side slams them for saying it. Do you think people actually give a damn that the Republicans are laughing, yet again, at something the Democrats do? It's so old and childish and boring.

well write him a letter whining about it if you voted for him. I don't care how he talks down to you all. thankfully I didn't vote him...lol

I didn't vote for him, never voted for the ugly faces of the Republicans or Democrats. I prefer democracy, freedom and liberty than you very much.

whoa, get a grip. Not my problem you don't have a sense of humor
and unless you have a crystal ball you don't know who the hell I vote for.
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Sounds like a polite way of kicking the Democratic Party up the ass and getting them to get more support than anything else.

Politely "kicking ass" of the idiots who only voted for a color or handouts.

So you agree, but can't quite bring yourself to fully admit it.

Well, seeing as most voters don't have a clue what they're voting for, then yes, but the same holds true for the Republicans. It's those who vote for third parties who have balls.
No, that's just conceited. Everyone who votes has their reason and it's not up to you to decide who's reasons are worthy.

As the pres. pointed out, too many in his group are too dumb to even know an election is coming up. If he can herd them, and they vote for his picks it's valid. He made it clear he is courting the stupid.
democRATS or democRATics.., you stupid fucks can not make up your mind(?) as to what to call yourselves, you even shed the RED of your party and stole the BLUE from the Republicans :up:

demoscum are the most despicable lot of humanity. :up:

I'm confused. At the 11th second, does he say, "obeying gun violence?" What exactly does that mean? How do you "Obey" gun violence? How does obeying gun violence affect democratic voters? :poke:

How many time do Republicans have to put up with threads that insinuate, "democrats" are smarter than "republicans."

If they are so smart, why don't they come out and vote? Why does the POTUS not even think they are aware there is an election?

This is rich.

I'm confused. At the 11th second, does he say, "obeying gun violence?" What exactly does that mean? How do you "Obey" gun violence? How does obeying gun violence affect democratic voters? :poke:

How many time do Republicans have to put up with threads that insinuate, "democrats" are smarter than "republicans."

If they are so smart, why don't they come out and vote? Why does the POTUS not even think they are aware there is an election?

This is rich.

He's a sloppy speaker, he said preventing gun violence.
ok, you all like being talked DOWN to and being kicked in the ass all at the same time. myself I find it pathetic he feels he needs to do this to his voters and. how becoming for OUR President isn't it?

US politics. One person says something, the other side slams them for saying it. Do you think people actually give a damn that the Republicans are laughing, yet again, at something the Democrats do? It's so old and childish and boring.

...and they really think that "voting" in "their" party will improve things...naive little partisans..

It's all political theater to keep the partisans fighting among themselves while the gvmt grows bigger and more corrupt.
Been going on for generations...the two party electoral system has completely broken down and is useless at this point.
Time to re set.

I'm confused. At the 11th second, does he say, "obeying gun violence?" What exactly does that mean? How do you "Obey" gun violence? How does obeying gun violence affect democratic voters? :poke:

How many time do Republicans have to put up with threads that insinuate, "democrats" are smarter than "republicans."

If they are so smart, why don't they come out and vote? Why does the POTUS not even think they are aware there is an election?

This is rich.

He's a sloppy speaker, he said preventing gun violence.

Is that what it was? I listened to it, like six times.

Maybe something subliminal going on there. Muahahahahahahah. . . . . :FIREdevil:

I'm confused. At the 11th second, does he say, "obeying gun violence?" What exactly does that mean? How do you "Obey" gun violence? How does obeying gun violence affect democratic voters? :poke:

How many time do Republicans have to put up with threads that insinuate, "democrats" are smarter than "republicans."

If they are so smart, why don't they come out and vote? Why does the POTUS not even think they are aware there is an election?

This is rich.

He actually said "ending gun violence" but what he meant was "disarming honest, taxpaying Americans." Could you imagine if a white President reminded white folks that they needed to get out and vote? Oh the horror.
Anyone remember a time when at President at least pretended to REPRESENTED all the people in this country?

Well like everything with this man and his party that flew out the window. So go ahead vote in another one from this progressive/commie party you like being spit on

Obama: President of the Democrats
This OP is just plain old sad.

It is a sad truth that the GOP base tends to be more loyal and more GOP supporters tend to come out and vote for mid-term elections. This indeed happens because a number of Democratic voters tend to not pay as good attention for mid-term elections as for presidential elections.

President Obama's choice of words was inelegant, but essentially he told the truth. I've been saying it pretty much all year long.

In fact, in my large mid-terms thread from January 14th, I clearly pointed out that mid-term elections are base elections, that in recent history, the GOP has the better GOTV and also that there is no correspondence between a mid-term and the next presidential election.

But only a Right Wing hack would write that he insulted Democratic voters.

Oh, wait, it's the Free Beacon, so that's a roger 10/4 on the Right Wing hack point.

But please, Stephanie, I suppose anything that you need to continue your therapy treatments.

My observation would be that a appallingly large percentage of the Democratic "base" are in reality low information voters that know that they are supposed to vote for the liberal candidate that MSNBC, Think Progress, The NY Times and CNN tells them is wonderful but couldn't care less about local politicians or issues and in fact knows little about them!

The GOP on the other hand tends to have voters that ARE involved with local politics, races and issues and they care about midterm elections almost as much as Presidential elections.

Obama is forced to snipe at Democrats in a "generic" way because let's face it...he's so toxic at this point that most Democrats don't want him anywhere NEAR their campaigns!
My observation would be that a appallingly large percentage of the Democratic "base" are in reality low information voters that know that they are supposed to vote for the liberal candidate that MSNBC, Think Progress, The NY Times and CNN tells them is wonderful but couldn't care less about local politicians or issues and in fact knows little about them!

Illustrated perfectly in a few threads and posts here by RW, CC regarding gas prices. They know it's not true he is to thank, but that doesn't stop them from posting it over and over as more LIV liberals run with it.
My observation would be that a appallingly large percentage of the Democratic "base" are in reality low information voters that know that they are supposed to vote for the liberal candidate that MSNBC, Think Progress, The NY Times and CNN tells them is wonderful but couldn't care less about local politicians or issues and in fact knows little about them!

Illustrated perfectly in a few threads and posts here by RW, CC regarding gas prices. They know it's not true he is to thank, but that doesn't stop them from posting it over and over as more LIV liberals run with it.

Obama's been claiming low energy prices as "his" accomplishment for years now when it's obvious to anyone with even a passing interest in energy policy that he's done his best to drive up the cost of energy.
“Under my plan … electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket.”

“If somebody wants to build a coal-fired power plant, they can. It’s just that it will bankrupt them,”

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