Obama: “Muslim-Americans Are As Patriotic, And American As Any Other Members Of The American Family”

Nobody knows. That's the problem. These people are NOT like us. They have a completely different culture and totally different beliefs when it comes to a lot of "secular" society rules.
I believe you have that opinion burdening you because you have led a sheltered life, have listened to too much propaganda, have never be in a working environment with people from very diverse backgrounds around the world, have very limited to no travel experience in other parts of the world and/or been immersed in other cultures to gain an understanding of that culture.

Of course there are very bad people in the world, or folks with simply different customs and perspectives in their home Nation/culture, BUT that is no reason to maintain a bunker mentality and live in fear and isolation with the rest of the herd!

So you're saying that when Bush got that Intel Memo that "Bin Laden intent on planning attacks on American soil" or when 43 terrorist groups and a couple Arab nations declare they are at war with you and 15 to 20% of the ARAB Muslim world agrees with that -- that everyone -- including Bush should have and should now -- ignore it?
Did I mention anything close to that anywhere in my post even approaching that stupid and uninformed conclusion you cobbled together from whole unwashed cloth? If I did, you quote the damn passage, fool! Don't even try to put words in my mouth or falsely attribute or deceitfully imply or infer "things" to which I did not put my hand.

The Aug 6, 2001 PDB among your other non sequitur idiocies, to which you are referring, had nothing to do whatsoever, with my post to another! Now that I have your measure, crawl back in your hole

You talked about propaganda and living in fear --- a bunker mentality. Are "declarations of WAR" and intentions to harm us "propaganda"?? There is NOTHING WRONG with Islam if it's practiced within the bounds of an open and tolerant society. But EVERY IMPORTATION that comes from these malignant cultures is to be inspected and analyzed. Right now -- we have Obama and Clinton wantonly setting goals by NUMBERS of refugees from an area that SHOULD have had safe zones set up there YEARS ago. It's a colossal humanitarian fuck-up. But Western societies CANNOT absorb large numbers of people from regressive violent and intolerant cultures in short periods of time. That is NOT just people IMAGING a threat. It IS a threat.

Has nothing to do with religion. Has to do with folks who were raised and mentally brutalized in totalitarian hell holes.

The cult and the culture go hand in hand when it comes to "totalitarian hell holes."
The Muslims have already negatively impacted every country they migrated to. Officials in countries who took in refugees are constantly reminding people to change their ways to avoid offending the inbred idiots. Woman are told to dress more conservatively. Muslims seem to think that the world should bow to their ways and there is hell to pay when they get pissed at infidels. Fuck them if they think they can go to countries and force people to change to their messed up ways.
Have you been approached by a muslin and asked to dress differently? ....... :cool:

I haven't and I want to nip this in the bud before it escalates to that, like what is happening in Europe. If you love Muslims and your religion, then go to the ME and be with them and live that lifestyle. I'll say it again, us FREE American women aren't going to tolerate it. We will fight back whenever you so much as THREATEN our freedoms that we fought for. You can take your claims of "bigotry" (I don't really care anymore), and shove them up your smelly arse.
Here is what amazes me. ..... :cool:

American Muslims on the whole commit very little crime in comparison to their numbers.

On the other hand, 25 U.S. citizens are killed by illegal aliens every single day. (either by drunk drivers or murder). And 40% of federal prison inmates are illegal aliens from south of the border.

Yet muslims receive the bulk of the attention. While thousands of illegals flood across the border day after day.

Yet in FRANCE -- the country that decided to ABSORB too many too fast -- Their prisons are 70% Muslim and RISING. That's is just beyond credibility. It's a MONUMENTAL testament to stupidity. So --- I think the only lesson here --- is to NOT MAKE the same long list of mistakes that the Euros have made.

Including their schizoid attitudes about BANNING Muslim religious symbols at the same time that they are ACCOMMODATING the immigrant old world culture and giving UP on assimilation..
Because your "cult" is harmful to women and children. Your cult is threatening to me and my freedom as a woman.
If we are happy with our religion and its dress code. Why should it bother you?

Has a muslim asked you to change anything or dress differently? ...... :cool:

No -- but YOU have suggested that the French should dress differently.. Didn't you?
I haven't and I want to nip this in the bud before it escalates to that, like what is happening in Europe. If you love Muslims and your religion, then go to the ME and be with them and live that lifestyle. I'll say it again, us FREE American women aren't going to tolerate it. We will fight back whenever you so much as THREATEN our freedoms that we fought for. You can take your claims of "bigotry" (I don't really care anymore), and shove them up your smelly arse.
After you changed your attitude ......you would look nice in a burqa. ...... :thup:

I think you should wear the burka because you're a creep. Women's bodies are beautiful and should not have to remained covered up because YOU are a creeper.
I think you should wear the burka because you're a creep. Women's bodies are beautiful and should not have to remained covered up because YOU are a creeper.
You will be wearing one soon enough.....no need to rush it. ..... :thup:
LOL, go hide in your Mosque coward. It and the internet are the only places that make you feel like a "man".
I believe there is a gay forum two blocks down to the right.

You would fit in there quite nicely fag boy. ...... :gay:

I completely understand the Islamic need to hide their women, you boys are correct in assuming that Western men would easily take them from you. Have you mutilated any female genitalia lately?
What does he know about patriotism? He is a fucking globalist
Like when asked if America was exceptional. He answered yes, just as Greeks think Greece is exceptional. A-Hole.

At least President Obama thinks America is great.

Unlike Donald Trump.
Is that why he promised change?
After 8 years of the idiotic George W. Bush debacle, wouldn't you promise some fundamental changes in how things are being run? What was he supposed to do? Say he was perfectly fine with all the stupid things Bush did and promise not to change a fucking thing?
300 posts later and not a single RWnut has made a credible argument that Muslim-Americans are less patriotic.

I'll tell you who's less patriotic. Mike Pence.

"I'm a Christian, a Conservative and a Republican...in that order."

Patriotism didn't make the cut.
300 posts later and not a single RWnut has made a credible argument that Muslim-Americans are less patriotic.

I'll tell you who's less patriotic. Mike Pence.

"I'm a Christian, a Conservative and a Republican...in that order."

Patriotism didn't make the cut.

If your friend Sunniman is an example, then he has already proven the point for us, not to mention the polls that were posted. Face the facts. Our cultures clash, they do NOT mesh. Sunniman hates women, African Americans, Jews, and gays. He claims he is a patriotic Muslim.
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Mod Note:

Zone2 rules apply here. Each post has to address the topic in some manner --
before any flame gets applied.
Nobody knows. That's the problem. These people are NOT like us. They have a completely different culture and totally different beliefs when it comes to a lot of "secular" society rules.
I believe you have that opinion burdening you because you have led a sheltered life, have listened to too much propaganda, have never be in a working environment with people from very diverse backgrounds around the world, have very limited to no travel experience in other parts of the world and/or been immersed in other cultures to gain an understanding of that culture.

Of course there are very bad people in the world, or folks with simply different customs and perspectives in their home Nation/culture, BUT that is no reason to maintain a bunker mentality and live in fear and isolation with the rest of the herd!

So you're saying that when Bush got that Intel Memo that "Bin Laden intent on planning attacks on American soil" or when 43 terrorist groups and a couple Arab nations declare they are at war with you and 15 to 20% of the ARAB Muslim world agrees with that -- that everyone -- including Bush should have and should now -- ignore it?
Did I mention anything close to that anywhere in my post even approaching that stupid and uninformed conclusion you cobbled together from whole unwashed cloth? If I did, you quote the damn passage, fool! Don't even try to put words in my mouth or falsely attribute or deceitfully imply or infer "things" to which I did not put my hand.

The Aug 6, 2001 PDB among your other non sequitur idiocies, to which you are referring, had nothing to do whatsoever, with my post to another! Now that I have your measure, crawl back in your hole

You talked about propaganda and living in fear --- a bunker mentality. Are "declarations of WAR" and intentions to harm us "propaganda"?? There is NOTHING WRONG with Islam if it's practiced within the bounds of an open and tolerant society. But EVERY IMPORTATION that comes from these malignant cultures is to be inspected and analyzed. Right now -- we have Obama and Clinton wantonly setting goals by NUMBERS of refugees from an area that SHOULD have had safe zones set up there YEARS ago. It's a colossal humanitarian fuck-up. But Western societies CANNOT absorb large numbers of people from regressive violent and intolerant cultures in short periods of time. That is NOT just people IMAGING a threat. It IS a threat.

Has nothing to do with religion. Has to do with folks who were raised and mentally brutalized in totalitarian hell holes.
In my post to another, which you piggybacked, did I mention anything close to that anywhere in my post even approaching that stupid and uninformed conclusion you cobbled together from whole unwashed cloth? If I did, you quote the damn passage, fool! next time around because you failed to do so in the post to which I'm now responding!

Don't even try to put words in my mouth or falsely attribute or deceitfully imply or infer "things" to which I did not put my hand. And now with this post to which I'm responding, you employ the same ridiculous, self serving horseshit tactic? Why are you a Mod with that type of piss poor judgment?

From your two idiotic baiting and trolling posts to me, you've assumed intent which was not there you fucking FOOL! I will not fall for your obvious ploy of shifting the narrative so you might vent your spleen, dipstick! You can go on shiting your pants with your own brand of fear and false bravado to cover it, but I refuse to quake like a child needing the succor of the tribe to make the boogeyman go away!. The world has never been a safe place shit for brains, so live with it!
The nonstop apology tour continues.
After Boston, San Bernadino and Orlando we got to watch the reactions of friends and/or family. About as anti American as you can get.
View attachment 82495

A picture with a caption doesn't stand as proof he actually said those words.

Please post a reputable link that shows and has his voice repeating your caption.
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Nobody knows. That's the problem. These people are NOT like us. They have a completely different culture and totally different beliefs when it comes to a lot of "secular" society rules.
I believe you have that opinion burdening you because you have led a sheltered life, have listened to too much propaganda, have never be in a working environment with people from very diverse backgrounds around the world, have very limited to no travel experience in other parts of the world and/or been immersed in other cultures to gain an understanding of that culture.

Of course there are very bad people in the world, or folks with simply different customs and perspectives in their home Nation/culture, BUT that is no reason to maintain a bunker mentality and live in fear and isolation with the rest of the herd!

So you're saying that when Bush got that Intel Memo that "Bin Laden intent on planning attacks on American soil" or when 43 terrorist groups and a couple Arab nations declare they are at war with you and 15 to 20% of the ARAB Muslim world agrees with that -- that everyone -- including Bush should have and should now -- ignore it?
Did I mention anything close to that anywhere in my post even approaching that stupid and uninformed conclusion you cobbled together from whole unwashed cloth? If I did, you quote the damn passage, fool! Don't even try to put words in my mouth or falsely attribute or deceitfully imply or infer "things" to which I did not put my hand.

The Aug 6, 2001 PDB among your other non sequitur idiocies, to which you are referring, had nothing to do whatsoever, with my post to another! Now that I have your measure, crawl back in your hole

You talked about propaganda and living in fear --- a bunker mentality. Are "declarations of WAR" and intentions to harm us "propaganda"?? There is NOTHING WRONG with Islam if it's practiced within the bounds of an open and tolerant society. But EVERY IMPORTATION that comes from these malignant cultures is to be inspected and analyzed. Right now -- we have Obama and Clinton wantonly setting goals by NUMBERS of refugees from an area that SHOULD have had safe zones set up there YEARS ago. It's a colossal humanitarian fuck-up. But Western societies CANNOT absorb large numbers of people from regressive violent and intolerant cultures in short periods of time. That is NOT just people IMAGING a threat. It IS a threat.

Has nothing to do with religion. Has to do with folks who were raised and mentally brutalized in totalitarian hell holes.
In my post to another, which you piggybacked, did I mention anything close to that anywhere in my post even approaching that stupid and uninformed conclusion you cobbled together from whole unwashed cloth? If I did, you quote the damn passage, fool! next time around because you failed to do so in the post to which I'm now responding!

Don't even try to put words in my mouth or falsely attribute or deceitfully imply or infer "things" to which I did not put my hand. And now with this post to which I'm responding, you employ the same ridiculous, self serving horseshit tactic? Why are you a Mod with that type of piss poor judgment?

From your two idiotic baiting and trolling posts to me, you've assumed intent which was not there you fucking FOOL! I will not fall for your obvious ploy of shifting the narrative so you might vent your spleen, dipstick! You can go on shiting your pants with your own brand of fear and false bravado to cover it, but I refuse to quake like a child needing the succor of the tribe to make the boogeyman go away!. The world has never been a safe place shit for brains, so live with it!

Good lord, you are one angry and disturbed person. Nobody is baiting you. Now try to calm yourself down and explain what your point is, leaving the angry rhetoric and potty mouth out of it please.
Nobody knows. That's the problem. These people are NOT like us. They have a completely different culture and totally different beliefs when it comes to a lot of "secular" society rules.
I believe you have that opinion burdening you because you have led a sheltered life, have listened to too much propaganda, have never be in a working environment with people from very diverse backgrounds around the world, have very limited to no travel experience in other parts of the world and/or been immersed in other cultures to gain an understanding of that culture.

Of course there are very bad people in the world, or folks with simply different customs and perspectives in their home Nation/culture, BUT that is no reason to maintain a bunker mentality and live in fear and isolation with the rest of the herd!

So you're saying that when Bush got that Intel Memo that "Bin Laden intent on planning attacks on American soil" or when 43 terrorist groups and a couple Arab nations declare they are at war with you and 15 to 20% of the ARAB Muslim world agrees with that -- that everyone -- including Bush should have and should now -- ignore it?
Did I mention anything close to that anywhere in my post even approaching that stupid and uninformed conclusion you cobbled together from whole unwashed cloth? If I did, you quote the damn passage, fool! Don't even try to put words in my mouth or falsely attribute or deceitfully imply or infer "things" to which I did not put my hand.

The Aug 6, 2001 PDB among your other non sequitur idiocies, to which you are referring, had nothing to do whatsoever, with my post to another! Now that I have your measure, crawl back in your hole

You talked about propaganda and living in fear --- a bunker mentality. Are "declarations of WAR" and intentions to harm us "propaganda"?? There is NOTHING WRONG with Islam if it's practiced within the bounds of an open and tolerant society. But EVERY IMPORTATION that comes from these malignant cultures is to be inspected and analyzed. Right now -- we have Obama and Clinton wantonly setting goals by NUMBERS of refugees from an area that SHOULD have had safe zones set up there YEARS ago. It's a colossal humanitarian fuck-up. But Western societies CANNOT absorb large numbers of people from regressive violent and intolerant cultures in short periods of time. That is NOT just people IMAGING a threat. It IS a threat.

Has nothing to do with religion. Has to do with folks who were raised and mentally brutalized in totalitarian hell holes.
In my post to another, which you piggybacked, did I mention anything close to that anywhere in my post even approaching that stupid and uninformed conclusion you cobbled together from whole unwashed cloth? If I did, you quote the damn passage, fool! next time around because you failed to do so in the post to which I'm now responding!

Don't even try to put words in my mouth or falsely attribute or deceitfully imply or infer "things" to which I did not put my hand. And now with this post to which I'm responding, you employ the same ridiculous, self serving horseshit tactic? Why are you a Mod with that type of piss poor judgment?

From your two idiotic baiting and trolling posts to me, you've assumed intent which was not there you fucking FOOL! I will not fall for your obvious ploy of shifting the narrative so you might vent your spleen, dipstick! You can go on shiting your pants with your own brand of fear and false bravado to cover it, but I refuse to quake like a child needing the succor of the tribe to make the boogeyman go away!. The world has never been a safe place shit for brains, so live with it!

You essentially dismissed a poster as naive, unworldly, and propagandized. It's quoted right in this reply. And was so before. Which I thought was dismissive and rude -- given the weekly shock and horror in Europe and elsewhere. And the mistakes made by the Euros that we probably don't want to repeat. So I wanted to know why you were so confident of dismissing her concerns.

What type of propaganda were you referring to? And what exactly would justify "isolation" from foreign repressive and violent cultures? Ones in which 15 to 20% of the people AGREE with groups who support our demise?
I believe you have that opinion burdening you because you have led a sheltered life, have listened to too much propaganda, have never be in a working environment with people from very diverse backgrounds around the world, have very limited to no travel experience in other parts of the world and/or been immersed in other cultures to gain an understanding of that culture.

Of course there are very bad people in the world, or folks with simply different customs and perspectives in their home Nation/culture, BUT that is no reason to maintain a bunker mentality and live in fear and isolation with the rest of the herd!

So you're saying that when Bush got that Intel Memo that "Bin Laden intent on planning attacks on American soil" or when 43 terrorist groups and a couple Arab nations declare they are at war with you and 15 to 20% of the ARAB Muslim world agrees with that -- that everyone -- including Bush should have and should now -- ignore it?
Did I mention anything close to that anywhere in my post even approaching that stupid and uninformed conclusion you cobbled together from whole unwashed cloth? If I did, you quote the damn passage, fool! Don't even try to put words in my mouth or falsely attribute or deceitfully imply or infer "things" to which I did not put my hand.

The Aug 6, 2001 PDB among your other non sequitur idiocies, to which you are referring, had nothing to do whatsoever, with my post to another! Now that I have your measure, crawl back in your hole

You talked about propaganda and living in fear --- a bunker mentality. Are "declarations of WAR" and intentions to harm us "propaganda"?? There is NOTHING WRONG with Islam if it's practiced within the bounds of an open and tolerant society. But EVERY IMPORTATION that comes from these malignant cultures is to be inspected and analyzed. Right now -- we have Obama and Clinton wantonly setting goals by NUMBERS of refugees from an area that SHOULD have had safe zones set up there YEARS ago. It's a colossal humanitarian fuck-up. But Western societies CANNOT absorb large numbers of people from regressive violent and intolerant cultures in short periods of time. That is NOT just people IMAGING a threat. It IS a threat.

Has nothing to do with religion. Has to do with folks who were raised and mentally brutalized in totalitarian hell holes.
In my post to another, which you piggybacked, did I mention anything close to that anywhere in my post even approaching that stupid and uninformed conclusion you cobbled together from whole unwashed cloth? If I did, you quote the damn passage, fool! next time around because you failed to do so in the post to which I'm now responding!

Don't even try to put words in my mouth or falsely attribute or deceitfully imply or infer "things" to which I did not put my hand. And now with this post to which I'm responding, you employ the same ridiculous, self serving horseshit tactic? Why are you a Mod with that type of piss poor judgment?

From your two idiotic baiting and trolling posts to me, you've assumed intent which was not there you fucking FOOL! I will not fall for your obvious ploy of shifting the narrative so you might vent your spleen, dipstick! You can go on shiting your pants with your own brand of fear and false bravado to cover it, but I refuse to quake like a child needing the succor of the tribe to make the boogeyman go away!. The world has never been a safe place shit for brains, so live with it!

Good lord, you are one angry and disturbed person. Nobody is baiting you. Now try to calm yourself down and explain what your point is, leaving the angry rhetoric and potty mouth out of it please.
Horseshit Chris! That dummy knows exactly what he's doing, but it isn't working and I'm on to his game. If you don't like my more colorful expletives to fools and other mad dogs, perhaps you should just bypass my posts!

I have tried to be less "strident" with you and bid you ado earlier to avoid further discomfort for you, but you have kept nipping like a damn spoiled lap dog. Now that you have gotten personal with me by tossing ad hominem my way, I feel no further obligation to pull punches with you any longer on this thread. Consider this fair warning.
So you're saying that when Bush got that Intel Memo that "Bin Laden intent on planning attacks on American soil" or when 43 terrorist groups and a couple Arab nations declare they are at war with you and 15 to 20% of the ARAB Muslim world agrees with that -- that everyone -- including Bush should have and should now -- ignore it?
Did I mention anything close to that anywhere in my post even approaching that stupid and uninformed conclusion you cobbled together from whole unwashed cloth? If I did, you quote the damn passage, fool! Don't even try to put words in my mouth or falsely attribute or deceitfully imply or infer "things" to which I did not put my hand.

The Aug 6, 2001 PDB among your other non sequitur idiocies, to which you are referring, had nothing to do whatsoever, with my post to another! Now that I have your measure, crawl back in your hole

You talked about propaganda and living in fear --- a bunker mentality. Are "declarations of WAR" and intentions to harm us "propaganda"?? There is NOTHING WRONG with Islam if it's practiced within the bounds of an open and tolerant society. But EVERY IMPORTATION that comes from these malignant cultures is to be inspected and analyzed. Right now -- we have Obama and Clinton wantonly setting goals by NUMBERS of refugees from an area that SHOULD have had safe zones set up there YEARS ago. It's a colossal humanitarian fuck-up. But Western societies CANNOT absorb large numbers of people from regressive violent and intolerant cultures in short periods of time. That is NOT just people IMAGING a threat. It IS a threat.

Has nothing to do with religion. Has to do with folks who were raised and mentally brutalized in totalitarian hell holes.
In my post to another, which you piggybacked, did I mention anything close to that anywhere in my post even approaching that stupid and uninformed conclusion you cobbled together from whole unwashed cloth? If I did, you quote the damn passage, fool! next time around because you failed to do so in the post to which I'm now responding!

Don't even try to put words in my mouth or falsely attribute or deceitfully imply or infer "things" to which I did not put my hand. And now with this post to which I'm responding, you employ the same ridiculous, self serving horseshit tactic? Why are you a Mod with that type of piss poor judgment?

From your two idiotic baiting and trolling posts to me, you've assumed intent which was not there you fucking FOOL! I will not fall for your obvious ploy of shifting the narrative so you might vent your spleen, dipstick! You can go on shiting your pants with your own brand of fear and false bravado to cover it, but I refuse to quake like a child needing the succor of the tribe to make the boogeyman go away!. The world has never been a safe place shit for brains, so live with it!

Good lord, you are one angry and disturbed person. Nobody is baiting you. Now try to calm yourself down and explain what your point is, leaving the angry rhetoric and potty mouth out of it please.
Horseshit Chris! That dummy knows exactly what he's doing, but it isn't working and I'm on to his game. If you don't like my more colorful expletives to fools and other mad dogs, perhaps you should just bypass my posts!

I have tried to be less "strident" with you and bid you ado earlier to avoid further discomfort for you, but you have kept nipping like a damn spoiled lap dog. Now that you have gotten personal with me by tossing ad hominem my way, I feel no further obligation to pull punches with you any longer on this thread. Consider this fair warning.

Does that mean you are going to resort to third grade level insults and a potty mouth? :) Why can you not talk like a human being? What's got you so worked up? I mean, the facts are the facts. You can be mad at facts I suppose.

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