Obama: “Muslim-Americans Are As Patriotic, And American As Any Other Members Of The American Family”

Nope. You are here fighting, which means you support the tenets of Islam. You even want to bring it here to America in order to oppress women and children. Disgusting. You are a disgusting human being for supporting this despicable cult.

I'm here saying that you should not judge an entire religion because of extremists within it. That goes for all three Abrahamic religions. I do not judge Christianity by Scott Lively or Kevin Swanson and you should not judge Islam by its extremists either. I am truly sorry you're too stupid or scared to understand that.

As a woman, I'm scared of Islam. I would do whatever it takes to keep it out of my country.

:lol: "Islam" is already here and you can't do anything about it. There won't be a "Sharia" test for Muslim Americans and we aren't going to halt immigration from Middle Eastern countries.

Stop shitting your pants over Muslims, cancer is a bigger concern.

Your sig line is gay.

Ooh, biting commentary. Gonna go with "your momma is so fat" next?

It's funny that you acknowledge a problem with terrorism in your sig line, yet you tell WOMEN not to worry. Fuck you.
I'm here saying that you should not judge an entire religion because of extremists within it.

Yet YOU not only judge an entire religion based on extremists, YOU CREATED THE EXTREMISTS as an excuse to spew your vile bigotry and hatred.

That goes for all three Abrahamic religions. I do not judge Christianity by Scott Lively or Kevin Swanson and you should not judge Islam by its extremists either. I am truly sorry you're too stupid or scared to understand that.

Who have Scott Lively and Kevin Swanson killed?

Oh, you're just lying to make it seem that the Christians you so hate are as bad as your terrorist allies.
There are Christians right here on this board who claim to be "moderate" yet support the oppression of women. That "crap" is already here and a very small minority. I'm not worried, but you can stay in your house and live in fear...make sure you exercise since you're at least 5,000 times more likely to die from being scared and fat.

Well, that's a lie.

But the best way that you can support your terrorist allies is to create a false equivalence to the Christians you hate.

You spew your bigotry, but if pressed to document this "oppression" of women you claim "moderate Christians on this board" are engaged in, you'll just spew more slanderous bigotry and come up with nothing specific.

You are a demagogue, which is the way of Communists on this board, but you lack the integrity to offer anything factual, which is also common for you Communists.

I don't hate Christians. What has you confused is that I don't hate Muslims either. I don't hate anyone for their religion. I don't like extremists in ANY religion.
I'm here saying that you should not judge an entire religion because of extremists within it. That goes for all three Abrahamic religions. I do not judge Christianity by Scott Lively or Kevin Swanson and you should not judge Islam by its extremists either. I am truly sorry you're too stupid or scared to understand that.

As a woman, I'm scared of Islam. I would do whatever it takes to keep it out of my country.

:lol: "Islam" is already here and you can't do anything about it. There won't be a "Sharia" test for Muslim Americans and we aren't going to halt immigration from Middle Eastern countries.

Stop shitting your pants over Muslims, cancer is a bigger concern.

Your sig line is gay.

Ooh, biting commentary. Gonna go with "your momma is so fat" next?

It's funny that you acknowledge a problem with terrorism in your sig line, yet you tell WOMEN not to worry. Fuck you.

I did not acknowledge a problem with terrorism in my sig line, I acknowledged a problem with the response to these acts.
I don't hate Christians.

:lmao: :rofl: :lol:

Yeah, and Adolf Hitler was Bar Mitzvahed... :eusa_whistle:

What has you confused is that I don't hate Muslims either. I don't hate anyone for their religion. I don't like extremists in ANY religion.

Radical Islamics are your allies in the war your filthy party is waging on Christians, white people, and the Constitution.
As a woman, I'm scared of Islam. I would do whatever it takes to keep it out of my country.

:lol: "Islam" is already here and you can't do anything about it. There won't be a "Sharia" test for Muslim Americans and we aren't going to halt immigration from Middle Eastern countries.

Stop shitting your pants over Muslims, cancer is a bigger concern.

Your sig line is gay.

Ooh, biting commentary. Gonna go with "your momma is so fat" next?

It's funny that you acknowledge a problem with terrorism in your sig line, yet you tell WOMEN not to worry. Fuck you.

I did not acknowledge a problem with terrorism in my sig line, I acknowledged a problem with the response to these acts.

It does acknowledge it. Since 9/11, we have had MANY incidents of terrorism on our soil committed by Muslims. Now, they ask us to leave them alone, and that is what we should do. Leave them alone in their countries of origin to deal with their own problems. I have NO obligation to any of these people or honoring their oppressive regressive ideology. NOT my problem.

I did not acknowledge a problem with terrorism in my sig line, I acknowledged a problem with the response to these acts.

Your sig line is an attempt to equate Islam and Christianity. It is a bigoted lie.

Every day Muslims murder people in the name of Allah. Your only response is "yabut 20 years ago someone bombed a holy abortion clinic."

You dishonestly try and create an equivalence to minimize the the crimes of your allies, while smearing the enemy you so desperately hate.

Thank you again. . Coming from such an ignorant hater as you I consider that a compliment.

I would question the morals or sanity of any person you actually claimed to like- just because you think that they have anything in common with your own twisted sense of morality

No doubt, I'm sure you have spent a great deal of time purging yourself all any last vestige of honesty or honor.

Nah- I have actual personal morals- which is why I would never be like you.
I don't hate Christians.

:lmao: :rofl: :lol:

Yeah, and Adolf Hitler was Bar Mitzvahed... :eusa_whistle:

Maybe he was, who knows...but hating Christians would be time consuming and all encompassing if that's what I, in fact, did. At least 70+% of the people I come in contact with every day are Christian so it would be a pretty miserable existence if what you fantasize were true.

I think there are good and bad in all the religions and that it's not usually the religion itself that is the problem, its the extremists that interpret it. For Mr. Lennon, I can imagine a world without religion, and it ain't so bad.

Radical Islamics are your allies in the war your filthy party is waging on Christians, white people, and the Constitution.

There is no war on Christians, but your victim mentality IS amusing.

Thank you again. . Coming from such an ignorant hater as you I consider that a compliment.

I would question the morals or sanity of any person you actually claimed to like- just because you think that they have anything in common with your own twisted sense of morality

No doubt, I'm sure you have spent a great deal of time purging yourself all any last vestige of honesty or honor.

Nah- I have actual personal morals- which is why I would never be like you.

No, you do not have morals. You have a ridiculous unrealistic ideology is all.
You might want to take a look at this and adjust your thinking. ...... :cool:

"The Jewish War Veterans of the United States of America (also referred to as the Jewish War Veterans of the U.S.A., the Jewish War Veterans, or the JWV) is an American Jewish veterans' organization, and the oldest veterans group in the United States. It has an estimated 37,000 members."

Jewish War Veterans of the United States of America - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Interesting. Established in 1896. Do you have access to the Muslim veterans bylaws and do they have anything like the Jewish group has?

"No person who promotes, or is a member of any organization or group which believes in, or advocates, bigotry or the overthrow of the United States government by force of arms or subversion" shall be eligible for membership.

Active membership may be granted to "any person of the Jewish faith of good character" who is a U.S. citizen and was an active duty member of the U.S. military (including the National Guard and Reserves) in or during any war, campaign, or conflict. The National Constitution also requires that members to have not been discharged under any conditions other than honorable."

Other Veterans groups in the United States:
Catholic War Veterans & Auxiliary | For God, For Country, For Home since 1935
Catholic War Veterans Association
Japanese American Associations

But the only Veterans you question the loyalty of here are Muslim Americans.

Muslim Americans who have risked their lives- and too often sacrificed their lives on behalf of the United States.
Often providing valuable language and cultural skills on missions to the Middle East.

But to you- they are just more Muslims- to be feared and discriminated against.

I did not question their loyalty, you did. My question was if Muslims are so integrated into American society, why don't they join the existing VFW or American Legion instead of forming their own? Is that too difficult for you?

Well since I am not a veteran, I would only be guessing that they have their own for the same reason as
Other Veterans groups in the United States:
Catholic War Veterans & Auxiliary | For God, For Country, For Home since 1935
Catholic War Veterans Association
Japanese American Associations
Filipino American Veterans
Scottish American Military Association
Irish American Veterans Association
Jewish War Veterans Association.
Jewish War Veterans of the United States of America

Do you think that those Irish Americans and Jewish Americans are having a hard time integrating into American society? Why do you think that they didn't just join the VFW?

Do you always answer a question with a question?

Do you always answer a question with a question?

It seems because you don't want to address the fact that we have patriotic Muslim American veterans- and patriotic Jewish American veterans and patriotic Irish and Scottish and Mexican American veterans- who should be respected- and not have their loyalty or 'integration into society' suspect.
I don't hate Christians.

:lmao: :rofl: :lol:

Yeah, and Adolf Hitler was Bar Mitzvahed... :eusa_whistle:

Maybe he was, who knows...but hating Christians would be time consuming and all encompassing if that's what I, in fact, did. At least 70+% of the people I come in contact with every day are Christian so it would be a pretty miserable existence if what you fantasize were true.

I think there are good and bad in all the religions and that it's not usually the religion itself that is the problem, its the extremists that interpret it. For Mr. Lennon, I can imagine a world without religion, and it ain't so bad.

Radical Islamics are your allies in the war your filthy party is waging on Christians, white people, and the Constitution.

There is no war on Christians, but your victim mentality IS amusing.

Yeah, yeah. That's what you people keep telling us, but the facts don't match up with your claims.

Nah- I have actual personal morals- which is why I would never be like you.

SO you just play a sociopathic scumbag on the internet?

Do you get your jollies presenting yourself as the putrid pile of shit that the Syriusly sock represents?

I did not acknowledge a problem with terrorism in my sig line, I acknowledged a problem with the response to these acts.

Your sig line is an attempt to equate Islam and Christianity. It is a bigoted lie.

Every day Muslims murder people in the name of Allah. Your only response is "yabut 20 years ago someone bombed a holy abortion clinic."

You dishonestly try and create an equivalence to minimize the the crimes of your allies, while smearing the enemy you so desperately hate.

My sig line equates the responses which are the same every time there is a tragedy like Orlando. Until we know who the perpetrator of the act is, they all think the same thing..."I hope the shooter wasn't a (fill in the blank)".

And, of course, once we find out who it is, if the person is Muslim or black, they are "inherently violent" or it's because of their religion...but if the person is white, well, it must be mental illness.
Let us all know when you ever do argue to support the Constitution.

Again, you are a fool without a shred or hint of integrity.

{Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.}

I support this, your filthy party has waged an unrelenting assault on it for the last 7 years.=.


I haven't seen any churches, temples or mosques being closed down by Democrats- or even being threatened with being closed down.

I have seen your Presidential candidate propose discriminating against Americans based upon their religion.
I don't hate Christians.

:lmao: :rofl: :lol:

Yeah, and Adolf Hitler was Bar Mitzvahed... :eusa_whistle:

Maybe he was, who knows...but hating Christians would be time consuming and all encompassing if that's what I, in fact, did. At least 70+% of the people I come in contact with every day are Christian so it would be a pretty miserable existence if what you fantasize were true.

I think there are good and bad in all the religions and that it's not usually the religion itself that is the problem, its the extremists that interpret it. For Mr. Lennon, I can imagine a world without religion, and it ain't so bad.

Radical Islamics are your allies in the war your filthy party is waging on Christians, white people, and the Constitution.

There is no war on Christians, but your victim mentality IS amusing.

Yeah, yeah. That's what you people keep telling us, but the facts don't match up with your claims.

Provide the "facts" that don't "match up" to the post you just responded to.

Thank you again. . Coming from such an ignorant hater as you I consider that a compliment.

I would question the morals or sanity of any person you actually claimed to like- just because you think that they have anything in common with your own twisted sense of morality

No doubt, I'm sure you have spent a great deal of time purging yourself all any last vestige of honesty or honor.

Nah- I have actual personal morals- which is why I would never be like you.

No, you do not have morals. You have a ridiculous unrealistic ideology is all.

If 'lack of morals' to you means being against discrimination of Americans because of their religion, race, country of origin or sexual orientation- then I am guilty as charged.

I did not acknowledge a problem with terrorism in my sig line, I acknowledged a problem with the response to these acts.

Your sig line is an attempt to equate Islam and Christianity. It is a bigoted lie.

Every day Muslims murder people in the name of Allah. Your only response is "yabut 20 years ago someone bombed a holy abortion clinic."

You dishonestly try and create an equivalence to minimize the the crimes of your allies, while smearing the enemy you so desperately hate.

My sig line equates the responses which are the same every time there is a tragedy like Orlando. Until we know who the perpetrator of the act is, they all think the same thing..."I hope the shooter wasn't a (fill in the blank)".

And, of course, once we find out who it is, if the person is Muslim or black, they are "inherently violent" or it's because of their religion...but if the person is white, well, it must be mental illness.

Because white people are not normally associated with gang activity. That's a fact. Because Christians are not the ones who are committing the violence here and abroad. It's just common fucking sense. Islam is a festering pimple on the butt of the world. It is the ANTITHESIS of everything OUR country stands for.

Thank you again. . Coming from such an ignorant hater as you I consider that a compliment.

I would question the morals or sanity of any person you actually claimed to like- just because you think that they have anything in common with your own twisted sense of morality

No doubt, I'm sure you have spent a great deal of time purging yourself all any last vestige of honesty or honor.

Nah- I have actual personal morals- which is why I would never be like you.

No, you do not have morals. You have a ridiculous unrealistic ideology is all.

If 'lack of morals' to you means being against discrimination of Americans because of their religion, race, country of origin or sexual orientation- then I am guilty as charged.

The real world is a dog eat dog world. You'd better wake the hell up!

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