Obama: “Muslim-Americans Are As Patriotic, And American As Any Other Members Of The American Family”

You think American Christians are "bad?" You haven't seen anything yet. Lol. People who follow Islam HATE homos. Nothing like fighting against yourself and ALL the progress that we've made in this country in order to appease an angry, regressive and despicable group of religious people! :lol: No common sense whatsoever.

No, I don't think American Christians are bad. I don't think American Muslims are bad. I don't judge an entire religion by the actions of extremists and cultists and you shouldn't either.

People who follow Evangelical Christianity HATE "homos" (even more than American Moooooslims do). I still love and respect my Christian friends.

I would be amazed and extremely disappointed if any Christian group preached hatred of homosexuals. Do you have a link to any of those sites espousing hatred?

You're kidding, right? Oh wait, let me guess, you're going to say that Westboro isn't a Christian organization? That's what Muslims say about ISIL.

You think the Westboros hate homos MORE than Islam? Ba-ha-ha! How many people are members of Westboro?

No. I think both religious ideologies are mired in archaic traditions and beliefs. I believe all three Abrahamic religions are decades behind in their beliefs. Equally.

Why don't you bring us up to date.
You think American Christians are "bad?" You haven't seen anything yet. Lol. People who follow Islam HATE homos. Nothing like fighting against yourself and ALL the progress that we've made in this country in order to appease an angry, regressive and despicable group of religious people! :lol: No common sense whatsoever.

No, I don't think American Christians are bad. I don't think American Muslims are bad. I don't judge an entire religion by the actions of extremists and cultists and you shouldn't either.

People who follow Evangelical Christianity HATE "homos" (even more than American Moooooslims do). I still love and respect my Christian friends.

I would be amazed and extremely disappointed if any Christian group preached hatred of homosexuals. Do you have a link to any of those sites espousing hatred?

You're kidding, right? Oh wait, let me guess, you're going to say that Westboro isn't a Christian organization? That's what Muslims say about ISIL.

You think the Westboros hate homos MORE than Islam? Ba-ha-ha! How many people are members of Westboro?

No. I think both religious ideologies are mired in archaic traditions and beliefs. I believe all three Abrahamic religions are decades behind in their beliefs. Equally.

Sorry, but most American Christians have been moderated due to our secular society. That is not the case with Muslims who come over from war torn sections of the Middle East. Any dope knows this much.
You think American Christians are "bad?" You haven't seen anything yet. Lol. People who follow Islam HATE homos. Nothing like fighting against yourself and ALL the progress that we've made in this country in order to appease an angry, regressive and despicable group of religious people! :lol: No common sense whatsoever.

No, I don't think American Christians are bad. I don't think American Muslims are bad. I don't judge an entire religion by the actions of extremists and cultists and you shouldn't either.

People who follow Evangelical Christianity HATE "homos" (even more than American Moooooslims do). I still love and respect my Christian friends.

I would be amazed and extremely disappointed if any Christian group preached hatred of homosexuals. Do you have a link to any of those sites espousing hatred?

You're kidding, right? Oh wait, let me guess, you're going to say that Westboro isn't a Christian organization? That's what Muslims say about ISIL.

Oh, so this is all about your hatred of Christianity? Is that right?


I think that's you since you seem to be blind and deaf about what is happening in the world. We even have a Muslim here on the board who claims to be "moderate" yet he supports the oppression of women. You want to bring that crap over here? I will fight you all the way, douchebag.
You think American Christians are "bad?" You haven't seen anything yet. Lol. People who follow Islam HATE homos. Nothing like fighting against yourself and ALL the progress that we've made in this country in order to appease an angry, regressive and despicable group of religious people! :lol: No common sense whatsoever.

No, I don't think American Christians are bad. I don't think American Muslims are bad. I don't judge an entire religion by the actions of extremists and cultists and you shouldn't either.

People who follow Evangelical Christianity HATE "homos" (even more than American Moooooslims do). I still love and respect my Christian friends.

I would be amazed and extremely disappointed if any Christian group preached hatred of homosexuals. Do you have a link to any of those sites espousing hatred?

You're kidding, right? Oh wait, let me guess, you're going to say that Westboro isn't a Christian organization? That's what Muslims say about ISIL.

You think the Westboros hate homos MORE than Islam? Ba-ha-ha! How many people are members of Westboro?

No. I think both religious ideologies are mired in archaic traditions and beliefs. I believe all three Abrahamic religions are decades behind in their beliefs. Equally.

You must be a dude. No woman in her right mind would support this ideology that is downright abusive to women. Or maybe you're a Muslim. Who knows?
We do what we do with any criminal in this country regardless of religion. We try them and convict them

For what reason do we have to import people from the ME? I've asked this question numerous times and I still haven't gotten an answer except for some vague ideological nonsense. Well, I don't think from an "ideological" point of view. I think from a logical point of view.

We don't "import people" from anywhere, we allow for immigration from other countries. What reason do you have for stopping all immigration from Middle Eastern countries and not from other countries? Christians from Africa commit atrocities exactly like Middle Eastern Muslims. Should we not allow Christian immigrants from Africa?

Stop shitting your pants over things that aren't going to happen in the United States.

If we properly vet immigrants before allowing them into the US, there is very little to worry about. One Presidential candidate has proposed doing that.

We already "properly vet" immigrants before allowing them into the United States.

If you're referring to Trump, "we have to figure out what's going on" is not a plan for further vetting immigrants.

You are not very well informed. The UN vets some immigrants, but in many ME countries there are no records on people to vet. If you can't figure out what was meant by "we have to figure out what's going on" you aren't very bright.

There is "no system to vet" refugees from the Middle East.
Donald Trump on Monday, June 13th, 2016 in a speech on terrorism and immigration


The system (which exists) and how it works

The vetting begins with the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugee, which determines who counts as a refugee, who should be resettled (about 1 percent) and which countries would take them. This alone can take four to 10 months.

If the UNHCR refers refugees to the United States, they then face scrutiny from federal intelligence and security agencies.

Their names, biographical information and fingerprints are run through federal terrorism and criminal databases. Meanwhile, the refugees are interviewed by Department of Homeland Security officials. If approved, they then undergo a medical screening, a match with sponsor agencies, "cultural orientation" classes and one final security clearance.

Syrian refugees in particular must clear one additional hurdle. Their documents are placed under extra scrutiny and cross-referenced with classified and unclassified information.

The process typically takes one to two years or longer and happens before a refuge ever steps onto American soil. Ultimately, says the State Department, about half are approved, and there’s no real precedent of a terrorist slipping in through the vetting system.

Not a perfect system

There’s no question that there are challenges to screening refugees from conflict zones like Syria. Intelligence and national security officials have noted the paucity of data.

The head of the National Counterterrorism Center told Congress in October 2015 that the intelligence in Syria is "not as rich as we would like it to be," while FBI Director James Comey said there are "gaps" in data availability.

The use of fake documents and passports are also causes for concern, according to Jessica Vaughan of the "low immigration, pro-immigrant" Center for Immigration Studies.

But, again, this is not the same thing as "no system to vet" at all.

"No system is foolproof," said David Martin, a University of Virginia professor who’s previously held posts at DHS and the State Department. "If we really wanted a foolproof system, we would shut down immigration entirely."

(This seems to be what Trump is advocating.)

According to the State Department, Syrians tend to have more identity documents than other refugee groups around the world, and the reasons they give for missing documents — for example, a bomb dropping on their house — can be verified.

And contrary to what Trump suggests, Clinton has spoken about stepping up the rigor of the vetting and proposed specific solutions.

"Congress needs to provide enough resources to ensure we have sufficient personnel deployed to run the most thorough possible process," she said in a December 2015 statement.

Finally, we should note that refugees are subject to the highest level of security checks of any traveler category to the United States. So it "makes no operational sense" for ISIS to take advantage of the refugee program, Anne Speckhard, a counterterrorism expert at Georgetown University, told us previously.

"Given how easy it is to send a European extremist to the U.S. via Europe, why would an ISIS guy in Syria wait the three years it takes to get refugee status?" Speckhard said.​
Islam is a cult based on the followers of an admitted pedophile, Muhammed.
For what reason do we have to import people from the ME? I've asked this question numerous times and I still haven't gotten an answer except for some vague ideological nonsense. Well, I don't think from an "ideological" point of view. I think from a logical point of view.

We don't "import people" from anywhere, we allow for immigration from other countries. What reason do you have for stopping all immigration from Middle Eastern countries and not from other countries? Christians from Africa commit atrocities exactly like Middle Eastern Muslims. Should we not allow Christian immigrants from Africa?

Stop shitting your pants over things that aren't going to happen in the United States.

If we properly vet immigrants before allowing them into the US, there is very little to worry about. One Presidential candidate has proposed doing that.

We already "properly vet" immigrants before allowing them into the United States.

If you're referring to Trump, "we have to figure out what's going on" is not a plan for further vetting immigrants.

You are not very well informed. The UN vets some immigrants, but in many ME countries there are no records on people to vet. If you can't figure out what was meant by "we have to figure out what's going on" you aren't very bright.

There is "no system to vet" refugees from the Middle East.
Donald Trump on Monday, June 13th, 2016 in a speech on terrorism and immigration


The system (which exists) and how it works

The vetting begins with the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugee, which determines who counts as a refugee, who should be resettled (about 1 percent) and which countries would take them. This alone can take four to 10 months.

If the UNHCR refers refugees to the United States, they then face scrutiny from federal intelligence and security agencies.

Their names, biographical information and fingerprints are run through federal terrorism and criminal databases. Meanwhile, the refugees are interviewed by Department of Homeland Security officials. If approved, they then undergo a medical screening, a match with sponsor agencies, "cultural orientation" classes and one final security clearance.

Syrian refugees in particular must clear one additional hurdle. Their documents are placed under extra scrutiny and cross-referenced with classified and unclassified information.

The process typically takes one to two years or longer and happens before a refuge ever steps onto American soil. Ultimately, says the State Department, about half are approved, and there’s no real precedent of a terrorist slipping in through the vetting system.

Not a perfect system

There’s no question that there are challenges to screening refugees from conflict zones like Syria. Intelligence and national security officials have noted the paucity of data.

The head of the National Counterterrorism Center told Congress in October 2015 that the intelligence in Syria is "not as rich as we would like it to be," while FBI Director James Comey said there are "gaps" in data availability.

The use of fake documents and passports are also causes for concern, according to Jessica Vaughan of the "low immigration, pro-immigrant" Center for Immigration Studies.

But, again, this is not the same thing as "no system to vet" at all.

"No system is foolproof," said David Martin, a University of Virginia professor who’s previously held posts at DHS and the State Department. "If we really wanted a foolproof system, we would shut down immigration entirely."

(This seems to be what Trump is advocating.)

According to the State Department, Syrians tend to have more identity documents than other refugee groups around the world, and the reasons they give for missing documents — for example, a bomb dropping on their house — can be verified.

And contrary to what Trump suggests, Clinton has spoken about stepping up the rigor of the vetting and proposed specific solutions.

"Congress needs to provide enough resources to ensure we have sufficient personnel deployed to run the most thorough possible process," she said in a December 2015 statement.

Finally, we should note that refugees are subject to the highest level of security checks of any traveler category to the United States. So it "makes no operational sense" for ISIS to take advantage of the refugee program, Anne Speckhard, a counterterrorism expert at Georgetown University, told us previously.

"Given how easy it is to send a European extremist to the U.S. via Europe, why would an ISIS guy in Syria wait the three years it takes to get refugee status?" Speckhard said.​

Not good enough.
No, I don't think American Christians are bad. I don't think American Muslims are bad. I don't judge an entire religion by the actions of extremists and cultists and you shouldn't either.

People who follow Evangelical Christianity HATE "homos" (even more than American Moooooslims do). I still love and respect my Christian friends.

I would be amazed and extremely disappointed if any Christian group preached hatred of homosexuals. Do you have a link to any of those sites espousing hatred?

You're kidding, right? Oh wait, let me guess, you're going to say that Westboro isn't a Christian organization? That's what Muslims say about ISIL.

You think the Westboros hate homos MORE than Islam? Ba-ha-ha! How many people are members of Westboro?

No. I think both religious ideologies are mired in archaic traditions and beliefs. I believe all three Abrahamic religions are decades behind in their beliefs. Equally.

You must be a dude. No woman in her right mind would support this ideology that is downright abusive to women. Or maybe you're a Muslim. Who knows?

You must be an idiot to think that I "support" either "ideology". I think all religions are fucking stupid. I think you could paint a picture of Mohammed fucking Jesus while Jesus got blown by Kali and I wouldn't give two shits and a shake.
I would be amazed and extremely disappointed if any Christian group preached hatred of homosexuals. Do you have a link to any of those sites espousing hatred?

You're kidding, right? Oh wait, let me guess, you're going to say that Westboro isn't a Christian organization? That's what Muslims say about ISIL.

You think the Westboros hate homos MORE than Islam? Ba-ha-ha! How many people are members of Westboro?

No. I think both religious ideologies are mired in archaic traditions and beliefs. I believe all three Abrahamic religions are decades behind in their beliefs. Equally.

You must be a dude. No woman in her right mind would support this ideology that is downright abusive to women. Or maybe you're a Muslim. Who knows?

You must be an idiot to think that I "support" either "ideology". I think all religions are fucking stupid. I think you could paint a picture of Mohammed fucking Jesus while Jesus got blown by Kali and I wouldn't give two shits and a shake.

Apparently you support the tenets of Islam.
No, I don't think American Christians are bad. I don't think American Muslims are bad. I don't judge an entire religion by the actions of extremists and cultists and you shouldn't either.

People who follow Evangelical Christianity HATE "homos" (even more than American Moooooslims do). I still love and respect my Christian friends.

I would be amazed and extremely disappointed if any Christian group preached hatred of homosexuals. Do you have a link to any of those sites espousing hatred?

You're kidding, right? Oh wait, let me guess, you're going to say that Westboro isn't a Christian organization? That's what Muslims say about ISIL.

Oh, so this is all about your hatred of Christianity? Is that right?


I think that's you since you seem to be blind and deaf about what is happening in the world. We even have a Muslim here on the board who claims to be "moderate" yet he supports the oppression of women. You want to bring that crap over here? I will fight you all the way, douchebag.

There are Christians right here on this board who claim to be "moderate" yet support the oppression of women. That "crap" is already here and a very small minority. I'm not worried, but you can stay in your house and live in fear...make sure you exercise since you're at least 5,000 times more likely to die from being scared and fat.
Islam is a cult based on the followers of an admitted pedophile, Muhammed.

And then there are facts: Islam is one of three major world religions, with about 1/4 of the world's population identifying as Muslim.

Just thought you'd know so you don't sound like an ignorant asshole next time.
The Bible which the Christians follow has a New Testament which helps to moderate them. There is no New Testament in the Quran. They follow ancient patriarchal customs and beliefs. As a woman, I don't want them here. This is an ideology that threatens my freedoms.
You're kidding, right? Oh wait, let me guess, you're going to say that Westboro isn't a Christian organization? That's what Muslims say about ISIL.

You think the Westboros hate homos MORE than Islam? Ba-ha-ha! How many people are members of Westboro?

No. I think both religious ideologies are mired in archaic traditions and beliefs. I believe all three Abrahamic religions are decades behind in their beliefs. Equally.

You must be a dude. No woman in her right mind would support this ideology that is downright abusive to women. Or maybe you're a Muslim. Who knows?

You must be an idiot to think that I "support" either "ideology". I think all religions are fucking stupid. I think you could paint a picture of Mohammed fucking Jesus while Jesus got blown by Kali and I wouldn't give two shits and a shake.

Apparently you support the tenets of Islam.

Yes, apparently. And apparently you really ARE stupid. Good to know.
I would be amazed and extremely disappointed if any Christian group preached hatred of homosexuals. Do you have a link to any of those sites espousing hatred?

You're kidding, right? Oh wait, let me guess, you're going to say that Westboro isn't a Christian organization? That's what Muslims say about ISIL.

You think the Westboros hate homos MORE than Islam? Ba-ha-ha! How many people are members of Westboro?

No. I think both religious ideologies are mired in archaic traditions and beliefs. I believe all three Abrahamic religions are decades behind in their beliefs. Equally.

You must be a dude. No woman in her right mind would support this ideology that is downright abusive to women. Or maybe you're a Muslim. Who knows?

You must be an idiot to think that I "support" either "ideology". I think all religions are fucking stupid. I think you could paint a picture of Mohammed fucking Jesus while Jesus got blown by Kali and I wouldn't give two shits and a shake.

Thank you.
I would be amazed and extremely disappointed if any Christian group preached hatred of homosexuals. Do you have a link to any of those sites espousing hatred?

You're kidding, right? Oh wait, let me guess, you're going to say that Westboro isn't a Christian organization? That's what Muslims say about ISIL.

Oh, so this is all about your hatred of Christianity? Is that right?


I think that's you since you seem to be blind and deaf about what is happening in the world. We even have a Muslim here on the board who claims to be "moderate" yet he supports the oppression of women. You want to bring that crap over here? I will fight you all the way, douchebag.

There are Christians right here on this board who claim to be "moderate" yet support the oppression of women. That "crap" is already here and a very small minority. I'm not worried, but you can stay in your house and live in fear...make sure you exercise since you're at least 5,000 times more likely to die from being scared and fat.

Obviously I'm not fat. Lol. :D I already exercise and take excellent care of my body, thanks.
You think the Westboros hate homos MORE than Islam? Ba-ha-ha! How many people are members of Westboro?

No. I think both religious ideologies are mired in archaic traditions and beliefs. I believe all three Abrahamic religions are decades behind in their beliefs. Equally.

You must be a dude. No woman in her right mind would support this ideology that is downright abusive to women. Or maybe you're a Muslim. Who knows?

You must be an idiot to think that I "support" either "ideology". I think all religions are fucking stupid. I think you could paint a picture of Mohammed fucking Jesus while Jesus got blown by Kali and I wouldn't give two shits and a shake.

Apparently you support the tenets of Islam.

Yes, apparently. And apparently you really ARE stupid. Good to know.

Nope. You are here fighting, which means you support the tenets of Islam. You even want to bring it here to America in order to oppress women and children. Disgusting. You are a disgusting human being for supporting this despicable cult.
Barry Hussein's father was an African nationalist who hated the U.S. His political mentor, Bill Ayers was a domestic terrorist who bombed Military recruitment centers, corporate headquarters and the Pentagon. The pastor of his church said terrible things about the U.S. from the pulpit. They practically had to break Obama's arm to make him put it over his heart during the National Anthem. What would Obama know about patriotism?

Time to get some help... Those little voices aren't real
The Bible which the Christians follow has a New Testament which helps to moderate them. There is no New Testament in the Quran. They follow ancient patriarchal customs and beliefs. As a woman, I don't want them here. This is an ideology that threatens my freedoms.

And yet the New Testament doesn't seem to "moderate" Kevin Swanson, Wesbtboro Baptist Church or Scott Lively does it?
I would be amazed and extremely disappointed if any Christian group preached hatred of homosexuals. Do you have a link to any of those sites espousing hatred?

You're kidding, right? Oh wait, let me guess, you're going to say that Westboro isn't a Christian organization? That's what Muslims say about ISIL.

Oh, so this is all about your hatred of Christianity? Is that right?


I think that's you since you seem to be blind and deaf about what is happening in the world. We even have a Muslim here on the board who claims to be "moderate" yet he supports the oppression of women. You want to bring that crap over here? I will fight you all the way, douchebag.

There are Christians right here on this board who claim to be "moderate" yet support the oppression of women. That "crap" is already here and a very small minority. I'm not worried, but you can stay in your house and live in fear...make sure you exercise since you're at least 5,000 times more likely to die from being scared and fat.

Yup, we have our own wackos here at home. Why import more?
The Bible which the Christians follow has a New Testament which helps to moderate them. There is no New Testament in the Quran. They follow ancient patriarchal customs and beliefs. As a woman, I don't want them here. This is an ideology that threatens my freedoms.

And yet the New Testament doesn't seem to "moderate" Kevin Swanson, Wesbtboro Baptist Church or Scott Lively does it?

Like I said, we have our own wackos. Why import more? WHY? Talk about shooting your stupid self in the foot!

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