Obama: “Muslim-Americans Are As Patriotic, And American As Any Other Members Of The American Family”

We actually have quite a few Muslims in Massachusetts. Most of the time, they just glare at your or avoid making eye contact. Not the friendliest bunch, that's for sure.

So you are admitting you don't know any Muslims. How do you know you're being glared at by a Muslim? Do you smile and say "hello"? Try it.

Oh? And how many Muslim immigrants do you know?

Only a small handful of 1st generation immigrants. They're my friend's parents. I dated a Muslim woman for a short time 20+ years ago. Her parents were immigrants. I got to know some of her family, also immigrants. I served 20 years alongside Muslim American Coasties, not many, but a few as well as some in the TSA. Now that I'm in local county government, I work with Muslims all the time. Know what the difference is between the Muslims I know and love and the Jews, Christians, Buddhists, Satanists, atheists, agnostics, Wiccans and, yes, even a Hari Krishna I know and love? A lot of things, but it's not their patriotism.

So then you don't know, IOW. You are basing your opinions on a small handful of people. Well, I've just posted the links for you. Open them and read them.

Right. I'm basing my opinion on factual data regarding Muslims that live in the United States coupled with my personal knowledge of American Muslims. You're basing your "opinion" (see fear) off of blog sites. I'll stick with mine, thanks.

Your anecdotes (which may or may not be true) are no facts. I've posted the facts.
Those statistics I quoted are gleaned from the Pew Research Center. Over half of all Muslims believe Sharia Law should be instituted in the United States.
Yeah, for the rabbit. Is no one allowed to post in any thread you're posting in for fear of being labled a "stalker"?

37 "funnies" in a day are a bit creepy. ShortBus Bode is not well, and undoubtedly a danger to herself and others.
That explains something of the RW problem with them.
Most of the Muslims I know in this country hold professional jobs, are law abiding and have strong family values

Until the day when one of them flips out and commits some honor killing or something, then you'll be like, "I had no idea. He seemed like such a nice guy" like everyone says.

Happens with every group doesn't it?

Our two million Muslims in this country are overwhelmingly peaceful and law abiding. Their crime rate is lower than christians

Ok, fine. What do you suggest be done about the ones who would copy the acts of Maj Hassan, the Boston bombers, and the Orlando and San Bernardino shooters? Those killers were all American muslims who claimed to be "good americans".

How about the muslim who murdered those innocents in Nice, France, in the Istanbul airport? and all of the others?

How do you suggest that we prevent future murders like these? By hurling bullshit talking points that all muslims are good law abiding people?

We do what we do with any criminal in this country regardless of religion. We try them and convict them
That explains something of the RW problem with them.
Most of the Muslims I know in this country hold professional jobs, are law abiding and have strong family values

Until the day when one of them flips out and commits some honor killing or something, then you'll be like, "I had no idea. He seemed like such a nice guy" like everyone says.

Happens with every group doesn't it?

Our two million Muslims in this country are overwhelmingly peaceful and law abiding. Their crime rate is lower than christians

Ok, fine. What do you suggest be done about the ones who would copy the acts of Maj Hassan, the Boston bombers, and the Orlando and San Bernardino shooters? Those killers were all American muslims who claimed to be "good americans".

How about the muslim who murdered those innocents in Nice, France, in the Istanbul airport? and all of the others?

How do you suggest that we prevent future murders like these? By hurling bullshit talking points that all muslims are good law abiding people?

We do what we do with any criminal in this country regardless of religion. We try them and convict them

We should stop importing trouble. We don't need it. Take a look at what's happening in France.
Those statistics I quoted are gleaned from the Pew Research Center. Over half of all Muslims believe Sharia Law should be instituted in the United States.

What part of Sharia Law?

Muslims believe they should be able to implement Sharia family law in their own community. Much the same as Mormons, Amish and Orthodox Jews do

They do not advocate cutting off your hand for stealing
That explains something of the RW problem with them.
Most of the Muslims I know in this country hold professional jobs, are law abiding and have strong family values

Until the day when one of them flips out and commits some honor killing or something, then you'll be like, "I had no idea. He seemed like such a nice guy" like everyone says.

Happens with every group doesn't it?

Our two million Muslims in this country are overwhelmingly peaceful and law abiding. Their crime rate is lower than christians

Ok, fine. What do you suggest be done about the ones who would copy the acts of Maj Hassan, the Boston bombers, and the Orlando and San Bernardino shooters? Those killers were all American muslims who claimed to be "good americans".

How about the muslim who murdered those innocents in Nice, France, in the Istanbul airport? and all of the others?

How do you suggest that we prevent future murders like these? By hurling bullshit talking points that all muslims are good law abiding people?

We do what we do with any criminal in this country regardless of religion. We try them and convict them

For what reason do we have to import people from the ME? I've asked this question numerous times and I still haven't gotten an answer except for some vague ideological nonsense. Well, I don't think from an "ideological" point of view. I think from a logical point of view.
Those statistics I quoted are gleaned from the Pew Research Center. Over half of all Muslims believe Sharia Law should be instituted in the United States.

What part of Sharia Law?

Muslims believe they should be able to implement Sharia family law in their own community. Much the same as Mormons, Amish and Orthodox Jews do

They do not advocate cutting off your hand for stealing

Yes they do. Look at any country where there has been LARGE Muslim immigration.
Those statistics I quoted are gleaned from the Pew Research Center. Over half of all Muslims believe Sharia Law should be instituted in the United States.

What part of Sharia Law?

Muslims believe they should be able to implement Sharia family law in their own community. Much the same as Mormons, Amish and Orthodox Jews do

They do not advocate cutting off your hand for stealing

Most European Muslims want Sharia – not European laws

A majority of the Muslims in Europe want sharia should have precedence over the secular laws of their European host countries. This according to a new study by WZB Berlin Social Science Center where Muslims in six countries interviewed, including Sweden. A study that should concern Western politicians, according to the researchers.

The study posed three questions to the immigrant Turks and Moroccans in Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, Holland and Sweden:

  • Do you think sharia is more important to you than the laws of the country you live? (66%)
  • Do you mean that there is only one legitimate interpretation of the Koran that should apply to all Muslims? (75%)
  • Are you saying that Muslims should return to their “Islamic roots”? (60%)
Those who answered Yes to all questions be referred to as “consistent fundamentalists” – and these represent 44 per cent of those questioned Muslims in Europe. The fundamentalist attitudes are as common among younger Muslims among the elderly.

According to the study (conducted as early as 2008, but only now have been published), the situation is worst in Austria. Where 73% of the Muslims replied that sharia is more important than the secular State laws, 79 percent that there is only one correct interpretation of the Koran that apply to all and 65 percent believe that the Muslims to return to their Islamic roots. A total of 55 percent replied by the Austrian Muslims in the survey that they agreed with all three allegations.

The report’s author, the Dutch sociologist Ruud Koopmans says that the study reveals remarkably similar patterns in comparison with other German studies. For example, Muslime in Deutschland (Muslims in Germany) which in 2007 showed that 47% of German Muslims argued that the religious policies is more important than democracy–exactly the same number as in this study believe that Quranic laws is more important than the German laws.

Equally disturbing is that the study shows the significant Muslim hostility towards other groups. For example, 60 per cent of Muslims replied that they refuse to have gay friends and 45 percent say that you can not trust Jews.

Even in these matters is distinguished the Austrian Muslims. 69 percent refuse to have gay friends, and 63 percent say that you can not trust Jews. In addition, said 66 percent of the people that the West is trying to destroy islam.

To have something to compare the response with European Muslims, non-Muslim Europeans was also asked about his position on suspicion of Jews (8 per cent), gay (10 per cent), Muslims (21 percent). 1.4% were opposed to all three groups.

According to Koopmans is Islamic fundamentalism “is not an innocent form of strict religiosity. … While about one in five indigenous Europeans may be referred to as “Islamophobe”, is the degree of anxiety to the West among Muslims — which oddly enough is no words, but may call it occidentofobi [Occident = West] – much higher: 54% believe that the West’s goal is to destroy islam. ”

Still not worried, but you can continue to shit your pants over scary mooooslims...I'm going to go fishing.

Because you are a ridiculous ideologue.

About fishing? You're all over the place.

Smile at a Muslim today, you'll be a better person for it.

No, about Muslims. You are obviously stupid.
You think American Christians are "bad?" You haven't seen anything yet. Lol. People who follow Islam HATE homos. Nothing like fighting against yourself and ALL the progress that we've made in this country in order to appease an angry, regressive and despicable group of religious people! :lol: No common sense whatsoever.
Most of the Muslims I know in this country hold professional jobs, are law abiding and have strong family values

Until the day when one of them flips out and commits some honor killing or something, then you'll be like, "I had no idea. He seemed like such a nice guy" like everyone says.

Happens with every group doesn't it?

Our two million Muslims in this country are overwhelmingly peaceful and law abiding. Their crime rate is lower than christians

Ok, fine. What do you suggest be done about the ones who would copy the acts of Maj Hassan, the Boston bombers, and the Orlando and San Bernardino shooters? Those killers were all American muslims who claimed to be "good americans".

How about the muslim who murdered those innocents in Nice, France, in the Istanbul airport? and all of the others?

How do you suggest that we prevent future murders like these? By hurling bullshit talking points that all muslims are good law abiding people?

We do what we do with any criminal in this country regardless of religion. We try them and convict them

For what reason do we have to import people from the ME? I've asked this question numerous times and I still haven't gotten an answer except for some vague ideological nonsense. Well, I don't think from an "ideological" point of view. I think from a logical point of view.

We don't "import people" from anywhere, we allow for immigration from other countries. What reason do you have for stopping all immigration from Middle Eastern countries and not from other countries? Christians from Africa commit atrocities exactly like Middle Eastern Muslims. Should we not allow Christian immigrants from Africa?

Stop shitting your pants over things that aren't going to happen in the United States.

Until the day when one of them flips out and commits some honor killing or something, then you'll be like, "I had no idea. He seemed like such a nice guy" like everyone says.

Happens with every group doesn't it?

Our two million Muslims in this country are overwhelmingly peaceful and law abiding. Their crime rate is lower than christians

Ok, fine. What do you suggest be done about the ones who would copy the acts of Maj Hassan, the Boston bombers, and the Orlando and San Bernardino shooters? Those killers were all American muslims who claimed to be "good americans".

How about the muslim who murdered those innocents in Nice, France, in the Istanbul airport? and all of the others?

How do you suggest that we prevent future murders like these? By hurling bullshit talking points that all muslims are good law abiding people?

We do what we do with any criminal in this country regardless of religion. We try them and convict them

For what reason do we have to import people from the ME? I've asked this question numerous times and I still haven't gotten an answer except for some vague ideological nonsense. Well, I don't think from an "ideological" point of view. I think from a logical point of view.

We don't "import people" from anywhere, we allow for immigration from other countries. What reason do you have for stopping all immigration from Middle Eastern countries and not from other countries? Christians from Africa commit atrocities exactly like Middle Eastern immigrants. Should we not allow Christian immigrants from Africa?

Stop shitting your pants over things that aren't going to happen in the United States.

Sorry, but Christians are not a problem throughout the world. Stop lying. Wake up from your ideological stupor and see what is happening.
Until the day when one of them flips out and commits some honor killing or something, then you'll be like, "I had no idea. He seemed like such a nice guy" like everyone says.

Happens with every group doesn't it?

Our two million Muslims in this country are overwhelmingly peaceful and law abiding. Their crime rate is lower than christians

Ok, fine. What do you suggest be done about the ones who would copy the acts of Maj Hassan, the Boston bombers, and the Orlando and San Bernardino shooters? Those killers were all American muslims who claimed to be "good americans".

How about the muslim who murdered those innocents in Nice, France, in the Istanbul airport? and all of the others?

How do you suggest that we prevent future murders like these? By hurling bullshit talking points that all muslims are good law abiding people?

We do what we do with any criminal in this country regardless of religion. We try them and convict them

For what reason do we have to import people from the ME? I've asked this question numerous times and I still haven't gotten an answer except for some vague ideological nonsense. Well, I don't think from an "ideological" point of view. I think from a logical point of view.

We don't "import people" from anywhere, we allow for immigration from other countries. What reason do you have for stopping all immigration from Middle Eastern countries and not from other countries? Christians from Africa commit atrocities exactly like Middle Eastern immigrants. Should we not allow Christian immigrants from Africa?

Stop shitting your pants over things that aren't going to happen in the United States.

My links prove you wrong. :) That must piss off your ideological stupid brain.
The nonstop apology tour continues.
After Boston, San Bernadino and Orlando we got to watch the reactions of friends and/or family. About as anti American as you can get.
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He can't even say it with a straight face. Fact is Muslims across the globe are not loyal to anything but death, destruction and Sharia. They have no place in a free society. In fact 80% openly preach radicalization, praise suicide bombers and encourage jihad. While 100% preach Sharia law above all other laws including the constitution. Sharia law is incompatible with a free society, freedom of religion and free speech.

Fuck Islam!

Study: 3 in 4 U.S. mosques preach anti-Western jihadist hate
You think American Christians are "bad?" You haven't seen anything yet. Lol. People who follow Islam HATE homos. Nothing like fighting against yourself and ALL the progress that we've made in this country in order to appease an angry, regressive and despicable group of religious people! :lol: No common sense whatsoever.

No, I don't think American Christians are bad. I don't think American Muslims are bad. I don't judge an entire religion by the actions of extremists and cultists and you shouldn't either.

People who follow Evangelical Christianity HATE "homos" (even more than American Moooooslims do). I still love and respect my Christian friends.

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