Obama: “Muslim-Americans Are As Patriotic, And American As Any Other Members Of The American Family”

the problem is that we cannot tell the good ones from the bad ones. You may not like that, but its the reality we are dealing with.

Like Tim McVeigh?

Exactly. We have our own psychos to worry about. Why import more?

What psychos are we importing?

Nobody knows. That's the problem. These people are NOT like us. They have a completely different culture and totally different beliefs when it comes to a lot of "secular" society rules.
This is how it starts, you know.

It's true. Time you faced reality.
Nobody knows. That's the problem. These people are NOT like us. They have a completely different culture and totally different beliefs when it comes to a lot of "secular" society rules.
I believe you have that opinion burdening you because you have led a sheltered life, have listened to too much propaganda, have never be in a working environment with people from very diverse backgrounds around the world, have very limited to no travel experience in other parts of the world and/or been immersed in other cultures to gain an understanding of that culture.

Of course there are very bad people in the world, or folks with simply different customs and perspectives in their home Nation/culture, BUT that is no reason to maintain a bunker mentality and live in fear and isolation with the rest of the herd!

Bull and deflection. My statement stands.
Deflection my ass! The point of your previous post I addressed directly:

1. "That's the problem."
2. "These people are NOT like us."
3. "They have a completely different culture and totally different beliefs when it comes to a lot of "secular" society rules."

I left out one brief sentence consisting of TWO (2) words which said, "Nobody knows." In response to those three brief sentences YOU wrote, I responded with;
I believe you have that opinion burdening you because you have led a sheltered life, have listened to too much propaganda, have never be in a working environment with people from very diverse backgrounds around the world, have very limited to no travel experience in other parts of the world and/or been immersed in other cultures to gain an understanding of that culture.

Of course there are very bad people in the world, or folks with simply different customs and perspectives in their home Nation/culture, BUT that is no reason to maintain a bunker mentality and live in fear and isolation with the rest of the herd!
Now EXACTLY how is that a deflection from what you posted? I believe you just might be the one deflecting! What do ya think?

MY post still stands. Their culture clashes with our culture. End of story.
Nativists said that about the Irish
Nativists said that about Jews
Nativists said that about Italians
Nativists said that about the Polish
Nativists said that about the Chinese
Nativists said that about the Japanese
Nativists say that now about Mexican.

End of the story.

Oh well. That certainly doesn't change my mind. The fact of the matter is that trouble follows these "migrants" where ever they go. They have become a worldwide problem. We have our own problems. Why add to them? For what reason?
That explains something of the RW problem with them.
Most of the Muslims I know in this country hold professional jobs, are law abiding and have strong family values

Until the day when one of them flips out and commits some honor killing or something, then you'll be like, "I had no idea. He seemed like such a nice guy" like everyone says.
Is he correct that women should be intimidated into wearing burkas? Is he correct in saying that women should have a male escort at all times? What IS he correct about in your mind?

I pointed out one thing I agree with him on- that the majority of Muslim Americans are patriotic Americans.

I normally disagree with him about everything.

I don't know about that, but it's a chance I don't think WE should have to take. Especially women!

So exactly how do you want to discriminate against Muslim Americans?

I don't want them coming to our country. Perhaps once they catch up with the rest of the world, it would be okay. Until then, no way. Women fought for their freedom here, and we don't want some immigrants threatening us!

So do you propose kicking Muslim Americans out of the United States?

Or just preventing them from re-entering the United States if they dare go to Tijuana for the day?

What exactly do you have against Muslim American women?

No one has suggested kicking American muslims out of the country. Stop lying and making up shit.

What has been suggested is to stop muslim immigration until we have a valid way to identify and vet the ones who want to come in. There is nothing discriminatory about that and it should apply to every person who requests entry to our country.

Now, a question for you. Why do you want to allow a group of people that we know contains a % of radical murderers to enter our country unchecked?
I believe you have that opinion burdening you because you have led a sheltered life, have listened to too much propaganda, have never be in a working environment with people from very diverse backgrounds around the world, have very limited to no travel experience in other parts of the world and/or been immersed in other cultures to gain an understanding of that culture.

Of course there are very bad people in the world, or folks with simply different customs and perspectives in their home Nation/culture, BUT that is no reason to maintain a bunker mentality and live in fear and isolation with the rest of the herd!

Bull and deflection. My statement stands.
Deflection my ass! The point of your previous post I addressed directly:

1. "That's the problem."
2. "These people are NOT like us."
3. "They have a completely different culture and totally different beliefs when it comes to a lot of "secular" society rules."

I left out one brief sentence consisting of TWO (2) words which said, "Nobody knows." In response to those three brief sentences YOU wrote, I responded with;
I believe you have that opinion burdening you because you have led a sheltered life, have listened to too much propaganda, have never be in a working environment with people from very diverse backgrounds around the world, have very limited to no travel experience in other parts of the world and/or been immersed in other cultures to gain an understanding of that culture.

Of course there are very bad people in the world, or folks with simply different customs and perspectives in their home Nation/culture, BUT that is no reason to maintain a bunker mentality and live in fear and isolation with the rest of the herd!
Now EXACTLY how is that a deflection from what you posted? I believe you just might be the one deflecting! What do ya think?

MY post still stands. Their culture clashes with our culture. End of story.
Nativists said that about the Irish
Nativists said that about Jews
Nativists said that about Italians
Nativists said that about the Polish
Nativists said that about the Chinese
Nativists said that about the Japanese
Nativists say that now about Mexican.

End of the story.

Oh well. That certainly doesn't change my mind. The fact of the matter is that trouble follows these "migrants" where ever they go. They have become a worldwide problem. We have our own problems. Why add to them? For what reason?

because the liberal mind feeeeeeeeeeeeeels sorrrrrrryyyyyy for everyone. The defective liberal gene overwhelms their ability to think rationally.
Should muslim Major Hassan be trashed? Was he a good American soldier?

He trashed all Muslims in the military.
I'm not trashing Muslims in the military. All Muslim cultists should be removed from all government jobs.

You first sentence is disproved by your second one.
only if all muslims in the military are cultists------------are they?

What's a Muslim cultist? Is that like a Mormon?

Only if the Mormon has declared that all non-Mormons should be beheaded.
That explains something of the RW problem with them.
Most of the Muslims I know in this country hold professional jobs, are law abiding and have strong family values

Until the day when one of them flips out and commits some honor killing or something, then you'll be like, "I had no idea. He seemed like such a nice guy" like everyone says.

Happens with every group doesn't it?

Our two million Muslims in this country are overwhelmingly peaceful and law abiding. Their crime rate is lower than christians
That explains something of the RW problem with them.
Most of the Muslims I know in this country hold professional jobs, are law abiding and have strong family values

Until the day when one of them flips out and commits some honor killing or something, then you'll be like, "I had no idea. He seemed like such a nice guy" like everyone says.

Happens with every group doesn't it?

Our two million Muslims in this country are overwhelmingly peaceful and law abiding. Their crime rate is lower than christians

Ok, fine. What do you suggest be done about the ones who would copy the acts of Maj Hassan, the Boston bombers, and the Orlando and San Bernardino shooters? Those killers were all American muslims who claimed to be "good americans".

How about the muslim who murdered those innocents in Nice, France, in the Istanbul airport? and all of the others?

How do you suggest that we prevent future murders like these? By hurling bullshit talking points that all muslims are good law abiding people?
That explains something of the RW problem with them.
Most of the Muslims I know in this country hold professional jobs, are law abiding and have strong family values

Until the day when one of them flips out and commits some honor killing or something, then you'll be like, "I had no idea. He seemed like such a nice guy" like everyone says.

Happens with every group doesn't it?

Our two million Muslims in this country are overwhelmingly peaceful and law abiding. Their crime rate is lower than christians

Oh, that's the same thing as American gun owners, but you want to curtail our rights over the actions of a few psychos, so be consistent and apply that across the board. :)
That explains something of the RW problem with them.
Most of the Muslims I know in this country hold professional jobs, are law abiding and have strong family values

Until the day when one of them flips out and commits some honor killing or something, then you'll be like, "I had no idea. He seemed like such a nice guy" like everyone says.

Happens with every group doesn't it?

Our two million Muslims in this country are overwhelmingly peaceful and law abiding. Their crime rate is lower than christians

Only because there are fewer of them. Once you get a whole slew of them together, that's when the trouble starts. All one has to do is look at every other country where there is a large population of them! Stop thinking on an ideological basis and use your brains!
The nonstop apology tour continues.
After Boston, San Bernadino and Orlando we got to watch the reactions of friends and/or family. About as anti American as you can get.]

Not surprising that a religious bigot like you can't stand it when President Obama stands up for Americans.

No wonder he respects these people- and you despise them.
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If the Muslims are so integrated into American society, why do they have to have a Muslim American Veterans Assn? What is wrong with the VFW or the American Legion? I wonder if non-Muslims can join their Association. Just asking.

If the Jews are so integrated into American society, why do they have to have a Jewish War Veterans Assn? What is wrong with the VFW or the American Legion? I wonder if non-Jews can join their Association. Just asking.
That explains something of the RW problem with them.
Most of the Muslims I know in this country hold professional jobs, are law abiding and have strong family values

Until the day when one of them flips out and commits some honor killing or something, then you'll be like, "I had no idea. He seemed like such a nice guy" like everyone says.

Happens with every group doesn't it?

Our two million Muslims in this country are overwhelmingly peaceful and law abiding. Their crime rate is lower than christians

When you go and start importing people from the ME, where religion is the focal point of their lives, where there is a tribal hive mentality, where things like honor killings and killing homosexuals are the "norm" then you are just asking for trouble. The culture over there is nothing like here. They are a completely different animal who have different sets of beliefs and values. Our American Christians and Muslims (who were born in this country) have been secularized. There is a BIG difference.
That explains something of the RW problem with them.
Most of the Muslims I know in this country hold professional jobs, are law abiding and have strong family values

Until the day when one of them flips out and commits some honor killing or something, then you'll be like, "I had no idea. He seemed like such a nice guy" like everyone says.

Happens with every group doesn't it?

Our two million Muslims in this country are overwhelmingly peaceful and law abiding. Their crime rate is lower than christians
Shit for brains
lol you ever serve bro?

I tended bar for a time. Served lots of drinks.

I have. Stop being a retard Uncensored2008 IF you're able

If I were a retard, I'd be like you.

Do you EVER respond to the subject at hand? Are you even able to follow along on a thread?
When asked if he ever served...this is the answer we get. Patriotism! Quips about being a bartender when asked about military service.

What do you expect when their party leader thinks that sleeping with questionable women was like Vietnam and going to a military school was like basic training? Their nominee thinks all women in the military deserve to be raped and that all military men can't control themselves? The guy they want to be President thinks captured soldiers are "losers". You can't expect respect for the military from his cultists...
That explains something of the RW problem with them.
Most of the Muslims I know in this country hold professional jobs, are law abiding and have strong family values

Until the day when one of them flips out and commits some honor killing or something, then you'll be like, "I had no idea. He seemed like such a nice guy" like everyone says.

Happens with every group doesn't it?

Our two million Muslims in this country are overwhelmingly peaceful and law abiding. Their crime rate is lower than christians

When you go and start importing people from the ME, where religion is the focal point of their lives, where there is a tribal hive mentality, where things like honor killings and killing homosexuals are the "norm" then you are just asking for trouble. The culture over there is nothing like here. They are a completely different animal who have different sets of beliefs and values. Our American Christians and Muslims (who were born in this country) have been secularized. There is a BIG difference.

And they will adapt to our culture, not the other way around.
That explains something of the RW problem with them.
Most of the Muslims I know in this country hold professional jobs, are law abiding and have strong family values

Until the day when one of them flips out and commits some honor killing or something, then you'll be like, "I had no idea. He seemed like such a nice guy" like everyone says.

Happens with every group doesn't it?

Our two million Muslims in this country are overwhelmingly peaceful and law abiding. Their crime rate is lower than christians

When you go and start importing people from the ME, where religion is the focal point of their lives, where there is a tribal hive mentality, where things like honor killings and killing homosexuals are the "norm" then you are just asking for trouble. The culture over there is nothing like here. They are a completely different animal who have different sets of beliefs and values. Our American Christians and Muslims (who were born in this country) have been secularized. There is a BIG difference.

And they will adapt to our culture, not the other way around.

You don't know that and there are plenty of countries where they are NOT adapting. Look around at the world and wake the hell up!
Here is an example of assimilation for you, I was driving behind some douchebag yesterday who had one of those "support our troops" magnets on his car. It said "support this" and had a middle finger on it, and he had Cuban flags hanging from his rearview mirror.
Most of the Muslims I know in this country hold professional jobs, are law abiding and have strong family values

Until the day when one of them flips out and commits some honor killing or something, then you'll be like, "I had no idea. He seemed like such a nice guy" like everyone says.

Happens with every group doesn't it?

Our two million Muslims in this country are overwhelmingly peaceful and law abiding. Their crime rate is lower than christians

When you go and start importing people from the ME, where religion is the focal point of their lives, where there is a tribal hive mentality, where things like honor killings and killing homosexuals are the "norm" then you are just asking for trouble. The culture over there is nothing like here. They are a completely different animal who have different sets of beliefs and values. Our American Christians and Muslims (who were born in this country) have been secularized. There is a BIG difference.

And they will adapt to our culture, not the other way around.

You don't know that and there are plenty of countries where they are NOT adapting. Look around at the world and wake the hell up!

I'm wide awake, thanks and I know that people said that about Jews, Germans, Japanese, Chinese, Italians, Irish, etc. I live in America and I do not live in fear of Muslim immigrants or Muslims at all. The culture of the United States is not going to "change" to adapt to Muslims, Muslims immigrating to the United States adapt to our culture. That is how it has always "gone down" in American history and that's not going to change.

Do you know any Muslim Americans? Meet some.
Until the day when one of them flips out and commits some honor killing or something, then you'll be like, "I had no idea. He seemed like such a nice guy" like everyone says.

Happens with every group doesn't it?

Our two million Muslims in this country are overwhelmingly peaceful and law abiding. Their crime rate is lower than christians

When you go and start importing people from the ME, where religion is the focal point of their lives, where there is a tribal hive mentality, where things like honor killings and killing homosexuals are the "norm" then you are just asking for trouble. The culture over there is nothing like here. They are a completely different animal who have different sets of beliefs and values. Our American Christians and Muslims (who were born in this country) have been secularized. There is a BIG difference.

And they will adapt to our culture, not the other way around.

You don't know that and there are plenty of countries where they are NOT adapting. Look around at the world and wake the hell up!

I'm wide awake, thanks and I know that people said that about Jews, Germans, Japanese, Chinese, Italians, Irish, etc. I live in America and I do not live in fear of Muslim immigrants or Muslims at all. The culture of the United States is not going to "change" to adapt to Muslims, Muslims immigrating to the United States adapt to our culture. That is how it has always "gone down" in American history and that's not going to change.

Do you know any Muslim Americans? Meet some.

Blah, blah, blah. Empty ideological rhetoric.

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