Obama: “Muslim-Americans Are As Patriotic, And American As Any Other Members Of The American Family”

He's right. What's the problem?
Take a look at the no fly list and tell me American Muslims are mainstream.
Hey asshole, next time you're in DC take a trip across the Potomac to Arlington and visit the National Cemetery. You'll see not only Christian Crosses and the Star of David on the headstones, but Crescent Moons also! 3500 Muslim Americans joined the US Armed Forces after 9/11, a number proportionate to the Christian and Jewish populations in the US. Not all of them came back home alive to go on with their life. And Muslims have bled for this Nation since the Revolutionary War, you fool!

If Muslims are good enough to fight and die for this Nation, they definitely deserve the respect any DECENT AMERICAN would afford another American! Stuff your ignorance, bigotry and xenophobic horseshit in your fucking pie hole, scumbag!
Oh wow, Muslims joined the military. Some of them even got out before they started murdering their fellow soldiers too.
Hate vets, do you?
The nonstop apology tour continues.
After Boston, San Bernadino and Orlando we got to watch the reactions of friends and/or family. About as anti American as you can get.
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I'd say the over 5000 Muslims serving in the US military are doing more for this country than you are.

Do you include Maj Hassan in that count? How about ex-military muslims like the Orlando shooter?

Yes, most muslims in our military are good people, but a few of them are not. Do you disagree with that?

You made my point for me. Now show some character and go argue with the OP.

the problem is that we cannot tell the good ones from the bad ones. You may not like that, but its the reality we are dealing with.
The problem is that you want to assume that Americans are bad.

The reality is that we cannot tell for certain who the next mass shooter is going to be- some are Muslim- some are Christian- some are white- some are black

But the American way is to assume people innocent until proven guilty.
The American way. Important thing to say.
You made my point for me. Now show some character and go argue with the OP.

the problem is that we cannot tell the good ones from the bad ones. You may not like that, but its the reality we are dealing with.

Like Tim McVeigh?

Exactly. We have our own psychos to worry about. Why import more?

What psychos are we importing?

Nobody knows. That's the problem. These people are NOT like us. They have a completely different culture and totally different beliefs when it comes to a lot of "secular" society rules.
This is how it starts, you know.
Unlike SunniMan --- who just DAYS before -- spent about 10 pages about how WESTERN cultures were gonna HAVE to comprise in order to have a peaceful practice of Islam in their part of the world. And he was EXCUSING the knifing of a Mother/Daughters in France because they were scantily clad and offensive.
You are incorrect on both points about my comments on previous posts.

1) I never stated that western cultures are going to HAVE to comprise in order to have a "peaceful" Islam in their part of the world.

What I said was, that history has shown when two cultures intermingle. There will be give and take from both camps. That assimilation isn't a one-way street. And that some adjustments will eventually be made within the society.

2) I never excused or condoned the knife attack on the mother and her daughters. I stated that the man was obviously mentally ill.

But I did lay some of the blame on the mother for letting the children be around a psychotic individual while dressed immodestly. ...... :cool:

Actually your 30 or 40 posts went a lot farther. Said "obviously the woman and children were dressed immodestly". When told about French women being afraid to sunbath on the beach, you said -- "I'm glad that French women are returning to modesty and civility".

You also said "It was too late for Europe" in regards to preserving their freedoms and tolerance. America is an example that the problem AINT ISLAM. It's the importation of repressive and violent CULTURE that is the issue.

Which is why AMERICA is one of the very few examples of peaceful and open practice of the faith -- without all the political and cultural baggage that USUALLY comes with it..

Because of separation of church and state in our society which is secular. Thankfully.
Tell Kim Davis that. Tell states with blue laws that.
Nobody knows. That's the problem. These people are NOT like us. They have a completely different culture and totally different beliefs when it comes to a lot of "secular" society rules.
I believe you have that opinion burdening you because you have led a sheltered life, have listened to too much propaganda, have never be in a working environment with people from very diverse backgrounds around the world, have very limited to no travel experience in other parts of the world and/or been immersed in other cultures to gain an understanding of that culture.

Of course there are very bad people in the world, or folks with simply different customs and perspectives in their home Nation/culture, BUT that is no reason to maintain a bunker mentality and live in fear and isolation with the rest of the herd!

Bull and deflection. My statement stands.
Deflection my ass! The point of your previous post I addressed directly:

1. "That's the problem."
2. "These people are NOT like us."
3. "They have a completely different culture and totally different beliefs when it comes to a lot of "secular" society rules."

I left out one brief sentence consisting of TWO (2) words which said, "Nobody knows." In response to those three brief sentences YOU wrote, I responded with;
I believe you have that opinion burdening you because you have led a sheltered life, have listened to too much propaganda, have never be in a working environment with people from very diverse backgrounds around the world, have very limited to no travel experience in other parts of the world and/or been immersed in other cultures to gain an understanding of that culture.

Of course there are very bad people in the world, or folks with simply different customs and perspectives in their home Nation/culture, BUT that is no reason to maintain a bunker mentality and live in fear and isolation with the rest of the herd!
Now EXACTLY how is that a deflection from what you posted? I believe you just might be the one deflecting! What do ya think?

MY post still stands. Their culture clashes with our culture. End of story.
Nativists said that about the Irish
Nativists said that about Jews
Nativists said that about Italians
Nativists said that about the Polish
Nativists said that about the Chinese
Nativists said that about the Japanese
Nativists say that now about Mexican.

End of the story.
I do not respect his beliefs. His beliefs are outrageously misogynist.
Muslims believe that man and women are biologically different. (sorry Bruce Jenner)

That they have different, but unique roles to play in both life and society.

And that the man / husband's natural position is to be over woman and their protector.

I fail to see how that is misogynistic? ...... :dunno:
LOL Being I love Dominant men, it's right up my alley.. (Sexually dominant , well that could also lead in to every day life depending)

You want a man telling you what to wear? Making you wear a burka or be accompanied by a man when outdoors? We aren't talking about sex here.
Christian men try to tell us what to do with our bodies....not much different....Patriarchal religions are known for that.
Hey asshole, next time you're in DC take a trip across the Potomac to Arlington and visit the National Cemetery. You'll see not only Christian Crosses and the Star of David on the headstones, but Crescent Moons also! 3500 Muslim Americans joined the US Armed Forces after 9/11, a number proportionate to the Christian and Jewish populations in the US. Not all of them came back home alive to go on with their life. And Muslims have bled for this Nation since the Revolutionary War, you fool!

If Muslims are good enough to fight and die for this Nation, they definitely deserve the respect any DECENT AMERICAN would afford another American! Stuff your ignorance, bigotry and xenophobic horseshit in your fucking pie hole, scumbag!
Oh wow, Muslims joined the military. Some of them even got out before they started murdering their fellow soldiers too.

I knew I'd get him to trash our military with my post.

Should muslim Major Hassan be trashed? Was he a good American soldier?

He trashed all Muslims in the military.

No one trashed all muslims in the military. Your refusal to recognize that SOME muslims in the military are murdering bastards who killed their fellow soldiers in the name of islam.
Why hold all Islamic vets to that? Do you hold all Christer vets to the behavior of Tim McVeigh?
Hey asshole, next time you're in DC take a trip across the Potomac to Arlington and visit the National Cemetery. You'll see not only Christian Crosses and the Star of David on the headstones, but Crescent Moons also! 3500 Muslim Americans joined the US Armed Forces after 9/11, a number proportionate to the Christian and Jewish populations in the US. Not all of them came back home alive to go on with their life. And Muslims have bled for this Nation since the Revolutionary War, you fool!

If Muslims are good enough to fight and die for this Nation, they definitely deserve the respect any DECENT AMERICAN would afford another American! Stuff your ignorance, bigotry and xenophobic horseshit in your fucking pie hole, scumbag!
Oh wow, Muslims joined the military. Some of them even got out before they started murdering their fellow soldiers too.

I knew I'd get him to trash our military with my post.

Should muslim Major Hassan be trashed? Was he a good American soldier?

He trashed all Muslims in the military.
I'm not trashing Muslims in the military. All Muslim cultists should be removed from all government jobs.
And this is how it continues.......
This thread validates how the left spin and lie and spend most of their time defending Islamofacism.

You've yet to cite a single poster's post defending terrorist acts.
Only about ten thousand posts by leftists and statements by the POTUS who deflect, lie and spin to justify Islamofascism.

Who justified terrorism? Link?

If you condemn radical Islamic terrorism------------say so, NOW
Of course I do. As I condemn ALL terrorism.
That explains something of the RW problem with them.
Most of the Muslims I know in this country hold professional jobs, are law abiding and have strong family values
If the Muslims are so integrated into American society, why do they have to have a Muslim American Veterans Assn? What is wrong with the VFW or the American Legion?
You might want to take a look at this and adjust your thinking. ...... :cool:

"The Jewish War Veterans of the United States of America (also referred to as the Jewish War Veterans of the U.S.A., the Jewish War Veterans, or the JWV) is an American Jewish veterans' organization, and the oldest veterans group in the United States. It has an estimated 37,000 members."

Jewish War Veterans of the United States of America - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Interesting. Established in 1896. Do you have access to the Muslim veterans bylaws and do they have anything like the Jewish group has?

"No person who promotes, or is a member of any organization or group which believes in, or advocates, bigotry or the overthrow of the United States government by force of arms or subversion" shall be eligible for membership.

Active membership may be granted to "any person of the Jewish faith of good character" who is a U.S. citizen and was an active duty member of the U.S. military (including the National Guard and Reserves) in or during any war, campaign, or conflict. The National Constitution also requires that members to have not been discharged under any conditions other than honorable."

Other Veterans groups in the United States:
Catholic War Veterans & Auxiliary | For God, For Country, For Home since 1935
Catholic War Veterans Association
Japanese American Associations

But the only Veterans you question the loyalty of here are Muslim Americans.

Muslim Americans who have risked their lives- and too often sacrificed their lives on behalf of the United States.
Often providing valuable language and cultural skills on missions to the Middle East.

But to you- they are just more Muslims- to be feared and discriminated against.

I did not question their loyalty, you did. My question was if Muslims are so integrated into American society, why don't they join the existing VFW or American Legion instead of forming their own? Is that too difficult for you?
What makes you think they aren't joining both?
Obama must be speaking on the basis of .....

Unlike SunniMan --- who just DAYS before -- spent about 10 pages about how WESTERN cultures were gonna HAVE to comprise in order to have a peaceful practice of Islam in their part of the world. And he was EXCUSING the knifing of a Mother/Daughters in France because they were scantily clad and offensive.
You are incorrect on both points about my comments on previous posts.

1) I never stated that western cultures are going to HAVE to comprise in order to have a "peaceful" Islam in their part of the world.

What I said was, that history has shown when two cultures intermingle. There will be give and take from both camps. That assimilation isn't a one-way street. And that some adjustments will eventually be made within the society.

2) I never excused or condoned the knife attack on the mother and her daughters. I stated that the man was obviously mentally ill.

But I did lay some of the blame on the mother for letting the children be around a psychotic individual while dressed immodestly. ...... :cool:

Actually your 30 or 40 posts went a lot farther. Said "obviously the woman and children were dressed immodestly". When told about French women being afraid to sunbath on the beach, you said -- "I'm glad that French women are returning to modesty and civility".

You also said "It was too late for Europe" in regards to preserving their freedoms and tolerance. America is an example that the problem AINT ISLAM. It's the importation of repressive and violent CULTURE that is the issue.

Which is why AMERICA is one of the very few examples of peaceful and open practice of the faith -- without all the political and cultural baggage that USUALLY comes with it..

Because of separation of church and state in our society which is secular. Thankfully.
Tell Kim Davis that. Tell states with blue laws that.

Not that that has ANYTHING to do with the topic -- but have you ever tried to buy shoelaces in Germany on a Sunday? IS THAT a religious accommodation? Or is it cultural?

There is no comparison between Blue Laws and requesting freedom from being offended by tolerant and free culture.

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