Obama: “Muslim-Americans Are As Patriotic, And American As Any Other Members Of The American Family”

Most religions have some form of discrimination in them. But I have seen you advocate a paternalism that I have not encountered in American Muslims.
In Islam it's not discrimination or misogynistic to separate the genders at the mosque or during social functions. ..... :cool:

This is what a war on women looks like. One poster here once said that the Muslim men give woman all the rights they need. Unfortunately, those rights include serving their men under threat of beatings or worse. Muslim countries allow wife beating for any who disobey their husbands.

Women in Muslim countries


Women in Egypt
Most religions have some form of discrimination in them. But I have seen you advocate a paternalism that I have not encountered in American Muslims.
In Islam it's not discrimination or misogynistic to separate the genders at the mosque or during social functions. ..... :cool:

In Islam and some other religions it is not, according to those religions.

I happen to think it is- but at least here in the United States women have the choice to be Muslim or not. They don't have to put up with the paternalism.
You've yet to cite a single poster's post defending terrorist acts.
Only about ten thousand posts by leftists and statements by the POTUS who deflect, lie and spin to justify Islamofascism.

Who justified terrorism? Link?

If you condemn radical Islamic terrorism------------say so, NOW


I condemn radical Islamic terrorism. This is like about the thousand time I've said it, but like when Muslims condemn religious violence, you guys become deaf.

In addition, unlike many on the right - I condemn ALL terrorism and extremist religious violence.

Do you?

yes, of course I do.

Now, please list and cite the muslim leaders world wide who have come forward and openly condemned terrorism which has been conducted in the name of Islam. Give us the names of the leaders, their country, and exactly what they have said.

You have 3 minutes, starting now-----------------------------------------

You will ignore it like you ignore everything that is inconvenient- you will rationalize and whine that they didn't condemn it properly- in the manner that you would demand that they condemn terrorism.

But yes- they are condemning the Extemist terrorist attacks being made in Islam's name.

What Fox Won't Show You: Muslim Leaders Are Condemning The Paris Terror Attack


In an official statement, Iranian president Hassan Rouhani called the attacks a “crime against humanity.”

In the name of the Iranian people, who have themselves been victims of terrorism, I strongly condemn these crimes against humanity and offer my condolences to the grieving French people and government.

Indonesian president Joko Widodo condemned the “violence that took place in Paris,” and called for more international cooperation to fight terrorism.

Leaders of Arab states called the attacks immoral and inhumane. Qatar’s foreign minister Khaled al-Attiyah denounced the “heinous attacks,” adding, “these acts, which target stability and security in France are against all human and moral values.” Kuwaiti Emir Sheikh Sabah al-Sabah called the attacks “criminal acts of terrorism which run counter to all teachings of holy faith and humanitarian values.” The Saudi foreign ministry called for global cooperation to “root out this dangerous and destructive plague.”

Statements by Muslim leaders condemning terrorism
Pres. Obama is correct.

The vast majority of American Muslims are patriotic law abiding citizens who are fully integrated into our society. ....... :cool:

I'm sure the dead in San Bernardino and Orlando would disagree.

Hell. That asshole in San Bernardino was friends with and worked with the people he killed. Oh and that bitch he was shacked up with pledged her loyalty to ISIS

Guess that assimilation thingy didn't quite work now did it??

The dead in Charleston SC I am sure are so happy that they were not killed by a Muslim extremist- but a home grown American extremist.

I guess that assimilation thingy didn't quite work out now with assimilating white Americans into our country.......
Who justified terrorism? Link?

If you condemn radical Islamic terrorism------------say so, NOW


I condemn radical Islamic terrorism. This is like about the thousand time I've said it, but like when Muslims condemn religious violence, you guys become deaf.

In addition, unlike many on the right - I condemn ALL terrorism and extremist religious violence.

Do you?

yes, of course I do.

Cool, glad to hear some finally say that.

Now, please list and cite the muslim leaders world wide who have come forward and openly condemned terrorism which has been conducted in the name of Islam. Give us the names of the leaders, their country, and exactly what they have said.

You have 3 minutes, starting now-----------------------------------------

Google is your friend. I'm not repeating stuff that I and others have posted repeatedly over the years just because you "demand" it "now" :lol:

you made the claim, its up to you to make the case. Or you just admit that you made it up.

LOL- how ironic coming from Redfish.

The poster who always refuses to provide proof for his claims.
I happen to think it is- but at least here in the United States women have the choice to be Muslim or not. They don't have to put up with the paternalism.
In Islam it's not paternalism but following the teachings of Allah.

الدُّنْيَا سِجْنُ الْمُؤْمِنِ وَجَنَّةُ الْكَافِرِ

“The World is the Prison of the Believer and Heaven for the Kafir” [Muslim 5256]
I happen to think it is- but at least here in the United States women have the choice to be Muslim or not. They don't have to put up with the paternalism.
In Islam it's not paternalism but following the teachings of Allah.

الدُّنْيَا سِجْنُ الْمُؤْمِنِ وَجَنَّةُ الْكَافِرِ

“The World is the Prison of the Believer and Heaven for the Kafir” [Muslim 5256]

Yeah religion is an excuse for all sorts of behavior that I do not agree with or approve of.

Luckily here in the United States, a woman who find Islam too oppressive can leave the religion.
Freedom of religion is a sweet cool drink...we have choice.

No one should curtail another's rights - that's what I love about my country :)
No one defended terrorists.

Nice deflection, but just to reiterate the point - no one defended terrorists.
Of course. Bringing up a distorted version of the Crusades was for what purpose?
Oh yeah, justify Islamic terrorism.

You're not making sense. You brought up the Crusades.

You've yet to show anyone defending terrorism here. Maybe you could provide a link one of these days.
Freedom of religion is a sweet cool drink...we have choice.

No one should curtail another's rights - that's what I love about my country :)

Unless others have religious opinions that vary from the dogma of the party, in which case you WILL bake the cake, there is no 1st Amendment....
Most "americans", who give a shit about the country, capitalize the "A" shit stain Redfish you Mouth-breathing. retard :thup:

We give a shit about the country, and the Constitution, Dog Cum, that's the point. Your party is waging war to end the Constitution, starting with the Bill of Rights. You have awakened a sleeping giant, which for the moment is content to be bamboozled by Trump. When that no longer suffices, if you gain power to try and end the Constitution, then that giant will react in ways you simply cannot grasp.
Freedom of religion is a sweet cool drink...we have choice.

No one should curtail another's rights - that's what I love about my country :)

Unless others have religious opinions that vary from the dogma of the party, in which case you WILL bake the cake, there is no 1st Amendment....

There is nothing in the bible about gay marriage.
Most "americans", who give a shit about the country, capitalize the "A" shit stain Redfish you Mouth-breathing. retard :thup:

We give a shit about the country, and the Constitution, Dog Cum, that's the point. Your party is waging war to end the Constitution, starting with the Bill of Rights. You have awakened a sleeping giant, which for the moment is content to be bamboozled by Trump. When that no longer suffices, if you gain power to try and end the Constitution, then that giant will react in ways you simply cannot grasp.
lol you ever serve bro? I have. Stop being a retard Uncensored2008 IF you're able
Anyone who believes that there are only two ideologies represented on the Supreme Court is very, very ignorant.

You know I think you are a complete moron. You exhibit a Jr. High level education and the reasoning skills of a goldfish.

That pile of shit Ginsburg is a radical Marxist, as is Kagan. Sotomayor is functionally retarded and does what Elena tells her to do. This is the Marxist faction of the court, dedicate to ending the United States Constitution and all civil rights.

Breyer and Kennedy fall more to the center. Thomas, Alito, and Roberts in theory support the Constitution and civil rights.

Two ideologies, pro and anti Constitution, with three factions, the third faction being those who straddle the two ideologies.
Freedom of religion is a sweet cool drink...we have choice.

No one should curtail another's rights - that's what I love about my country :)

Unless others have religious opinions that vary from the dogma of the party, in which case you WILL bake the cake, there is no 1st Amendment....

There is nothing in the bible about gay marriage.

There is nothing in the Koran about biting your fingernails!

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