Obama: “Muslim-Americans Are As Patriotic, And American As Any Other Members Of The American Family”

Islam is a cult based on the followers of an admitted pedophile, Muhammed.

You're partially right. ISIL is a cult, just ask the overwhelming majority of Muslims in the US and abroad...especially abroad, where ISIL is killing Muslims predominantly.
Islam is a cult based on the followers of an admitted pedophile, Muhammed.

And then there are facts: Islam is one of three major world religions, with about 1/4 of the world's population identifying as Muslim.

Just thought you'd know so you don't sound like an ignorant asshole next time.

Islam is a cult based on the teachings of a pedo.
Islam is a cult based on the followers of an admitted pedophile, Muhammed.

You're partially right. ISIL is a cult, just ask the overwhelming majority of Muslims in the US and abroad...especially abroad, where ISIL is killing Muslims predominantly.

Good! Let them stay over there and kill each other. Keep those troublemakers OUT of here. There is no reason why they should be here.
No. I think both religious ideologies are mired in archaic traditions and beliefs. I believe all three Abrahamic religions are decades behind in their beliefs. Equally.

You must be a dude. No woman in her right mind would support this ideology that is downright abusive to women. Or maybe you're a Muslim. Who knows?

You must be an idiot to think that I "support" either "ideology". I think all religions are fucking stupid. I think you could paint a picture of Mohammed fucking Jesus while Jesus got blown by Kali and I wouldn't give two shits and a shake.

Apparently you support the tenets of Islam.

Yes, apparently. And apparently you really ARE stupid. Good to know.

Nope. You are here fighting, which means you support the tenets of Islam. You even want to bring it here to America in order to oppress women and children. Disgusting. You are a disgusting human being for supporting this despicable cult.

I'm here saying that you should not judge an entire religion because of extremists within it. That goes for all three Abrahamic religions. I do not judge Christianity by Scott Lively or Kevin Swanson and you should not judge Islam by its extremists either. I am truly sorry you're too stupid or scared to understand that.
This is NOT your fantasy land where everyone gets along and is assimilated into the culture. Get real and deal with the reality of the situation!
You must be a dude. No woman in her right mind would support this ideology that is downright abusive to women. Or maybe you're a Muslim. Who knows?

You must be an idiot to think that I "support" either "ideology". I think all religions are fucking stupid. I think you could paint a picture of Mohammed fucking Jesus while Jesus got blown by Kali and I wouldn't give two shits and a shake.

Apparently you support the tenets of Islam.

Yes, apparently. And apparently you really ARE stupid. Good to know.

Nope. You are here fighting, which means you support the tenets of Islam. You even want to bring it here to America in order to oppress women and children. Disgusting. You are a disgusting human being for supporting this despicable cult.

I'm here saying that you should not judge an entire religion because of extremists within it. That goes for all three Abrahamic religions. I do not judge Christianity by Scott Lively or Kevin Swanson and you should not judge Islam by its extremists either. I am truly sorry you're too stupid or scared to understand that.

As a woman, I'm scared of Islam. I would do whatever it takes to keep it out of my country.
You're kidding, right? Oh wait, let me guess, you're going to say that Westboro isn't a Christian organization? That's what Muslims say about ISIL.

Oh, so this is all about your hatred of Christianity? Is that right?


I think that's you since you seem to be blind and deaf about what is happening in the world. We even have a Muslim here on the board who claims to be "moderate" yet he supports the oppression of women. You want to bring that crap over here? I will fight you all the way, douchebag.

There are Christians right here on this board who claim to be "moderate" yet support the oppression of women. That "crap" is already here and a very small minority. I'm not worried, but you can stay in your house and live in fear...make sure you exercise since you're at least 5,000 times more likely to die from being scared and fat.

Obviously I'm not fat. Lol. :D I already exercise and take excellent care of my body, thanks.

"Obviously" you're not? How is it "obvious"? The only "obvious" thing is that you will continue to live in fear of things that aren't going to happen.
Funny how the "libs" rail against racism and homophobia, but when it comes to protecting women, they are on the OTHER side. They must hate women. AND children since child marriage is a HUGE issue in the ME.
Oh, so this is all about your hatred of Christianity? Is that right?


I think that's you since you seem to be blind and deaf about what is happening in the world. We even have a Muslim here on the board who claims to be "moderate" yet he supports the oppression of women. You want to bring that crap over here? I will fight you all the way, douchebag.

There are Christians right here on this board who claim to be "moderate" yet support the oppression of women. That "crap" is already here and a very small minority. I'm not worried, but you can stay in your house and live in fear...make sure you exercise since you're at least 5,000 times more likely to die from being scared and fat.

Obviously I'm not fat. Lol. :D I already exercise and take excellent care of my body, thanks.

"Obviously" you're not? How is it "obvious"? The only "obvious" thing is that you will continue to live in fear of things that aren't going to happen.

Lol! It's already happening, you poor little blind . . . whatever you are.
Oh, so this is all about your hatred of Christianity? Is that right?


I think that's you since you seem to be blind and deaf about what is happening in the world. We even have a Muslim here on the board who claims to be "moderate" yet he supports the oppression of women. You want to bring that crap over here? I will fight you all the way, douchebag.

There are Christians right here on this board who claim to be "moderate" yet support the oppression of women. That "crap" is already here and a very small minority. I'm not worried, but you can stay in your house and live in fear...make sure you exercise since you're at least 5,000 times more likely to die from being scared and fat.

Obviously I'm not fat. Lol. :D I already exercise and take excellent care of my body, thanks.

"Obviously" you're not? How is it "obvious"? The only "obvious" thing is that you will continue to live in fear of things that aren't going to happen.

How stupid is this? That could NEVER happen . . . it's the mentality of a child.
You must be an idiot to think that I "support" either "ideology". I think all religions are fucking stupid. I think you could paint a picture of Mohammed fucking Jesus while Jesus got blown by Kali and I wouldn't give two shits and a shake.

Apparently you support the tenets of Islam.

Yes, apparently. And apparently you really ARE stupid. Good to know.

Nope. You are here fighting, which means you support the tenets of Islam. You even want to bring it here to America in order to oppress women and children. Disgusting. You are a disgusting human being for supporting this despicable cult.

I'm here saying that you should not judge an entire religion because of extremists within it. That goes for all three Abrahamic religions. I do not judge Christianity by Scott Lively or Kevin Swanson and you should not judge Islam by its extremists either. I am truly sorry you're too stupid or scared to understand that.

As a woman, I'm scared of Islam. I would do whatever it takes to keep it out of my country.

:lol: "Islam" is already here and you can't do anything about it. There won't be a "Sharia" test for Muslim Americans and we aren't going to halt immigration from Middle Eastern countries.

Stop shitting your pants over Muslims, cancer is a bigger concern.
Apparently you support the tenets of Islam.

Yes, apparently. And apparently you really ARE stupid. Good to know.

Nope. You are here fighting, which means you support the tenets of Islam. You even want to bring it here to America in order to oppress women and children. Disgusting. You are a disgusting human being for supporting this despicable cult.

I'm here saying that you should not judge an entire religion because of extremists within it. That goes for all three Abrahamic religions. I do not judge Christianity by Scott Lively or Kevin Swanson and you should not judge Islam by its extremists either. I am truly sorry you're too stupid or scared to understand that.

As a woman, I'm scared of Islam. I would do whatever it takes to keep it out of my country.

:lol: "Islam" is already here and you can't do anything about it. There won't be a "Sharia" test for Muslim Americans and we aren't going to halt immigration from Middle Eastern countries.

Stop shitting your pants over Muslims, cancer is a bigger concern.

No I won't. An ideology that threatens my freedom and happiness is a big concern to me.
Apparently you support the tenets of Islam.

Yes, apparently. And apparently you really ARE stupid. Good to know.

Nope. You are here fighting, which means you support the tenets of Islam. You even want to bring it here to America in order to oppress women and children. Disgusting. You are a disgusting human being for supporting this despicable cult.

I'm here saying that you should not judge an entire religion because of extremists within it. That goes for all three Abrahamic religions. I do not judge Christianity by Scott Lively or Kevin Swanson and you should not judge Islam by its extremists either. I am truly sorry you're too stupid or scared to understand that.

As a woman, I'm scared of Islam. I would do whatever it takes to keep it out of my country.

:lol: "Islam" is already here and you can't do anything about it. There won't be a "Sharia" test for Muslim Americans and we aren't going to halt immigration from Middle Eastern countries.

Stop shitting your pants over Muslims, cancer is a bigger concern.

Your sig line is gay.
More than 50% of "Muslim Americans" support Sharia Law and want it implemented in the United States, which is the antithesis of what the United States stands for. Let them stay over in their own hellholes instead of importing that crappy ideology here. There is no logical reason to allow it.
He's right. What's the problem?

He's right for the majority of Muslims, sure. I trust my Muslim friends and co-workers as much as any other American, I agree. But to answer your question, the "problem" is that the minority who aren't like that want to kill people by the score. It makes the calculation a lot more complicated.

Don't follow the news, huh?
My main issues of concern:

1. I wholly support women's rights.
2. I am anti immigration. We don't need to import mayhem.
3. Strong support for our constitutional rights, especially the 2A since that is the right that the rotten libs want to steal from us law abiding citizens, which is ALSO based on the actions of a few NUTJOBS.
True, Muslim Americans are just as patriotic as any other group that is waging a jihad against the US!
You're kidding, right? Oh wait, let me guess, you're going to say that Westboro isn't a Christian organization? That's what Muslims say about ISIL.

If you Communists couldn't find a Christians organization that behaved per your bigotry and prejudice, you would create one - which is exactly what you did.

Westboro is a farce created by ACLU Lawyer Fred Phelps, a left wing democrat who ran for congress and for governor - as a democrat of course.

Westboro is just another lie by the Khmer Rouge democrats.
There are Christians right here on this board who claim to be "moderate" yet support the oppression of women. That "crap" is already here and a very small minority. I'm not worried, but you can stay in your house and live in fear...make sure you exercise since you're at least 5,000 times more likely to die from being scared and fat.

Well, that's a lie.

But the best way that you can support your terrorist allies is to create a false equivalence to the Christians you hate.

You spew your bigotry, but if pressed to document this "oppression" of women you claim "moderate Christians on this board" are engaged in, you'll just spew more slanderous bigotry and come up with nothing specific.

You are a demagogue, which is the way of Communists on this board, but you lack the integrity to offer anything factual, which is also common for you Communists.
Yes, apparently. And apparently you really ARE stupid. Good to know.

Nope. You are here fighting, which means you support the tenets of Islam. You even want to bring it here to America in order to oppress women and children. Disgusting. You are a disgusting human being for supporting this despicable cult.

I'm here saying that you should not judge an entire religion because of extremists within it. That goes for all three Abrahamic religions. I do not judge Christianity by Scott Lively or Kevin Swanson and you should not judge Islam by its extremists either. I am truly sorry you're too stupid or scared to understand that.

As a woman, I'm scared of Islam. I would do whatever it takes to keep it out of my country.

:lol: "Islam" is already here and you can't do anything about it. There won't be a "Sharia" test for Muslim Americans and we aren't going to halt immigration from Middle Eastern countries.

Stop shitting your pants over Muslims, cancer is a bigger concern.

Your sig line is gay.

Ooh, biting commentary. Gonna go with "your momma is so fat" next?

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