Obama: Muslims Built 'The Very Fabric of Our Nation'

SL, who are you to ask who is what here?

Plenty of folks have on the Board supported the TP and its goals.

And most people care nothing at all for the far right's anti-ACA ads. Why would they?

More than 70% of folks like ACA or want it improved.
Why did Republican support among Muslims drop from 80% down to 15%?

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Just what America needs - Muslim support.
Tell ya what, asswipe - you can have all 100-fucking percent of those "peaceful" fucking scumbags.
Praise Allah and go jerk yourself off.
The Republicans stopped a lot of very bad things Obama wanted to do to this country. Most of America realizes that.
The Republicans stopped a lot of very bad things Obama wanted to do to this country. Most of America realizes that.

Get elected? Twice?


Budget and debt resolutions?

1/2 the number of TP victors in 2012 as compared to 2010?

1/2 the projected number of TP victors in 2014 as compared to 2012?

Dems keeping the Senate for the third election in a row?

End of DOMA and Prop 8?

End of LGBT persecution in the military?

Rewrite history much?
SL, who are you to ask who is what here?

I am a USMB poster, we all can ask questions. Your liberal attempts to silence people will not prevail. You attempt to label people, because it is necessary to identify groups in order to spread hate.

Plenty of folks have on the Board supported the TP and its goals.

How can that be? You said the numbers were way down.

And most people care nothing at all for the far right's anti-ACA ads. Why would they?

Candidates aren't stupid, they are making references to this because it wins votes.

More than 70% of folks like ACA or want it improved.

Not sure where you get your polls from, but last I saw it was under 50%.

My replies in blue.
Look it up: more than 70% like it or want it improved.

Less than 30% want it gone.

Ask all you want.
Get over it, SL.

We lost, quite a few times.

It's not the end of the world.

Off to Logan for the day.

Have a good one.

no: not getting the far right's way does not mean that the Constitution was trampled. Grow up.
The Republicans stopped a lot of very bad things Obama wanted to do to this country. Most of America realizes that.

Get elected? Twice?

He was elected against McCain the first time with a hopey changey agenda. Romney was did not hold the party together.


What about it? Is it affordable? Did young people buy in enmasse? Will it even survive?

Budget and debt resolutions?

What resolutions? Everything but keeping things going was put off onto the future. He solved nothing.

1/2 the number of TP victors in 2012 as compared to 2010?

Still growth.

1/2 the projected number of TP victors in 2014 as compared to 2012?

Oh, more growth.

Dems keeping the Senate for the third election in a row?

By narrower and narrower margins.

End of DOMA and Prop 8?

Gee, you have strength in California? Do tell.

End of LGBT persecution in the military?

If you want to believe that, feel free.

Rewrite history much?

Replies in blue.
Look it up: more than 70% like it or want it improved.

Less than 30% want it gone.

Ask all you want.

39.8 percent approval rate for Obamacare as an average of several polls.

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - Public Approval of Health Care Law

You are so easy to refute.

Perhaps if Obama went about it a different way, i.e. SOLD the idea to America, got incredible buy-in, vs. having nitwit elitists like Pelosi and Harry Reid who have never paid for anything in their lives, shoving it down our throats.
No, I think if people are honest with themselves, they realize this works only if the government redistributes a lot of money. Even the left knows that means tax people more.
Why would conservatives be so outraged that someone would suggest that Muslims had made a contribution to our country?
Why would conservatives be so outraged that someone would suggest that Muslims had made a contribution to our country?

Look at all the jobs they've created since bombing the Marine barracks in Beirut in 1983.
Yeah - gotta love them Muslims. They've given more to America than Japan and Germany combined in WW2

Why would conservatives be so outraged that someone would suggest that Muslims had made a contribution to our country?

Look at all the jobs they've created since bombing the Marine barracks in Beirut in 1983.
Yeah - gotta love them Muslims. They've given more to America than Japan and Germany combined in WW2


American Muslims were not involved in bombing the Marine barracks in Beirut....didn't you know that?

Why would conservatives be so outraged that someone would suggest that Muslims had made a contribution to our country?

Speaking for myself only, I have a problem with patting a group on the back that has caused so much trouble for our nation in recent history. Particularly when they fail to help root out the bad apples. Also, they seem to be a problem globally. Extend a carrot? Yes, but also hold their feet to the fire on the rest at the same time.
Why would conservatives be so outraged that someone would suggest that Muslims had made a contribution to our country?

Speaking for myself only, I have a problem with patting a group on the back that has caused so much trouble for our nation in recent history. Particularly when they fail to help root out the bad apples. Also, they seem to be a problem globally. Extend a carrot? Yes, but also hold their feet to the fire on the rest at the same time.

What problems have American Muslims caused in our country? For the most part, they are better educated, have stronger family structures and are more law abiding than mainstream Americans

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